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Dec 11, 2012 at 3:27 PM Post #20,311 of 24,807
Hi, I'm relatively new around here.  I just recently acquired an ESP950 and have read the E90 energizer leaves some to be desired.  Can someone suggest a good place to look for used Stax amps?  Would 580v pro bias be a good match for the 600v esp950?


if luck is on your side and your budget permits, an used kgss makes a good match. but once you have that, it will leave another things to be desired again

maybe spritzer or other stat mafia can chime in on how esp950 works with other amp be it third party or stax amp ? I only have experience with kgss on this particular headphone. ahhh, guess maybe its time for me to get another esp950. I miss it really.....regret selling it
Edit : just checked Amazon, I got it in the past about 2 years ago for 570 now its friggin 900!!!! Now this really makes me regret........
Dec 12, 2012 at 6:33 AM Post #20,315 of 24,807
Hi, I'm relatively new around here.  I just recently acquired an ESP950 and have read the E90 energizer leaves some to be desired.  Can someone suggest a good place to look for used Stax amps?  Would 580v pro bias be a good match for the 600v esp950?

I have ESP-950's, and the E90, and I have a Stax SRM-T1  as well, and used to have an SRM-1 mk 2.  My ESP 950's have been rewired with a Stax cable and I have a dongle that lets me use headphones with 5-pin Stax plugs on the Koss E90 amplifier.  I already had my SRM-T1  before I got my ESP-950's, else I might have stayed with the E90.
The E90 sounds a lot like the SRM-1 mk2.  I think the SRM-T1  might sound a little more "refined" but otherwise there's not much difference between the E90 and the SRM-T1.
E90 is really no slouch.  Very close to the sound of the various widely-available Stax amps.  I think to get a NOTICEABLY better sound out of the ESP-950  you'd need to go up to something like the KGSSHV*  amp.   As usual with high-end audio, the last 15% of sound quality costs 85% of the money......
So, really, unless you are obsessed with audio like I am, or have loads of money,  it makes sense to stick with the E90.
The E90 also has the advantage of being able to run on batteries.  Very handy if you are into location recording and want the transparency of electrostatic headphones for monitoring.
(I am badly obsessed with audio, so I am building a Gilmore designed amp, but it's slow going because I never have time to work on it.)
* KGSSHV  This stands for Kevin Gilmore Solid State High Voltage- and let me explain what that means.  There's a gentleman named Kevin Gilmore, who is a very talented electronic engineer and also a skilled technician and machinist. He has designed a number of very good headphone amplifiers, mostly amplifiers designed for use with electrostatic headphones. Often, people use his design and build the equipment themselves. Mr. Gilmore is more than happy to provide his design to home-builders for free.  The amplifiers can be a little challenging, but with patience I think even a beginner could build them.  However, you need to be able to solder and also to house the amplifier in some kind of chassis. Chassis work could be as simple as buying a commercially available blank chassis and cutting the various mounting holes, etc that are needed.  Or, you can start from metal stock and machine it all yourself if you have access to the right kind of tools.
I believe that some Kevin Gilmore designs are available commercially from "professional builders."  They are not cheap.  I think a KGSSHV  would run about $4,000.  It would cost you about $1,500 to build one.  (Prices are guestimates.)
Dec 12, 2012 at 8:13 PM Post #20,316 of 24,807
Just thought I'd let you guys know we visited the Stax factory yesterday for an interview, thanks to scottsmrnyc and arnaud. I can't post anything in detail about it yet (we need to verify the answers to our questions were understood correctly after we translate them) but I will say there were some surprises in there.
Dec 12, 2012 at 11:36 PM Post #20,318 of 24,807
Dec 13, 2012 at 12:41 AM Post #20,319 of 24,807
Must say, currawongs are more friendly than magpies in the wild.
Don't know about nesting season though. Magpies can be a real pain then.
Dec 13, 2012 at 10:57 AM Post #20,320 of 24,807
I believe that some Kevin Gilmore designs are available commercially from "professional builders."  They are not cheap.  I think a KGSSHV  would run about $4,000.  It would cost you about $1,500 to build one.  (Prices are guestimates.)

Oh, I was not aware that there were “professional builders” now from whom one could buy a KGSSHV. Do you have any names? Thank you.
Dec 13, 2012 at 4:47 PM Post #20,325 of 24,807
A Chemist for Northwestern University.  No slouch for sure!

He works for the chemistry department at Northwestern in their electronics shop.  As I understand it, he makes / modifies / repairs instrumentation and experimental apparatus.  I don't think he's a chemist, but an electrical engineer. A "Living Treasure" for the Stax community, for sure.
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