Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 17, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #32,521 of 48,583
Great, so my Fidelio X2 has definitely developed a channel imbalance/left driver messing up. I have less than a month before my warranty is up. Hope Philips will honor the warranty. I know how much of a hassle it is to get their customer service to even work.

Sorry to hear that.

I hope they realize that you've helped sell hundreds, if not thousands, of X1s and X2s. Too bad we don't have data tracking this.
Oct 17, 2015 at 7:34 PM Post #32,523 of 48,583
Sorry I'm a complete noob, where does the Y splitter go in the mixamp? Also am I not able to update the 2011 mixamp? I downloaded the update off the site and when I run it and connect my mixamp it still says connect a device :/
Oct 17, 2015 at 9:20 PM Post #32,524 of 48,583
Updates to Mixamps started with 2013 I believe. And the Y splitter (audio and microphone?) go to the headphone jack.
Oct 17, 2015 at 9:53 PM Post #32,525 of 48,583
Great, so my Fidelio X2 has definitely developed a channel imbalance/left driver messing up. I have less than a month before my warranty is up. Hope Philips will honor the warranty. I know how much of a hassle it is to get their customer service to even work.

Dam that sucks. I know my left ear can listen a bit more clearly than my right ear and even then I barely notice the unbalance caused by my ear...just ever so slightly. I dont think I ever want to hear an imbalance headphone ever in my life :frowning2:. Well since your warranty is almost up, better give them a call asap because dropping another 300 (well Im sure they are going to go for 200 or maybe less comes BF) isnt something everyone can do....unlike the KSC75, those I can throw away and buy as needed.
Oct 17, 2015 at 10:02 PM Post #32,526 of 48,583
Hey quick question for those that are familiar with the DSS2 and the Mixamp Pro. 
I currently use the 2011 Mixamp Pro (Apparently the one with less mic hiss), and as a somewhat competitive FPS gamer, it infuriates my teammates that my mic quality is horrendous (mic is not the issue). I have resorted to using the PS4 mono headset as my source of chat and just having headphones connected to the mixamp.
As a result of this I wanted some advice on upgrading my source for DH.
I cannot find an option for the Creative SoundBlaster Recon3D anywhere in the UK, and for the price I don't feel there X1 (? Is that the right name, the $300 option) is worth the money as I could just pick up a decent reciever that provides VSS. 
So I am left with 3 options:
1) Continue to use my 2011 Mixamp Pro without the Equalizer settings.
2) Trade it my 2011 Mixamp and get a 2015 Mixamp Pro which has preset EQ modes.
3) Trade it my 2011 Mixamp and get a DSS2.
In terms of quality which would be my best option guys? And if there are any other options please let me know.
Thank you.
Oct 18, 2015 at 4:11 AM Post #32,528 of 48,583
After a couple days of constant use, I can confirm that the K267 at $129 is the real deal and a STEAL for anyone who needs a beater closed headphone with superb isolation. I honestly can't think of any better option at this price, and I've tried quite a few. AKG and Massdrop are wrecking the headphone game with these prices on their mid-tier line up, I really must say. Bravo...
Oct 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM Post #32,529 of 48,583
Wow, great review, I wish I came across it sooner rather than over 2 months of headaches trying to decide which headphone to get :frowning2:
I do heavy gaming, mmo and fps. While also listening to music now and then, tho music isn't my main focus.
I have come down to a few remaining headphones which I still can't decide. 
AKG Q701(This was my #1 option, but hearing that they changed to china manufacturing. I am not sure if the sound for competitive gaming is the same as the Austrian one) Is this head set still the best for positional accuracy for competitive gaming while still having some life to the sound? Is it worse or better or the same compared to its Austrian variant before switching the manufacturing? I would greatly appreciate the info.
My next ones are AD700X vs ad 700 for competitive gaming and ad 900x. 
Sony ma 900 is my last option.
Of these, which do you think is best for competitive gaming? Which is the best overall as in fun factor+competitive gaming+immersion)
My audio source is asus sonar dg optical out to my schiit modi2/magni2 uber stack.
Also how is hifiman he 400i/400s for competitive gaming?(I saw no real review on them :*/ )
Since i am using the optical out from the cheap sound card to my stack, I should experience no audio sound quality loss right? Worst case ill upgrade it. My mic is separate line through usb(At 2020+).
Thanks in advanced, if you can solve these issues, you will remove most of the stress I had in deciding the best headphone. I look forward to your enlightening experience! This is my first entry into the midfi/hifi territory, I'm coming from the astro a50 and they've been great, but the audio position accuracy felt missing :frowning2:
Oct 18, 2015 at 5:35 AM Post #32,530 of 48,583
  Wow, great review, I wish I came across it sooner rather than over 2 months of headaches trying to decide which headphone to get :frowning2:
I do heavy gaming, mmo and fps. While also listening to music now and then, tho music isn't my main focus.
I have come down to a few remaining headphones which I still can't decide. 
AKG Q701(This was my #1 option, but hearing that they changed to china manufacturing. I am not sure if the sound for competitive gaming is the same as the Austrian one) Is this head set still the best for positional accuracy for competitive gaming while still having some life to the sound? Is it worse or better or the same compared to its Austrian variant before switching the manufacturing? I would greatly appreciate the info.
My next ones are AD700X vs ad 700 for competitive gaming and ad 900x. 
Sony ma 900 is my last option.
Of these, which do you think is best for competitive gaming? Which is the best overall as in fun factor+competitive gaming+immersion)
My audio source is asus sonar dg optical out to my schiit modi2/magni2 uber stack.
Also how is hifiman he 400i/400s for competitive gaming?(I saw no real review on them :*/ )
Since i am using the optical out from the cheap sound card to my stack, I should experience no audio sound quality loss right? Worst case ill upgrade it. My mic is separate line through usb(At 2020+).
Thanks in advanced, if you can solve these issues, you will remove most of the stress I had in deciding the best headphone. I look forward to your enlightening experience! This is my first entry into the midfi/hifi territory, I'm coming from the astro a50 and they've been great, but the audio position accuracy felt missing :frowning2:

AFAIK all Xonar cards use the same DSP chip so there should be no quality loss here since You're bypassing integrated dac/amp section. As for the headphones, read the first post of this thread.
Oct 18, 2015 at 6:31 AM Post #32,531 of 48,583

cheers for the confirmation regarding my sound card, thats what i was thinking the along the line. Bypass through optical out while supporting dolby surround. I read the whole review on the first page, and it has made me decide on the AKG q701, but since the review the aka manufacturing went from Austria to now china. I've read Chinese aka q701 variants are lower quality where the right driver for some have rattled or died. 
I am wondering if some people owned both the old q701(Austrian) and the new ones manufactured from china and can see the difference in performance, particularly positional audio accuracy or can hopefully confirm that there is no loss in quality/performance. I hope they are the same or better, but unfortunately i don't have the luxury of affording a mistake atm and thus would be stuck with the decision for a while. I am open to suggestions to better headphones offering better imaging and soundstage for competitive/immersive gaming.
Thanks in advanced.
Oct 19, 2015 at 1:46 AM Post #32,533 of 48,583
Honestly don't get the Q701's unless you are going to fix the headband. They are really uncomfortable. I just sold mine after a year of hardly using them. Try the AKG 612's. I think you'll like them just as much I had both at one time and love the sound stage on them. Made me shed tears of joy when watching the season 1 finale of Legend Of Korra. Greatest Change for days!!!  
Oct 19, 2015 at 11:23 AM Post #32,534 of 48,583
I tried making a thread about this, but there seems to be a problem with the forum. Either there is a bug or the moderators have changed their terms and conditions regarding threads being checked before final submission. Considering my question is only partially related to gaming headphones, please ignore this if you don't feel it is a fitting place to ask. However, if you have an opinion, please let me know as soon as you can, as the Massdrop for the K7XX ends very shortly.
The Fidelio X2's are roughly €400 from Amazon. I believe they could be found for cheaper than that, but very few places appear to offer them. The benefit of the X2's over the AKG K7XX's is how easy they are to power. Whilst I intend to purchase a NFB-15 from Audio-GD for my desktop no matter what model I end up going with, I will also be using the headphones with my television to watch Netflix and Blu-rays on my Playstation in another room. My concern is that the K7XX's will not run very efficiently. Can anyone offer an opinion on this? I have no problem purchasing a small headphone amplifier that I can use for my television, but the outputs on my TV are limited and I wonder whether it's even possible. Can I run digital optical out from my Samsung television to an amplifier and then to my headphones? If so and there are no affordable (sub-€100) amplifiers with a toslink optical digital input, can I purchase a Toslink to Coaxial converter and finish the chain with something like the FIIO E10K?
I will be using the headphones for gaming mostly, but also listening to music (everything from Hip-Hop to Heavy Metal to Classical) and watching films. I am not a highly competitive FPS player, but I do like to remove all disadvantages. I value immersion and fun as much as I do clarity and accuracy. I prefer a leaner sound in general when listening to music, something that is natural and clear. My current headphones are the AKG K550's and have been very happy with the sound signature. It's a tighter, leaner sound, with decent soundstaging. I had always intended on picking up a second pair to go alongside them, but that has been pushed forward after I broke my beloved K550's. Whilst I still hope to repair them, I am keen to pick up their replacement now rather than later, especially as the Massdrop K7XX's ends in a few hours and will only be €250 including shipping and import duties from the States. Comparing that to the Fidelio X2's at €400, even if I purchased an E10K, I'd still be saving money.
Any thoughts?
Oct 19, 2015 at 11:23 AM Post #32,535 of 48,583
  Honestly don't get the Q701's unless you are going to fix the headband. They are really uncomfortable. I just sold mine after a year of hardly using them. Try the AKG 612's. I think you'll like them just as much I had both at one time and love the sound stage on them. Made me shed tears of joy when watching the season 1 finale of Legend Of Korra. Greatest Change for days!!!  

I guess my head is thicker than most, because I have no comfort issues at all with the headband. :D

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