Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Mar 12, 2012 at 9:23 PM Post #4,696 of 48,583
Are you going to be watching movies right next to your wife, while she's sleeping? Because those are open headphones and they will leak sound--how much will be a question that others will have to answer, I don't have firsthand experience with those models.
Mar 12, 2012 at 9:31 PM Post #4,698 of 48,583

The majority of the x79 boards are not including pci slots...

By the time he is ready to replace his current motherboard, there will be lots of new (and better) sound card to choose from.
If not the Xonar DG ($30), then how about a used Xonar DX ($50) PCI-E.
Mar 13, 2012 at 12:32 AM Post #4,701 of 48,583
ME3 multiplayer with positional audio is actually really useful. I like knowing when and where the Phantoms are spawning before they sneak up behind me and impale me with swords. Side note - Geth Plasma Shotgun is pure pwnage. Any of you guys play on PC?
Mar 13, 2012 at 1:45 AM Post #4,702 of 48,583
I'm still waiting on the Geth Shotgun in the campaign. That thing was just vicious in Mass Effect 2. Sniping with a shotgun? Yes please. I haven't touched any shottys in ME3, though the Krogan one that has really long range seems pretty good just from testing it. I don't find shotguns useful, because anything close enough for shotguns, is too damn close. I feel the Mattock has been nerfed quite a bit, as well as the Vindicator. Two of my older faves.

The Assault rifle you get from beating the DLC seems a bit overpowered, even on Hardcore.
Mar 13, 2012 at 8:34 AM Post #4,703 of 48,583
Hi all
I've been reading good things abouth the HD650s - anyone tried them with a mixamp for games/movies?  They're high impedance though - would I need to add something like an E9 amp to drive them better?
Mar 13, 2012 at 10:58 AM Post #4,704 of 48,583
Does anyone have any experience with the AKG K-240 (not MKII)? I'm looking to pick up a good all rounder for less then 200 USD. I'm not worried about competition as much as I am about fun and I like to listen to a plethora of music, from harder rock to hip hop and and trance.
Mar 13, 2012 at 11:51 AM Post #4,705 of 48,583
I'm still waiting on the Geth Shotgun in the campaign. That thing was just vicious in Mass Effect 2. Sniping with a shotgun? Yes please. I haven't touched any shottys in ME3, though the Krogan one that has really long range seems pretty good just from testing it. I don't find shotguns useful, because anything close enough for shotguns, is too damn close. I feel the Mattock has been nerfed quite a bit, as well as the Vindicator. Two of my older faves.
The Assault rifle you get from beating the DLC seems a bit overpowered, even on Hardcore.

I'm already to level 3 upgrade on the Plasma shotty and I've already got the aiming down to the point where I can one-shot a Guardian in the slit from across the entire map. Even on silver challenge I use it more than my Mantis IX which is kind of sad. Another epic combo is the Revenant with a maxed stability dampener and scope, it's like the Plasma rifle only better.
Mar 13, 2012 at 3:39 PM Post #4,706 of 48,583
Hi all
I've been reading good things abouth the HD650s - anyone tried them with a mixamp for games/movies?  They're high impedance though - would I need to add something like an E9 amp to drive them better?

They're pretty good with movies and games but if your looking for a headphone which is just for those things you might be better off with something else.
They can benefit from an amp as many sound cards and headphone jacks won't give enough volume.  Something like the E9 or Objective2 would be good for the HD650s.
Mar 13, 2012 at 3:55 PM Post #4,707 of 48,583

They're pretty good with movies and games but if your looking for a headphone which is just for those things you might be better off with something else.
They can benefit from an amp as many sound cards and headphone jacks won't give enough volume.  Something like the E9 or Objective2 would be good for the HD650s.

Thanks maverickronin, I'm looking primarily for games and films but wanted something of an all rounder that will last me a few years. I was looking at those or the D2000s as they're about the same price in the UK at the moment. I got my mixamp today and hooked it up with my very old, extremely non-audiophile headphones and I'm quite impressed - I'm looking forward to hearing it with some decent cans!
What do you consider better just for games/films?
Mar 13, 2012 at 4:02 PM Post #4,708 of 48,583

PLEASE HELP!  I have been reviewing headphones for the last 2 months and I can not decide what to buy!  I live somewhere where trying these high end headphones is out of the questions.  I have read over almost all the threads here and I figured I'd ask some questions.  I read over nameless's post about pc audio and also I have read mad lust's gaming headphone post. (both are must reads by the way)
I know most of the questions have been asked before, but here we go...
I want to buy these headphones primarily for gaming (battlefiled 3, tom clancy games, and other shooters).
I also will occasionaly watch movies with them, when the wife is trying to sleep!
I have narrowed it down to a couple headphones.  The AD700 and the q701, but I am torn.  Are the q's that much better to be almost 3x the price? 
What do  I need to drive these headphones?  I have a x58 motherboard setup with sli graphics cards.  All i have is the onboard realtek 7.1 audio.  I know the Q's need amp/dac and the AD700 benefit from one, but what do i buy?  Do I buy a internal card like asus or get a fiio e7 or higher?  I almost purchased the ad700 with asus xonar dg but I do not want the xonar dg because its pci only and all the new motherboards are dropping pci.  I know there is the asus stx but 200 for a card and 300ish for headphones?  steep for gaming, huh?
Please help!  I am also open to any other suggestions!
Thanks guys and gals!

I can't speak on the q701 as I've never heard it but I wouldn't be happy watching movies with the AD700s, they're just too thin and weak sounding for that.  The ADs are great for positional cues and soundstage but sound like tin cans imo when trying to reproduce bass freq as they seriously lack impact and warmth.  Personally, I don't even like them for gaming, I prefer a more "fun" sounding headphone.  Anyway, I think that's something you should consider if you're going to use them for movies often. 
Mar 13, 2012 at 4:21 PM Post #4,709 of 48,583
thats what i keep hearing...Hmmm decisions decisions.  What about the dt880 pro?  I found a local store that has a pair in stock.  Again i'm looking for gaming and movie watching purposes....amp requirment for those?
Thanks again for all th help!
EDIT!  or the same store also has a piar of dt770 in 80 ohms?  thoughts
Mar 13, 2012 at 4:36 PM Post #4,710 of 48,583
Thanks maverickronin, I'm looking primarily for games and films but wanted something of an all rounder that will last me a few years. I was looking at those or the D2000s as they're about the same price in the UK at the moment. I got my mixamp today and hooked it up with my very old, extremely non-audiophile headphones and I'm quite impressed - I'm looking forward to hearing it with some decent cans!
What do you consider better just for games/films?

The Beyerdynamic DT990s will give you a bigger soundstage with more "3D" sounding spatial cues and some extra bass will add to the immersion too.  Any version of those will probably benefit from an amp though.
The D2000s aren't as "3D" as the Beyers but they have plenty of bass, go deeper than the DT990 or HD650 and should be fine from your mixamp.
I found both of those to be have pretty fatiguing treble but many other people aren't bothered by it at all so it depends on your preferences.
The HD650s are smooth, detailed, and relaxed.  IMO they don't really excel at anything but they don't do anything badly because they don't have any glaring weakness either.  I think that they're more of an all-rounder.
The D2000 or DT990 will likely pull you into the game or movie a bit more than the HD650 and games and movies will probably mask the D2000's and DT990's weaknesses (to those people who think the treble is a weakness anyway) since in games in movies the focus isn't always on the music.

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