Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Aug 13, 2012 at 10:22 AM Post #22,621 of 42,332
jack says its probably deteriorating and should be ok until the sound quality gets bad.
guess i'll have to get ready to buy a spare soon. 
also any comparisons with the 596 vs the princess? i heard that the 596 doesn't have much bass 
 that would be bad cause the grado, lcd-2, and denons need moar bass.
Aug 13, 2012 at 11:38 AM Post #22,622 of 42,332
jack says its probably deteriorating and should be ok until the sound quality gets bad.
guess i'll have to get ready to buy a spare soon. 
also any comparisons with the 596 vs the princess? i heard that the 596 doesn't have much bass 
 that would be bad cause the grado, lcd-2, and denons need moar bass.

Hmmm i cant say that i have the Princess but i do have the Full Music 274b..I prefer the 596's though, and imo the 596's have more bass than the 274b.
in terms of sound
The 274b is a better tube if you like a wider sound stage and a crispy highs.
The 596 sound is much warmer, tighter bass and has more mids than the 274b
Aug 13, 2012 at 12:41 PM Post #22,623 of 42,332
jack says its probably deteriorating and should be ok until the sound quality gets bad.
guess i'll have to get ready to buy a spare soon. 
also any comparisons with the 596 vs the princess? i heard that the 596 doesn't have much bass 
 that would be bad cause the grado, lcd-2, and denons need moar bass.

You really can't tell with the 596 until you try one for your self tubes sound different in different amps. Plus the 596 is cheaper if you can
find one. And will last forever.
Aug 13, 2012 at 3:07 PM Post #22,625 of 42,332
jack says its probably deteriorating and should be ok until the sound quality gets bad.
guess i'll have to get ready to buy a spare soon. 
also any comparisons with the 596 vs the princess? i heard that the 596 doesn't have much bass 
 that would be bad cause the grado, lcd-2, and denons need moar bass.

Hmmm i cant say that i have the Princess but i do have the Full Music 274b..I prefer the 596's though, and imo the 596's have more bass than the 274b.
in terms of sound
The 274b is a better tube if you like a wider sound stage and a crispy highs.
The 596 sound is much warmer, tighter bass and has more mids than the 274b

A lot of time has passed in between rectifiers, but I remember enough. As an owner of the WA 6 Special Edition, I started out with the Sophia Princess, then turned to the EML 5U4G and ended my run with the USAF-596. 
I agree with keph's description but would like to add more details; depth into the sound stage - front/rear & in between notes.
Aug 13, 2012 at 6:10 PM Post #22,626 of 42,332
jack says its probably deteriorating and should be ok until the sound quality gets bad.
guess i'll have to get ready to buy a spare soon. 
also any comparisons with the 596 vs the princess? i heard that the 596 doesn't have much bass 
 that would be bad cause the grado, lcd-2, and denons need moar bass.

Guess I'm one of those that hears the decrease in bass between the the 596 and the sophia using the same driver tubes..
To my ears the 596 is on the more neutral side, maybe more detailed, but my system is already detailed enough so minor changes arent noticeable - my preference out of all the rectifiers I have tried: EML 5U4G/Mullard GZ34/RCA 5U4G/USAF 596 is the Sophia Princess 274B its really the overall winner to my ears in terms of musicality, it may not have the mids of the GZ or the soundstage of the EML or the minor bump in detail and neutrality of the 596, but it has the best bass in the bunch, warm/sweet treble, and the nicest look/glow 
That said I really wanted to like the 596 more as I did with the EML but they just never added enough to dethrone the Sophia for me.
Aug 13, 2012 at 6:23 PM Post #22,627 of 42,332
kk so thats why the 596 is popular, the detail. 
thanks, i guess im just rebuying sophia since i liked it alot too. jsut sounds right to me with enough of everything to keep me happy without it steering to much into any one direction and missing too much of anything else.
maybe the recent bad weather/power surges/spikes that have happened had something to do with the tube getting damaged. i was listening to music once on it and the power went out and then came back on, the tubes where on. maybe that had something to do with it?
i hope i don't have to replace my other tubes, like my sylvanie 6ew7, even though those are cheap.
Aug 13, 2012 at 7:21 PM Post #22,630 of 42,332
I'm glad Ahzari stopped by to lend his experience with the recs and drive tubes, which is similar to your setup. On the other side of your two listening rooms sat my experience - I ran 6SN7 series shortly after buying my Woo. All things considered (front-end; source; cable & accessories), Miss Sophia & USAF-596 pushing 6SN7 series returned a different experience. The USAF-596 brought not just better details, but better depth and better quality Bass.
I did enjoy Bass with Miss Sophia, as I listen to a lot of Jazz, Zydeco and African music. Her presentation was warm and friendly with enveloping Bass. The '596' a bit more aggressive, quicker, tighter and 
striving to hit me upside my big head! This can be striking when listening to percussion, where the quality of Bass plays a key role.
Happy to hear DSG will be getting a replacement. 
Aug 13, 2012 at 10:11 PM Post #22,633 of 42,332
I just love the combo of the 596 with 6DR7 Tubes, With the FM274b i like it when paired with 6FD7 for more bass and 6EW7 for normal listening sessions..haven't tried putting 6SN7 with my 6SE though..people say 596 + 6SN7 is the way to go..


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