++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Mar 20, 2011 at 2:08 AM Post #2,281 of 29,490

I need some circumaural headphones and cant spend more than $30 dollars. I've seen the Skullcandy Hesh for $20: these may not be the best sounding but look good, are pretty portable, and have a built in mic and the chord is nice, even comes with a nice pouch. I've also seen the Sony MDR-XB300, which ive seen for $25, these look a little better sounding, but are big and idk about any features or build quality. I also saw the Audio Technica ATH-M20 for $25, these look pretty decent but have a really long (11ft) chord and idk how portable they are. I listen to all music from hard rock, to hip-hop, to heavy metal, to dubstep, to pop, and classical. Please tell me which are the best in terms of value, like best sound, features, comfort, included accessories, and overall value. If there are any other options for under $30 then please let me know
I greatly appreciate it

Here's a great review covering more budget headphones than you can shake a stick at... http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/433318/shootout-71-portable-headphones-reviewed-sony-mdr-zx700-mdr-v6-added-03-07
My random recommendations: JVC S700 or the Panasonic HTX7

Also keep an eye out on the sale forums here for anything that might catch your eye.
No, I didn't know that
 Are you saying that it's impossible to upgrade a sound card on a laptop? You're stuck with the one that the manufacturer installs??

You can get a usb sound card. There are many budget pro audio ones made by Behringer, M-Audio, Emu, etc. which will probably suit you better than all the audiophile stuff.


anyone ever see these before?

Sony Piiq... http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921666169321

Hey guys, I've purchased the Ultrasone PRO 2500's and have virtually no money left, but still would like a portable pair!
I found the Koss Porta Pro for just £17.99 on amazon...
Now, I know virtually nothing about these apart from that they're apparently very comfortable. Are they good in terms of sound quality?
I don't know what to expect because they are priced very low, but apparently sound good?
Is it worth £17.99 or should I just keep my Sennheiser CX400 II's for travel etc?

The Porta Pro are decent little things, but... If your CX400ii still work and you like them, do you really need to buy another pair? save your money man!

I have a $500 more or less budget.
I currently own the ATH-M50s and had them for awhile, so I believe it is time for a upgrade.
I don't own any DACs or headphone amps, but I am planning to build a home rig. I also do most of my music listening on my desktop computer.
I enjoy listening to:
Some of the headphones that interest me:
Ultrasone Pro 900
Denon 2000
Beyerdynamic DT880/990 600ohm
Any other headphone suggestions?
Would the FiiO E7/E9 be able to efficiently amp these headphones?
Headstage Arrow, Yulong U100, Matrix M Stage, Audinst HUD-MX1?
Any suggestions for other DACs or amps?
Thanks in advance!

I say the Beyers would suit you the best. The FiiO combo should be more than enough power, plus has the option of going portable. They should all be sufficient for your needs though, so pick your poison.

I am currently looking to purchase a pair of headphones that I will use for mostly portable applications through my iPhone 4. 
I like to listen to a lot of Dubstep as well as Alternative and Soft Rock.  I would really prefer these to have a big booming base, seeing as Dubstep is basically all about the bass.
Currently I am looking at the Skullcandy Skullcrushers seeing as a lot of people have said good things about their in-line bass boost control. I am looking to probably spend about $100-200.
I know many people also suggest an amp such as the FiiO E5 or E7.
I am hoping you could confirm my selection or perhaps suggest a better one.

Some suggestions:
AKG K450 or 518 or 181DJ
M-Audio Q40
Phiaton MS400
Audio Technica M50
none of them need an amp

[size=11pt]All right so I”m looking for full size headphones and it while I suspect it’s may be impossible to meet all my criteria, perhaps you can help me find the lesser evil or at least something I can live with. [/size]

[size=11pt]The reason it may be impossible is I want something to use at work, so they need to be closed.  I’ve used Shure 530’s for the last couple years, and for my listening they’re perfect.  The reason for not getting 535s or customs and using the 530s for work is they’re a bit too good at sound isolation.  I need to at least be aware when someone walks up behind me to talk.  [/size]

[size=11pt]These two threads reinforce the case it may not be able to be done with closed cans: [/size]

[size=11pt]The music is apple lossless, currently from iPod classic, (in a month iMod 240g) 90% is 19th century opera, the rest a mix of late romantic and 20th century symphonic, concertos (piano, violin, cello), bluegrass, acoustic and electric folk, and odds and ends.   You can see why I don't think neutral is not dirty word.[/size]

[size=11pt]Between the iPod and the 530s is an iQube v.1 with an ALO low rider dock.   [/size]

[size=11pt]The last week I’ve spent listening to the B&W P 5, and the Shure SHR840.   The problem with the 840’s is a complete lack of top.  It’s a matter of what I don’t hear.   Missing overtones, lack of detail, it’s like listening through a veil or wall OR to get really technical:  thick and fuzzy.  The P 5, has the highs, plenty of detail, but my issues with them are almost the opposite.  I find the bass maybe enhanced a bit, and rather than excessive fuzzy warmth, I hear an artificial brightness, or crispness.  I also fine the sound stage a bit smaller and a bit divided. [/size]

[size=11pt]The 840’s may get another couple days, but the constant, “Where the hell are the overtones/breath/bow attack, footsteps on the stage, etc.” that constantly pops in my head when using them is overwhelming distracting.  The P5s, I think I can get used to, if I have to.   For a price point, since they’re for work I don’t want, go crazy, so probably not too much more than $500 give or take.    [/size]

[size=11pt]What I’ve considered: Though I was initially excited about the impending arrival of the SRH 940, after the 840s I’m not sure I even want to try them.   HD650 keeps coming up as a possible, but they’re open, and I don’t think the people around me would appreciate it.   Remarks regarding the bass on the D2000/5000/LA2000 make me leery.    [/size]

[size=11pt]Any thoughts or recommendations?  [/size]

I find the Denons to actually be quite nice and I think are close to what you're looking for. The issue with the bass is more a problem with establishing a good seal. Getting the J$ leather earpads solves this and improves comfort.
Mar 20, 2011 at 2:18 AM Post #2,282 of 29,490

Hey guys, im new here and i've decided to look into getting a decent set of cans for some immersive gaming with a tad of music once in a while. Ideally i'd like good bass but not too overpowering so I can still hear footsteps and help seek out enemies etc. However im not a competitive gamer so its more about having realistic sound ingame to help feel like you're actually there :)
I'm currently running onboard Realtek sound and was hoping to just get a set of cans, plug em in and away you go...i've since learnt that that won't suffice...so I am investing in a Xonar DG soundcard purely for using these headphones and since it has dolby headphone i understand this will help with positioning using any stereo headphones.
I've been recommended Sennheisers for what im wanting to use them for. Would you agree?
I'm in New Zealand and have trouble finding a lot of the gear you guys have on your side of the planet so heres a website I will be using to order from. Please if you could take a look and with your expertise recommend me a pair that you would choose and the reasons behind it :)
Note : I originally was going after the senn HD555's from this link - turns out I can't get them from any of the listed stores in my country anymore :frowning2:
My budget is $170NZD - however i may stretch to $200 if it'll be worth my while
looking at senns only, from most expensive pairs within my budget  to cheapest i can find are :
HD518's - ive heard these are crap?
Thoughts? Suggestions?
If by some chance I could get the HD555's would they be the most preferred out of this list for a gamer wanting epic sound at an affordable price?
I've also been recommended the steelseries Siberia V2 from several people...yet others are saying hell no! dont buy gaming headsets as the likes of sennheiser will sound a thousand times better. True?
Thank you very much for your help! :) cheers.
edit: just found this website too. again i have a budget of $170 - what do you guys think?

If you can find any of the entry audio technicas like the A700 or AD700, those are good budget gaming headphones.
I would say the 555 should be first choice if you can find it, and it's an easy mod to bring it up to the 595. Of the others, I would go with the 438 or 448 (448 has slightly better detailing but is weaker in bass)
Don't bother with the steelseries headset, although their budget usb sound card is ok (although the turtle beach micro tends to rate higher)
Hey guys, I've been ghosting for a while but I haven't really found any threads running parallel to my specific queries in regards to the Audio Technica ATH-A700s. My price cap is $150. I will NOT be using a soundcard for the most part, mostly listening through my iPod while using a FiiO E5 amp. 
Here's a breakdown of what I'll be listening to:
Rap/Hip-Hop: 25%
Trance/House: 25%
Movie/Game OSTs: 25%*
Gaming: 25% 
I've never quite experienced audiophile headphones in-depth before, but I'm assuming that if I'm going to be listening to bass-centered music genres (basically contemporary music), then I'm going to preferably need closed cans such as the A700s? I've noticed that the overwhelming majority of the Head-Fi community listen to far more established and "pristine" genres such as classical, acoustic, etc. Subsequently, my needs are slightly different than many other members. 
I'm basically looking for, 
  • Decent soundstage and isolation (the gaming part, nothing too competitive). 
  • Punchy bass that accentuates trance music.
  • Whatever would make an OST/VGM sound good. 
So am I making a good choice? 
Here's what else I considered: 
1. Sennheiser HD555 (I heard they had weak bass)
2. Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 
3. Sennheiser HD 280
4. Audio-Technica ATH-M50
*OST = Original Soundtrack (Yes, I listen to movie/VGM, problem?) 

For best overall performance, I would say the A700 is a safe bet. That and the AD700 are frequent recommendations for gaming headphones, with the A700 having a bassier response but slightly more closed soundstage.
If you absolutely need isolation, the HD280 is king.
The M50 is popular on the forums, though personally I'm not a fan. It has pronounced bass and highs, making it good for your music genres.

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I've been reading up, but I hope that you all can help me pick out a decent pair of headphones as my first good pair.

Basically, I'm looking to spend up to $300 dollars on headphones. I will be using them for listening to rock / alternative (Radiohead, Muse, System of a Down, Incubus, etc.), and mainly from a laptop but also from an iPod device.

I've been looking at the AKG K701's but it seems I may need an amp for that pair. Are there any recommendations you can make for me?

My main priority is comfort and sound quality, but of course stylishness is a plus as well.

Thank you all very much :)

Do you want open or closed? If style is a concern, I'm assuming you want something portable (which the K701 really are not). How about the Beyerdynamic T50p? Quite comfortable and sound great, and I think they look quite snazzy.
Mar 20, 2011 at 3:26 AM Post #2,283 of 29,490

If you can find any of the entry audio technicas like the A700 or AD700, those are good budget gaming headphones.
I would say the 555 should be first choice if you can find it, and it's an easy mod to bring it up to the 595. Of the others, I would go with the 438 or 448 (448 has slightly better detailing but is weaker in bass)
Don't bother with the steelseries headset, although their budget usb sound card is ok (although the turtle beach micro tends to rate higher)

I will keep pursuing the HD555 and hope i can get them and make this my first choice - Funny, i had just decided I was going to go with the HD485's and then checked this thread - Whats your thoughts on the HD485s? I can get a great deal on them at the moment so was thinking i'd just get them but will push for the HD555's firstly thanks to your advise. Thank you
Mar 20, 2011 at 3:46 AM Post #2,285 of 29,490
With threads like this its no wonder headfi is so respected :D
Well im fairly noobish to the site besides me reading through threads like a creeper everyday. lol
If you guys don't mind helping me I've been looking for cans thats are fairly portable and offer decent isolation since I'm gonna be using them at school or on the bus most often.
I listen to Metal music mainly, but do love dubstep, house, and hardstyle  so some good bass would be appreciated.
Oh and im gonna be using them on my ipod if it makes a difference.
And my general price range will be from $100-$150
Thanks Headfi :D
Mar 20, 2011 at 5:42 AM Post #2,286 of 29,490
The Porta Pro are decent little things, but... If your CX400ii still work and you like them, do you really need to buy another pair? save your money man!
haha yeah, but the thing is the 400's are in ear whereas I'd like some headphones for travel :p
Are the porta pro's my best bet for getting some portable headphones for under £30?
Mar 20, 2011 at 6:50 AM Post #2,287 of 29,490
I find the Denons to actually be quite nice and I think are close to what you're looking for. The issue with the bass is more a problem with establishing a good seal. Getting the J$ leather earpads solves this and improves comfort.

Thanks, I'll give them a shot. 
Mar 20, 2011 at 7:42 AM Post #2,288 of 29,490
I'm confused about my priorities right now. I wonder which one I should buy first
DAC or Sound Card(external preferably) or Full Sized Open Back Headphone (grado's are preferred)
All of my music files are FLAC or APE. I listen to rock, hard rock, blues, jazz and metal. 
if I buy headphone then what are my other options other than grado? my budget below $200. I always prefer clear, big headspace, sharp and dominant mid and treble. I don't like those thumpin bass sound. 
thank you guys!
Mar 20, 2011 at 8:09 AM Post #2,289 of 29,490
I think you should reconsider SRH940.  I also find that SRH840 lack treble extension, adding to their 'closed' feeling.  Jude, who has heard pre-production SRH940 mentioned that the added treble extension was among the biggest differences in the new model.  Otherwise, I found that SRH840 has the closest signature to SE530 of any other closed headphone I've owned.  Denons do have treble extension and big bass, but none of those wonderful, integrated mids found on SE530.  K271 have nice mids, but no bass.  DT250-250 are actually quite nice across the board with a good amp.. but I still preferred SRH840 and bet a nickel that I'd prefer SRH940 too.  In your shoes, I'd get DT250-250 & SRH940 and return the one you like less.
[size=11pt]All right so I”m looking for full size headphones and it while I suspect it’s may be impossible to meet all my criteria, perhaps you can help me find the lesser evil or at least something I can live with. [/size]

[size=11pt]The reason it may be impossible is I want something to use at work, so they need to be closed.  I’ve used Shure 530’s for the last couple years, and for my listening they’re perfect.  The reason for not getting 535s or customs and using the 530s for work is they’re a bit too good at sound isolation.  I need to at least be aware when someone walks up behind me to talk.  [/size]

[size=11pt]These two threads reinforce the case it may not be able to be done with closed cans: [/size]

[size=11pt]The music is apple lossless, currently from iPod classic, (in a month iMod 240g) 90% is 19th century opera, the rest a mix of late romantic and 20th century symphonic, concertos (piano, violin, cello), bluegrass, acoustic and electric folk, and odds and ends.   You can see why I don't think neutral is not dirty word.[/size]

[size=11pt]Between the iPod and the 530s is an iQube v.1 with an ALO low rider dock.   [/size]

[size=11pt]The last week I’ve spent listening to the B&W P 5, and the Shure SHR840.   The problem with the 840’s is a complete lack of top.  It’s a matter of what I don’t hear.   Missing overtones, lack of detail, it’s like listening through a veil or wall OR to get really technical:  thick and fuzzy.  The P 5, has the highs, plenty of detail, but my issues with them are almost the opposite.  I find the bass maybe enhanced a bit, and rather than excessive fuzzy warmth, I hear an artificial brightness, or crispness.  I also fine the sound stage a bit smaller and a bit divided. [/size]

[size=11pt]The 840’s may get another couple days, but the constant, “Where the hell are the overtones/breath/bow attack, footsteps on the stage, etc.” that constantly pops in my head when using them is overwhelming distracting.  The P5s, I think I can get used to, if I have to.   For a price point, since they’re for work I don’t want, go crazy, so probably not too much more than $500 give or take.    [/size]

[size=11pt]What I’ve considered: Though I was initially excited about the impending arrival of the SRH 940, after the 840s I’m not sure I even want to try them.   HD650 keeps coming up as a possible, but they’re open, and I don’t think the people around me would appreciate it.   Remarks regarding the bass on the D2000/5000/LA2000 make me leery.    [/size]

[size=11pt]Any thoughts or recommendations?  [/size]

Mar 20, 2011 at 9:03 AM Post #2,290 of 29,490
Okay, so here are my limits

Price: <$150

Type: Full Sized - can also be used out and about. 

Type of music: Techno, Ballad, Rock (don't need crazy bass, already have beats for that), classical. basically the whole range.

and if it's possible

a portable amp

Price <$50

I know there's already a headphone guide, but I would rather have a community top 3.


I've looked at skullcandy (too weird for me), Sony, and Bose, but since i'm mostly a noob at this stuff, I prefer people with a wider variety of knowledge. I personally already own an Audio-Technica ATH-AD700, but besides that, there's not much I can tell.


Any suggestions?

Mar 20, 2011 at 10:13 AM Post #2,291 of 29,490
Hi guys. At the moment I have some Sennheiser HD600 (stock construction, but HD650’s cable) , an Audinst HUD-MX1 DAC (all stock) and a LittleDot MKIII tube amp (Mullard tubs upgraded).
It sounds ok on soft music, like jazz, pop, chamber, but I’m not happy enough buy the classical orchestra, electronics and metal performance. One of my favorite performers, J.M.Jarre, sounds quite sleepy and unexciting on my current setup (but it was great on cheaper HD595).. Will you please give me an advice, what should I do in this case ?
I like all sorts of music, but one thing is important to me – the must be energy, clarity and emotion, not just relaxation or pleasent sounds. I’m not a slow music lover at all.. Even classical I liten, brings lots of energy (Beethoven’s 5 and 9 symphonies, Dvorak 9th ,  Bruckner’s 7th  , Orth’s Carmina Burana). But I also prefere neutral sound presentation, with good extension and open construction. By saying good I mean present, not overwhelming. 
Should I go for a better source, amp or just change my headphone, if the budget is 300$ ?  
If headphones, should I go for DT880 or DT900 or even something else ?
I need a good, all around setup, with one, single headphone in it.
Mar 20, 2011 at 11:42 AM Post #2,292 of 29,490

Thanks for the suggestion keanex, I'll keep that in mind, they look like what I'm looking for too.
Do you want open or closed? If style is a concern, I'm assuming you want something portable (which the K701 really are not). How about the Beyerdynamic T50p? Quite comfortable and sound great, and I think they look quite snazzy.

Thanks for your suggestion as well - In my case, I guess style does not necessarily equate to portable - as I think the K701's look pretty awesome. The beyerdynamic t50p seem fine, but I'm really looking for over-ear as opposed to on-ear (correct me if I'm wrong and those are actually over-ear!) The issue of open vs. closed doesn't really bother me as well.

Any other input would be great, thanks everyone!
Mar 20, 2011 at 12:42 PM Post #2,293 of 29,490
I posted a question on what a good headphone is for about 100 euros and nobody answered. So I'm going to post it here.
I have only bought 1 headphone ever. It was a closed wired headphone which goes all around the ear, it was about 50 euros. I was hooked after I bought it but since it broke after 1.5 years I wanna buy a new and better one. Which will probably be more expensive :p I dont know alot about headphones so you can say I'm noob :)
My budget is 100 euro's. A litlte bit more money invested is fine if a headphone for 120 euro's is alot better. But I don't wanna go to extremes.
I want a headphone which closes around the ear for immersive listening experiences. My iPhone is the #1 advice I listen music on. Usually in trains and public transport and at home. Sometimes I game with these headphones on for more awesomeness ^^
Any suggestions? I went to the Mediamarket yesterday and tried some headphones. The Sennheiser HD 438 was fitting REALLY nicely around my ears, it was a perfect fit! and the sound was good too, but maybe there are headphones which provide better sound. Most of the headphones I tried on didnt fit that comfy on my ears. I don't have huge ears or anything :p. The Sennheiser HD 215 II was pretty good as well. The rest sucked or was too expensive.
I usually listen to Drum 'n Bass, House, Dance, Techno and sometimes Rock.
Tomorrow I'm going to another Mediamarket to try other headphones. I google'd some recommendations for headphones and the Sennheiser HD 448 was pretty nicely rated. Any experiences with that one? Thanks!
Mar 20, 2011 at 12:50 PM Post #2,294 of 29,490
Oh man, I look like a real butthead after seeing this. I just made a thread....
Last time I was here was early last year, and I was just about to buy my first pair of real cans. You guys helped me decide on the Audiotechnica ATH-AD700, which I could not be happier with. Since then, I've built myself a Millett Hybrid Minimax amp to go with them, and my turntable, actually. It's a fantastic combination, but I believe I'm ready to step up.
What I want:
  1. A very detailed, possibly "analytical" headphone, fitting for rock, jazz, various electronic/IDM/Ambient/etc.
  2. A logical step-up from the ATH-AD700
  3. Still open headphones, I much prefer their sound, and leakage is no issue
  4. Something that will compliment my Millett Hybrid Minimax well (currently using the 12FK6 tubes)
  5. Something preferably in the $200-300 price range, willing to go higher for something extra special
The K701 have caught my eye, but I haven't really done all of the research yet. Plus, those seem to obvious a choice, that's why I come to you fine folks.
What do you y'all think? Thanks in advance.

Mar 20, 2011 at 1:12 PM Post #2,295 of 29,490

Hi guys. At the moment I have some Sennheiser HD600 (stock construction, but HD650’s cable) , an Audinst HUD-MX1 DAC (all stock) and a LittleDot MKIII tube amp (Mullard tubs upgraded).
It sounds ok on soft music, like jazz, pop, chamber, but I’m not happy enough buy the classical orchestra, electronics and metal performance. One of my favorite performers, J.M.Jarre, sounds quite sleepy and unexciting on my current setup (but it was great on cheaper HD595).. Will you please give me an advice, what should I do in this case ?
I like all sorts of music, but one thing is important to me – the must be energy, clarity and emotion, not just relaxation or pleasent sounds. I’m not a slow music lover at all.. Even classical I liten, brings lots of energy (Beethoven’s 5 and 9 symphonies, Dvorak 9th ,  Bruckner’s 7th  , Orth’s Carmina Burana). But I also prefere neutral sound presentation, with good extension and open construction. By saying good I mean present, not overwhelming. 
Should I go for a better source, amp or just change my headphone, if the budget is 300$ ?  
If headphones, should I go for DT880 or DT900 or even something else ?
I need a good, all around setup, with one, single headphone in it.

I would get a better source. For around $300 there are some very good DACs to be had - DA 151, Matrix Cube and Mini-i, and Little Dot, to name a few.
I don't want to keep raising your budget, but a budget of $400 will greatly expand your choices to include DACMagic, Music Streamer II+, Yulong D100 and others.

Oh man, I look like a real butthead after seeing this. I just made a thread....
Last time I was here was early last year, and I was just about to buy my first pair of real cans. You guys helped me decide on the Audiotechnica ATH-AD700, which I could not be happier with. Since then, I've built myself a Millett Hybrid Minimax amp to go with them, and my turntable, actually. It's a fantastic combination, but I believe I'm ready to step up.
What I want:
  1. A very detailed, possibly "analytical" headphone, fitting for rock, jazz, various electronic/IDM/Ambient/etc.
  2. A logical step-up from the ATH-AD700
  3. Still open headphones, I much prefer their sound, and leakage is no issue
  4. Something that will compliment my Millett Hybrid Minimax well (currently using the 12FK6 tubes)
  5. Something preferably in the $200-300 price range, willing to go higher for something extra special
The K701 have caught my eye, but I haven't really done all of the research yet. Plus, those seem to obvious a choice, that's why I come to you fine folks.
What do you y'all think? Thanks in advance.

The K701 does seem like an "analytical" upgrade to the AD700s, but the tonality is a bit different. I suppose the most "logical" upgrade in this case would be the AD900s, which are less demanding in terms of amplification.

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