Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jul 19, 2016 at 8:03 PM Post #35,986 of 48,583
This would probably be a fun thread to create.

Personally, I used a really badly set up Stereo system in my mom's basement. I have no idea what speakers they were, but they were about the size of those used in the Bose demos "look how huge!" One of them was sideways and right under the TV, the other was about 15 feet off to the right in a tunnel-like room.

In college, I just played at friend's dorms or played on my laptop with a pair of Sony desktop speakers, which also had a headphone jack that I used with the original earbuds that came with the 2nd an 5th gen iPods. When I looked for well-reviewed headphones, the places I looked for reviews was at Macworld and Eventually I got a pair of Sennheiser PX-100 (I think 2008?). When I got my 360, I was looking up speaker-like headphones (most soundstage and comfort) and how to connect the 360 to headphones, searching around helped me discover Head-Fi, this thread, AD700, an RCA to 3.5mm adapter, and a FiiO E5.
If there isn't then maybe one should be made.
After my Siberias cable got shorted I decided to look around for headphones with a detachable cable, discovered head fi and it really opened my eyes on to what's out there.
After some searching I decided to get my HD 558s (used) and still rocking them 4 years later.
Jul 19, 2016 at 8:08 PM Post #35,987 of 48,583
No need for a new thread if we're talking about our first gaming setups. It's been quite refreshing chatting about different related topics in here.
Jul 19, 2016 at 9:55 PM Post #35,988 of 48,583
Finally got to see the headphones Change was talking about. Definitely look X1-inspired, at least aesthetically. Who knows what Lasmex's interpretation of "natural" sounds like? I thought the X1 didn't sound natural (but it was fun!), and more to the point people widely disagree what sounds "natural," so I can't guess what they'll sound like. Probably competent.

The pleather pads may or may not bother me. I've had mostly bad experiences with leather-like padding getting sticky, BUT I have tried softer, squishier pads (Oppo PM-3, Creative Aurvana Platinum, ZMF standard and lambskin pads, MrSpeakers Ether) which I liked alright and I could see the hygienic/durability benefits. I still prefer velour though, for example I used all the pads of the Oppo PM-2 for testing, but long term and simply for enjoyment I tended to stick to the very comfortable Velour pads there.

What headphones are these Evshrug?
Jul 19, 2016 at 10:17 PM Post #35,989 of 48,583
No need for a new thread if we're talking about our first gaming setups. It's been quite refreshing chatting about different related topics in here.

Totally agree that it was a refreshing and related topic, and I also rarely stray from the 10 threads I'm already subscribed to... I'm just saying it's such a fun nostalgic topic that it'll be a shame when it gets buried.

What headphones are these Evshrug?

The ones Change was talking about? That look like X1's? They're "Lasmex" brand and a current drop on Massdrop.
Jul 19, 2016 at 10:52 PM Post #35,990 of 48,583
What was everyone's setup for games prior to discovering head fi?
For me I used to have a turtle beach px21 then a steelseries Siberia V2 after that one broke.

Steelseries 5hv2 connected to RCA>3.5mm adapter adapter into the rca from my ps3. And before that I didn't even use headphones, like at all. I discovered Head-fi by accident while watching one of LevelCap videos and he was talking about how AD700 is the best competitive headphone and linked to this thread. I came here out of curiosity and decided to stay. Happiest accident of my life.
Jul 19, 2016 at 11:36 PM Post #35,992 of 48,583
What headphones are these Evshrug?

Totally agree that it was a refreshing and related topic, and I also rarely stray from the 10 threads I'm already subscribed to... I'm just saying it's such a fun nostalgic topic that it'll be a shame when it gets buried.
The ones Change was talking about? That look like X1's? They're "Lasmex" brand and a current drop on Massdrop.

Yes, Rudy! The Lasmex that is currently on MD for $100. We need someone to take one for the team! :D
Jul 20, 2016 at 2:49 AM Post #35,993 of 48,583
Yes, Rudy! The Lasmex that is currently on MD for $100. We need someone to take one for the team!

Hey, hey, I look like a Bank to you?
(Maybe I do lol)
Hmmm I am intrigued by these headphones......
LevelCap? Who's that?
(Honestly, sounds vaguely familiar, but I don't quite remember any of his videos... Watching a lot of MXR lately)

I take it you aren't a Battlefield player...if you were then you would know who he is lol. Well he plays other games but he is known mainly for BF3, BF4 and other latest BF games. He is very "technical" when it comes to explaining weapons and strategies for BF games.
Jul 20, 2016 at 2:49 PM Post #35,995 of 48,583
Hey, hey, I look like a Bank to you?

(Maybe I do lol)

Hmmm I am intrigued by these headphones......

I take it you aren't a Battlefield player...if you were then you would know who he is lol. Well he plays other games but he is known mainly for BF3, BF4 and other latest BF games. He is very "technical" when it comes to explaining weapons and strategies for BF games.

I just hope we get some impressions somewhere once they start rolling out. Only 6 buyers at the moment, though, with one day left.

I play BF and never heard of this guy. Then again I don't do much gameplay watching on YouTube unless it's a game I never heard of and am interested in.
Jul 20, 2016 at 3:41 PM Post #35,996 of 48,583
Anyone here in the market for a vintage Stax Lambda setup, perchance?
Considering having heard that PSVR versions of games lowers resolution of in game assets (RE7 demo having missing text descriptions on items that you can clearly see text without VR), I already know it's gonna be as much of a waste of time and money as 3D was on the PS3 (which made game assets look muddy and washed out).

I said it once, I'll say it again: it's a gimmick pushed on to consumers far too early.

Once you have 4K screen VR at 90fps, then MAYBE it will be time. As you know, that won't be in a loooong while. VR is just too graphically demanding at a resolution good enough to not dumb down assets.

Like the Move, like the Xbox camera BS, it's all stuff that will die off, just like 3D.

If it sounds like I want it to die, it's because I do. They should be focusing on making great games, not pushing the next gimmick that is gonna die in a few years because it was poorly utilized and lacked substance. Maybe in 4-5 years, but right now, no.

don't want VR to die off. That puts us at odds.
Here's the thing: I've been waiting decades for it to get to this point since the day someone put a Forte VFX1 on my head to play Quake.
It's the best damn thing for vehicle simulators of any kind. Nothing puts you in the cockpit quite like VR; TrackIR doesn't even come close. Everything has depth, everything has scale, and your head-tracking doesn't have to be entirely compressed to fit within the view of an IR camera and your view of a fixed monitor.
Seriously, I don't want to go back to a monitor for Elite Dangerous or DCS. It's that good, and DCS even has a few aircraft with helmet-mounted sights for locking up missiles, which is a hell of a lot more convenient to use with VR. That's not a gimmick - it's immersion, maybe even a competitive advantage.
But even I can see the flaws. Limited resolution, drawbacks in current optical lens technology ("god rays" or chromatic aberration and out-of-focus edges, pick your poison), the fact that the Rift and Vive already require a powerful PC to keep up with dual 1080x1200 at 90 Hz while the PSVR is gimped with weak PS4 hardware that necessitates the downgrades you mention, limited FOV that has you feeling like you're wearing blinders... there's plenty of room for improvement. I just consider it good enough for now while we wait for the next generation.
If it doesn't get past the early adopter stage now, though, it won't ever get to see that improvement, maybe unless you're a wealthy military contractor or something of that nature.
Jul 20, 2016 at 9:01 PM Post #35,997 of 48,583
I take it you aren't a Battlefield player...if you were then you would know who he is lol. Well he plays other games but he is known mainly for BF3, BF4 and other latest BF games. He is very "technical" when it comes to explaining weapons and strategies for BF games.

I bought BF3 for PC and 360, BF4 for PS4, but each time it only held my attention for about a month. I think I have watched some LevelCap videos actually in the BF3 days, but I couldn't recount anything memorable from them... Most of the BF3 videos I watched were about derping around or trolling bad players. Oh, and that strawhat-something gamer who is really good with the fighter jets. And one or two videos of people jumping out of a flying plane, blowing something up with an RPG, and somehow landing back inside the jet before it crashes.

Anyone know how well virtual surround solutions from Asus motherboards (Sonic Studio II) and MSI motherboards (Nahimic) compare to that offered by Creative xfi MB3 (SBX) or others (Dolby, Razer, etc)?

My Gigabyte motherboard didn't come with its own virtual surround, I think. I've heard some weak surround processing (Razer, Silent Cinema) and good surround processing (SBX, Dolby, Cirrus Logic), and weak processing isn't even worth bothering to use. If you try the processing and it doesn't seem easy to distinguish front/back placement, then at least you can always buy X-Fi MB3 (or, better yet, a dedicated sound processor like an U3, Omni 5.1, or E5) after the fact to get good surround.

Anyone here in the market for a vintage Stax Lambda setup, perchance?

don't want VR to die off. That puts us at odds.

Here's the thing: I've been waiting decades for it to get to this point since the day someone put a Forte VFX1 on my head to play Quake.

It's the best damn thing for vehicle simulators of any kind. ... That's not a gimmick - it's immersion, maybe even a competitive advantage.

But even I can see the flaws. Limited resolution, drawbacks in current optical lens technology ("god rays" or chromatic aberration and out-of-focus edges, pick your poison)...

Having tried the 120 Hz refresh rate of the PS VR, the visual immersion available in HMDs is more exciting to me than +1080p detail. Personal opinion, and it's interesting to me that yet again you, me, and Mad take different views on this – I think that is overall a good thing for the community. Mad wants more resolution, more frames per second, (big tv screens?) and as simple/casual a setup as possible (sit on the couch, pick up a gamepad, press power). You and I are willing to trade a little setup complexity for immersion, the sense of being present in the game world, but I'm assuming you'd like an experience that pushes the bleeding edge while I'm just happy to be there. We cover the gamut: casual/couch gaming, mid, and high end immersion preferences. Of course, we'd all like some future-rig where we get it all at an affordable price, haha... Though I will contend, by the time there is a wireless 90fps 4K HMD with Zeiss optics, there will also be even higher-detailed options for traditional flatscreens. But not really new features...

Some games are going to be better suited to 2D panels (I have a 1080p monitor and a 720p TV) and just wouldn't translate well to immersion, but games designed for immersion in the first place can create a totally different experience from a TV. Traditional castlevania/side scroller/2D fighting button combo games are a few genres off the top of my head where I wouldn't bother with VR and just play on the monitor I already have. But even with this current gen of PS VR/Occulus/Vive, we can get a better sense of being present in the game, whether that is being immersed in a cockpit/driver's seat with better awareness of opponents, new simulation-type games (like Job Simulator), exploring in an RPG (I'd like an Elder-Scrolls type of game in VR!), solving 3-D puzzles (with controllers like the Move, Vive's dual sticks, and the new controllers coming out for the Occulus), 3D platforming games (better sense of depth), sports games (not games where you control a whole team, think more like baseball, tennis, skiing, archery, dodgeball...), or maybe even 3D RTS games where you can accurately select and push units while pressing command buttons.

Furthermore, I think the new experience is "ready." Would a 4K, 90fps, 120hz, 100° FOV Head Mounted Display improve the experience of, say, a first person Pokémon game with a big cartoon world to explore, look for hidden monsters/collectibles, and motion controls for throwing Pokéballs and selecting context-specific commands/buttons? Is it too graphically demanding to simulate the scale and distance in an asteroid belt as you fly around? Should we have to wait 4-5 years for the tech to mature before we can emulate cocking and aiming an arrow at a satanic goat? The conclusion I'm leading everyone toward is that there is new gaming experiences on the horizon, and the visual fidelity will do little to limit creative uses of this new way to visually interact.

That said, there is a fourth perspective, which another friend (and probably my mother) hold: by putting on a mask, some headphones, virtual touch controllers (whether a gamepad or sticks), you are cutting off almost all your senses from the real world. I think as with all tech a person could use VR in an unhealthy way, but without quoting him directly it's like just using VR at all is a big F.U. to real life. He wasn't talking Matrix/Sword Art Online external force controlling your life kind of thing, but rather that using VR goes to far into choosing to ignore your friends or the baby crying in need or going out with friends for exercise and adventure and furthering your life. I definitely think he has a point there worth mentioning, but to me it's more of a caution... because I've personally long ago come to terms with taking a break from reality by consuming literature, movies, plays, videogames, and I already limit my time with those pursuits and often forget about the world for awhile while doing them. Would I pay any less attention to my Fiancée than I do now at 11:30 pm, in a different room, with the door shut? Am I missing out on any outdoor activities at that time? Probably not many safe ones that still make it easy for me to go to work the next mid-morning. But yeah, I don't want to be completely lost in it, either, and it's good to keep in mind. I like that there are games specifically intended for party-play on the PS VR where one person uses the HMD and the other players interact with a TV, but even so it will primarily be for single-player and it will be important for the player to be able to break immersion at appropriate times.
Jul 20, 2016 at 9:11 PM Post #35,998 of 48,583
I just hope we get some impressions somewhere once they start rolling out. Only 6 buyers at the moment, though, with one day left.

I play BF and never heard of this guy. Then again I don't do much gameplay watching on YouTube unless it's a game I never heard of and am interested in.

Yeah...I wanted to pull the trigger on them but they are practically new, not really much info is what they say in the discussion thread. So it dodnt really motivate me to purchase a pair.

Yeah, I should have mention that if unless you watch a lot of youtube videos, especially about games...they I wouldnt be surprised you dont know who levelcap is. There are many other youtubers who play BF games religiously but so far levelcap is one of the Top youtubers for that.

I cant type erggh...on my phone.
Jul 20, 2016 at 9:28 PM Post #35,999 of 48,583
Yeah Rudy,
I wish it was easy to add words to dictionary on a phone like it is on a PC... but it automatically gets added if you type it enough and cancel the autocorrect, lol!

I'm probably about to get some flack on the Deals thread for my post XD
Jul 20, 2016 at 9:32 PM Post #36,000 of 48,583
Having tried the 120 Hz refresh rate of the PS VR, the visual immersion available in HMDs is more exciting to me than +1080p detail. Personal opinion, and it's interesting to me that yet again you, me, and Mad take different views on this – I think that is overall a good thing for the community. Mad wants more resolution, more frames per second, (big tv screens?) and as simple/casual a setup as possible (sit on the couch, pick up a gamepad, press power). You and I are willing to trade a little setup complexity for immersion, the sense of being present in the game world, but I'm assuming you'd like an experience that pushes the bleeding edge while I'm just happy to be there. We cover the gamut: casual/couch gaming, mid, and high end immersion preferences. Of course, we'd all like some future-rig where we get it all at an affordable price, haha... Though I will contend, by the time there is a wireless 90fps 4K HMD with Zeiss optics, there will also be even higher-detailed options for traditional flatscreens. But not really new features...

Some games are going to be better suited to 2D panels (I have a 1080p monitor and a 720p TV) and just wouldn't translate well to immersion, but games designed for immersion in the first place can create a totally different experience from a TV. Traditional castlevania/side scroller/2D fighting button combo games are a few genres off the top of my head where I wouldn't bother with VR and just play on the monitor I already have. But even with this current gen of PS VR/Occulus/Vive, we can get a better sense of being present in the game, whether that is being immersed in a cockpit/driver's seat with better awareness of opponents, new simulation-type games (like Job Simulator), exploring in an RPG (I'd like an Elder-Scrolls type of game in VR!), solving 3-D puzzles (with controllers like the Move, Vive's dual sticks, and the new controllers coming out for the Occulus), 3D platforming games (better sense of depth), sports games (not games where you control a whole team, think more like baseball, tennis, skiing, archery, dodgeball...), or maybe even 3D RTS games where you can accurately select and push units while pressing command buttons.

Furthermore, I think the new experience is "ready." Would a 4K, 90fps, 120hz, 100° FOV Head Mounted Display improve the experience of, say, a first person Pokémon game with a big cartoon world to explore, look for hidden monsters/collectibles, and motion controls for throwing Pokéballs and selecting context-specific commands/buttons? Is it too graphically demanding to simulate the scale and distance in an asteroid belt as you fly around? Should we have to wait 4-5 years for the tech to mature before we can emulate cocking and aiming an arrow at a satanic goat? The conclusion I'm leading everyone toward is that there is new gaming experiences on the horizon, and the visual fidelity will do little to limit creative uses of this new way to visually interact.

That said, there is a fourth perspective, which another friend (and probably my mother) hold: by putting on a mask, some headphones, virtual touch controllers (whether a gamepad or sticks), you are cutting off almost all your senses from the real world. I think as with all tech a person could use VR in an unhealthy way, but without quoting him directly it's like just using VR at all is a big F.U. to real life. He wasn't talking Matrix/Sword Art Online external force controlling your life kind of thing, but rather that using VR goes to far into choosing to ignore your friends or the baby crying in need or going out with friends for exercise and adventure and furthering your life. I definitely think he has a point there worth mentioning, but to me it's more of a caution... because I've personally long ago come to terms with taking a break from reality by consuming literature, movies, plays, videogames, and I already limit my time with those pursuits and often forget about the world for awhile while doing them. Would I pay any less attention to my Fiancée than I do now at 11:30 pm, in a different room, with the door shut? Am I missing out on any outdoor activities at that time? Probably not many safe ones that still make it easy for me to go to work the next mid-morning. But yeah, I don't want to be completely lost in it, either, and it's good to keep in mind. I like that there are games specifically intended for party-play on the PS VR where one person uses the HMD and the other players interact with a TV, but even so it will primarily be for single-player and it will be important for the player to be able to break immersion at appropriate times.

You're right - I like to be on the bleeding edge, at least as much as my wallet permits. That alone is a limiting factor for actually staying on the bleeding edge, but it gives me something to save up for, at least. And even if it's certainly not bleeding edge hardware by today's standards, it's all too easy to take my i7-4770K/GTX 980 system for granted, which has the power to run these things smoothly in the first place.
I do like convenience, though. It's partly why I'm starting to gravitate toward this old Sennheiser PC360 I scored on the cheap (built-in mic mute and volume controls!), and it's also why I like that the Rift CV1 is pretty much a put-on-and-play HMD with built-in headphones that are surprisingly good. It's one less thing to put on or take off.
While VR HMDs certainly aren't suitable for everything (especially not shared-screen multiplayer!), what they ARE suitable for is something they totally excel at. There's also software like Virtual Desktop and BigScreen that gives us a potential glimpse into a monitor-less future where we can be surrounded by as much virtual desktop space as we want (virtual IMAX, anyone?) and computer hardware allows for, but the current Rift CV1 and Vive are just too low-resolution for me to go about retiring conventional monitors. That's where we really need to start getting into the 4K/8K per eye range.
There's also the potential for VR to improve things that aren't games, most notably content creation. Go look at Tilt Brush or Oculus Medium; these things highlight what you can do in a 3D space when you finally have a native 3D interface, display and input alike, instead of a 2D monitor with a 2D mouse.
As for what you said about isolating yourself from the real world, yes, that could be a problem for all the reasons you mentioned and then some.
On the other hand, some of us WANT to shut out mundane reality for a bit of refreshing escapism, prefer to live single, and nothing says that you can't socialize in VR. If anything, there's a lot of social VR apps and services popping up ever since the Note 4 Gear VR was a thing, just for holding conversations and watching video together and that sorta thing, to say nothing of all the multiplayer games that already exist and don't necessarily require all participants to own a VR HMD just to play them.

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