Vsonic GR07 MK2 - stunning new cable! | bio-cel tech IEM | now with review - see 2nd post
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:49 PM Post #406 of 982
Was that directed at me?  I didn't say these are bass light, I just prefer signatures with a bit of boost down low.  I'm getting a proper seal.

Not at all. It's just I see some people saying they have hollow and weak bass.
Aug 23, 2012 at 7:06 PM Post #407 of 982
The bass is very good on the GR07 MK2, it's very tight and surpasses the Sony EX600 and EX700 I think...
It's the first feature which caught my attention, it must be the bio-cellulose "warmth like paper / velocity of Titanium", although I can't hear any 'Titanium' tone in the mids or highs I don't think (in reference to a high-end Titanium tweeter I've heard in a car, and the RE272).
In some fast electronic music, when there's an onslaught of bass beats, it's given me butterflies in my chest a couple of times, it just doesn't sound like I expect to, it's like a fast lizard tongue.
Another forte is the soundspace, it has inner-, mid- and outer- core in a decent balance (like the Vsonic R04), it's not excellent but I don't fault it, unlike how I fault the Sony EX600 which has no inner core, or the Hifiman RE252 and RE272 which have very little outer core.
To me the lack of inner-core in the EX600 is it's main weakness, the first time I heard it for a longer session I used the "3D" sound processing thing on my T51 just to make the EX600 sound 'normal' to me.
In contrast, the JVC FXC51 and FXD80 have excellent inner-core, which is their main forte versus other IEM's (lacking in the FXT90).
Another contrast to the GR07 MK2 fast bass snap is the J-phonic K2 SP, which had massive bass decay, the bass decay on the K2 SP was novel at first, but not really anything to write home about, nor was it's tonal finesse which was pretty damn weak for the price.
For tonal finesse the Hifiman RE272 is probably the best dynamic I've heard in the mids and highs, well apart from the ATH-CKW1000ANV where you don't have to concentrate for it, the tonality just leaps at you, it has excellent character with classical music.
I think the GR07 MK2 is a bit lacking in personality though, it's neither hot nor cold, doesn't have any trademark sizzle or special tone, it's just err, pretty even across the board, if you lined it up in 10 sound categories you could give it 7's all the way, so I suppose in a sense this is a reference IEM, a bit of a blank sheet.
That feeling comes across in it's design too, it's understated yet classy.
Aug 23, 2012 at 7:24 PM Post #408 of 982
Oh, I missed an important category ---- source-transparency.
I think it's pretty tedious and complex to assess source transparency accurately, let me explain it.
If you have a pure glass of water, you can pour any ink into it and see the colour.  If you have a blue glass of water, you have an issue with transparency, since the water / IEM is always 'colouring' whatever passes through it.
No IEM is a true pure glass of water, yet some are more coloured than others.
Let's take the CK10, the CK10 instills a 'CK10-ness' into everything which passes through it, this makes low fidelity music sound 'higher', and weak sources (like a mobile phone) sound fine.
This is plus and minus, you either want your lo-fi music and mobile phone to sound nice, or you want to hear them for what they are.
After months of experimenting with different sources I concluded the Sony EX700 is more source transparent than most other IEM's, like the Sony EX600.
If you think that sounds out there or audiophile nonsense, I can offer some solid technical theories why.
Looking for source transparency can be deceiving though since some IEM's may respond better to amplification than others (more voltage etc.), so then it sounds like they're more transparent when actually they're just responding to amplification.
Another case is the Sony XBA-4, it responds violently to output impedance, that's sensitivity which could be mistaken for transparency.
Aug 23, 2012 at 7:30 PM Post #409 of 982
Interesting impressions kiteki. What do you think about the treble of the GR07 vs the FXD80?
Aug 23, 2012 at 8:15 PM Post #410 of 982
The FXD80 has an obvious 10kHz peak which is suitable for 'hi-fi' sound and watching movies etc.
The GR07 MK2 treble is less offensive than the FXD80, EX600, EX700, CK10, UE700 etc. so it seems like the nicer IEM for longer listening sessions, without much spike or sizzle etc.
I don't have anything exciting to say about the treble right now need to keep listening not sure.
Aug 25, 2012 at 2:55 AM Post #411 of 982
OK guys and gals should I rejoin the GR07 wagon? This is one IEM I have often regretted selling and am wondering is the slightly more forward mids and brighter signature is enough to make me jump back in?
Aug 25, 2012 at 3:09 AM Post #412 of 982
My impulsiveness will never cease to amaze me...
Ordered from LE via PayPal...
First IEM I have sold and re-bought though, and if the mids are a bit more forward and the treble a bit brighter I think I may be in heaven when I get them...
Aug 25, 2012 at 8:22 AM Post #413 of 982
Ha. I was in the process of replying to your PM when I saw this. Yes, I think you'd like them a lot more. Listening to them now, and the sound is beautiful. I still have a couple of qualms with them, like how the dynamic range seems to be lacking on some songs, then reappears on others, and the average depth. Still, the tonal balance, detailing, and sub-bass makes up for it all. Look for a comparison to the Final Audio FI-BA-SS later today.
Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM Post #414 of 982
Thanks Eke, I am hopeful your correct because I did start to miss solid deep bass in my current roundup of gear an area I really liked about the GR07. Actually I should amend my last sentence as my Noontec Zoro on ear headphones actually have pretty nice bass. Everything else though lacks a good extension into the bass region. Most of my music is fine without to much bass but I do miss it for some music. The other thing I miss is just a bit better isolation and the drop in my ears and forget about them comfort I got with the GR07.
Aug 26, 2012 at 2:43 AM Post #416 of 982
better should have jumped on the ex1000 wagon. i know youre preferences and think you will find the gr07 too dark sounding.


Aug 26, 2012 at 4:53 AM Post #418 of 982
Howdy sofastreamer, I have to admit I found the original GR07 a bit to dark for me. Hopefully the new version has improved this area. I think that the EX1000 would have been to V shaped for me too though. Anyway I hope I like these enough that I don't regret the purchase. I can say I have often regretted selling my original GR07.
Aug 26, 2012 at 4:24 PM Post #420 of 982
It appears my understanding of the EX1000 may be slightly off in that it does not have a V shaped signature. If I find myself unhappy with the GR07 MKII I may look into it but am hopeful I will like the GR07 enough that I can call it a day. I will certainly be posting my comments when they arrive...

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