Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jan 19, 2012 at 9:06 PM Post #3,331 of 48,583

Well, it seems the DT990/600 has less bass than the pro's, and faster, tighter bass.  That'd be the one I'd want.  I don't want any slow mid-bass up in my soundstage. 
It's weird that you (MLE) think the pros have better positioning then the 600s
  Oh well, I don't care - the 600's still have more pros then cons when compared to the Pros.  Haha, more pros then the Pros. 
I think I'll sell the PC360s and get the DT990/600s....I think.....
   Someone nudge me!!

Get the DT990/600! Best 250$ I've ever spent...
Hooked 'em up to the E9/DSS and I'm playing Uncharted 3 right now. Well, it's totally blowing my mind. No hiss, no weird distortion, just had to lower the DSS bass boost, because it didn't sound right at first, but it's perfect now.
The HD555 I used before are a joke in comparison, they sounded "weird" in some scenes, but I have to admit that they're still SLIGHTLY better when it comes to positioning...
With the 990 I feel like I'm really there with Nate and Sully, it's just that awesome. Actually, they are so good I think they're wasted to use for gaming only. And so, when I'm not playing, I hook 'em to my PC (E9+E7) and listen to my lossless music collection. I'm in total awe. Never heard anything like this before.
@Mad Lust Envy
Can't wait to read your thoughts/comparison on the new gears! By the way, are you going to keep the Beyer? Just curious to know. :)
Jan 19, 2012 at 10:10 PM Post #3,332 of 48,583
I'm keeping them.

You really need some really high quality files to play with them, because anything remotely questionable will sound pretty bad off them. I realize that they sound fantastic off the E9, and it was my dock or E7 that is messing with the SQ. Now that I moved the E7 to feed the signal to the line in, the DT990 is reminding me why I loved them in the first place.

I can only imagine how great they'll sound off the Audio GD equipment.

And yes, I totally believe you when you say it is dead silent even with the DSS. That's a main reason why such a high ohm value is beneficial. Keeps that noise floor completely silent. Even with the 5.8 near max, and the E9 amping to loud levels, there is zero hiss/noise.

My biggest grip with them (and all the popular Beyers), is the stupid mechanism to extend/retract the cups. Its stupid hard to extend them while wearing them, but if you do it while not wearing them, its incredibly loose and the 'teeth' don't hold the cups in place unless you hold it a certain way. Just...Beyerdynamic built such a sturdy design overall, but missed the mark there.
Jan 19, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #3,334 of 48,583
That's one of the amps well known to pair up with the Beyers very well. Should be great, though remember, hooking it up from the soundcard's 3.5mm jack isn't ideal for anything but gaming, so don't judge the DT990 harshly until you hook them up to a proper dac in the future.
Jan 19, 2012 at 11:02 PM Post #3,335 of 48,583

That's one of the amps well known to pair up with the Beyers very well. Should be great, though remember, hooking it up from the soundcard's 3.5mm jack isn't ideal for anything but gaming, so don't judge the DT990 harshly until you hook them up to a proper dac in the future.

In that case which DAC do you suggest? I've read that, different from DH, CMSS-3D can be transmitted through S/PDIF, and my sound card had S/PDIF out.
Jan 19, 2012 at 11:06 PM Post #3,336 of 48,583

My biggest grip with them (and all the popular Beyers), is the stupid mechanism to extend/retract the cups. Its stupid hard to extend them while wearing them, but if you do it while not wearing them, its incredibly loose and the 'teeth' don't hold the cups in place unless you hold it a certain way. Just...Beyerdynamic built such a sturdy design overall, but missed the mark there.

I wholeheartedly agree with that and I couldn't have said it any better.
What troubles me now, is that I have my PC and console in different rooms and I have to unplug and hook all up again everytime...
I'm considering of buying a new headphone because of that, but I dunno...I want to think about this one carefully considering I don't have much to spend. Ugh.
Jan 19, 2012 at 11:06 PM Post #3,337 of 48,583
What's your budget? A cheap and good DAC is the Fiio E10. For higher end, the Schiit Bifrost, HRT Music Streamer II...
Jan 20, 2012 at 2:40 AM Post #3,338 of 48,583
Well, my Xonar DG turned up.
I installed and listened to some beats (that's what all the groovy kids are saying) on the HD201's I use at work and I'm absolutely astounded how good they sound and how much more bass I get out of them. I usually run them on my laptop.
I will be playing some BF3 tonight with them.
Can anyone tell me the best DH setting to use?
I.e. 'Reference Room', 'Livelier Room' or 'Larger Room'.
Is there any problem running them on 'Exciter Mode' for headsets > 64 ohms with the HD201's?
Also, how much better are the CAL's than the HD201's?
I can see me falling into a bottomless pit of audio moneyless doom given how much better things may sound with some AKG's or Beyer's.

Jan 20, 2012 at 2:53 AM Post #3,339 of 48,583
What's your budget? A cheap and good DAC is the Fiio E10. For higher end, the Schiit Bifrost, HRT Music Streamer II...

I'm thinking of something in the range of $250 with S/PDIF in. With further research, however, I've just found the Asus Xonar Essence STX which is a DAC & 600ohm headphone package that has Dolby Headphones, of course, I except the result could not be as phenomenal as descrete DAC and Tubeamp, but just maybe, for now, that's a really viable option. :D
Jan 20, 2012 at 3:12 AM Post #3,340 of 48,583
Can't quote well on my phone, but some replies:

The Asus Essence STX would be the soundcard I'd get. The amp section is comparable to the E9 (if not the same), meaning it has some good power to drive most headphones good to well. I don't game on PC, so it doesn't make sense to me to get a good soundcard over an external DAC that I can use with other sources and not just the PC.

As for Dolby Headphone settings, I imagine the middle setting is the best, as its the most common setting on amps like the Mixamp. The other too are to small/large in terms of virtual space, FWIH.

As for HD201 vs CAL... the CAL blows the HD201 away in terms of SQ and comfort. If you have the money, the CAL is a no brainer. The only things the HD201 has over it is that its pretty evenly balanced and neutral sounding, while the CAL has emphasized bass and are warmer. The leap in sound quality is pretty significant.

edit: Damn, I guess it's a pain in the ass to use the E7 via LOD. I'm getting interference from whatever is plugged into the RCA input on the E9, as well as the E7's LOD being a bit finicky in that just touching it a little will cause some noticeable hum (louder than the Lyr's hum). I guess I'll leave it as a backup. Back to docking the E7.

I'm gonna go ahead and buy the Fiio D3 DAC (hell it's just $28). Not for use with my audio setup, but for my TV to soundbar. My TV (Panasonic 65ST30) only has an optical out, and my Vizio soundbar has a broken optical in, but two working RCA inputs (it's only a 2 channel soundbar anyway). It will drastically cut down on cable clutter (I have 4 sources currently switching around on my soundbar: PS3, 360, PS2, PC through a long 15ft RCA which suuuucks). With the D3, I can just run the HDMI and other cables directly to the TV, and just one optical from the the D3; to the soundbar. I also have the bonus of being able to use the D3 for testing against the E7. The D3 is supposedly better, so it'll be interesting to see. I don't wanna spend money on the E10, when I only need a DAC, not an amp.

Just wanna make sure that Micca is selling the newer D3 with gold inputs/output.
Jan 20, 2012 at 10:00 AM Post #3,342 of 48,583

Completely irrelevant but I couldn't help asking
How's the dt990 on C2.2?
Also I see you have the earth opamp, does that means the ACSS between NFB3.1 -> C2.2  is worse than RCA from 3.1 -> C2.2.?
Due to lunar new year, I couldnt audition the C2.2 till 2-3 weeks later maybe. Just wanna get some inputs so I would know something to expect 
. (Last audition with Rs1i wasnt exactly a "mind-blowing" experience for me)

Jan 20, 2012 at 10:51 AM Post #3,343 of 48,583
Sounds amazing. I want that feeling. Before I was only interested in Call of Duty, but with sound like that I'll pick up Skyrim, uncharted series, and anything else with great story lines! What is your recommended setup so I can replicate please? Include for console and PC.
Get the DT990/600! Best 250$ I've ever spent...
Hooked 'em up to the E9/DSS and I'm playing Uncharted 3 right now. Well, it's totally blowing my mind. No hiss, no weird distortion, just had to lower the DSS bass boost, because it didn't sound right at first, but it's perfect now.
The HD555 I used before are a joke in comparison, they sounded "weird" in some scenes, but I have to admit that they're still SLIGHTLY better when it comes to positioning...
With the 990 I feel like I'm really there with Nate and Sully, it's just that awesome. Actually, they are so good I think they're wasted to use for gaming only. And so, when I'm not playing, I hook 'em to my PC (E9+E7) and listen to my lossless music collection. I'm in total awe. Never heard anything like this before.
@Mad Lust Envy
Can't wait to read your thoughts/comparison on the new gears! By the way, are you going to keep the Beyer? Just curious to know. :)

Jan 20, 2012 at 4:26 PM Post #3,344 of 48,583
Completely irrelevant but I couldn't help asking
How's the dt990 on C2.2?
Also I see you have the earth opamp, does that means the ACSS between NFB3.1 -> C2.2  is worse than RCA from 3.1 -> C2.2.?
Due to lunar new year, I couldnt audition the C2.2 till 2-3 weeks later maybe. Just wanna get some inputs so I would know something to expect 
. (Last audition with Rs1i wasnt exactly a "mind-blowing" experience for me)


I myself haven't received my Audio-GD equipment yet. I ordered it just before Chinese holidays. I probably won't be getting the stuff until mid to late Feb.

I expect the NFB 3.1 to C-2.2 via ACSS to be noticeably superior to the RCA method.

I ordered Earth op-amps mostly because of things I will be be hooking up via RCA only (Mixamp w/ 3.5mm to RCA cable, MP3 player, etc.). I also wanna see how different a neutral op-amp (Earth) will compare to a very neutral connection (ACSS) via personal A/B testing.

I expect the C-2.2 to REALLY shine for both my main cans.

It will give the D7000 a whopping 4.5 watts@25ohm, and the DT990/600 200mw@600ohm, which I should notice compared to the weaker E9 which does less than a 1watt at 250hm, and 80mw@600ohm, and also the bad 10ohm output impedance (where the C-2.2 is 1.5ohm). Wish I still had the Lyr to compare, but I have no doubt the SS sound appeals to me more.

I wonder if the C-2.2 or NFB 3.1 come with a pair of mono cables, since the left/right are so far apart. None of my RCA cables separate that far. I guess I'll have to order from Monoprice if not. edit: Nvm, I have some monoprice RCAs I don't use that I can just split....

Jan 20, 2012 at 7:15 PM Post #3,345 of 48,583
I signed up just thank everyone here for the wealth of information. I was using a set of Logitech 930's and then moved to a set of Sennheiser HD448's. I've been in the market for a better set of headphones and based on these forums and reviews tried the ATH-AD700 and they were nice but the comfort wasn't all I was hoping for, I tried the rubber band trick but it didn't help too much. Sound wise they were fantastic, positional audio in BF3 was more then I was expecting but as many have said the bass really wasn't there. Needless to say I returned them and I will be receiving a set of Sennheiser HD598's tomorrow, pairing these with a Xonar DG in my PC and hoping for some good sound. Crossing my fingers this turns out as awesome as I'm hoping it does.
Anyways, not much of a true audiophile but can definitely understand and respect a nice set of headphones. If my hobby was this, much like a number of people here, I would probably have a ton of headphones as well. My true hobby is hockey and computers so I have a ton of stuff on that side.
Down the road I plan on getting a wireless mixamp for TV/Movie viewing and video gaming on my television.
Thanks again MLE for the awesome thread and breakdowns.

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