The discovery thread!
Jan 22, 2013 at 12:50 PM Post #6,241 of 124,759
LOL !   ...this thread is really living up to it's hype, I amazed how fast it went from AD900X to Somic EFi 82.
Speaking of which   ....nobody tried the NIA 8801, I mentioned earlier ? (refer post 5339)
the only place I can find them at now is Ebay-Germany and they have gone up in price locally.
If the Somics are chinese Ripoffs ...startups of Sony, then the NIA are the equivalent of PHILIPS

The NIA 8801 are miles behind when compared to the AD900X

I had these for a while now. Been so busy with the FXZ earphones and the AD900X. I completely forgot to mention. These $20 cans are actually very good headphones. Here is the surprising thing about these little portable cans. Just like Ghost mentioned. The sound is actually correct on them for one but beyond that. These would make simply awesome gifts for loved ones. Why? It has a built in MP3 player in the cup. Throw in a 32 gig chip and your listening to your favorites with no wires for days. The FM radio works well too. A very unique and nice find from Ghost. These headphones for $20 I think is a great price for what they do. Very surprised how good these little cans are. Good one Ghost. 
Should !!!   ...they deserve a separate thread from the AD2000X thread. Count me in as No 1 Fan.

I won't add anymore to what has already been said about them AD900X but I will just say this:
Off all the recommendations of audio gears you have given and I ultimately ended up buying, this has got to be the one I am MOST grateful for !!!
Granted not everybody will be getting one as it is not exactly in the cheapo price bracket but for what I've paid and what I'm getting in return, I truely thanks you for mentioning it during our little chat.

.... the problem is that there is now NO GOING BACK !

I am glad these have caught your fancy my friend.. The AD900X continues to amaze. I have them on as I type. I think the greatest aspect of these cans it their ability to get you involved with the performance your listening to. These cans out of all the cans I own does this in a way that is hard to not absolutely fall for.
I know you guys know me for many budget friendly stuff that sounds good to us. Sometimes a discovery comes in a way that is unexpected. I knew these AD900X cans would perform but to what extent they do I had no idea. I do own the brother of these the A900X so I had an idea of how these would sound. But the reality is what this open back does for this sound is something that is truly exceptional. That live recording and concert like sound is all of a sudden a reality like nothing I have ever heard before.  Sure these are not budget.. These cost more but you guys will never guess the sound level we are talking about here in these $200 cans..Ghost myself and Danny can describe all day long what makes these cans special to us but it is one of those cans. You have to hear for yourself to fully appreciate.
This year has taken off like a rocket for discovery and that is only a good thing for all of us. I truly hope these Somic cans are something worth us franticly clicking to buy. Their price to performance ratio seems to be much more in line with what this thread is about but just because the AD900X  is more of a spendy phone does not mean it does not belong on this thread. This type of sound is what I consider a real discovery. If you guys have never heard ATs version of an open sound these will be worth every penny you pay for them. Not to mention if you game. You will not find a better gaming can..I consider all you guys as friends and friends don't let friends buy crap. The opposite. I pretty much insisted Ghost and Danny get these. Happy listening fellas. Here is to new and excellent discoveries.

Jan 22, 2013 at 1:42 PM Post #6,243 of 124,759
Since looking at a picture of them, I have always thought that the ridges on the Somic headphones outside cover meant that these have grills.  Is that right?  Can you introduce the tip of a needle through the ridges?
Jan 22, 2013 at 1:46 PM Post #6,244 of 124,759
Just found something interesting between the AD900X and the Somic EFi 82 MT......they have similar drivers, both using CCAW coils!  The way things are manufactured in the world in these times, they may be the very same!
Jan 22, 2013 at 1:50 PM Post #6,246 of 124,759
I had these for a while now. Been so busy with the FXZ earphones and the AD900X. I completely forgot to mention. These $20 cans are actually very good headphones. Here is the surprising thing about these little portable cans. Just like Ghost mentioned. The sound is actually correct on them for one but beyond that. These would make simply awesome gifts for loved ones. Why? It has a built in MP3 player in the cup. Throw in a 32 gig chip and your listening to your favorites with no wires for days. The FM radio works well too. A very unique and nice find from Ghost. These headphones for $20 I think is a great price for what they do. Very surprised how good these little cans are. Good one Ghost. 
I am glad these have caught your fancy my friend.. The AD900X continues to amaze. I have them on as I type. I think the greatest aspect of these cans it their ability to get you involved with the performance your listening to. These cans out of all the cans I own does this in a way that is hard to not absolutely fall for.
I know you guys know me for many budget friendly stuff that sounds good to us. Sometimes a discovery comes in a way that is unexpected. I knew these AD900X cans would perform but to what extent they do I had no idea. I do own the brother of these the A900X so I had an idea of how these would sound. But the reality is what this open back does for this sound is something that is truly exceptional. That live recording and concert like sound is all of a sudden a reality like nothing I have ever heard before.  Sure these are not budget.. These cost more but you guys will never guess the sound level we are talking about here in these $200 cans..Ghost myself and Danny can describe all day long what makes these cans special to us but it is one of those cans. You have to hear for yourself to fully appreciate.
This year has taken off like a rocket for discovery and that is only a good thing for all of us. I truly hope these Somic cans are something worth us franticly clicking to buy. Their price to performance ratio seems to be much more in line with what this thread is about but just because the AD900X  is more of a spendy phone does not mean it does not belong on this thread. This type of sound is what I consider a real discovery. If you guys have never heard ATs version of an open sound these will be worth every penny you pay for them. Not to mention if you game. You will not find a better gaming can..I consider all you guys as friends and friends don't let friends buy crap. The opposite. I pretty much insisted Ghost and Danny get these. Happy listening fellas. Here is to new and excellent discoveries.

Dsnut, how do the AD900X open back compare to the FA-011 open back (not sure if you heard those or not. Those are a pair of open back with bass and one of my favorite headphones. Just curious.
Jan 22, 2013 at 1:52 PM Post #6,247 of 124,759
Lol. That would be something. Well the AT driver is proprietary AT 53mm drivers so a bit bigger.

Likely the copper coated aluminum wire, CCAW came from the same!  Somebody compare the AD900X to the  Ds, are the coils in the A900X listed as CCAW?  Mfrs like to reuse technology as a know fact!
Jan 22, 2013 at 1:57 PM Post #6,248 of 124,759
Hey ! just given me a light bulb moment !

We had fun changing avatars for the halloween theme earlier, a show of appreciation to Nuts for always taking "one" for the team and telling it like it is, (keeping our ears happy and our wallets empty
....lets change our avatars to a Pirate theme as a kinda of silent thank you ! him how many Head'Fiers he has touched with his hype, should be fun !
Spread the words !   ....lets make him WALK THE PLANK fellas !!!

Hey don't give me the credit, it's the ingenious BIRD!!! It's our collective flipping the "bird" to our fearless leader Ds in thanks of all his hard work to bring us the best bang for the buck, high or low.


Here here! Arrrrrr!


I'm pretty sure they are (though the SBA-03 was first) as Somic is clearly using some OEM designs like somic dx-129, which is a rebrand of my long lost friend the philips she9800. Btw, looking at the last couple of pages I see that the Master Troll is living up to his name LOL

Hey hey don't feed the troll!

Just found something interesting between the AD900X and the Somic EFi 82 MT......they have similar drivers, both using CCAW coils!  The way things are manufactured in the world in these times, they may be the very same!

Keep dreaming cute, LMAO.
Jan 22, 2013 at 2:33 PM Post #6,250 of 124,759
Dsnut, how do the AD900X open back compare to the FA-011 open back (not sure if you heard those or not. Those are a pair of open back with bass and one of my favorite headphones. Just curious.

I have my FA-011 on now as I type. The Fischers almost sound like they have a veil on them in comparison to the clarity of the AD900X. While the highs do have good presence on the Fishers it has somewhat is a unique sound for open cans as they actually have a bass end to em compared to most open cans. The mids are flat in comparison with more mid bass and sub bass over the AD900X.  The mids are not as forward or as defined as in the AD900X. The scope of sound on the AD900X is much greater with much more air. More broader openess to the sound.. I have closed cans that reproduce the stage of the FA-011 in similar fashion.. My Sony MDr-1R and Denon D2000 comes to mind but these do not touch the massive stage that is on the AD900X..
As I am listening to the FA-011. They have almost a cone shape sound stage vs a fully open one that is on the AD900X. What I mean by this is that vocals are concentrated right in the middle or the top of your head. On the AD900X the vocals actually surrounds you. This would be the effect of giving you goose bumps. Lol. The stage on the Fischers is tall as it is wide so a bit boxy in comaprison.. Compared to the AD900x it is clearly missing that air, depth and don't seem to have any walls where the stage ends. Lol. So it is all dependent of recording. Sweeping orchestral pieces should be heard on these ..The highs are good but the mids seem almost compressed in comparison to the AD900X. On the AD900X. everything is open. The highs the mids even the bass..
Going back to the AD900X. Vocals are much more intimate while being much deeper. Much more 3D in comparison. You are simply surrounded by a beautiful full sound. I would say the AD900X would be a nice upgrade over the Fischer FA-011. These AD900X has a higher resolution in the sounds. Natural reverb in vocals and instruments are easily heard on the AD900X. Definition of instruments are much easier to hear and their effects on the AD900X..The fishers not as much again the flatter less forward mids would explain this. You can hear when vocalist smack their lips or take a breath right before she belts out a tune. The resolution of the AD900X is breathtaking at times and something lesser phones just can't do..They simply have a better textured fuller more engaging 3Dimentional sound over the Fischers..I think the Fischers are great cans but is out classed by the AD900X.
Likely the copper coated aluminum wire, CCAW came from the same!  Somebody compare the AD900X to the  Ds, are the coils in the A900X listed as CCAW?  Mfrs like to reuse technology as a know fact!

Yes the AD900X does use a Bobbin wound CCAW voice coils.
Jan 22, 2013 at 3:31 PM Post #6,254 of 124,759
Thank for the impressions Dsnuts.
Jan 22, 2013 at 3:36 PM Post #6,255 of 124,759
Just found something interesting between the AD900X and the Somic EFi 82 MT......they have similar drivers, both using CCAW coils!  The way things are manufactured in the world in these times, they may be the very same! 

That'd be insane and insanely improbable, but if they even come close, I'll be in awe.
Since looking at a picture of them, I have always thought that the ridges on the Somic headphones outside cover meant that these have grills.  Is that right?  Can you introduce the tip of a needle through the ridges?

I don't keep needles in my dorm, but the plastic behind the ridges looks solid. I don't think there's a screen, but when I go home for the weekend I can check. If they're not semi-open, I wonder what would make them leak so much sound.


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