The discovery thread!
May 25, 2024 at 1:24 PM Post #103,171 of 106,736
Please be careful to really interpret "accuracy" into this graph, since it is a merged graph from 2 different reviewers with seemingly different coupler setups... I mean it's not totally wrong, but the Explorer graph can be off in some frequencies... which ones we cannot know unfortunately. But to my defense, that's all what we got so far when comparing Explorer and DaVinci. We have to wait and see if someone measures these two IEMs with the same setup, then we can compare with more confidence.

Funny side note: even Timmy Vangtan (Mr. DaVinci himself!) answered to my post to say we should not compare these two measurements. 🤷‍♂️

@Jaytiss has heard and loves his explorer. He will know how that frequency plays out

@o0genesis0o too
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May 25, 2024 at 1:34 PM Post #103,172 of 106,736
May 25, 2024 at 1:43 PM Post #103,173 of 106,736
This is not a discovery... its a RE-discover


When summer comes, big HEADphones go back to the closet, and the cheap ones comes to the pool (and the beach) with me.

This T2plus, always is ready to give me exactly what I need.

Bass? Yeah, please, give me that bump on the midbass
Voices? Who need that, when u library is mainly EDM.
Treble? Relaxed, pleeeease.

For 35€, a simple DD wich is the best that fit my profile.
Just bought me one of those last night. After getting burned by the Fiio TWS I bought, I've decided to go with one of these attachments, so I can just pick whatever earphone I want to slap on it and go wireless for me trips to the beach and the water park this year.
May 25, 2024 at 1:49 PM Post #103,174 of 106,736
The emotional factor is a strange thing for me. It seems to be completely unrelated with the technicalities of the IEM, on the contrary, many more times than not (for me at least) seems to be more present in not technical and less safe tuned IEMs... Maybe I like it dirty! *pun intended* (Forgive this poor audiophile who buys hi-fi products while being deeply moved by “unrefined” and raw-sounding IEMs… Maybe I simply enjoy when the treble - quite literally - scratches my soul! 🤣
This is exactly how I feel about the TRN ST7. I get a more emotional response listening to this cheapo than my more and in some cases much more expensive sets. It's the strangest phenomenon. There's something about it that speaks to me? Maybe that's the FreeWheelin target? Get ready for the TRN ST8 x FreeWheelin collab! LOL
May 25, 2024 at 1:52 PM Post #103,175 of 106,736
The 'competitiveness" is surely coming from Rockwell posts mentioning on overtaking Discovery in multiple instances (and I do root for the Discovery, at least since $1000+ cables are hard to rationalize for me being a scientist, so I am happy just to colour match within $30 or so).

Finally, I only responded to say that I will take a long-planned 6+ month break from the HeadFi. Great experience, great people, just too much overall.

All the best wishes to everyone here!
Enjoy a much needed break.

I do agree the 'competition' thing is just strange. The Watercooler thread has lots to offer, but there is a tribal toxicity going on there, and your example is just one of many. If not for that small but core toxic element, it would be a great thread. Discovery thread doesn't have that issue that is for sure. Imagine identifying with a thread's post count so strongly. The only competition about the two threads is only coming from the small toxic core in the Watercooler and that pretty much sums up where the bad vibes are coming from in the portables forum. It's like nowhere else.

I'm proudly banned from that thread though. My head-fi experience has much improved, and I think that is the case for other posters as well.
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May 25, 2024 at 1:58 PM Post #103,176 of 106,736
Metal is something I don’t listen to but there’s one or two tracks I like… on the Symphony they sounded so alive and majestic I almost wondered if I would begin to like the genre haha. Side note: the D-fi also played the track very well too.
Metal is my main genre, so I'm definitely tuned in aurally to that LOL After that, it would be classic rock, reggae, and lately, a ton of jazz music (thanks to you Discovery diver maniacs and your recc's!!). The cotton modded Merga turned out to be insanely good for metal music. The expansive stage was just impressive, as was the fact some cotton in the nozzle tube could tune the sound so well without almost no "obstruction" was a masterstroke. The CCA Trio and Aures are still BOSS in my collection for metal though.
May 25, 2024 at 2:05 PM Post #103,177 of 106,736
Hello Friends,

Last week lost my laptop and phone lol, both of them broke down due to a sudden mishappening by me lol. Lost my login to Head-Fi,m But I received many shipments last week, got the DaVinci, ROSESELSA RS9039, KOTORI Audio Vampire, etc. I will post impressions on them later.

For the past week, I have been listening to the KOTORI Vampire, it's really nice single BA set with good bass. My mind has not been entirely focused on listening due to all the repairing damage lol but here are a few images of the pair I clicked today.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-25 at 5.45.34 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-25 at 5.45.34 PM (1).jpeg
i'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. Between that and the battery issue with your DAC, you've had a hell of a month, so I wish you a speedy turnaround of fortunes, buddy! That's quite the haul! I'm waiting for my Project M and Hydros to land. 5 days to go!
May 25, 2024 at 2:07 PM Post #103,178 of 106,736
This is exactly how I feel about the TRN ST7. I get a more emotional response listening to this cheapo than my more and in some cases much more expensive sets. It's the strangest phenomenon. There's something about it that speaks to me? Maybe that's the FreeWheelin target? Get ready for the TRN ST8 x FreeWheelin collab! LOL
I'm sorry to inform you that it's already copyrighted, Shrek clearly got it first.
Also, Shrek target curve > Harman target curve.

ST7 (Original)
ST7 (Shrek Ver.)

Joking aside, I fully understand your point, and I agree it’s the strangest phenomenon. But you know what? Better for us: if inexpensive earphones satisfy us, our ears are happy—and our wallets too! Although, the thing is budget IEMs are becoming my “bad habit.” But I guess it’s better to spend $50-100 a month on IEMs rather than cigarettes! As long as I don’t run out of space to store them! 🤣
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May 25, 2024 at 2:15 PM Post #103,179 of 106,736
Here a more happy update from my side, but sorry to hear the bad news about your set @jbfps116 , hope you can still sort it out somehow.

Tried my new Sliivo SL41 now with the unusual cylindrical shaped DUNU S&S tips and I can't believe I write this now, but with quite some trial and error experience in tip-rolling, I have never came across such a huge change in sound signature solely by changing to another tip. Sure, we know that you can definitely change nuances in the signature of an IEM, e.g. with trying wide bore tips vs. narrow bore, silicone, foam, diameter, length, and so on... but holy moly, with the S&S, they finally sound so different I can't believe it. Now they're much more to my liking. They audibly boosted the bass and gave more authority to the mids and at the same time they smoothened out the upper treble and air region a little bit. This change was surprisingly drastic, wow.
Sure, when it comes to tips, everything becomes an individual experience due to many influencing factors, but I just would still recommend to try these tips out if you have the chance.

Now I begin to understand why @ToneDeafMonk gave them a 9/10.... really well spent 180€ and they begin now to play definitely above their price point. Thxx TDM :beerchug:
You got a camera in my room, bro? LOL I spent a good portion of my post work and before bed time tip rolling and more specifically with my DUNU S&S tips, and I was thinking to myself this very thing. I think the S&S can change or affect the sound signature more than many others I have, and I have probably 20 different style tips. It most definitely adds heft and impact on the bass side, while giving some clarity to the mids. Might take away some air, but not too bad. Just enough to give some smoothness to some spicy treble/mids. I ended up slapping them on my beloved ST7 and they gave them some beautiful bass punch and more detail retrieval. But they aren't good with all my IEMs. The S&S were a fail with the EA500LM and the Aures.
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May 25, 2024 at 2:23 PM Post #103,180 of 106,736
This is exactly how I feel about the TRN ST7. I get a more emotional response listening to this cheapo than my more and in some cases much more expensive sets. It's the strangest phenomenon. There's something about it that speaks to me? Maybe that's the FreeWheelin target? Get ready for the TRN ST8 x FreeWheelin collab! LOL
I did it. I ordered that shiny white and gold temptation. 24$ on ali. Wonder if it will even ship haha
May 25, 2024 at 2:31 PM Post #103,181 of 106,736
Yes, I can explain: I began my audiophile journey in the late 90s, while I was a young bum and the older brother of a good friend of mine was into this hobby, but solely with a room setup (which he changed of course every half a year or year, lol). So some weekends we sat down, had some good beer, listened to some crazy good music, (and sometimes, young and dumb as we were, some green stuff occasionally :thinking: :laughing: ). I was so hooked by what I heard that it was like a revelation. But I had no money back then, I was still studying, but after finishing Uni, having a job, and regular income, I began to save up for buying my own setup for home.... and it was good and enjoyable for many years to come. I also changed and fine-tuned my home setup over the years. So, I was "only" into stationary hi-end equipment for most of my adult life... until back in the late 2000's I learned that you can have hi-end in your pocket, and due to my job which involved quite some travelling, I acquired my first portable setup, the iBasso DX90, modified my Samsung Glalaxy S1 and S2 (rofl) with sound optimized ROM's, and bought some closed circumaurals and IEM's,. I registered here in 2011, yes, and I was a bit active here but mostly was just lurking...(you can see this from my posting history). >>>> fast forward to now: My life changed drastically, I got married and have children (rather late in my life, so they are still young), and so it comes that I cannot anymore just have some listening sessions with my floorstanders till late at night 🤷‍♂️ and I went back now to read and reseach what's new on the market since so many years... and wow, I think we all know what giant leaps this hobby made when it comes to portable setups. So, in the end I revived my account and began to become even much more active now, also due to my profession, where I work since the last 12 years, the hearing sciences and med-tech engineering... and when the kids and my family give me a break (hmm, does that ever happen??🤣) I seem to be much more motivated now and also gladly can afford the one or the other IEM or DAP, and my natural curiosity and my love for cool gear brought me quickly very deep down the rabbit hole again... so that's my story with "In almost 15 years, 250 posts...and now, in a couple of weeks, 100 posts???"
Welcome back and we're glad to have you! Rawk on!! \m/ \m/
May 25, 2024 at 2:35 PM Post #103,182 of 106,736
Coreir is magic and thus worth the money for the idea itself alone.

I have just swapped the S&S for the Coreir on my T5S and improvements are nothing short of astounding.



Coreir's magic is rooted in simple physics. It does not obstruct the sound path and cleans up first reflections to 'trick' our brain into easier localization of sound.
I would not want to know what sort of shape S&S conforms into to fit my ear canal haha, whereas Coreir will not tolerate any ear canal domination.
I love both tips. They both have a special sauce, and I have my Coreirs on my Simgots, Trio, and Lings.
May 25, 2024 at 2:36 PM Post #103,183 of 106,736
Just bought me one of those last night. After getting burned by the Fiio TWS I bought, I've decided to go with one of these attachments, so I can just pick whatever earphone I want to slap on it and go wireless for me trips to the beach and the water park this year.
Mic is not the best, and LHDC may not work at highest bitrate.
But it sounds very nice, clearly an upgrade vs my old TRN BT.

Ive got the always prepared on the desk, for any trip or walk I made.

May 25, 2024 at 2:39 PM Post #103,184 of 106,736
I'm usually not a baby blue guy, but DAMN is that thing pretty!

I completely agree!

You using a cheese grader as a back drop, my guy? LOL just kidding, the color matching is looking SICK! Enjoy

Man, I haven't tried my Coreirs on almost anything since I got them, I found them weird in terms of fit... Going to have to break them out again to see whats what!
The Coreirs are indeed a tricky or unusual fit, so they usually will be a big fail for short and medium length nozzles. They excel with bullet shaped IEMS and long nozzled IEM's, like my Trio and the Simgots.
May 25, 2024 at 2:45 PM Post #103,185 of 106,736
The difference these can make is well worth the $35. Enjoy the infinite tip-rolling!

Yes, T5S is love. My review should be landing next week and I'm struggling to find drawbacks.

Ooh Explorer looks like an interesting midcentric set, but I'm slightly afraid of that prominent 8kHz in comparison to the rest of the FR.

Thank you, much appreciated, and make sure to follow along since more is to come. Do check out Sinatra's My Way cover linked in my signature as well, should you wish!
I have just come to the realization that tip rolling is now a full time job.

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