Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Jul 29, 2016 at 9:53 PM Post #38,446 of 42,332
I'm in a similar situation. Just got some T1's (my new favorite) and my other goto hp's are HD650... want to upgrade from my Little Dot MK IV se to either WA2 or WA6se...Will be using with PC > Uptone Regen > DAC-19 10th Anniversary with Amanero....but thinking i will be getting a Singxer SU-1 to use the bnc/SPDIF input. As of now i'm leaning to a WA2, tubes TBD after some research through the WA2 tube rolling thread. Want to find a tube combo that will bring a little more clean tight bass power out of the T1's without losing any of it's wonderful midrange or crisp treble timbre goodness. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Jul 30, 2016 at 2:13 PM Post #38,447 of 42,332
Would suggest your next HP not be an HD800 or 800S. I have a new HD800S and a previous Audese L:CD3 which I use with my WA5 with upgraded Tat tubes and there is no comparison. The LCD 3 is crystal clear with excellent bass, mid, and treble presence. HD 800S although slightly better than the 800 still has annoying treble which overwhelms the sound. Bass is better than 800. My opinion only! I am aiming to try out the LCD4 but this is much more expensive. I also am using an aftermarket cord (Artisan Silver -- Silver Dream) which makes a significant improvement in the LCD 3. Make sure you try out the HD 800 or 800s vs the Audese before you buy. Good Luck
Jul 30, 2016 at 4:37 PM Post #38,448 of 42,332
Would suggest your next HP not be an HD800 or 800S. I have a new HD800S and a previous Audese L:CD3 which I use with my WA5 with upgraded Tat tubes and there is no comparison. The LCD 3 is crystal clear with excellent bass, mid, and treble presence. HD 800S although slightly better than the 800 still has annoying treble which overwhelms the sound. Bass is better than 800. My opinion only! I am aiming to try out the LCD4 but this is much more expensive. I also am using an aftermarket cord (Artisan Silver -- Silver Dream) which makes a significant improvement in the LCD 3. Make sure you try out the HD 800 or 800s vs the Audese before you buy. Good Luck

Is it the classic pre fazor LCD-3 that you have? If so that is the same as what I have.
Love that HP. It has a gooey mid-range that I have not heard on other HP's. It can be very adictive.

I'm thinking of letting go of one of my Audeze HP's. I have LCD-3C and LCD-X. If I do. It won't be the LCD-3C. Just too good and rare now.
Jul 30, 2016 at 6:02 PM Post #38,449 of 42,332
Would suggest your next HP not be an HD800 or 800S. I have a new HD800S and a previous Audese L:CD3 which I use with my WA5 with upgraded Tat tubes and there is no comparison. The LCD 3 is crystal clear with excellent bass, mid, and treble presence. HD 800S although slightly better than the 800 still has annoying treble which overwhelms the sound. Bass is better than 800. My opinion only! I am aiming to try out the LCD4 but this is much more expensive. I also am using an aftermarket cord (Artisan Silver -- Silver Dream) which makes a significant improvement in the LCD 3. Make sure you try out the HD 800 or 800s vs the Audese before you buy. Good Luck
I have a pair of HD800S / HE1000 / Aybss / I sold my LCDX and LCD3 F None of them came close to the Aybss . I power them with a SimAudio 430 HAD and just sold my modded WA22 and bought a WA5-LE V2 which I will have next week , The Aybss is just awesome
Jul 31, 2016 at 11:07 PM Post #38,454 of 42,332
  Does any one know how long does 6C8G Jan Tung-Sol take to burn in?

If it's the round plate version then it's the same as what I have.
I find that it sounds bassy and dark for 10 hours, mellows a bit after that, at about the 20-30 hour mark you get the signature it is going to settle on and after 50 hours + the treble sweetens just a little. At that point it is burnt in.
The 20 hour mark I find it acceptable.
Jul 31, 2016 at 11:10 PM Post #38,455 of 42,332
If it's the round plate version then it's the same as what I have.
I find that it sounds bassy and dark for 10 hours, mellows a bit after that, at about the 20-30 hour mark you get the signature it is going to settle on and after 50 hours + the treble sweetens just a little. At that point it is burnt in.
The 20 hour mark I find it acceptable.

Thank you,
I just got a pair and I got about 20-25 hours on it.
Jul 31, 2016 at 11:10 PM Post #38,456 of 42,332
Dear Friends of WOO: I am here in Vietnam awaiting for my delivery today of my first tube anything ever!! The WA7 has landed in HCMC and I am just sweating this last few hours out right now. I might have to go get a foot massage just to kill time. I'm a little nervous to tell you guys the truth.
Aug 3, 2016 at 11:43 PM Post #38,459 of 42,332
Dear Friends of WOO:  Here is my impressions of my first 48 hours of the very first tube gear of any type which is the WA7. Please keep in mind I am a music lover impulse buyer that have bought all of my gear this year unseen unheard just from reading you guys and gals on Head Fi.
The unboxing: Wow already, heavy box lands here at my house in HCMC Vietnam. Very nicely packed. Both extra tubes I ordered survived the journey from Long Island NY. I am very please with the way this baby came in to my little world here. I haven't even plug it in I am loving it already. While waiting for her to get here I have downloaded more the $800 worth of HD music from HD Tracks. Bought power cables from Nordost, Furutech eTP60 to clean up the power here in VN. I have Labkable of HK making me a super USB cable coming in tomorrow. To say I was READY is an understatement.
The set up: This was more simple then I thought. Basic plug and play no fuss no mess. I am only going to use the stock tubes since this is my first experience with tube gear. Last year this time I was listening to most music on Youtube using just my PowerBook and the big sweaty in VN AKG K550 I thought that was just heaven. Why I got into Head Fi is the K550 was just way to hot for the climate here so I Google around and found you guys. I have since then bought a whole lots of stuff. So now the Woo with stock tube is what I will enter into another realm in sonic bliss.
Back to basics:  I really wanted this sonic journey to be special for a tube rookie on deck. So I took away all the fancy after market cables and all my headphones returned to their original stock cables. With the new Hifiman HEX I have never plug them into their stock cables so I did an over night burn in on another set up to get ready for the moment of truth. I also started my listening with just the PowerBook and all the headphones straight. This gets me back to that little slice of heaven before WOO and tube. You know what? It all sounded kind of good to me. Nothing wrong with all the headphones and the Mac. YouTube really sounded good as I remembered it to be. Now the turn on and first sound from WOO and tube......
I decided to not burn in at all and just turn on and play music with the new WOO. I can tell you all and I mean all of my music sounded different right from the very first second. It was alive, organic, rounded 3D, deeper higher farther I can hear into the music. While listening I can't stop touching the WOO to see if this baby is getting too hot? No, it's not as hot as the Mojo, it's just warm to the touch after one hour of music full out. I have read all these pages about the burn in. I did burn in all my other gear and YESSSSS they all do sounded much better after like the second month. I am only at the 48 hours mark and I had them on only half of the time so I just can't imagine what's up with this WOO after say another 10 days? I can't wait!!!
Winners and Losers: With all things this world gives us there is always sun and rain. Here are my thoughts on all my gears I have tried with the WOO.
Stock tube for the tube first timer is just fine. It's so good in fact I might never roll tubes for 2 month. That being said from what I have read things just gets better with the other superstar tubes in the market today. But different might not be better, just different. Stock cables are also good if you amp good. The Nighthawk stock cables sounded really great with the HEX and the PM2. The HEX stock cables sounded the worst of all cables. Maybe it's not burn in enough? All my after market cables fits all the phones except the Grado 500e, they all did very well.
Losers: YouTube just will not sound good with the WOO and tube. But with let's say the Dragonfly 1.2 it's much better. Headphone loser in sound goes to the Nighthawk. This out of my 4 phones and one IEM had the worst sound and I don't know why? It had a strong resonate of some notes just jump out at you and it's not at all comfortable to my ears. Specially with large orchestral work like Also Sprach Zarathustra it's just too overwhelming to even keep listening. Now with solo piano work it's better not great. No synergy there at all. WOO and the Hawk says goodbye.
Price vs Sound: My first Hifi gear I bought this year was the mid priced Grado 500e. My most expensive gear is the Hifiman HEX. Now with the 500e and the WOO, they get along just fine. I got the HDtracks album all the old stuff I used to listen to back in the days. On the old band America, Venture Highway this set up sounded in tonality just EXACTLY like the 8 tracks tapes we all had back then but now with Hifi gear. I can't believe my ears. I was transported to another era. I quickly switched to the HEX and nope, 8 track tape sound was gone. So what I get from this is cost is no real indication of enjoyment level. I just love that 8 track tape sound of the WOO and 500e.
Surprised Super Star award goes to...... Shure SE535 LTD RED. I bought this thing at HKG, looks good to me at the moment, it's RED. Never like the sound, never like the feeling in my ear, it's almost unused just sitting in a dark spot in my closet. Since the WA7 has that little I want to say hole, yes, that hole that is made for IEM's. I decided to try that just once since I am burning in that very first day. I left them alone turned on real low and went swimming. After I got back I just decided to see if that RED thing I never liked was making sound? WOW..... Unbelievable wall of sound hits me between the eyes. The synergy of the WOO and 535RED is just awesome. You know when I listen to this thing with say the Mojo it's just way to harsh. Not musical, Dragonfly was even worst, too bright, shrill. Then of course I realize this 535 was never broken in as well. So I did a mini burn in overnight and I can tell you this is the very best in sound these last 48 hours. Now I will take things slow since it's all so sweet. Those big Mojo eyes are dark and I'm sorry about that. Sacrifice has to be made for the WOO and tube.
Aug 4, 2016 at 8:44 PM Post #38,460 of 42,332
Just received my nice WA2, pairing with my T's,(Both versions).
Excellent trade with Monsterzero for my Audeze LCD 2's.
Perfect pairing with the Teslas.
To the fellow above, Smileko;
Just wait 'til you've got your gear run in a bit....
Your experience will be STUPENDOUS.
You'll be getting another Woo, before too long... if you can do it, try the Tesla T1's at some point.
It just gets better and better.

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