Ultrasone Fan Club! (Roll Call)
Nov 26, 2011 at 9:40 PM Post #496 of 2,312

Does anybody know a store in the NYC area that has Ultrasones out for testing?  The only place I've found is B&H, and they only have the HFI580.  I want to test a few more.

maybe j&r..
Nov 27, 2011 at 1:54 PM Post #498 of 2,312

Well seems those ultrasone connectors are very bizarre, like nothing i've ever come across.
I've fired the guy an email to see what he can suggest, as he does offer a guide on quables.

I've done a few cables with them, what do you want to know?
Nov 28, 2011 at 2:43 PM Post #499 of 2,312
Umm when which is signal and ground, looks like a gold pole with a couple holes on the underside to me, are you meant to solder a wire to them, is that even achieveable?
Handle wise there's no thread, so im thinking of using a neutrik mini, and hot glue it to the cables, all heat shrunk of course.
Cables haven't arrived yet, so i've time to scratch me head over this one.

I've done a few cables with them, what do you want to know?

Nov 28, 2011 at 4:45 PM Post #500 of 2,312
Umm when which is signal and ground, looks like a gold pole with a couple holes on the underside to me, are you meant to solder a wire to them, is that even achieveable?
Handle wise there's no thread, so im thinking of using a neutrik mini, and hot glue it to the cables, all heat shrunk of course.
Cables haven't arrived yet, so i've time to scratch me head over this one.

I've done a few cables with them, what do you want to know?


Don't worry, the plugs are fine. I posted a "diagram" (picture of the plug + ms paint) of it around here somewhere, I'll dig it up for you tomorrow. :)
Nov 29, 2011 at 2:01 PM Post #501 of 2,312

Yeah, I tried them. The guy behind the counter kept trying to look up 'Ultra Tone', he said he never heard of Ultrasone.  I was very disappointed.

Let me know if you find anywhere, I've been looking myself.
I live out on the island and wouldn't mind heading into the city for some shopping.
I bought my 780's based solely on reviews, I'd really like to do some demoing before making any more big purchases.
Nov 29, 2011 at 4:15 PM Post #502 of 2,312

Umm when which is signal and ground, looks like a gold pole with a couple holes on the underside to me, are you meant to solder a wire to them, is that even achieveable?
Handle wise there's no thread, so im thinking of using a neutrik mini, and hot glue it to the cables, all heat shrunk of course.
Cables haven't arrived yet, so i've time to scratch me head over this one.



Just dug up the incredibly beautiful illustration I made:

Nov 29, 2011 at 4:54 PM Post #503 of 2,312
I didn't think so.  There's a little drop in bass (less noticeable with an amp) but for the most part the two (580/550 pro) sound nearly identical except for soundstage and mids ( Pros fare better ).  DJ series is black/white Pro 550's are light grey/black. 
Soon to join the Ultrasone club.
It's between the DJ1/DJ1 Pro/HFI-580. Are the DJ1 Pro's bass really that lacking? Cause I like a fair amount of rumble, but I loooove that white. @.@

Beyerdynamic dt 250 velour pads supposedly fit.  There's a few threads about it.  Never got a chance to try them out for myself as they were back ordered for a few months and I sold my 580's before they got back in stock.

I still haven't found out if there are any replacement earpads that could be bought for the HFI-580. No one ever told me after the numerous times ive asked. :|

I want something more comfortable than the stock ones.

Nov 30, 2011 at 5:17 AM Post #504 of 2,312
*puts name down*
My DJ1 Pro's came in, after a tiny bit of tweaking, they sound amazing, in comparison to the 750DJ's. The upper instruments (piano, GUITARS especially) sound crystal clear. It's jaw dropping to hear the individual string pluckings on guitar parts. I might try and sit down and compare them to my only other headphones, the Shure SRH750DJ's
Nov 30, 2011 at 5:23 AM Post #505 of 2,312
Joining the Ultrasone club with my PROline 750's. I'm absolutely head-over-heels for these headphones. They just do everything so damn well, listening to music is just such a thrill. 
Was listening to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture the other day, and thought the drums were going to shake the house off it's foundation, and the canons blow the walls in.

Nov 30, 2011 at 8:16 AM Post #506 of 2,312
It's interesting that Ultrasone is almost never mentioned as a recommendation for classical, yet the demo CD from the manufacturer is chock-full of classical.  I can see why they wouldn't be a top recommendation as they are generally not flat and can have a synthetic tone, but their larger than normal sound stage and low-end impact I would imagine would make classical more fun for those who aren't aficionados of it.
Nov 30, 2011 at 8:43 AM Post #507 of 2,312

It's interesting that Ultrasone is almost never mentioned as a recommendation for classical, yet the demo CD from the manufacturer is chock-full of classical.  I can see why they wouldn't be a top recommendation as they are generally not flat and can have a synthetic tone, but their larger than normal sound stage and low-end impact I would imagine would make classical more fun for those who aren't aficionados of it.

Colored headphones with major bass emphasis are generally not recommended in classical music circles. When a brand like Ultrasone is associated with a bass-centric sound, then as you say, it doesn't get many recommendations for such purposes. Neutrality seems most desirable, followed by coloration with focus in the mids and upper registers (a la Audio-Technica's "Art Series").
I think the Edition 8 would probably be the most popular Ultrasone overall among classical music-loving head-fiers. The Edition 10 has a reputation for being too harsh up top, making horns and similar instruments unbearable. Personally I think this gets exaggerated though.

Nov 30, 2011 at 8:46 AM Post #508 of 2,312

It's interesting that Ultrasone is almost never mentioned as a recommendation for classical, yet the demo CD from the manufacturer is chock-full of classical.  I can see why they wouldn't be a top recommendation as they are generally not flat and can have a synthetic tone, but their larger than normal sound stage and low-end impact I would imagine would make classical more fun for those who aren't aficionados of it.

Stuff like Carmina Burana on the Pro 900s is absolutely AWESOME!
Nov 30, 2011 at 12:31 PM Post #509 of 2,312
DJ1 Pro/550 Pro seem to not get lots of attention here but I love them.  I found them to a natural progression to the HFI-580s with better detail, soundstage and like you said, live instruments.  Enjoy
*puts name down*
My DJ1 Pro's came in, after a tiny bit of tweaking, they sound amazing, in comparison to the 750DJ's. The upper instruments (piano, GUITARS especially) sound crystal clear. It's jaw dropping to hear the individual string pluckings on guitar parts. I might try and sit down and compare them to my only other headphones, the Shure SRH750DJ's

Nov 30, 2011 at 9:08 PM Post #510 of 2,312

It's interesting that Ultrasone is almost never mentioned as a recommendation for classical, yet the demo CD from the manufacturer is chock-full of classical.  I can see why they wouldn't be a top recommendation as they are generally not flat and can have a synthetic tone, but their larger than normal sound stage and low-end impact I would imagine would make classical more fun for those who aren't aficionados of it.

I think these are really good for classical, but the HFI-580's and HFI-780's I heard would be somewhat poor for classical. The 780's in particular, since they are so damn harsh.
For classical I really am preferring these to my old K601's though. The K601's had the mids down, no doubt, but these do everything better for me, especially the highs and soundstage. The added bass I can take or leave, but the less subdued highs really make for a more engaging listen. As far as soundstage, I don't think my amp was doing the K601's any favors. They really always sounded very intimate, which is fine (even ideal) for rock and folk, but it provided a poor sense of space for classical.

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