Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:36 PM Post #4,051 of 48,583
The DT770 pro 80 is very bass heavy, whereas the pro 250 is supposedly very well balanced. They should give you two different sounds.

As for the AD700's being less powerful, I wouldn't say that. I'd say it's downright non-existent.

The Dt770's are closed, whereas the AD700 is open. They'll give you two very different sound signatures based off that alone.
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #4,052 of 48,583

The DT770 pro 80 is very bass heavy, whereas the pro 250 is supposedly very well balanced. They should give you two different sounds.
As for the AD700's being less powerful, I wouldn't say that. I'd say it's downright non-existent.
The Dt770's are closed, whereas the AD700 is open. They'll give you two very different sound signatures based off that alone.

Thanks for the quick answer.
So I guess I don't even have to bother buying the AD700 because I need them for gaming AND music?
And I will just wait till the two dt 770 pros are here and decide which i like better for both gaming and music.
Feb 15, 2012 at 10:46 PM Post #4,054 of 48,583

I just bought the DT 770 Pro online twice, 80 and 250 Ohm Versions, to check them out myself because there isn't any store near me to test them. I will just send one back. I also bought the Astro Mixamp Pro.
I'm also thinking about getting the AD700 which are even more problematic to test in a local store.
My question would be which of the two (three cuz different Ohm versions) headphones will be the best for music experience. I read the first post about the gaming sound I think both would be great.
But I'm not quite sure which one will be best for my kind of music preferences.
I listen to a lot of different music genres so it must be an allrounder.
As the bass seems to be less powerful from the AD700 would you consider it a con in the music aspect?
I'm listening to it on my Laptop.

Your in luck, I own all three headphones, the DT770 Pro 80-Ohm and DT770 Pro 250-Ohm are very close in sound.
The 80-Ohm has a touch more bass and the 250-Ohm a little more clarity.
The ATH-AD700 are bass light and I rarely use them, but they are good for things where vocals are important.
Feb 15, 2012 at 10:49 PM Post #4,055 of 48,583

I imagine those LCD-3's I see in your signature are no slouch in game either.  I notice you don't seem to have any virtualized surround taking place, which I don't think that LoL would benefit much from that sort of thing but MMO's might.  
I don't think any table mics are usable on something like a coffee table so a clip on would probably be the way to go.  The Mod Mic is one to look at but I dunno if I'd stick a mod mic to an LCD-3.  

Yeah, your right.  I dont have any virtualized surround equipment.  Was thinking of maybe saving for the Schiits DAC and Amps.  Maybe when they announce their new ones.  I dont really play many FPS.  Mainly rpgs and fighting games.
I looked at the Mod mic.  It looks nice , tho your right.  I wouldnt want to stick anything onto the K701 or the LCD-3.  I did some searching and came across this.  Zalman zm-mic1
Think I'll consider getting it and giving it a try.
Feb 15, 2012 at 11:11 PM Post #4,056 of 48,583
DON'T get the Zalman. Save your money, and get the Dealextreme clip-on...

Look how much it costs. I owned it (awaiting a second one), and it actually worked, whereas the Zalman I had picked up everything BUT my voice, and costs ten times as much.
Feb 15, 2012 at 11:17 PM Post #4,057 of 48,583
Hey guys,
I just bought the DT 770 Pro online twice, 80 and 250 Ohm Versions, to check them out myself because there isn't any store near me to test them. I will just send one back. I also bought the Astro Mixamp Pro.
I'm also thinking about getting the AD700 which are even more problematic to test in a local store.
My question would be which of the two (three cuz different Ohm versions) headphones will be the best for music experience. I read the first post about the gaming sound I think both would be great.
But I'm not quite sure which one will be best for my kind of music preferences.
I listen to a lot of different music genres so it must be an allrounder.
As the bass seems to be less powerful from the AD700 would you consider it a con in the music aspect?
I'm listening to it on my Laptop.

I have the 770 Pro 80s and they're awesome for both music and gaming. Bear in mind the Beyers have one of the longest burn in times, I often see 200-300hrs quoted. I wonder if it's because they're so sturdy like a tank that they break in so slow...?
Feb 15, 2012 at 11:21 PM Post #4,058 of 48,583
Assuming one believes in burn in.

I sure don't, and the DT770 Pro 80 was one of the cans I owned the longest.
Feb 16, 2012 at 1:21 AM Post #4,060 of 48,583
Why would you do that? The Hifiman headband is the best thing ever. O_O Its like you're not wearing anything at all. With proper extension, the weight should be distributed perfectly where there shouldn't be any discomfort. Of course, this was with the HE-4, which weighs considerably less than the 5LE, 500, and 6.

Update on the NFB5.

It seems to change its signature the longer its on. It sounds downright smooth after a long session, which I actually DON'T like for the D7000. Sigh...

Its also not an amp for those that listen to their cans at moderate to low levels, because everything sounds warm and rolled off at the treble range.

It works incredibly well with the Q701, but I'm less enthusiastic with the D7000, which I still prefer off the E9.

Perhaps I will be getting the ODA for the D7000.

The NFB5 is great, don't get me wrong. Just, it works better on bright cans that have spare sparkle. Wish I could test out another DT990 or HE-4, but I'm headphone'd out. I have a feeling this amp would be perfect for Beyers, Ultrasones, and Grados.
Feb 16, 2012 at 2:38 AM Post #4,061 of 48,583
Assuming one believes in burn in.
I sure don't, and the DT770 Pro 80 was one of the cans I owned the longest.

If strong winds in a canyon can loosen a steel bridge to the point of failure... I can believe in the idea that a tiny amount of motion can loosen up a tiny mechanical system just like a large amount of motion can loosen up a large mechanical system. You should really look up "Galloping Gertie" sometime. Just my two cents.
Feb 16, 2012 at 2:45 AM Post #4,062 of 48,583
All that means nothing when I've personally owned those headphones and they sounded the same to me from hour one to when I sold them. Every single headphone I've owned sounded just as I remembered them from the beginning other than the M50s changing within the first hour, which was an oddity in it of itself.

I personally believe people WANT to believe in change, so they convince themselves of it. Just my two cents.

I love how burn in is so universal. It adds bass to bass shy phones, takes away bass from bloated phones, adds treble clarity to veiled cans, and removes harshness from treble heavy cans. That makes zero sense for one thing to add AND take away from the same area of sound, and ALWAYS beneficial towards whatever problem someone had with the sound.

So yeah, I call bull. Just IMHO.
Feb 16, 2012 at 2:58 AM Post #4,063 of 48,583
All that means nothing when I've personally owned those headphones and they sounded the same to me from hour one to when I sold them. Every single headphone I've owned sounded just as I remembered them from the beginning other than the M50s changing within the first hour, which was an oddity in it of itself.
I personally believe people WANT to believe in change, so they convince themselves of it. Just my two cents.
I love how burn in is so universal. It adds bass to bass shy phones, takes away bass from bloated phones, adds treble clarity to veiled cans, and removes harshness from treble heavy cans. That makes zero sense for one thing to add AND take away from the same area of sound, and ALWAYS beneficial towards whatever problem someone had with the sound.
So yeah, I call bull. Just IMHO.

Yeah, I should probably just defer on this one. That and I don't want to derail the thread. I'm far more inclined to believe those who claim it happens when they leave their headphones alone for a while instead of listening to them while in the process of "burning in" though at that point I usually follow up by telling them it's because the very strong first impression of a new pair of headphones wore off. If it does happen there would be no way to tell among the thousands of kinds of psychological effects. It'd be interesting as a side project some day when I'm really bored to try and find out whether those who claim burn-in works claim it more often on lower ohm headphones (higher moving mass)
Feb 16, 2012 at 3:28 AM Post #4,064 of 48,583
I used to leave my headphones burning with pink noise for weeks on end. Then I realized what a waste of time and energy it was, so I stopped and just enjoyed my headphones as they were. My first DT990 had a ridiculous amount of burn in on them. My newest ones sounded very much like my well burned in ones. Almost like I never got rid of them. My DT770 Pro 80s also had a lot of pink noise burn in.

If you believe in burn in, that's all on you. For the sake of personal sanity and logical sense (as I mentioned earlier with burn in always being beneficial, never the opposite, and adding/taking away from the same frequencies depending on a headphone's shortcomings), I'll stick to the belief of it being placebo. If one very strong minded individual believes in something and argues it to the masses, his belief becomes factual for those wanting to believe. I approach things with an open mind, then accept or dismiss depending on personal testing.

With sound, its harder to prove/disprove, because mood and fatigue can/will alter sounds off a headphone.

Even with said DT770 Pro 80s, I think they sounded clear one hour, muffled the next.
Feb 16, 2012 at 3:50 AM Post #4,065 of 48,583

DON'T get the Zalman. Save your money, and get the Dealextreme clip-on...
Look how much it costs. I owned it (awaiting a second one), and it actually worked, whereas the Zalman I had picked up everything BUT my voice, and costs ten times as much.

I appreciate everyones answer very much. Sounds like I should just be waiting for the two DT 770 and try which one sounds as much as i would like.
I was also thinking about getting the Zalman ZM Mic1 because I read it everywhere that  they do a good job and I get them for under 5€ here on German Amazon.
The site you posted is American so it would prolly add some to the price when I want it delivered to Germany. I also googled the name but without success (Xuanyuan XY-006).
I guess the Zalman would be enough as I just need them to Skype with my gf and dad. I haven't used teamspeak and the like for ages.
Do you think the Astro Mixamp Pro can handle the 250 Ohm DT 770? It's plugged into my Toshiba Laptop via USB. That's the only way I can do it until I finally have the money to build another desktop pc. 
As I understand the only really downsight of using it via USB is that the game/voice sound knob doesn't do anything. As I said, that shouldn't be a problem for me. But the sound quality is still decent via USB isn't it? As I said it will take some time until I get a desktop pc with optical plugs.

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