Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:23 PM Post #2,641 of 48,643

I wouldn't say the DT770 aren't all that great, just that for a few dollars more, you can have better. I'd personally choose the D2000 first, if it's anything like the D7000. Considering the Creative Aurvana Live is pretty much a slightly improved D1001, and I find the CAL to be comparable to the DT770 Pro 80, it would make sense to hold out for some D2000s.
If it wasn't for the fact that I really don't want a pair of cans with leather/pleather pads, the D2000 would be in my house right now.

Interesting. I'm being lazy here and assuming that the D5k's and the D7k's aren't closed sets? With the D2k's, what, if anything would you use to power them? I'm looking to use a portable amp, not something I have to leave on a table.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:26 PM Post #2,642 of 48,643

Interesting. I'm being lazy here and assuming that the D5k's and the D7k's aren't closed sets? With the D2k's, what, if anything would you use to power them? I'm looking to use a portable amp, not something I have to leave on a table.

all i know is ive heard the d5k is everything the the d2k has weak. 
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:26 PM Post #2,643 of 48,643

Interesting. I'm being lazy here and assuming that the D5k's and the D7k's aren't closed sets? With the D2k's, what, if anything would you use to power them? I'm looking to use a portable amp, not something I have to leave on a table.

Denon D2k, D7k are closed and very easy to drive. straight from iPhone or a cheap fiio E6 does the trick.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:27 PM Post #2,644 of 48,643
BTW guys, the Mass Effect 2 demo is about to finish downloading, so I'll be testing it with the Mixamp alone, and with the E9 hooked up.

Judging just by the menus on the 360 and PS3, the 250ohm needs as much as the 32ohm and 60ohm on the volume pot. That confirms that all three ohm versions of the Beyers need the practically the same amount of juice from the Mixamp (discounting the 80ohm which FWIR requires LESS volume, even less than the 32ohm). Of course volume =/= drivability, but I'm gonna say pre-test that the 250ohm would work better than the 600ohm off the Mixamp alone, assuming it doesn't clip during bassy intense action like the 600 ohms can at times.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:30 PM Post #2,645 of 48,643

Lol. Okay. The XB500 is one of the worst headphones I've had the displeasure of owning. Seeing that you think they're actually good, well I'm definitely not gonna be helping you any more. Go to your other basshead buddies, because I prefer my bassy headphones to actually have some semblance of quality. I think you should change your sig too, to something about loving fart cannons. Lol.

Nice and upfront vocals from the XB500? He must've had the Jesus Revision.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:32 PM Post #2,646 of 48,643

Denon D2k, D7k are closed and very easy to drive. straight from iPhone or a cheap fiio E6 does the trick.

Sounds like I may go with the D7k's, and be just like MLE :) Thanks, obazavil. Would an E9 be a better purchase than the E6 if I may be looking to power other devices in the future?
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:34 PM Post #2,647 of 48,643

Lol. Okay. The XB500 is one of the worst headphones I've had the displeasure of owning. Seeing that you think they're actually good, well I'm definitely not gonna be helping you any more. Go to your other basshead buddies, because I prefer my bassy headphones to actually have some semblance of quality. I think you should change your sig too, to something about loving fart cannons. Lol.
Nice and upfront vocals from the XB500? He must've had the Jesus Revision.

Dec 13, 2011 at 6:34 PM Post #2,648 of 48,643
Yes, the E9 is a lot more powerful than any other Fiio amp.

You will absolutely love the D7K. Of that I have no doubt.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:36 PM Post #2,650 of 48,643
Did you forget i owned the triple fi 10s?  sure they had better quality and clarity, but were they this fun/enjoyable? NOOOOO! 
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:37 PM Post #2,651 of 48,643
If you directly compare, I guarantee the clarity and front vocal nonsense will be dismissed. The XB500 is an extremely congested, muddy, and veiled headphone.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:40 PM Post #2,652 of 48,643

fiio e7? add the e9, itl power them in ways the e7 cant, since its kind of made for less impedance headphones since its portable too..

I don't think you will need an extra amp for 250Ohms headphones.
if you want it anyway, it must not be E7, it should be E9 instead. Amping section on E7 is pretty weak

Thanks guys, I'll listen to the E7 first and I'll be getting the E9 later (no money atm, lol).

BTW guys, the Mass Effect 2 demo is about to finish downloading, so I'll be testing it with the Mixamp alone, and with the E9 hooked up.
Judging just by the menus on the 360 and PS3, the 250ohm needs as much as the 32ohm and 60ohm on the volume pot. That confirms that all three ohm versions of the Beyers need the practically the same amount of juice from the Mixamp (discounting the 80ohm which FWIR requires LESS volume, even less than the 32ohm). Of course volume =/= drivability, but I'm gonna say pre-test that the 250ohm would work better than the 600ohm off the Mixamp alone, assuming it doesn't clip during bassy intense action like the 600 ohms can at times.

Sorry Envy, how did you hook up the mixamp to the E9? I mean, do I just need a 3.5mm cable?
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:41 PM Post #2,653 of 48,643

If you directly compare, I guarantee the clarity and front vocal nonsense will be dismissed. The XB500 is an extremely congested, muddy, and veiled headphone.

But with which will i enjoy the thump more? while still having a level of sound quality thats non bothering? xb500! I'' one day i'll have the dt 990 pros with the Zo and tell you how glorious it will be, till then, ima rock out with the huge bass and impact master xb500 

btw, if you were to rate the bass from the dt770's impact/slam/thump etc a 4 out of 5, what would u rate the 990 pros? 3.5? thanks
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:44 PM Post #2,654 of 48,643
I don't have them side by side to compare, but if the DT770 Pros were a 9 in terms of bass quantity, the DT990 Pros are an 8.5. They seriously thump harder than any open can I have ever heard. In comparison, I'd rate the XB500 bass quantity at a 12. Too much.

It's okay to enjoy the XB500. I bought them AFTER having owned all the mid/high-ish end headphones. I wanted a guilty pleasure. I could not enjoy how incredibly muddy and bass bloated they were, with no semblance of clarity and detail. All they have is bass. JUST bass.

The XB700 is better in every single way other than mid bass. They actually sound mid-fi-ish.
Dec 13, 2011 at 6:48 PM Post #2,655 of 48,643

I don't have them side by side to compare, but if the DT770 Pros were a 9 in terms of bass quantity, the DT990 Pros are an 8.5. They seriously thump harder than any open can I have ever heard. In comparison, I'd rate the XB500 bass quantity at a 12. Too much.
It's okay to enjoy the XB500. I bought them AFTER having owned all the mid/high-ish end headphones. I wanted a guilty pleasure. I could not enjoy how incredibly muddy and bass bloated they were, with no semblance of clarity and detail. All they have is bass. JUST bass.
The XB700 is better in every single way other than mid bass.

I think the dt990s have EVERYTHING i want, and to obtain xb500-like bass,  i wonder if the zo2 will help...ill go search for anyone to have both, im quite hopefull since there have not been any side effects reported like you theorized with the zo2 undermining the sound of some headphones! Remember, it's new technology and it's not been seen before, so its ok to be skeptical and think it "dosent make sense" just try it out, they have a 60 day trial period!! full refund! then you can finally make a review and shut us all up! :)

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