++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jan 24, 2012 at 4:33 PM Post #11,326 of 29,490

AKG K271 MK II 55 ohm : comfortable / detachable cable / under 200$ / closed / Very neutral, slightly colored
BEYER DT770 PRO 250 ohm : comfortable / 300$ (need to check) / closed / big bass
BEYER DT880 PRO 250 ohm : comfortable / 300$ (need to check) / closed / more neutral than DT770 PRO, very nice can
For detachable cable, you have KRK KNS 8400 / FISCHER AUDIO FA-005 / Ultrasone PRO 750 for example !

Thanks. I'll check them out and report back :)
Jan 24, 2012 at 4:44 PM Post #11,327 of 29,490
So I've used a pair of Shure SE420s for the past three years or so. I'm not an audiophile by any means; I just love music. I loved them for their portability and great sound quality. They don't sound that great to me anymore though, but they're still perfect for walking to class and such. I received a good sum of cash for my 21st birthday and figured it's time to invest in non-IEMs. I was going to go for the SE530s, but I've been taking a look at some other things. 
I don't know much about full sized headphones. I'm willing to spend in the $200-300 range. I was looking at some Sennheiser and Grado headphones (those are the two brands that are in my head), but nothing really caught my eye. I'm in college and they'll be used around my apartment and in the library and such. I want something that's comfortable and slightly stylish..the stuff I was seeing looked reallllly ugly, haha. 
In terms of music, I listen to a lot of post-rock and instrumental stuff. If you don't know what that is, think ambient & atmospheric with big crescendos and such. I also listen to a lot of acoustic music, and varying types of rock..nothing too heavy though. I don't really care about it having a lot of bass, as I seem to lean towards more trebly sounding things. 
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:07 PM Post #11,328 of 29,490
I want headphones that work well with my ipod and my laptop.  I will listen to just about everything from pop, r&b, ballad, rock, classic, hiphop, and in lesser times electronic.
I will be using it in the library primarily, with rooms and public places sometimes.  NO LEAKAGE is a must. I don't want others to be able to hear what I hear since I will be using it in mainly common and quiet places.
COMFORT(very important)
the comfort around the ear and heat will be major.
anywhere less than $300, I'd be willing to go slightly over if it gets a me an absolute steal.  Of course cheaper the better.
Slightly important, I don't want to carry around a brick while everyone is staring at me with their not-worth-the-money beats headphones.
Jan 24, 2012 at 7:21 PM Post #11,329 of 29,490

Thanks, I thought about wireless with a digital input, but I've heard that Sennheiser GROSSLY overstates the range (distance from the base station before you lose audio).  Does anyone own them?

I don't actually know anything about that, but there might be more info in the dedicated RS220 thread. Regardless, it'll definitely go across your living room.

Well a just made a new thread about this, being unaware of this thread's existence... sorry... I'll repost what I said here:
Alright so my first and only pair of cans thus far has been a pair of Sony MDR-V6's, which I love, albeit without much of a reference point otherwise; I've had them for about a year (since I first got into this hi-fi business) and I think I'm ready to move on/ up. I mostly listen to alternative and indie rock, a bit of electronic here and there, and have even been getting into some rap lately. I usually listen from my Creative Zen X-Fi + Fiio E6 amp or my desktop which has an Asus Xonar XG sound card, and most of my library is 320 mp3. The very top of my price range is $300, but cheaper is just fine with me 
. I would prefer closed-back cans, because I do a lot of listening on the go with people around, and would rather not have everyone hear me. 

So far I've considered the Denon D2000's, AT A900's and Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro-80's. One concern I've heard about the D2000's is that they leak sound, though, and I'm wondering how bad it is. I would like something with some punch in the bass, as I'm a little bored with the flatness of my V6's, but certainly not overwhelming; I'm not looking for a pair of hip-hop cans or anything. I don't really care how they look or how big they are, so long as they're comfortable; I also have ears that stick out a bit, if that's a concern. 
I want this: 
 and a little of this: 
 in a closed back can for under $300. 

Any suggestions/ comments/ recommendations?

The ATs probably won't be that different from your V6s, at least not in the Fun department. The D2000 would probably fit you better for that, while I think I've heard that the DT770s are on the bright side. 

Hello. I'm going to buy some new headphones after ruining my old Bose headphones and I want to step it up a notch. I'm also planning to buy a Maverick Tubemagic A1 hybrid amp so I want some headphones that benefits from that. Some other requirements:
  1. Comfortable (got kind of a large head)
  2. Detachable cable
  3. 200-250$
  4. Noise-proof (by that I mean headphones that doesn't leak too much sound either in or out)
They will be used primarily for music-listening. I listen to a lot of different stuff like some jazz, classical piano, orchestras, post-rock, metal, techno and so on, but for me it's more important with a crisp and detailed sound than lots of bass.
I live in Norway and while there are a few soundshops where I can try something on, the prices are extremely high (an example is the AKQ Q701 which I can get for 250$ or so from some webshop. At my nearest soundstore they cost 500$ and that is only because they are on sale (former price 680$!!)) and the variety of brands are poor. I think AKG, Beats by Dre, Bose and expensive Beyer-phones are the only brands available.

Can you get the SRH840s? That might work for your music choices. If you're using it at home, though open might not be that bad, so in that case you can get the Senn HD558/598.

I'll probably end up buying an E7/E9 to power them.
I don't know whether it's worth spending $100 extra to go from the 600 to 650, or whether I should even go for them over the D2000.

The D2000 are considerably more bass-heavy than the others, and will suit different genres. Also, the E7/E9 might not be able to drive the Sennheisers to their full potentials, so keep that in mind.

hey does sennheiser IE 8 sound good with metal, dubstep?

The bass and soundstage might work for dubstep, but it might be a bit laid-back for metal.

Hello Head-Fi'ers,
I currently own a pair of AKG K 450 wich make me quite happy. They're also perfect for portable use.
BUT, as a Head-Fi'er, I can't remain only "happy" with headphones, I want my headphones to take me further than only happy. In addition, I've received some money for Christmas. So, I've (almost) decided to buy new headphones.
By browsing Head-Fi for several months, my choice has narrowed to the Alessandro MS1i's (which are more "versatile" than Grado SR60i's as I read [I don't speak about the SR80i's or higher because they're damn expensive here in France], and are "home-upgradable").
I listen to plenty of genres of music, and I'll soon start to listen to those I don't listen yet. In short, I'll listen to absolutely all genres of music, with a predominance of metal of all genres.
I'm not searching extraordinary soundstage, neutrality or very specifical things, I just want my music to make me fly (OK, with a ~$120 budget).
So, four questions :
- Is it worth the cost to upgrade from AKG K 450's to MS1i's for home use ?
- Would you advise me to buy other headphones than the MS1i's (I'm thinking about the Brainwavz HM5's) ?
- Would you advise me IEMs, instead of full-sized cans, that would be better than the MS1i's, and still  under $120 ?
- Are the MS1i's "bad" with electro, dubstep or rap, or is it just that there are better cans for these genres ?
Thank you.

The Grados/Alessandros will probably do it for metal, but as long as you find them comfortable, and don't need isolation. The MS1s might not have enough bass for those genres you mentioned. For that, maybe see if you can find some closed cans like the M50s, SRH840s, or HFI580s. Whether or not you need IEMs depends on whether you need portability and isolation. They can provide better sound quality for your money, but you sacrifice soundstage and some find them uncomfortable. For your price range, I would recommend the JVC FXT90.

What about the ATH-M10? For 35 $ it's a good deal? Someone has this headphones? HD 201 or 202 it's a best option? Thank you

I have not heard the M10, but maybe you could look around here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/433318/shootout-96-portable-headphones-reviewed-v-moda-m-80-added-11-27-11

Okay I'm narrowing down my list of headphones.
History: I have the HD555, I dont like it much because there's barely any bass (not a basshead), doesnt sound to clear, and it does not isolate. I'm looking for ones that I can take with me via car ride, airplane, or at home; also ones with a cord that doesn't wrap around my whole body, something less than 3m(9 feet). 
I listen to rap, r&b, trance, and electropop (Owl city) 
Shure 840 $127
HFI580 $118
Sennheisser HD25-1 $130
Sennheisser HD280 pro $77
These are the prices on amazon. 
EDIT:  I will not be using a portable amp anytime soon. I will be using a iphone 4, or if I'm on my computer I have a Xonar DG. 
Thanks .

The 840 and 280 have long coiled cables, so might not suit you. Look into other portables as well, like the V-Moda M80. The HD25 is a very solid pair of portables as well, though I don't know where you're getting it for $130.

I listen to trance, electronica, rap, metal, and inception type music. I have 3 uses for the headphones I want to buy: FPS gaming, regular gaming & movies, and gym usage.
I was considering getting the D2000's for FPS/gaming/movies and trying them out in the gym. $285
I was considering getting the AD700 for FPS and the M-80 for gaming/movies/gym. $310
Which would be the better option? I'm just worried that the D2000's are too big for the gym and that they have that screw problem, and the pair I'm buying might not be under warranty as I'm buying them from a seller on Amazon. Amazon is a listed dealer for Denon, but I'm not sure about their sellers.
Furthermore I'm not sure if I could use an E5 for the AD700 to boost bass a little, and whether or not the M-80 is good enough for movies/games/gym.

The D2000s probably won't be portable enough for gym use. The second combo looks better, though dividing up usage scenarios between two pairs. Also, check the deals thread for info on Electronics Expo's $200 open-box but still very new D2000s (with warranty).

Headphones for acoustic and 'traditional' musics

I think I'm getting the basics of what to look for in a new pair of headphones, but I'm having difficulties finding what I want in my price range (~£50).

I live alone, so isolation and closed backs don't have much benefit for me. I've read a lot of good things about open backs and think the more 'natural' sound would suit my tastes as well. But I'm having difficulties tracking down a pair for under £80 which isn't advertised as being bass-oriented.

Most of the music I listen to is traditional or recent variants - acoustic fiddle, pipes, flute, guitar and such. Lots of intricate work going on in the treble and mid ranges, but generally not as much in the bass. These genres are centred around live performance, so fiddling with those dynamics by upping bass just doesn't make sense.

I like to geek out and try to understand how all of the parts fit together, so separation of instruments has a fair bit of appeal,,,, at least in theory. %-) I wouldn't want to lose the resonances between instruments though since they're such an important aspect of this sort of music.

If I need to go into a higher price bracket, I can do that but would prefer to keep the costs down for now.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

For ~$75, maybe look into the Superlux 668B, if you can get it where you live. Otherwise, the selection at that price point is not great.

So I've used a pair of Shure SE420s for the past three years or so. I'm not an audiophile by any means; I just love music. I loved them for their portability and great sound quality. They don't sound that great to me anymore though, but they're still perfect for walking to class and such. I received a good sum of cash for my 21st birthday and figured it's time to invest in non-IEMs. I was going to go for the SE530s, but I've been taking a look at some other things. 
I don't know much about full sized headphones. I'm willing to spend in the $200-300 range. I was looking at some Sennheiser and Grado headphones (those are the two brands that are in my head), but nothing really caught my eye. I'm in college and they'll be used around my apartment and in the library and such. I want something that's comfortable and slightly stylish..the stuff I was seeing looked reallllly ugly, haha. 
In terms of music, I listen to a lot of post-rock and instrumental stuff. If you don't know what that is, think ambient & atmospheric with big crescendos and such. I also listen to a lot of acoustic music, and varying types of rock..nothing too heavy though. I don't really care about it having a lot of bass, as I seem to lean towards more trebly sounding things. 

If you're going to use them in the library, you'll want closed headphones (which Grados and most Senns are not). For that you'd probably want a pair of closed cans like the M50/SRH840/HM5 etc. However, you might also consider keeping the IEMs for library use, and using the open cans exclusively for use at home/in the dorm, etc, as that might get you the best sound. 
In that case, Grados can be quite polarizing, and are recommended more if you don't need deep bass and like treble grit (i.e. metal). The Senns (HD558/598) should be better all-arounders, but you might also want to invest in an amp (i.e. E9/E10, etc) to drive them to their full potentials.

I want headphones that work well with my ipod and my laptop.  I will listen to just about everything from pop, r&b, ballad, rock, classic, hiphop, and in lesser times electronic.
I will be using it in the library primarily, with rooms and public places sometimes.  NO LEAKAGE is a must. I don't want others to be able to hear what I hear since I will be using it in mainly common and quiet places.
COMFORT(very important)
the comfort around the ear and heat will be major.
anywhere less than $300, I'd be willing to go slightly over if it gets a me an absolute steal.  Of course cheaper the better.
Slightly important, I don't want to carry around a brick while everyone is staring at me with their not-worth-the-money beats headphones.

Maybe look into the Denon D2000(though they may leak a bit) or the Brainwavz HM5. Unfortunately, a lot of closed cans tend to clamp and heat up a bit, so the selection is a bit limited. I think there's a couple I'm missing however, if someone else can help out?
Jan 24, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #11,330 of 29,490
Hi all. I'm looking to buy some over ear headphones for 30% music, 30% gaming, 30% sound/music production, 10% movies and other. My budget is ideally $150, but I'll extend a bit if needed. I'm fine buying used.
I primarily use my large speakers for music and movies, but I'd like the option of listening through my desktop and laptop when i need to. I care most about a big soundstage, since I will be gaming on these as well as writing scores for my film composition major. Music-wise, I listen to everything and, while I like bass, I don't want them to be bass monsters. Accuracy and large soundstage are more important. 
My sound card is the E-MU 1212m, so I can EQ a bit as well.
I've looked at the HD 558, though I'm not really a fan of the looks. Other than that, I really don't know where to start. I'm not interested in modding since I like to have the warranty (unless it's a REALLY good mod).
I don't currently have an amp, but I will soon. Suggestions on a DIY amp would be great.
I've been looking at the Beyer DT990, since it games well, is open, and has gotten really good reviews. At $170, that seems like a steal. I've looked at the M50's as well, but they seem too bass heavy and not accurate enough (or is that just the rep they've gotten since everyone seems to claim they're overrated these days?). One plus to the M50's is I really like the way they look and how compact they can fold up, but this doesn't really matter in the end.
Oh, comfort is key, since I'll be wearing these for 6-10 hours a day.
Jan 24, 2012 at 9:25 PM Post #11,331 of 29,490
I posted here a little while ago and I appreciated the responses, but I still haven't made a decision, so I thought I might rephrase my plea for advice. I'm looking for the best quality SQ for ~200$, but with some design caveats.
Price: ~200$
SQ: best possible given other constraints
Music Source: iPhone or MacBook Pro without amp
Music Content: Melodic post rock (Toe), Classic Blues (Muddy Waters, Seasick Steve), New-age blues (Black Keys, White Stripes), Industrial Metal (Static-X), Folk (early Bob Dylan)
Size: Full-size, circumaural
Backing: Closed back
Comfort: Moderate to good - enough to get 3-5hrs use
Leakage: Moderate to low - I don't need absolute silence, but I wouldn't want to disturb others.
Noise cancelation: Passive, but I wouldn't pass up a model if it had optional active
Portability: None necessary, though durability is always good
Cord: One-sided with 3-button inline remote, preferably though not necessarily detachable
What would you recommend? My primary frustration has been finding something with both the inline remote that also reaches the SQ one would expect from 200. I would even be willing, though hesitant, to go up to the 300$ range. Beats is out of the question. I love the design of the TMA-1, but what I hear about how they're designed for club music is off-putting unless I can find someone who will let me test out their pair. Am I asking too much? Probably. High end audiophile cans don't generally have in-line remotes. If you decide that what I'm looking for is impossible, what would you recommend if I dropped the inline remote from the equation?

Thank you for any and all advice. 
Jan 24, 2012 at 10:29 PM Post #11,333 of 29,490
I posted here a little while ago and I appreciated the responses, but I still haven't made a decision, so I thought I might rephrase my plea for advice. I'm looking for the best quality SQ for ~200$, but with some design caveats.

Price: ~200$
SQ: best possible given other constraints
Music Source: iPhone or MacBook Pro without amp
Music Content: Melodic post rock (Toe), Classic Blues (Muddy Waters, Seasick Steve), New-age blues (Black Keys, White Stripes), Industrial Metal (Static-X), Folk (early Bob Dylan)
Size: Full-size, circumaural
Backing: Closed back
Comfort: Moderate to good - enough to get 3-5hrs use
Leakage: Moderate to low - I don't need absolute silence, but I wouldn't want to disturb others.
Noise cancelation: Passive, but I wouldn't pass up a model if it had optional active
Portability: None necessary, though durability is always good
Cord: One-sided with 3-button inline remote, preferably though not necessarily detachable

What would you recommend? My primary frustration has been finding something with both the inline remote that also reaches the SQ one would expect from 200. I would even be willing, though hesitant, to go up to the 300$ range. Beats is out of the question. I love the design of the TMA-1, but what I hear about how they're designed for club music is off-putting unless I can find someone who will let me test out their pair. Am I asking too much? Probably. High end audiophile cans don't generally have in-line remotes. If you decide that what I'm looking for is impossible, what would you recommend if I dropped the inline remote from the equation?

Thank you for any and all advice. 

Well, you were on track for the Denon AH-D2000s, until the cord with remote thing. If you ditch that idea, you can have the most comfortable, best sounding cans that $200 can buy.


Otherwise, maybe the V-moda CF LP2s. I like them, not as much as the Denons, and they have a remote. Avoid the first series CF LP, though. They're pretty awful.
Jan 24, 2012 at 10:32 PM Post #11,334 of 29,490

The D2000 deal for $200. For the other hundred you could possibly spend you might add a portable dac/amp and maybe get a similar function as the inline remote(?). There will be a bit of sound leakage, but they are also a lot more comfortable than what's on your wishlist.
I posted here a little while ago and I appreciated the responses, but I still haven't made a decision, so I thought I might rephrase my plea for advice. I'm looking for the best quality SQ for ~200$, but with some design caveats.
Price: ~200$
SQ: best possible given other constraints
Music Source: iPhone or MacBook Pro without amp
Music Content: Melodic post rock (Toe), Classic Blues (Muddy Waters, Seasick Steve), New-age blues (Black Keys, White Stripes), Industrial Metal (Static-X), Folk (early Bob Dylan)
Size: Full-size, circumaural
Backing: Closed back
Comfort: Moderate to good - enough to get 3-5hrs use
Leakage: Moderate to low - I don't need absolute silence, but I wouldn't want to disturb others.
Noise cancelation: Passive, but I wouldn't pass up a model if it had optional active
Portability: None necessary, though durability is always good
Cord: One-sided with 3-button inline remote, preferably though not necessarily detachable
What would you recommend? My primary frustration has been finding something with both the inline remote that also reaches the SQ one would expect from 200. I would even be willing, though hesitant, to go up to the 300$ range. Beats is out of the question. I love the design of the TMA-1, but what I hear about how they're designed for club music is off-putting unless I can find someone who will let me test out their pair. Am I asking too much? Probably. High end audiophile cans don't generally have in-line remotes. If you decide that what I'm looking for is impossible, what would you recommend if I dropped the inline remote from the equation?

Thank you for any and all advice. 

Jan 24, 2012 at 11:16 PM Post #11,335 of 29,490
Seeking guidance,
I'm interested in buying a tube amp for my desktop since my portable amp has problems. I don't have much cash I was curious in cheap amps that get the job done. I was looking at:
Qinpu Q-2 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier
Don't have much insight on this any suggestions...
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:17 PM Post #11,336 of 29,490
I'm still torn between the D2000 and the HD650. I've considered DT880/990 and K701 but from my eyes point of view I'm leaning towards the D2000 or HD650.
They'll probably be paired with an E7/E9
I don't know much about the terms used to describe sound, but I want something that will sound good with "heavier" music. I want bass and treble that can handle Doom/Sluge/Post-Metal, as well as other forms of Metal. I want good bass, good drum recreation e.g. handle double kicks, fills, realistic highs (if the drummer is smashing his symbols, I want to hear it)
As I've said, I don't know how to articulate what I want, but I want something that can handle Metal well.
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:21 PM Post #11,337 of 29,490
I'm still torn between the D2000 and the HD650. I've considered DT880/990 and K701 but from my eyes point of view I'm leaning towards the D2000 or HD650.
They'll probably be paired with an E7/E9

Well, you prefer open or closed? The D2000s have some sound leakage, but nothing like the HD 650s. Also, there's the price difference, $200 for the D2000s and $300-350 for the Senns (both open box, like new, w/ warranty).
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:27 PM Post #11,338 of 29,490
I posted here a little while ago and I appreciated the responses, but I still haven't made a decision, so I thought I might rephrase my plea for advice. I'm looking for the best quality SQ for ~200$, but with some design caveats.
Price: ~200$
SQ: best possible given other constraints
Music Source: iPhone or MacBook Pro without amp
Music Content: Melodic post rock (Toe), Classic Blues (Muddy Waters, Seasick Steve), New-age blues (Black Keys, White Stripes), Industrial Metal (Static-X), Folk (early Bob Dylan)
Size: Full-size, circumaural
Backing: Closed back
Comfort: Moderate to good - enough to get 3-5hrs use
Leakage: Moderate to low - I don't need absolute silence, but I wouldn't want to disturb others.
Noise cancelation: Passive, but I wouldn't pass up a model if it had optional active
Portability: None necessary, though durability is always good
Cord: One-sided with 3-button inline remote, preferably though not necessarily detachable
What would you recommend? My primary frustration has been finding something with both the inline remote that also reaches the SQ one would expect from 200. I would even be willing, though hesitant, to go up to the 300$ range. Beats is out of the question. I love the design of the TMA-1, but what I hear about how they're designed for club music is off-putting unless I can find someone who will let me test out their pair. Am I asking too much? Probably. High end audiophile cans don't generally have in-line remotes. If you decide that what I'm looking for is impossible, what would you recommend if I dropped the inline remote from the equation?

Thank you for any and all advice. 

Make that x3 for D2000's. Good luck with the 3 button remote though... Almost no high end headphones have such a feature, as doing so affects the signal along the way and decreases sound quality.
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:43 PM Post #11,339 of 29,490

Well, you prefer open or closed? The D2000s have some sound leakage, but nothing like the HD 650s. Also, there's the price difference, $200 for the D2000s and $300-350 for the Senns (both open box, like new, w/ warranty).

I don't know, I prefer whichever sounds better. I've currently got a pair of HD448's, they're closed. I'm not fussed about leakage, these will be for home and I can use my HD448's when I'm not at home, but I don't know what to get. I'm open to suggestion. I've looked at some Grados or Alessandro's but supra-aural just looks like it'd be uncomforable and somehow fit badly. I don't know, the idea of just having it on your ear seems strange to me.
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:58 PM Post #11,340 of 29,490
I don't know, I prefer whichever sounds better. I've currently got a pair of HD448's, they're closed. I'm not fussed about leakage, these will be for home and I can use my HD448's when I'm not at home, but I don't know what to get. I'm open to suggestion. I've looked at some Grados or Alessandro's but supra-aural just looks like it'd be uncomforable and somehow fit badly. I don't know, the idea of just having it on your ear seems strange to me.

D2000s then. Go forth and conquer before the $200 deal is dead. :)

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