The discovery thread!
Nov 11, 2013 at 7:11 PM Post #16,592 of 124,760
Do tell, you have a loaner or has that contest wrapped up?

Yes, they're very capable, Nick. One of the better dynamic drivers I've heard.
Nov 11, 2013 at 9:35 PM Post #16,593 of 124,760
I seem to hear things differently than many here...not surprising, I guess, especially in iem's, people hear differently, have different ear shapes. I do hear the plusses of the 750's, though. They have a really wide stage, with nice imaging (compared to the Gratitudes, which was the earlier comparison). They also have cleaner highs. I find the presentation of the instruments themselves better with the Gratitudes...I hear more body, definitiion, oomph in the same instruments on the Gratitudes. Also find the Gratitudes a much easier fit/seal than the 750's, but even holding the 750's in place to get the best seal, I hear these differences. The 750's remind me of the S2s in that way (and the Tenores)...the things they do well, they do really, really well, but in terms of realism, hearing full bodied instruments making music, still like the Gratitudes better. Too bad it's hard to audition these things before purchase...
Nov 11, 2013 at 10:53 PM Post #16,594 of 124,760
About time to buy myself the Nexus 5 now that it's getting pretty good reviews on audio quality. I was worried it wouldn't have the same DAC as the LG G2 but it seems that not only does it have the same DAC (24bit/192khz) but the software processing allows for better direct input. Lots of complaints about the speaker, but I'm probably never going to use the speaker as I have a nice portable speaker setup and I mostly use my headphones.

MA750 gets the thumbs up from Dsnut over the Gratitude. I may actually have to check those out as well because at the moment my Fiancee doesn't want me to buy the KEF M200 as she wants my next big pair of $150< headphones to be from her on Christmas.
Nov 11, 2013 at 11:40 PM Post #16,595 of 124,760
^best hope for something from her that youd like
Nov 11, 2013 at 11:46 PM Post #16,596 of 124,760
Oh and i try not to buy into the MSRP hoopla, you're talking about Monsters here, BEATS!!! Anyone??? LMAO

The thing can cost a penny for all i care, if they sound amazing they sound amazing. If they sound like turd and cost $1000, they still sound like a piece of turd. I try to not judge my gears based on price alone, it's the qualities/ characteristics of the said gear that counts meng. Dat inner beauty analogy. :cool:  

edit: oh forgot to say that your impressions are just as valid as mine cuz we all hear differently due to our personal biases, differing taste in music, sound signatures, etc, etc. Kova and i certainly don't see eye to eye regarding these VSD1 LEs but there are common grounds in which we both undoubtedly think are the true trademarks of these LEs and you certainly have pointed out some of them. So good job there. :beerchug:

We'll have to agree to disagree on the MSRP POV because I believe that if I buy something like the VSD1 Classics for $35 and they sound like they're $35 headphones than I have just found a cheapo pair, but if I buy something that is MSRP'd at $200+ dollars and they sound like $30 headphones I will be highly disappointed in the company that produced them. The problem with Beats is that they never fit their target price point. Beats are not bad headphones if you can pick them up for $60, but when they start breaching the $100+ range they start to lose value fast. Well, supposedly the new beats don't suck, but Monster isn't involved with them. If you're going to pick a headphone that Monster has created to attack I would say something like the Monster DNA which is a $50-$75 headphone that is priced at $150. Though they did create the Monster Inspiration's which is pretty close to accurately priced. I would bring them down about $50 bucks into the $200 range.

Though this is not why I am quoting you! I wanted to tell you that I have to take back what I said about the Gratitudes. They're not two times better than the VSD1 classics. I only A&B'd my VSD1 against my friend's VSD1 LE. I didn't take the time to A&B against the Gratitudes at the time. The VSD1 are actually.. how do I put this.. colder than the Gratitudes. The Gratitudes are just warm and thick. They remind me so much of the comparison against the VSD1 LE except they have a bit more dimension. The VSD1 is actually the flatter--not the flattest--and more precise headphone. Which is something that I am shocked by because they do have a slight bass emphasis. The Gratitudes bass can be almost overpowering in some songs, but it never distorts or disturbs the other frequencies. The range seems wider on the VSD1 classics, but more rich on the Gratitude. I would say that you're definitely correct about the sound signatures being in the ear of the listener and that the Gratitude and VSD1 Classics sound signature are just to different to make a definite statement on which is better. I might have to borrow my friend's VSD1 LE to do a proper A&B of them because that is a lot closer to the Monster's sound signature.
Nov 12, 2013 at 1:03 AM Post #16,597 of 124,760
We'll have to agree to disagree on the MSRP POV because I believe that if I buy something like the VSD1 Classics for $35 and they sound like they're $35 headphones than I have just found a cheapo pair, but if I buy something that is MSRP'd at $200+ dollars and they sound like $30 headphones I will be highly disappointed in the company that produced them. The problem with Beats is that they never fit their target price point. Beats are not bad headphones if you can pick them up for $60, but when they start breaching the $100+ range they start to lose value fast. Well, supposedly the new beats don't suck, but Monster isn't involved with them. If you're going to pick a headphone that Monster has created to attack I would say something like the Monster DNA which is a $50-$75 headphone that is priced at $150. Though they did create the Monster Inspiration's which is pretty close to accurately priced. I would bring them down about $50 bucks into the $200 range.

Though this is not why I am quoting you! I wanted to tell you that I have to take back what I said about the Gratitudes. They're not two times better than the VSD1 classics. I only A&B'd my VSD1 against my friend's VSD1 LE. I didn't take the time to A&B against the Gratitudes at the time. The VSD1 are actually.. how do I put this.. colder than the Gratitudes. The Gratitudes are just warm and thick. They remind me so much of the comparison against the VSD1 LE except they have a bit more dimension. The VSD1 is actually the flatter--not the flattest--and more precise headphone. Which is something that I am shocked by because they do have a slight bass emphasis. The Gratitudes bass can be almost overpowering in some songs, but it never distorts or disturbs the other frequencies. The range seems wider on the VSD1 classics, but more rich on the Gratitude. I would say that you're definitely correct about the sound signatures being in the ear of the listener and that the Gratitude and VSD1 Classics sound signature are just to different to make a definite statement on which is better. I might have to borrow my friend's VSD1 LE to do a proper A&B of them because that is a lot closer to the Monster's sound signature.

^ Nice can't wait for that A/B comparo. These LEs take amping/ EQing like a champ, so if you have different sources do try them out cuz they might surprise you.
When hooked to my Rockboxed Sansa Clip+ and Fiio e17 combo they sounded better than straight outta' my 5th gen ipod classic, but the more warm/ bassy sound signature of the e17 is not the most ideal for these LEs. So when hooked up to my venturecraft amp which bypasses the crappy dac of my ghetto @ss 4th gen nano, these shine like crazy. There is much more resolution in the sound which makes for a even more transparent, clean but yet bold/full and explosive experience that just grabs you by the b@lls!!! O.O

The bass on these when hooked to the venturecraft reminds me of my Super Modded Double Stuffed JVC S500s but there is much more texture, is smoother, less picky/peaky/ revealing and just sounds like a full size set of cans due to their big outta' the head presentation. This was the main reason why i just sold off my Philips X1s, cuz these LEs are a more enjoyable listen for me overall. The bass on the X1s just didn't have the texture nor lushness i had desired and sounded kinda boxy to me when compared to the gr07 BEs and these LEs. The X1s are good but it didn't live up to what i had hoped for esp. in the bass department despite they have amazing bass quantity for a open set of cans. The bass quality wasn't too shabby as well on the X1s no doubt about it, but i needed better that's all.
Anywho keep posted on that A/B meng.
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:05 AM Post #16,599 of 124,760
What madness are you smoking, sf, to suggest that a Quadbeat sounds better than an X1? You so hiiiiiiiigh!!!!!!! 

Nov 12, 2013 at 4:12 PM Post #16,601 of 124,760


  What madness are you smoking, sf, to suggest that a Quadbeat sounds better than an X1? You so hiiiiiiiigh!!!!!!! 


Thanks for the compliment at least you weren't questioning my sanity. HE HE HE

BUT i was talking about those VSD1 Limited Editions, hence "LE" reference NOT LG despite i ALWAYS make spelling/ grammatical mistakes, this sadly wasn't one of them.

Hmmm weren't you also the one that questioned why i sold my WS99s despite i said the really liked the CKS1000s as well??? I think i explained it pretty well...  My ES700s sounded more intricate/ special when compared to the WS99, and the same applies to these X1s when compared to my VSD1 LEs. These X1s were basically a WS99 redux for me, both were good but it just wasn't mind blowing good. Despite the Zu cable was able to bring these X1s to another level these X1s still felt lacking in texture/ lushness in the lows with a slightly recessed mid range, hence overall they weren't as enjoyable for me compared to my VSD1 LEs. Their stage was pretty big but i wanted something even more grand in scale esp. for a open/ semi-open set of full sized cans. They are no doubt a good set of semi-open cans with amazing bass quantity/ good quality esp. for their low price, but they just weren't for me despite owning them two times already.
ikr, i must be on a crazy good trip to be comparing a set of full size cans to some lowly cheapo iems, but hey what can i say these cabbages are THAT amazing.


Maybe i am just insane in the membrane....
  What are these? Not the LE.

^ Those are the Lethals..... just reusing images that's all. :)

Nov 12, 2013 at 6:10 PM Post #16,602 of 124,760

Thanks for the compliment at least you weren't questioning my sanity. HE HE HE

BUT i was talking about those VSD1 Limited Editions, hence "LE" reference NOT LG despite i ALWAYS make spelling/ grammatical mistakes, this sadly wasn't one of them.

Hmmm weren't you also the one that questioned why i sold my WS99s despite i said the really liked the CKS1000s as well??? I think i explained it pretty well...  My ES700s sounded more intricate/ special when compared to the WS99, and the same applies to these X1s when compared to my VSD1 LEs. These X1s were basically a WS99 redux for me, both were good but it just wasn't mind blowing good. Despite the Zu cable was able to bring these X1s to another level these X1s still felt lacking in texture/ lushness in the lows with a slightly recessed mid range, hence overall they weren't as enjoyable for me compared to my VSD1 LEs. Their stage was pretty big but i wanted something even more grand in scale esp. for a open/ semi-open set of full sized cans. They are no doubt a good set of semi-open cans with amazing bass quantity/ good quality esp. for their low price, but they just weren't for me despite owning them two times already.
ikr, i must be on a crazy good trip to be comparing a set of full size cans to some lowly cheapo iems, but hey what can i say these cabbages are THAT amazing.


Maybe i am just insane in the membrane....
^ Those are the Lethals..... just reusing images that's all. :)
Okay... but still think you're high dude! But that's better at least. lol ... 


Nov 12, 2013 at 6:10 PM Post #16,603 of 124,760
Nuts too at sf .... lol
Nov 12, 2013 at 6:31 PM Post #16,605 of 124,760
You ARE nuts for selling your X1's, but you're NOT nuts for loving your LE's so much (I can say this pre-burn in and only 2 songs in)...

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