Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 31, 2014 at 1:38 PM Post #25,756 of 48,580
I don't mind being on the back burner. They're a big company. I just hope that somewhere along the line there's a post-it or something to remind them to come back and look again. Sometimes it's best to forget about something and then come back to it later because you'll have a different perspective then.
I will say that this conversation has given me an idea that I'll run with and see what happens.
Aug 31, 2014 at 2:48 PM Post #25,757 of 48,580
I mean, that's FiiO's speciality, right? Making the "Device of the People." I still think they'd be good to go if they just took the 3rd party DSP/DAC chip used in the DSS and tied an E11 amp to it, at least as an easy introductory unit, and then when they make good sales they can release an upgraded unit with the input and amping features we'd love.

Really, any manufacturer could do this... It's a currently underdeveloped entry-level niche.
So, nobody is suggesting FiiO is bad or has any responsibility for this, but it's an opportunity, heck if I had the money I might try to make a startup and create a nicer device.

 I am going to make a dongle with Auro-3D® for surround, when you just want to listen to a bit of dance music it will sound like a void sound system.. comes with a wireless headset..all for just $169.99 in store only 1 per customer!
Aug 31, 2014 at 6:11 PM Post #25,758 of 48,580
As long as my Mixamp 5.8 continues to work flawlessly, I'm happy.
Sep 1, 2014 at 12:20 AM Post #25,762 of 48,580
^That's because your PS chat cable doesn't work. As you can see in my situation, it's plug and play with just the BoomPro. That cable in the background is from my desk speakers.

For Xbox... and PS users without the cable, your point is true, though...
Sep 1, 2014 at 7:00 AM Post #25,767 of 48,580
Guys, the meat of my T51 review will be up here: As I have stated, this will probably be once in awhile, and I'll still have the final scores up here on the guide. Just the main review will be posted there. Chrck it out if you have the chance. I'm not on there yet though.

As for the 5.8, the only cable I utilize is the headphone cable to the Rx, that's it. On the rare occasion I chat (which is like...almost never), yeah, I have to contend with the cable between RX and the DS4, but that's hardly what I'd call problematic.

I wish there was some form of bluetooth mini audio receiver to attach to the RX unit and one on the DS4. That way, no cable. Lol.

Like something that only communicates with it's other half. Of course, it would put some strain on the DS4 and Mixamp's inputs, so some duble sided tape or velcro would be a possible solution.
Sep 1, 2014 at 4:36 PM Post #25,768 of 48,580
Or if you could just use Bluetooth 4.0 headsets and the console would do the headphone surround processing for us natively with AMD TrueAudio.

But, with my monitor and short-range setup, I prefer my own wired headphones and amps.

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