Sep 11, 2003 at 1:13 AM Post #16 of 28
Sorry about your wallet.....
Sep 11, 2003 at 1:34 AM Post #17 of 28
i worked too long at a ****ty dead end minimum wage job to not splurge on myself. my ears demanded it, sides i had been saving for long enough that ive got enough to pay for that and the rest of my college units for the year so why not? but any reccomendations for some cheapo bang for buck DIY's?
Sep 11, 2003 at 1:43 AM Post #19 of 28

Originally posted by Vitalstatistix
Bang for buck DIYs?

META42. Period.

meta42 makes a cable?
Sep 11, 2003 at 1:56 AM Post #20 of 28
I think he's looking for ICs guys...

I don't have a DIY recommendation, but I've found the Nordost Black Knights (very reasonable, around $80/meter) to be extremely well balanced and "invisible" with my rig. I think they beat most <$200 ICs... fwiw, ymmv...
Sep 11, 2003 at 7:17 AM Post #21 of 28
to save you the trouble from having to do cable swaps down the line, just get a good one to start with. Any of the Virtual Dynamic line you won:t be sorry. Cables go from 1 system to the next, headphones or amps don't necessary.

Some excellent budget cables i recommend for you:

-Virtual Dynamic Reference
-Voodoo Reference
-Cardas neutral reference
-Stealth PGS gold
-Magwire Ultras
Sep 11, 2003 at 10:06 AM Post #23 of 28

Originally posted by Schizorabbit
I just ordered my complete audiophile system yesterday!
NAD C542 ------> Singlepower Supra --------> Grado SR225 & Sony CD3k!

Since you're in the good mood, perahaps you'd like to share some of your good fortune with the rest of us

That's a great setup, definitely the envy of many of us budget-goers.
Sep 11, 2003 at 10:36 AM Post #24 of 28
Schizorabbit, have fun!

but i think this thread belongs to the General Discussion forum..
as many.. where's that order moderators should maintain..
Sep 11, 2003 at 7:58 PM Post #28 of 28
Getting the NAD C542 was quite the undertaking, I found one at superfi.co.uk, the only problem with that being they only accept GBP and not USD, plus they only ship within the UK. Fortunatley for me I have realtives in Ireland, who placed the order for me and are having it shipped to them, then they will be shipping it to me in the states (of course I'm paying for all of this) but I'm glad they're doing it. So yeah I wasn't able to find a retailer in the States either

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