Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 27, 2015 at 2:09 PM Post #29,236 of 48,583
  No release date at this point anyways, so start saving your pennies now!  lol
Honestly, if I did consider the HE-1000, I'd have to listen to the Stax and such also before buying.  Similar price range, potentially.

After I saw what happens when an electrostatic driver malfunctions, I don't think I'll ever be comfortable owning one of those headphones.
Feb 28, 2015 at 8:28 AM Post #29,237 of 48,583
Has anyone used the tritton 720+ decoder box or does use it over astro? I read the review on here but I cant make up my mind because I hear there is a ton of hissing.. Why must there always be hissing in these things. I thought wired headsets shouldnt have a hiss..
Feb 28, 2015 at 11:17 AM Post #29,238 of 48,583
I just received my AKG KXX and i really liking them, but they need some good amplification, so im search for a good SS amp for them, specially because i need another gain, my 5.1 setup needs like 10 times less gain, so a separate amp with its own volume/gain will help me keep both setups in same levels on the PC.  So if anyone has a good suggestion for a SS amp for the KXX, please let me know.
Feb 28, 2015 at 11:19 AM Post #29,239 of 48,583
  I just received my AKG KXX and i really liking them, but they need some good amplification, so im search for a good SS amp for them, specially because i need another gain, my 5.1 setup needs like 10 times less gain, so a separate amp with its own volume/gain will help me keep both setups in same levels on the PC.  So if anyone has a good suggestion for a SS amp for the KXX, please let me know.

An O2 or Magni 2 will work for you.
Feb 28, 2015 at 11:23 AM Post #29,240 of 48,583
  I just received my AKG KXX and i really liking them, but they need some good amplification, so im search for a good SS amp for them, specially because i need another gain, my 5.1 setup needs like 10 times less gain, so a separate amp with its own volume/gain will help me keep both setups in same levels on the PC.  So if anyone has a good suggestion for a SS amp for the KXX, please let me know.

Pretty much any of the ones listed in the amp section of the guide.
Feb 28, 2015 at 1:55 PM Post #29,241 of 48,583
He wants more bass than the X2. So many recommendations for headphones with LESS bass.

Just get the X1. You're not going to find open headphones with bass that strong, X2 was already very good in bass for an open headphone. If you want more bass, give up going with open headphones and choose from the million of closed headphones that do bass like nobody's business.

Bluntly speaking, because I tire of beating around the bush with things like this.


I say this, because I like my bass too. I nreally enjoy the low, never overwhelming bass on the Custom One Pro (with 2nd and 3rd slider positions). It's a reminder that open headphones just won't do bass quite like a closed headphone.

Makes me wanna hunt for a D7000 again. As well as trying it with the Shure 1540 pads. I swear, if the TH900 was under 1K, I'd impulse buy.

In fact, I may take up Philip's offer for a refund and risk the TH600. Of course, that means dealing with the horrible customer service.

Have you tried Velour pads with the Custom One Pros? would these fit on them?
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:19 PM Post #29,242 of 48,583
He wants more bass than the X2. So many recommendations for headphones with LESS bass.

Just get the X1. You're not going to find open headphones with bass that strong, X2 was already very good in bass for an open headphone. If you want more bass, give up going with open headphones and choose from the million of closed headphones that do bass like nobody's business.

Bluntly speaking, because I tire of beating around the bush with things like this.


I say this, because I like my bass too. I nreally enjoy the low, never overwhelming bass on the Custom One Pro (with 2nd and 3rd slider positions). It's a reminder that open headphones just won't do bass quite like a closed headphone.

Makes me wanna hunt for a D7000 again. As well as trying it with the Shure 1540 pads. I swear, if the TH900 was under 1K, I'd impulse buy.

In fact, I may take up Philip's offer for a refund and risk the TH600. Of course, that means dealing with the horrible customer service.

I may just have to send you the 1540, after all.

You have a point. The HE560/T1 do have a hair more bass than the X2, but it isn't the focus or as apparent. It is a lot deeper though, which is why I think he'd like the overall warmer tone of those two. I do have a weird habit of forgetting that "more/quantity of" bass isn't the same thing as "deeper/quality" bass. The best open headphone for his tastes probably is the LCD 2. I'd recommend the HE400, but it does have less bass even though it is infinitely deeper in sub-bass.

But yah, I agree with you, he isn't going to get much out of these unless he just gets a closed headphone. He MIGHT like the ZMF Vibros (you might actually like these, but I'm not 100%. They do have more bass than the K712, but not exactly Denon or LCD 2 level) or the Mad Dogs (which I forgot about and they do have more bass than the X2 but less open.)  His best bet is the TH600, as that is to the closed headphones as what the T1 is to open (as in, it is a semi-open headphone that is more closed than open and the T1 is a semi-open headphone that is more open than it is closed.)

Also, how much lower do you want to go than $1000? I've seen some on here for $900. Razordog has them for 1050 right now: . Honestly, I enjoyed the TH900 more than the TH600, but not as much as the D7000.

Wait, how can the 560 have more bass than the X2, when (based off what I've read) it has less bass than the already lacking 400i? I currently have the 400i, and have heard the X2. The X2 clearly had more bass. How the 560 can beat it in quantity I don't see how...

Mad's right. The guy wants more bass, and people are recommending the wrong thing. The person needs to go closed, and go for something like the 1540, Z7, TH600, or 7520.
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:42 PM Post #29,243 of 48,583
Have you tried Velour pads with the Custom One Pros? would these fit on them?

Full velour is likely to negatively impact headphones that relybon pleather. I HIGHLY suggest the 1540 Alcantara pads instead, which are basically sealed like pleather/leatger, but with a velour like top. The pads are expensive, but well worth it.

If/when i return the X2 (tired of Philips lack of service, dont wanna risk my X2 messing up in the future even more and Philips not doing anything), I'm just gonna jump straight to the 1540. That will also benefit me by giving access to the 1540 pads when i review other headphones. The onpy potential problem is the screen on the 1540 pads is thick and may muffle headphones that dont typically have such a thick screen. I removed the screen on the 1840 pads i have, but i dont think i wanna do that to the 1540, especially since the 1540 itself needs it.
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:43 PM Post #29,244 of 48,583
Wait, how can the 560 have more bass than the X2, when (based off what I've read) it has less bass than the already lacking 400i? I currently have the 400i, and have heard the X2. The X2 clearly had more bass. How the 560 can beat it in quantity I don't see how...

Mad's right. The guy wants more bass, and people are recommending the wrong thing. The person needs to go closed, and go for something like the 1540, Z7, TH600, or 7520.

I'd argue that statement. But as we've noted before I like my bass a little bit tighter and faster than you and MLE. The 400i has very nice bass and once I finish the mods this week then it will be perfect (I hope).
Now if someone said the 560 had better bass quality than the X2 I'd want to agree. But I haven't heard the X2, only the X1, so that's simply an assumption on my part.
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:45 PM Post #29,245 of 48,583
I'd argue that statement. But as we've noted before I like my bass a little bit tighter and faster than you and MLE. The 400i has very nice bass and once I finish the mods this week then it will be perfect (I hope).

Now if someone said the 560 had better bass quality than the X2 I'd want to agree. But I haven't heard the X2, only the X1, so that's simply an assumption on my part.

Oh, no doubt will the 560 have better bass quality, I would assume. But, we are talking about quantity. The guy wants more bass than the X2, which is why I say suggestions like the 560 and T1 wouldn't be the best choices for his preference.
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:51 PM Post #29,246 of 48,583
Oh, no doubt will the 560 have better bass quality, I would assume. But, we are talking about quantity. The guy wants more bass than the X2, which is why I say suggestions like the 560 and T1 wouldn't be the best choices for his preference.

The T1 had less bass than the X1, so since the X2 is supposed to have improved upon the X1's bass I can assume that you're right.
Mad Dogs and Mad Dog Primes are beasts when it comes to nice bass.
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:52 PM Post #29,247 of 48,583
Yes. No matter how quality bass is, there is a certain amount of presence and immediate impact that some of us want. Recommending headphones with less immediate impact than the X2 is... Not going to help.
Feb 28, 2015 at 3:03 PM Post #29,248 of 48,583
I'd argue that statement. But as we've noted before I like my bass a little bit tighter and faster than you and MLE. The 400i has very nice bass and once I finish the mods this week then it will be perfect (I hope).
Now if someone said the 560 had better bass quality than the X2 I'd want to agree. But I haven't heard the X2, only the X1, so that's simply an assumption on my part.

I admitted that I was mixing up sub-bass (quality) as "more bass" as opposed to mid-bass (quantity) being "more bass." Plus, my experiences maybe skewed due to using the bass mods on the HE560, which really gives it a lot more heft. Pre-fixing though, the HE560 has more bass than the HE400i (if just slightly) but it's not emphasized in the mid-bass like the HE400i is. The thing with the X2 is that the mid-bass is the most emphasized thing on that headphone (based on numbers anyway) and you'd have to turn the headphone louder to hear everything else, which makes that section (which is already louder than the rest of the frequencies) stand out. The HE560 is incredibly linear until you hit the upper-mids and so it isn't the main focus or standing out. The X2 does have a HAIR more mid-bass than the HE560, but it's based upon a fun sound and it achieves that pretty well.
The T1 does, purely based on numbers anyway, does have more mid-bass than the X2 (as it is suppose to be a warm-ish headphone, but that can be debated) but it has the same issue as the HE560 in that it isn't emphasized. It's also accompanied by a 1425 ohm impedance hike, despite what most people say or claim, it doesn't seem to do well in the bass department unless you throw something like a Soloist (though that's too bright sometimes) or a Lyr/Valhalla (which it does very well with.)
It's more of a "practical use isn't matching the actual numbers" kind of issue.
Feb 28, 2015 at 5:19 PM Post #29,249 of 48,583
Full velour is likely to negatively impact headphones that relybon pleather. I HIGHLY suggest the 1540 Alcantara pads instead, which are basically sealed like pleather/leatger, but with a velour like top. The pads are expensive, but well worth it.

If/when i return the X2 (tired of Philips lack of service, dont wanna risk my X2 messing up in the future even more and Philips not doing anything), I'm just gonna jump straight to the 1540. That will also benefit me by giving access to the 1540 pads when i review other headphones. The onpy potential problem is the screen on the 1540 pads is thick and may muffle headphones that dont typically have such a thick screen. I removed the screen on the 1840 pads i have, but i dont think i wanna do that to the 1540, especially since the 1540 itself needs it.

Before i pull the trigger and buy them one last question, how do those pads compare to these, asking since i heard these were better than the ones i recommended you, however don't know if they are better than the ones you recommended.
Feb 28, 2015 at 6:48 PM Post #29,250 of 48,583
The 770 velours will probably pair up very well with the COP, and you won't have to butcher them compared to the 1540 pads. Honestly, it's a safer choice. I only mentioned the 1540, forgetting about it's thick screen. I don't think you wanna spend $40 to then cut off the screen, and that won't guarantee it pairs up well with the COP. The 770 pads probably well, and if they don't, you could just return them.

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