Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Nov 9, 2012 at 10:06 AM Post #8,926 of 48,566
DT990 / 600 ohms came in! Wow the bass...just incredible. Only issue is it's a little too bright for me on some songs, to the point where it's a bit grating. Hoping my ears can adjust because this bass is just amazing. Using it with my E9 amp on low gain (high gain sounds good but makes it even brighter).
Nov 9, 2012 at 10:22 AM Post #8,927 of 48,566
Mentioned that brightness many times, so you shouldn't be surprised.
Nov 9, 2012 at 10:28 AM Post #8,928 of 48,566
Yeah I knew it was bright going in. I was just messing around with my sound card control panel and tried disabling X-Fi crystalizer. It's much better now :)

Mad did you use high gain or low gain when you had your E9? I heard high gain may introduce some distortion but I'm not sure.

Also, anyone know a good song to test the soundstage?
Nov 9, 2012 at 11:12 AM Post #8,929 of 48,566
I use whichever gets me between 9-12, and optimally between 10-11. That's the E9's sweet spot. I'm pretty sure I used high gain, but I do believe low gain does sound a little more stable for the E9.
Nov 9, 2012 at 11:25 AM Post #8,930 of 48,566
Don't like Bioshock, and the vids I have seen of Dishonored gave me the same feeling.

Same goes for me here.
While I dig the steampunk setting, having your character go to crushing depth...
Bioshock is just too claustrophobic for my taste.  After a short while, every corridor looks the same.
Plus all those psycho running about...
Not sure if I like Bioshock Infinite either... not that fond of heights.
I'd more probably prefer the psycho of Farcry3.  They seem to have more 'character' that you can hate.
Instead of Bioshock's 'I'd rather not even go anywhere near em'.
Bioshock setting just seems like a mental asylum with no guards, deep in the bottom of the sea...
Not a place I'd want to be in for even a second.

Wait wait, don't misunderstand me. The setting is indeed kinda like Bioshock, but it's absolutely not as claustrophobic. Actually, it's the opposite. You can go around the city and clear missions in any way you want (stealth/commando) And no psycho running about I swear (well, except for the plague victims)! Also, tons of sub-missions which add a lot to the main story. Really, it's an amazing game.
FC3 looks rather promosing as well. I don't know how much I'm missing having not played the previous ones though.
Nov 9, 2012 at 11:26 AM Post #8,931 of 48,566
Again, not the setting, or whether it's claustrophobic or not. Just not into the type of shooter that it is, period. Actually, I prefer linearity and I guess you'd say 'claustrophobic' shooters, than wide open ones anyways. That's why I don't like Battlefield, or Fra Cry. Too open.
Nov 9, 2012 at 11:40 AM Post #8,932 of 48,566
Dishonored is only fun if you take the stealth approach in every mission.  i can see how that sort of gameplay doesn't appeal to everyone.  i like it because it's a departure from my typical FPS games, but i only like it in short burts (i.e. a quick break between BF3, BLOPS, CS:GO, etc.).
Nov 9, 2012 at 11:42 AM Post #8,933 of 48,566
FPS games gave my father headache issues (I think it's related to his motion sickness, but in reverse), but they are also starting to make me feel not-so-good when I play them on LCD TVs. I think when the whole screen turns, and the LCD image flickers and ghosts (minutely) while trying to refresh what every pixel is displaying. Refresh problems. "Framerate Smoothing" features on TVs also make my eyes go wonky. Thankfully, there is much fun to be had outside of first-person games, but wholistically I have the least problems on a Plasma TV with all the special "features" turned off, a bit of ambient light, and no light sources reflected in the screen to cause glare. Maybe the last 3 points can help you if you haven't accounted for them already, and a screen with a higher "true" refresh rate may be good for you?

(I think I read somewhere that HDMI is limited to 60fps input, DisplayPort has the bandwidth to do better, but all I know is I was surprised how much a step back my mom's LCD HDTV was from the Plasma from the same brand I own... it seems even worse than my older computer monitor)

Played about 2 hours. Its definitely the prettiest Halo. However, its pretty standard Halo action. Like it, but dont love it. Keep in mind im not a Halo fan. If you are, Halo 4 will be just as good as the rest, if not better.
Soundwise, it does sound like they improved the quality everywhere.
As far as positional cues, it feels pretty standard. Not really gonna be a game I'd demo for virtual surround, fwih so far. If I had to rate HD650 performance from Halo 4, I'd probably lower competitive to a 7. The DT990 is definitely superior in soundstage width and depth.
As for multiplayer, it seems that its on disc 2. Redbox only has the first disc, so looks like im screwed there.
edit: Update: Meh, I guess I've outgrown Halo. I'm returning it today. Not even gonna finish it. Not that it's a bad game, but I guess I'm just not pleased with Halo overall.

Oh yeah. It's on the second disc... Lol. Too bad you didn't finish it, the last few levels had my favorite moments of the game. After I bought it, I got kinda stuck on the part where you have to clear obstacles for the Mammoth vehicle, and I decided I was more tired than interested in beating that part that night. If I had the game as a rental charged daily, and I wasn't the kind of person that has to beat every game to completion (The first Gears of War and Shawn White Snowboarding were the only games I've returned without beating, both because I found the controls poorly implemented and gameplay annoying and unfun), I might've been frustrated enough not to continue, especially when my save file on the memory stick got corrupted between the Xbox @ my girlfriend's house & my Xbox and I had to start over.

But I have beat every Halo game, and I personally am invested in seeing where the story thread leads. Will it continue to echo Bungie's old school Marathon shooter? Has 343i read Larry Niven's "Ringworld" series that was Bungie's original inspiration for Halo?
In the end, I think Bungie is in love with telling a story – and I believe they intended to tell Halo in a traditional 3 acts. The way they portrayed the Covenant leadership in Halo 2 made me think they were going to have a much more 3D fleshed-out role, and bring all the different story threads together to fit into a finale in Halo 3. We were going to find out what happened to the Forerunners, what the Forerunner plan was for Humanity & why they call us Reclaimers, the Covenant Prophet of Truth would try to prevent humanity from ascending and taking away the power he and his race had gained through creating the Covenant (only use Forerunner tech for power), and Cortana would achieve stable rampancy and at the last minute use Master Chief to beat everybody and become like the Forerunners. Then Microsoft said no, you can't end our star franchise for the 360, and Bungie slowly un-acquired itself. Bungie may make another game, but I think Forge mode is also an indication of what they might like to do next.
343i's Halo 4 plays like a fan-made game; I think they get Bungie's references, and put in a lot of things they would love to play, but it is also clear they took a lot of elements from Mass Effect (and eastern design influence?) and even Star Wars (there, I said it!) for singleplayer, and Call of Duty innovations (perks, functional unlockables, killstreak rewards) added to multiplayer. Forge mode remains a halo speciality (yay user-made content!), and co-op is a step ahead of the rest of the FPS genre. However, I don't feel they are quite as creative as the Bungie team, and obviously they exist at the whim of Microsoft. It's hard to shake the impression of DLC developers with some talented visual artists. I can't tell how the multiplayer maps play while I walk around in an empty game, they seem decent but designed like DLC maps. The Forge-mode created Erosion map variant they made for slayer or capture the hill seems particularly slapped together.
I'm also less impressed with Neil Davidge's soundtrack the more I play :/
Nov 9, 2012 at 11:45 AM Post #8,934 of 48,566
I'm generally prefer open shooters more.  BF3 and Borderlands is definitly more my thing than COD.  Although I consider Borderlands more of an RPG than true fps shooter like BF and COD games.
I may have to pick up BLOPS2, though.  Especially with the new scorestreaks, which sound much better than killstreaks to me.  I haven't played a COD game since MW2.
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:10 PM Post #8,935 of 48,566
I don't really think of Bioshock as an open-world game... Sure, you explore levels instead of being lead along a path like in the campaigns of CoD and BF3, but it still is a story told in a linear narrative with particular objectives that must be met before you can reach new areas, and there isn't much point in revisiting areas you've already passed. When I think "Open World," I think of sandbox games like Rockstar and Bethesda make.

I think linear games can present a paced, deliberate experience, like a movie. They're strong that way, to tell a cohesive story. Other, more flexible games have strong replay value because you don't have to make the same choices on how you do things to meet your objectives, like Bioshock, Dishonored, and Bioware's RPGs. In really "Open World" games like Skyrim or Escape Velocity, there is a narrative, but your character's identity is basically blank, your choices and what you feel like doing are what defines the experience. I think open world games are the most immersive, but sometimes I can't stand them when I am feeling uncreative and just as bored "working" in a game as I am bored in real life. LoL! I like to think I play a mix of all games, though I'd rather turn to a shooter or RTS than a sports simulation to play competitively.
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:13 PM Post #8,936 of 48,566
I think linear games can present a paced, deliberate experience, like a movie. They're strong that way, to tell a cohesive story.

THAT is my fave type of shooter.

Gears of War

Those are examples of games like that.

I'd also like to try Spec Ops: The Line. I heard it has a fantastic story, and I liked the demo.
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:16 PM Post #8,937 of 48,566
I play two shooters. Borderlands and Halo series. I dislike anything that directly relates to present war themes. I also don't play competitively because I am much to slow. I tired Bioshock would have probably liked it but I scare to easily, and I couldn't handle to claustrophobic nature of it. I generally dislike a first person view in general due to console HORRID POV. Come on console companies majority of us have HD tvs or monitors push it out like pc games. Borderlands 1 gave me violent headaches due to the POV but I just fell in love with it so I struggled through. Borderlands 2 doesn't have this issue. 
I hate having to play on my monitor but wrecking my plasma isn't a pleasant thought to me. I have Panny ST30 with horrible IR issues. Just nasty. I am still after 6 days trying to work the borderlands 2 health bars out of it.
I looked at some LED/LCD's yesterday and the amount of ghosting on a top end Samsung was really disappointing. Figured after all these years they would have figured this crap out.
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:23 PM Post #8,938 of 48,566
I play two shooters. Borderlands and Halo series. I dislike anything that directly relates to present war themes. I also don't play competitively because I am much to slow. I tired Bioshock would have probably liked it but I scare to easily, and I couldn't handle to claustrophobic nature of it. I generally dislike a first person view in general due to console HORRID POV. Come on console companies majority of us have HD tvs or monitors push it out like pc games. Borderlands 1 gave me violent headaches due to the POV but I just fell in love with it so I struggled through. Borderlands 2 doesn't have this issue. 

I hate having to play on my monitor but wrecking my plasma isn't a pleasant thought to me. I have Panny ST30 with horrible IR issues. Just nasty. I am still after 6 days trying to work the borderlands 2 health bars out of it.

I looked at some LED/LCD's yesterday and the amount of ghosting on a top end Samsung was really disappointing. Figured after all these years they would have figured this crap out.

I have a Panny 65" ST30 myself, and I game on it constantly. IR goes away pretty quickly, though the hardest to get rid of was Castlevania HD's life bars. I played that game for over 400 hours, so it's plasma abuse on my part. No other game left persistent IR.

I'd never give up a Plasma for an LED/LCD. OLED...maybe.
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:35 PM Post #8,939 of 48,566
I like both linear and non-linear/open games.
COD at times can be too scripted and too funneled.  I don't have a lot of urge to replay their campaigns because I fell like I've already seen everything the first time.  I like to replay FEAR games (which are also fairly linear), but those have a little more open battlespaces and room for improvisation in the firefights/gameplay. 
On the other hand, games like Fallout and Skyrim are way to open for me.  If the game gives me a list of 14 different quests I should go out and do, I lose interest.
Bioshock is still linear, it just has a little more room for exploration in between each level.  They are definitely levels though.  The atmosphere is awesome though, which is why I like it.  FYI if you like bioshocks atmosphere, you might like Metro 2033.  The mechanics and gameplay aren't as good as bioshock, but the atmosphere is similar. 
One of my favorite types of shooters/games are the semi-open world games like Crysis.  They are still linear, but they give you more room for creativity for how you want to play.  This gives them a lot of replay value.
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:36 PM Post #8,940 of 48,566
FPS games gave my father headache issues (I think it's related to his motion sickness, but in reverse), but they are also starting to make me feel not-so-good when I play them on LCD TVs. I think when the whole screen turns, and the LCD image flickers and ghosts (minutely) while trying to refresh what every pixel is displaying. Refresh problems. "Framerate Smoothing" features on TVs also make my eyes go wonky. Thankfully, there is much fun to be had outside of first-person games, but wholistically I have the least problems on a Plasma TV with all the special "features" turned off, a bit of ambient light, and no light sources reflected in the screen to cause glare. Maybe the last 3 points can help you if you haven't accounted for them already, and a screen with a higher "true" refresh rate may be good for you?
(I think I read somewhere that HDMI is limited to 60fps input, DisplayPort has the bandwidth to do better, but all I know is I was surprised how much a step back my mom's LCD HDTV was from the Plasma from the same brand I own... it seems even worse than my older computer monitor)

Thanks, that's some valuable infos I'll be sure to keep in mind. On my 40' LCD tv I keep all kind of features OFF as well. I do have a bit of glare on my screen because of a damn mirror which sits right behind the TV and reflects the light that comes through the window. That could be the problem...who knows.
I also have a 23' LCD monitor which I use with my PC, and suffer a lot less sickness from it and it usually doesn't last more than a few seconds. I'm getting used to it though, so no biggie.
Actually, I'm on the market for a new monitor. I've been looking at the new Dell S series (27', glossy, no PWM flicker!).
I like both linear and non-linear/open games.
COD at times can be too scripted and too funneled.  I don't have a lot of urge to replay their campaigns because I fell like I've already seen everything the first time.  I like to replay FEAR games (which are also fairly linear), but those have a little more open battlespaces and room for improvisation in the firefights/gameplay. 
On the other hand, games like Fallout and Skyrim are way to open for me.  If the game gives me a list of 14 different quests I should go out and do, I lose interest.
Bioshock is still linear, it just has a little more room for exploration in between each level.  They are definitely levels though.  The atmosphere is awesome though, which is why I like it.  FYI if you like bioshocks atmosphere, you might like Metro 2033.  The mechanics and gameplay aren't as good as bioshock, but the atmosphere is similar. 
One of my favorite types of shooters/games are the semi-open world games like Crysis.  They are still linear, but they give you more room for creativity for how you want to play.  This gives them a lot of replay value.

Completely concur with everything you said.
Have Metro 2033 installed on the PC for so long, but never had the chance to play it...I'm just holding off 'till I beat ACIII. Looks like I'm gonna enjoy it! Thanks for the feedback. :D

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