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  1. woopididi

    Shure SRH440 or Sennheiser HD 203/205/428?

    Hey guys, I have 4 headphones to choose from: Shure SRH440 or Sennheiser HD 203/205/428. They will only be used at home, from a laptop/Sansa Clip+, for listening to music and watching movies. I listen to a lot of Rock (mostly Alternative) and also some Hip Hop & Funk. I own the Etymotic HF5 for...
  2. woopididi

    Samsung P2 VS Cowon D2 vs iAudio 7

    what do you mean when you say you want good SQ? no hiss? good stereo separation? bass roll off? no bass roll off? gapless support?
  3. woopididi

    120$ Isolating IEMs

    thank you for the suggestion how good do they isolate? do you know when the group buy ends? Fang told me first week of May but that seems to be over.. EDIT: what's the best price i can get on a pair of Future Sonics Atrio M5?
  4. woopididi

    120$ Isolating IEMs

    Quote: Originally Posted by filipelli ^^ eek that's very spam-like... your message is more spam-like :|
  5. woopididi

    120$ Isolating IEMs

    i'm not disqualifying any suggestion, but no offense you are kind of bribed.. i'll be happy to hear opinions on the sennheiser offerings tho.
  6. woopididi

    120$ Isolating IEMs

    uhh this is so confusing. i want to get a UM1 but i'm afraid of the SQ. how does a Denon AH-C551 compares to UM1 in SQ? and do they offer any isolation?
  7. woopididi

    Teclast T39 are....... evil!

    the T39 sounds good. where can i get it from?
  8. woopididi

    120$ Isolating IEMs

    Quote: Originally Posted by Navyblue I've heard the UM1 and the 3. If I were to pick one I'd pick the UE, sounds better for me, wider sound stage but a tad harsher highs. If you want comfort just get a pair of Comply foam tips. I don't remember the isolation aspect, I...
  9. woopididi

    Looking for a NewB Setup.

    do you want an earbud, which sits in the outer part of your ear and won't isolate sound, or a canalphone/IEM, which is inserted in your ear canal, and will isolate sound?
  10. woopididi

    120$ Isolating IEMs

    hey guys, i'm in a need of a pair of IEMs that isolates well; not like the Denon AH-C551 or others. my maximum budget is about 120$.. i will pair the IEMs with the new Sansa Fuze. what i need from my IEM? -good sound all over the spectrum, good bass(i won't take etymotics). -i want it to...
  11. woopididi

    Victor HP-M1000: First Impressions

    congratulations on the new 'phones. how well do they isolate sound?
  12. woopididi

    Goodbye headphones/IEMs....Speakers here i come !

    congratulations, and good luck with your speaker journey! i need to listen to some high end speaker systems. i love speakers
  13. woopididi

    Shure olives

    what is the average life span of these Shure olive foam tips?
  14. woopididi

    Portable player suggestions?

    Creative Zen Vision M?
  15. woopididi

    Help a noobie out! (IEM Recommendation)

    i think you should the FX66, for a few reasons: 3 ain't that good. Ety ER-6i is bass-shy. Shure entry level IEMs aren't so good. Sennheiser- if you can get a CX400 it might be worth it. the CX300 isn't.
  16. woopididi

    New MP3 Player Recommendation - Best Sound Quality

    if you are planning to get a 4gb Sansa Fuze you might consider the Sony NWZ-A816, it's priced the same(99$) in here: and here: Sony | NWZ-A816BLK 4GB Walkman Video MP3 Player | NWZA816B | B&H
  17. woopididi

    Did I make the wrong choice?

    maybe try switching 'phones with someone here in head-fi. the guys here are trustworthy, and if you will not like it they will switch back. if you like it stick with it ^^
  18. woopididi

    portable player "best sound quality"

    i think you should try the Gigabeat T400. it gets praised a lot on the internet. for you consideration: battery life is rated at only about 15 hrs.
  19. woopididi

    IRiver E100 Reviews Thread (VIDEO LINK ADDED)

    yep.. very close to my impressions from it. i was disappointed to, comparing it to the Sansa Clip. other than the sound quality i kinda like it
  20. woopididi

    IEMs for school and sleeping in?

    Quote: Originally Posted by jinx20001 are you blind?? i said i wouldnt sleep in any earphones, so my answer to his question is no earphones are great to sleep in. grow up and stop starting to flame for no reason i was just advising that whatever his choice of earphones will be to...
  21. woopididi

    Another DRM reason not to buy a Zune

    Quote: Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 iPhone has very less storage space....also the iPodtouch. more money per storage. hence i am still using iPod 5Gen 30GB. & can u tell me why people hate iPod? new on head-fi :P i don't know about other people, but i don't like the...
  22. woopididi

    IRiver E100 Reviews Thread (VIDEO LINK ADDED)

    do you have an impression on the sound quality?
  23. woopididi

    Going back to my D2 already?(sony 728 owner)

    try ClearBass, MegaBass and all the other things sony has for bass. and wait for your x3i's- they are bassy earphones. about the bookmarking- try contacting sony about it; ask them if they are planning to fix it in a firmware update.
  24. woopididi

    Will Sony A816 hiss with Denon AH-C551?

    thank you for your reply. about the part that when you listen to music it disappears- what volume level do you listen to?