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  1. Schizorabbit

    EAR HP-4 Question

    How many watts per channel does HP-4 put out?
  2. Schizorabbit

    What would you reply to someone who told you that...

    I agree that Tool is one of the best bands ever to exist, but personally, I just don't feel they have the diversity that Zep, offers. I just love listeing to their great rock ballad Kashmir, then going directly to D'yer M'ker, so different yet soooo good. But thats just me
  3. Schizorabbit

    Headphones for Radiohead

    If you buy a set of headphones soley for the purpose of listening to one band your audiophile tendancies are beyond repair, and beyond those biological characterisitcs which make us human.
  4. Schizorabbit

    The trail to bankruptcy - post your progression!

    Koss Something Or Another's --> Koss Pro-4AA --> Sennhieser HD 580 --> Sony MDR-CD3000 (Planning on Sennhieser HD 650's and Beyerdynamic DT831 [For Computer Use]) TEAC POS --> NAD C542 TEAC POS Headphone Jack on TEAC POS CD Player --> Singlepower Supra (I've got to give TEAC credit, they...
  5. Schizorabbit

    The 'one word headphone review' game

    Grado SR-225: Orgasm Sony MDR-CD3000: Orgasm Sennhieser HD 650: I'm Spent
  6. Schizorabbit

    A Little Advise>

    I need to buy a new set of "cans" for my computer. I currently use Koss Pro-4AA's (the old school version), though I appreciate the isolation they provide and the tank like build, as well as providing decent sound, they get to be somewhat uncomfertable, especially considering the long periods I...
  7. Schizorabbit

    Are the CD3ks really worth it?

    I would say no. You're better off getting some easy to drive headphones that won't make apperant the inadequacies of songs played at 128 kbps. Plus no matter what sound card you have, the CD3k's aren't going to get all that could be wrought out of them. I would suggest looking into a pair of...
  8. Schizorabbit

    Tube VS Solid State?

    Well to start you can't go wrong either way, a heaphone amp will make your can's sound better no matter which way you turn, I myself have a Singlepower Supra (tube amp) and I love it, the main difference is how you like your sound, as far as detail is concerned they about cancel each other out...
  9. Schizorabbit

    Ultimate headphones for human voices

    I'm not a huge fan of the RS-1's primarily b/c of their price to quality ratio, but I have to admit vocals sound absolutley amazing on them, listening to Maynard and Zach de la Rocha on the RS-1's is an absolutley breath taking experience, its not as if their yelling into a mic, its like their...
  10. Schizorabbit

    Metallica Made Good?

    ...without having to support that person on Metallica's drums (thank you so much for shutting down Napster you POS, and pardon me if I don't give a **** if you make another million to add onto your already obscene bank account). And it's called Apocalyptica, an amazing string quartet that is...
  11. Schizorabbit

    Reviews of Matrix Revolutions (Spoilers starting on Page 3)

    My problem with the ending wasn't that it was peaceful, it was that it was an unrealistic peace, I mean these humans and machiens have been literally killing each other off for how long? And they're just going to say well lets be friends? Another reason I didn't like the ending was that it...
  12. Schizorabbit

    Reviews of Matrix Revolutions (Spoilers starting on Page 3)

    I loved The Matrix, I loved The Matrix: Reloaded; though I did feel it wasn't as climatic as its predacessor, and the original techno songs by Don Davis sucked compared to the Propellerheads - Spybreak and Prodigy's - Minefield, but other than that I loved the damn movie. As for Matrix...
  13. Schizorabbit

    Best Rock & Roll Drummer

    Someone else to add to the list would be Brad Wilk of Rage Against the Machine, he's one of those very subtle drummers often overlooked in todays world b/c he rarley takes the front with his drumming technique. His interaction and accents of the bass-lines and guitar lines in both Rage and...
  14. Schizorabbit

    Dido or Nickelback?

    .../ or Deftones - Deftones, those are all new mainstream'esque albums and they're all way better than Nickleback. To me Nickleback sounds like a ***** Nirvana thats trying to be Bush. But then again everything I've said is completley subjective, if your into the mainstream rock sound though and...
  15. Schizorabbit

    Underworld Soundtrack & Johnette Napolitano

    OK, the movie sucked, but the soundtrack is amazing. Moving on I was listening to Suicide Note by Johnette Napolitano, this song is sung by a man, that is a man's voice, when I serached all i found was this female artist. What is going on, d/l the song see for yourself.
  16. Schizorabbit

    music that gets you through the tough times

    What you need is some good uplifting Irish jig music. Check out this group called Gaelic Storm, that brightens my mood on any day, same with some good old light hearted Weezer (though not Irish jig).
  17. Schizorabbit

    Reccomend me some CD's.

    Rage Against the Machine Tool (Maynard Keenan Has An Awesome Voice!) A Perfect Circle (Ditto)
  18. Schizorabbit

    3 to 5 bands, or artists that move you?

    1.) Rage Against The Machine 2.) V.A.S.T. 3.) Clann Zu 4.) Dredg 5.) A Perfect Circle/NIN (Tie)
  19. Schizorabbit

    cd3000 really that good?

    Yes the Cd3k's really are that good, and I've found that they are better than Senn's. (Keep in mind it's a personal preference thing)
  20. Schizorabbit

    Sony 3K or Senn 600 or Senn 650?

    I have not had any signifcant experience with the HD 600's, but I have had a lot of experience with the HD580's (own a pair) as well as the Sony CD3k's, and I prefer the CD3k's much more than the Senn's, the transparency is absolutley superb and the detail is even better than the Senn's. So I...
  21. Schizorabbit

    Recommendations for Best headphones on the market (new and old)

    I just bought the Sony MDR-CD3000's, and I would just like to say they are absolutley fantastis, the amount of transparency and detail is completely unrivaled by any other headphone I've ever heard (RS-1, Senn. 580, DT 880). This is w/o any doubt in my mind a purchase well worth every one of the...
  22. Schizorabbit

    Extension Cable

    Does anyone know where I could find extension chord for SOny MDR-Cd3000? THx.
  23. Schizorabbit

    Was going to buy a pair of MDR-CD3000's - and I may still buy them!

    GIVE IN......GIVE IN......GIVE IN. You must buy CD3000, I just got mine and I love them to death they are incredibly comfertable and light, I prefer them way more than my Senn. 580's, in every category. And you can get them for 400 rather than 450 at GIVE IN!
  24. Schizorabbit


    Getting the NAD C542 was quite the undertaking, I found one at, the only problem with that being they only accept GBP and not USD, plus they only ship within the UK. Fortunatley for me I have realtives in Ireland, who placed the order for me and are having it shipped to them, then...
  25. Schizorabbit

    Even more new Beyers!

    Well thats true except for the Sony CD3000 or Sony R10, and the Sennhieser Orpheous, Sennhieser 650 pending. But I also feel that the pay double what it's worth motto is more true for Grado Rs-1/Rs-2 than Senn. HD 600. But it's all a matter of opinion.