Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jan 21, 2013 at 12:02 AM Post #11,056 of 48,583
He's still trying to get IEM's to stay in

For some reason I feel like he'd be better off with bone conduction headphones.
Jan 21, 2013 at 12:27 AM Post #11,057 of 48,583
Thank you. This was my understanding too. Wait, that makes it sound like I could take an original FLAC file and convert it to an 44kbps MP3, while not taking a loss in quality. Further explain this for me please? See, that's why I love MOG. They say they get the files straight from the record companies and what not, while being super high bitrate at 320. I agree with the last statement though.

Amazon and iTunes files use a similar bitrate tbh, even though I think they're sorta derided amongst many around here. I think some of them use or may have used VBR in the past (which shifts the bitrate throughout the track as deemed necessary), but it shouldn't matter if properly encoded. I've no clue where each company pulls their stuff from tho, I imagine that's covered by the licensing deals with the studios.

Quality of the original recoding probably has far more of an impact than the end stage encoding, and there's a lot of poorly recorded/mastered stuff out there these days (not even these days either, it's always been an artist vs engineer dynamic at play).

Anyway, no you couldn't convert a FLAC file into a low bitrate MP3 without losing information, that wasn't what I said at all. If you did that you'd lose data because of the target rate, but not because the original is missing any. You could rip a CD to FLAC and burn it back without losing anything in the process tho. If you were to rip it to MP3, anything you do afterwards incurs a loss.

You can rip a CD to FLAC and then re-encode to a high enough bitrate MP3 without an audible loss, or you could go from FLAC to another lossless format without any loss whatsoever.

It's not a very complicated concept if you do five minutes of reading and take a second to understand it. There's simply different types of compression and despite the stigma some compression algorithms don't alter the content at all, they're obviously much less effective at actually compressing tho, it's just simple math.

You lose data with MP3 because of the form of compression used, when I say you can covert a FLAC file into something else without incurring a penalty it's meant in contrast to an MP3 where you've already taking a penalty by going to MP3 and any further re-encode compiles the loss. The Wikipedia article on lossless compression probably explains it better without going into all these possibly confusing examples.
Jan 21, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #11,058 of 48,583
Jeez dude - you write a lot without actually saying anything. Honestly - there's no need to quote a wall of text just to add "me too", "I agree", "Thankyou", "I leaned something" etc.


By chance - (please don't be offended) - would English be a second language for you? It would explain a lot of the strange style and cohesion of your posts and you're doing very well if that is the case.

Hey! I take offense with that, English's MY second language... :p

jk Spanglish all the way! :wink:

But yeah, not to pile on poor SoAmusing but I skip large chunks of his posts because they're unintelligible unless one takes the time to reference the quotes back and forth. I tried pointing it out before and he took offense with it, maybe I didn't do so in the best possible tone. Chico did as much a few posts back tho (#11053), hopefully it helps, it's just constructive criticism man.

Also, SoAmusing, if you just want to acknowledge useful posts you could use the +rep button which introduces a lot less clutter than quoted posts with single word replies. It's right there next to the quote button.
Jan 21, 2013 at 12:46 AM Post #11,059 of 48,583
Hey! I take offense to that, English's MY second language... :p

jk Spanglish all the way! :wink:.



In other news, The Annie LOVES to be played loud. The bass really comes alive...

I tend to listen at moderate volume levels, but these babies love to jam out.
Jan 21, 2013 at 1:11 AM Post #11,060 of 48,583
I think you said it while sounding much less like an a-hole than me. I was worried I might make things worse, but I felt something had to be said.
My goal was/is not to flame you (which is easier on forums than Xbox), I want you to realize that the length, tone (you often seem to be talking to yourself), and statements that sound like you're claiming to be an expert, are the things that rub me the wrong way. Assumptions and questions aren't so bad, I learn all the time too and I think it's important to be open to change your mind about something which is something you do well too, but in the context of someone who plays games on a console in a dorm or their parent's house that finds this thread and asks "what's a good setup?" then a lot of those things that don't meet your goals MAY be an entirely reasonable setup for them. You know, what if someone observes this thread thinking "I want a good headset" (the main visitor), but they see posts that only $450 headphones plus $200 receivers plus $200 amps, plus a device for chat mixing, they're gonna think we're nuts and there's nothing reasonable for them, and decide to stick with some TB x12's in stereo. But there are lower-budget options for impressive audio, and upgrade paths. Such a guest may not tell from your post and explanations that these are the next steps up for you.
I will say, in your favor, that you speak with enthusiasm and mostly positively. Neither do you try to hurt other's feelings, which I may have done to you. I apologize for hurt feelings, but I would ask that you continue to mature your posting "style," I don't want to be mean but I thought you might need examples instead of you just not knowing what some people are reacting to. I want you to know I'm not saying these things to feel like a "big man" or some sort of bully, I just want change so we can get back to the hobby and focus on that.
I wasn't challenging you to be wrong, I will read your link and if in general I find out how to use a PC soundcard to play console audio, I'll tell you how. I was referring to the inclusion of an optical-in on sound cards at all, here's the fastest example I found first, from the cheapest Recon3D soundcard. Note the label for optical-in:

I am not saying I know how to do it and that there may not be some kind of performance hit, but if you consider that the console processors like mixamp and Recon3D USB essentially are external soundcards and work very well processing optical cable fed 5.1, there ought to be a way with a PC soundcard. It just boggles my mind that it isn't working for you and probably others, and shame on Creative and Asus if they can't make it easy as a mixamp or something. I'm not sending you money though, lol.
Jan 21, 2013 at 1:19 AM Post #11,061 of 48,583


In other news, The Annie LOVES to be played loud. The bass really comes alive...

I tend to listen at moderate volume levels, but these babies love to jam out.

I've been at my girlfriend's the past three days, I think my Q's miss me and are calling me back home ^__^
I love my girlfriend and I don't regret any of the time I spend with her (well, MAYBE those last two laps at the gym yesterday), but I don't live here. All the drama will simmer down soon, and we'll get back to da business :) I'm gonna go jam out and have some fun :D
Jan 21, 2013 at 1:40 AM Post #11,062 of 48,583
It's possible the drivers won't let you take an optical input and output it however you want (with DH processing etc), even though the card should be capable of it, since they probably include the input for recording purposes more than anything (I imagine).

Drivers are ultimately the Achilles' heel of most sound cards, even the ones with decent drivers... They're often still a great value if you're in the PC space (despite a vast majority of gamers just opting for built in mobo audio these days, ugh), but you're probably better off with a receiver for console gaming.

A receiver just seems far more practical in general (albeit somewhat more expensive), even if you have a PC sitting in the same room; that is, if you're looking to upgrade past something like the Mixamp.

Heck, going with HDMI audio output to a receiver seems to be common advise even around PC forums lately; tho it's often overkill IMO (unless you intend to go w/5.1 speakers obviously) , there's so many versatile sound cards and small desk stereo/hp amps...

The market's definitely primed for SC or someone else to fill that niche between a barebones Mixamp and an AV receiver where you're paying for a ton of extra things you don't necessarily need as a gamer or headphone user. Still somewhat of a niche market tho.
Jan 21, 2013 at 2:24 AM Post #11,063 of 48,583
I just read the link in Burritoboy's post (goes to TurtleBeach's support page), and looked up what Creative says about it. Both companies basically said the copyright license doesn't allow sound cards to decode a DD or DTS feed. DDL is what the consoles use... but that seems to be included in the unfriendliness. The all do, however, allow stereo PCM in. The thing I don't understand is why, though. There is a thriving business of posting gameplay on youtube. If I wanted to record Xbox audio with the processing, I could plug the headphone out from my standalone processor into the Aux-In/Mic port of a computer and record the 3D sound processing, so it's not like Dolby and DTS are actually protecting anything, just being difficult.
Bah, it's off-topic for the thread, though.
I do agree that a receiver is a versatile and practical choice. Seeing how quite-good receivers from last-year's line can be found for closeout prices around $150 or better if you know where to look, a mixamp-esque device looks less attractive at $130 unless size and portability is an issue. Maybe power draw, too. As it happens, size (and discreteness) was an issue for me, but that's why I got the Recon3D for $70 on sale.
I'm imagining an Astro headphone-theater device right now, something with HDMI switching and a desktop-quality amp, but it still wouldn't be cheaper or significantly more practical than a Denon receiver from eCost.
Jan 21, 2013 at 2:52 AM Post #11,064 of 48,583
Are there some lower end Denon's that have Dolby Headphone? I looked up the specs for my lowly AVR-1612 and up thru the recent AVR-19xx series and none seemed to have it, they sport some other unnamed virtual surround for headphone/2 speakers but the specs state explicitly that there's no DH.

I'm just curious really since I don't game at all thru my AVR... I don't even have a clue how capable of a headphone amp it's got, tho I intend to find out now that I have at least one extra pair of headphones that's bound for the living room. If it's awful I guess I'll have to get an O2 or a Magni.
Jan 21, 2013 at 5:26 AM Post #11,065 of 48,583
Guys, I'll reply to all this later. Seriously, SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE. My goodness. I do understand where all of you are coming from. I haven't read it all entirely, but thanks. It's kinda hard not to feel like crap, but I guess I brought it on myself. It's just an internet forum, but ugh, memories. Good thing I'm much more positive now. *sighs* Later..
Jan 21, 2013 at 6:01 AM Post #11,066 of 48,583
Guys, I'll reply to all this later. Seriously, SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE. My goodness. I do understand where all of you are coming from. I haven't read it all entirely, but thanks. It's kinda hard not to feel like crap, but I guess I brought it on myself. It's just an internet forum, but ugh, memories. Good thing I'm much more positive now. *sighs* Later..

Dude, Don't worry yourself too much.
As you said, you're new to the forum stuff.
I've been on a few where someone makes a bit of a rough entrance, only to become well regarded once they feel their way around and get with the vibe/lingo :)
If you looked at the posts as more like conversations and respond as you would in a real life chat rather than a text list it maybe a bit easier to follow. By doing that you can also dispense with most of the quoted text and weave the info into your reply and add your own questions/info as well.
e.g.: Girlfriend asks you "Tomorrow are you driving into the city? If you are are you able to swing by the market and grab milk, coffee and something for us for dinner. Mum needs a lift in too. Can you grab the dry cleaning on the way home and let the dog out and the cat in when you get there?
Currently you'd respond by quoting your girlfriend and replying: "Yes, yes, ok, what? Ok, when, goodness lol. Ok, yes, yes."
A better way (for the girlfriend to understand you) may be something more like: "Yep - I'm driving into the city and will grab that stuff. Pasta for dinner?. Will grab mum, what time and where from? Will get the dry cleaning and sort the pets out. Need anything else from town? Ok if I stop in at Bob's for a couple of beers on the way home?"
By going the conversation route of replying you've included all relevant info from the original request (without having to quote it all back so she knows what points you're replying to), given a reply that can be understood even without the person having to know or read the first request, added in some info you're unsure of, invited a reply to the bits you need info on and also managed to score a leave pass for a few beers by being such a devoted boyfriend :p
Really hope I don't sound condescending , just trying to help make things a bit easier for you to get your thoughts down in a way that can be used to help others respond etc and also help us to read what you are meaning.
Jan 21, 2013 at 6:07 AM Post #11,067 of 48,583
That's good advice, and thanks for the reply. The thing is that I've read the Ultrasone Pro 900 is kind of muddy compared to the competition, and the DT770 is a bass monster. I have an ear condition that causes bass to sound unpleasant to me, so I'd rather not risk a set that emphasizes bass. The Aurvana Live seems like a good choice, but it might be a bit similar to the headset, and I'm really looking to go in the mid audiophile range. I use a Creative Fatal1ty Headset MKII, which I love, but I'd like to go even higher. I didn't know about the AKG K550 though. I'll consider between that and the A900x.
I'm also concerned about how these sets will play with CMSS-3D and SBX. First time I heard CMSS-3D with my MKII, I was blown away. It's useful for me not only in FPSes, but in RPG and adventure titles as well. People underestimate how much it helps to be able to hear zombies and wolves come up behind you.
What's a place with a decent return policy, by the way? I was going to just order from Amazon. I've used them, but have never filed a return, so any advice would be helpful.

+1 for amazon. Even for a Canadian Amazon's return set up is the easiest I have used. 
If bass is an issue for you the CAL isn't going to work any ways. Its bass would probably be to much for you.
Jan 21, 2013 at 6:12 AM Post #11,068 of 48,583
In other news, The Annie LOVES to be played loud. The bass really comes alive...

I tend to listen at moderate volume levels, but these babies love to jam out.

I have noticed the same thing and I have started to use them on high gain just to get that extra oomph out of them. Do you think maybe they love high current more then everyone originally thought?
Jan 21, 2013 at 9:07 AM Post #11,069 of 48,583
Are there some lower end Denon's that have Dolby Headphone? I looked up the specs for my lowly AVR-1612 and up thru the recent AVR-19xx series and none seemed to have it, they sport some other unnamed virtual surround for headphone/2 speakers but the specs state explicitly that there's no DH.

I'm just curious really since I don't game at all thru my AVR... I don't even have a clue how capable of a headphone amp it's got, tho I intend to find out now that I have at least one extra pair of headphones that's bound for the living room. If it's awful I guess I'll have to get an O2 or a Magni.

Yeah, Denon's AVR-791 also says "no" for Dolby Headphone, but confusingly it actually writes the tech into the "headphone surround" field in the spec spreadsheet. I downloaded the manual but it never makes mention of Dolby Headphone or any brand for the "virtual surround" tech used for headphones. Otherwise, it looks like a great receiver: mic to help with volume monitoring and EQ setup, banana plug connectors for all speaker connections, 80 watts for each discreet speaker output, analog video up conversion to HDMI so you only need one cable connecting to the TV, etc. But I can't confirm Dolby Headphone on it.

It's not listed in any of the other current AVRs, either. I think it's not offered on current Harman Kardon or Sherwood receivers anymore either (Didn't check manually to confirm, just google'd). Apparently only Marantz (and some company called Precision or something, listed on Dolby's official page) offers it on their current receivers. That said, if you can find out some discontinued AVRs with DH, they ought to sell for a great price and we'd like to know which models offer it.
Jan 21, 2013 at 9:12 AM Post #11,070 of 48,583
I just read the link in Burritoboy's post (goes to TurtleBeach's support page), and looked up what Creative says about it. Both companies basically said the copyright license doesn't allow sound cards to decode a DD or DTS feed. DDL is what the consoles use... but that seems to be included in the unfriendliness. The all do, however, allow stereo PCM in. The thing I don't understand is why, though. There is a thriving business of posting gameplay on youtube. If I wanted to record Xbox audio with the processing, I could plug the headphone out from my standalone processor into the Aux-In/Mic port of a computer and record the 3D sound processing, so it's not like Dolby and DTS are actually protecting anything, just being difficult.

This is another thing I keep meaning to address but keep forgetting to. Dolby Digital Live is an encoding process that some devices use (Xbox 360, PS3, etc etc) that converts an audio signal into a Dolby Digital feed. People keep saying they are feeding the Dolby Digital Live signal into their Mixamp or receiver, but you are actually feeding a Dolby Digital signal in.

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