Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jan 9, 2014 at 7:15 PM Post #19,816 of 48,601
I would not worry about the "bass light" posts at all.  That was just one guy who was being weird and trying to start a rumour.
As for cables, the best monoprice one is the "designed for mobile" one.  DO NOT get the premium cable.  That cable is huge and inflexible, and it will destroy your jack.    I like to call that cable "Jack the ripper" as it rips up headphone jacks
I think that coiled cable will wind up being a lot shorter than you expect as it's only 18 inches when relaxed.  You will have to pull on the coils to lengthen it past that, and that's going to put tension on your jacks - which again, you don't want happening.

LOL I'll avoid Jack the ripper. It shows that coiled cable stretches to 5 feet in the description.
  1. Compact 19 inch coiled cable stretches to 5 feet (60 in.)
Jan 9, 2014 at 8:12 PM Post #19,818 of 48,601
LOL I'll avoid Jack the ripper. It shows that coiled cable stretches to 5 feet in the description.

  1. Compact 19 inch coiled cable stretches to 5 feet (60 in.)

Yeah, but once the cable is stretched to 5 feet it's going to be pulling on the jacks at both ends.

Better to play it safe and just get a "loose" cable IMO, so no pressure is being put on the X1's jack.
Jan 9, 2014 at 9:30 PM Post #19,820 of 48,601
Yeah, but once the cable is stretched to 5 feet it's going to be pulling on the jacks at both ends.

Better to play it safe and just get a "loose" cable IMO, so no pressure is being put on the X1's jack.

yeah I suppose your right.
Jan 9, 2014 at 10:01 PM Post #19,822 of 48,601
X1's with a vmoda mic is an excellent choice for music and gaming.
I emailed Schiit audio the other day with a routine question, and as a follow up I said 'I appreciate you guys, and your made in America products. I would gladly give you guys a fair amount of money for Dac that would handle dolby headphone I could use with my xbox, and for late night movies'. 
I received 'Thanks' lol. 
Did anything ever come of asking Fiio for a mixamp competitor? 
Jan 9, 2014 at 10:35 PM Post #19,823 of 48,601
Did anything ever come of asking Fiio for a mixamp competitor? 

I don't think anyone really asked them.  :\
FiiO has it's own forum, maybe we could do a little petition thing there for one:
FiiO Reps:
Jan 9, 2014 at 11:25 PM Post #19,825 of 48,601
  HD600's for £250 on amazon atm, they have been £360 for ages. Anyone can chime in quickly about there use in gaming? I was tempted to grab the 598's, but for an extra £100 I could get the 600's now.

Should be very similar to the HD650s on the front page, but a tad more neutral/less warm.
Jan 9, 2014 at 11:32 PM Post #19,826 of 48,601
Change. I'm not bashing the 1840s. I really think they're amazing for gaming, and with the 1540 pads, they're good enough for fun use.

My gripes are the high price which doesn't match it's level of refinement. The bass needs work most of all. Like I said, if these were around $350 new, I'd say they're a solid choice for those that want a detail oriented sound. For the $700 plus they asked for before, that was highway robbery. Even $500 is too much for a headphone that can stand to be better even at that price.

IF they were $250, I'd try to get one myself.
Jan 10, 2014 at 12:16 AM Post #19,828 of 48,601
I am gonna pull the trigger on a new set of headphones this weekend and I have been going back and forth between two different ideas and I am not sure which is the better long term investment. I currently wear headphones for about 15 hours a day between work and gaming and my current setup is:
PS4 > Mixamp Pro 2011 > ATH-AD700s
PC > Creative SBZ > ATH-AD700s
For the past two years I have really enjoyed the massive soundstage of the AD700's for FPS and sound whoring, however I can tell that I am losing out a lot on music listening and general atmosphere for everything else. So I started looking into some HD6XX's as they came highly recommended to balance that out.
My question is given a budget of $400-$500 is it worth it to have 2 separate pairs of headphones and get something like HD6XX's and switching over to the ATH-AD700's when playing FPS's or should I just retire these and get another pair of large stage headphones like the AKG 702.52/712's and be happy with a single pair.
I do plan on eventually (few weeks after getting the headphones) investing in a matching amp and my music tastes are pretty varied from 80s pop/electro/jazz and I play 100s of games a year not just FPS's.
Jan 10, 2014 at 12:31 AM Post #19,829 of 48,601
My question is given a budget of $400-$500 is it worth it to have 2 separate pairs of headphones and get something like HD6XX's and switching over to the ATH-AD700's when playing FPS's or should I just retire these and get another pair of large stage headphones like the AKG 702.52/712's and be happy with a single pair.
I do plan on eventually (few weeks after getting the headphones) investing in a matching amp and my music tastes are pretty varied from 80s pop/electro/jazz and I play 100s of games a year not just FPS's.

I went the multiple headphone route, and it works out for me. But what works for me may not work for others. Having two different sets can give you the best immersion on one and the best positional queues on another. Going a single set is great in saving money, but you often make minor to moderate trade-offs. Only you can answer what's best for you.
Jan 10, 2014 at 1:08 AM Post #19,830 of 48,601
My question is given a budget of $400-$500 is it worth it to have 2 separate pairs of headphones and get something like HD6XX's and switching over to the ATH-AD700's when playing FPS's or should I just retire these and get another pair of large stage headphones like the AKG 702.52/712's and be happy with a single pair.

I'd recommend just going with the K712s. 
They're one of the most well-rounded mid-fi cans, and they handily beat the HD650 in soundstage size and spaciousness.  Regardless of soundstage, I prefer them to the HD650 anyways - as I find the HD650 a little sterile and boring sounding in comparison. 

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