The Stax thread (New)
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Jun 9, 2018 at 1:42 PM Post #24,797 of 24,807
Okay, so this is what the input to the primary side of the transformer of my newly acquired SRM-007tA looks like. Just two wires...

Being from Japan, the unit is configured for 100VAC. I guess this is bad news for my plans to convert the amp to 240VAC input?

Jun 10, 2018 at 11:44 AM Post #24,799 of 24,807
Okay, so this is what the input to the primary side of the transformer of my newly acquired SRM-007tA looks like. Just two wires...

Being from Japan, the unit is configured for 100VAC. I guess this is bad news for my plans to convert the amp to 240VAC input?

Yes, I think the last version of these amps (where it says "driver unit for earspeakers" on the back) cannot be converted.
Jun 10, 2018 at 5:27 PM Post #24,801 of 24,807
Since Stax was bought by an American corp. it's not the real Japanese Stax anymore which had a "Samurai philosophy", to serve the customer to the max. Now it's just a profit-maximizing scam. I'm happy with my old-school Staxen. Won't touch the new stuff. Just saying.
Jun 11, 2018 at 10:25 AM Post #24,803 of 24,807
Could I get some quick advice please? I have a SRX MkIII/SRD-7 combo. The volume is a little lower on the left at times, occasionally there is a hum when no music is playing, and the SRD-7 is pretty ancient. I was thinking that something like a SRM-313 would be a better bet than having the SRD-7 rebuilt. (I have no experience with a soldering iron) Well, a SRM-313 has become available. My questions are:
a) would it be a significant sonic upgrade, beyond having R/L volume control?
b) Would I be better served spending the money on a pair of Oppo PM-3s?
My budget is restricted.
Jun 15, 2018 at 7:48 PM Post #24,806 of 24,807
Since Stax was bought by an American (Fixed: Chinese) corp. it's not the real Japanese Stax anymore which had a "Samurai philosophy", to serve the customer to the max. Now it's just a profit-maximizing scam. I'm happy with my old-school Staxen. Won't touch the new stuff. Just saying.
Whilst folks are moving to the Stax III thread, I just wanna clarify one point, in discussions with Stax and Edifier, Edifier has not influenced the Stax culture in Japan and given Stax in Japan autonomy to the designs and production. However, what potentially may happen is, there may be other Stax products that may not necessarily be made in Japan.
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