The discovery thread!
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:21 PM Post #19,156 of 106,505
Sorry folks, but the M200 is not all that, and I've owned two pairs, and granted one lasted all of two days before the LF driver went **** up, but I spent plenty of time with both combined to know it wasn't that AWWW WOW moment, so when I say the Piston did that, for me, it did that. Are the M200 worth $200 in my opinion? Hell no!! With the clunkiness and giant housings made for ill-fit? $100 would be a fair price. That's the way I see it. Am I hyping the Piston too much? I don't think so, because I see it as a far better value in sound that the M200 is capable. Now do I think it will be better than the DUNU or that it's better than the H3? No. Come now..that's three high quality drivers (including two BA's) vs one. Oh the blasphemy if the B3 turns our to be better than the M200?!

^ But those M200s goes only for like $125 used-like new and that is one helluva good price for them if there are no fit/ quality control issues with them that is. It was just that their sound signature wasn't for me despite i got them for cheap.
I never liked the Deltas. I liked the M200. Always said it was an excellent IEM. When they WORKED. Which wasn't very long. Do I think they are $180 better than the Piston? Nope. They aren't even $50 better than the Piston. So relax fella. I'm not pee'ing in your Cheerios. Keep it civil. We 're allowed our opinions here. Thanks.

Dood i am just looking out for your best interest, sorry to be blunt like that but it is NOT what you post but HOW you choose to post it. Case in point is your troll efforts in that Delta thread which was funny as hell after your initial hype review of them on amazon was exposed. Why you think peps flamed you so hard there, cuz those comments/ random posts of yours that you might think as "witty" comes off as pretty obnoxious meng. 3 words: Forum Posting Etiquette, nuff said. Not telling you how to post but....... there's always better ways.

This ends todays lesson on Forum Post Etiquette kiddies.

  Hmmm...Burned (+) BQ = BBQ?
I could go for some BBQ right now.
Wait...what's BQ mean? Base Quality? Body Quality? Enlighten me, O Masa' Troll.

haha i was thinking bbq as well when i read that YUMS!!!
       Ooh, nice -- don't get to eat any spaghetti often (IIRC only 4 times a year), but it's memorable each time (kinda like those B&O H6s I listened to with Hotel California running through them). Meh, can't get any BBQ right now though; I just woke up
     A Masa' Troll is, well, a Master Troll, which is the very title of SFWalcer himself.
     Oh, so a BQ is build quality. So close. I think I'll have some burned build quality for lunch. 

Yeah he probably meant Built Quality (BQ), a.k.a (CQ) Quality Control.
  ^ yeppp agreed the treble of the M200s is pretty well extended and is not "sleepy" sounding to me whatsoever, BUT what made me sold them was that their smooth bass quantity gets in the way of the overall clarity for me esp. with the stock tips.
i personally like my bass more punchy, hard hitting with great impact, so the smoother bass of these M200s weren't for me. 

You might not like the h-3s, :frowning2:
You'll LOVE the doppios however! 
(Don't have the doppios obviously, but I trust dsnut's description of them, and soon, eric will probably wallow in the sound that is the doppios. even the im-02s come similar to those in SQ. The drums and bass on these things are astounding, and the doppios should be just as amazing. The bass and drums is another reason why I sometimes switch im-02 with the h-3s).
But the pistons should do the job quite well.

^ wait wait wait almost forgot to ask this, what you mean i might not like the H-3s??? Is their bass quality more of the smooth silky type as compared to the more punchy ones with great slam that i prefer??? 
Do enlighten me please.

Jan 15, 2014 at 7:21 PM Post #19,157 of 106,505
  ^ But those M200s goes only for like $125 used-like new and that is one helluva good price for them if there are no fit/ quality control issues with them that is. It was just that their sound signature wasn't for me despite i got them for cheap.
Dood i am just looking out for your best interest, sorry to be blunt like that but it is NOT what you post but HOW you choose to post it. Case in point is your troll efforts in that Delta thread which was funny as hell after your initial hype review of them on amazon was exposed. Why you think peps flamed you so hard there, cuz those comments/ random posts of yours that you might think as "witty" comes off as pretty obnoxious meng. 3 words: Forum Posting Etiquette, nuff said. Not telling you how to post but....... there's always better ways.

This ends todays lesson on Forum Post Etiquette kiddies.

haha i was thinking bbq as well when i read that YUMS!!!
Yeah he probably meant Built Quality (BQ), a.k.a (CQ) Quality Control.
^ wait wait wait almost forgot to ask this, what you mean i might not like the H-3s??? Is their bass quality more of the smooth silky type as compared to the more punchy ones with great slam that i prefer??? 
Do enlighten me please.

I'll do an A/B against their bass soon, but from memory, the kef's bass is not as smooth as the h-3's type. You say that it is smooth and silky like for the kefs, right?
Well, let's say that the xba-h3's bass is as smooth as satin. It's another cloth that is smoother than silk, and if the h-3s didn't have that much bass, I would have never noticed the bass was there, it's that smooth. Unfortunately, the thumps and kicks are not powerful enough to amaze me. It's as if the bass is hanging in the air, never landing on the ground to provide that shockwave to the crowd at a concert. It's not punchy as some iems that I have, even less than the kef's. 
Not trying to hate on it, as I love that sound at the moment, but sometimes I do want something fruity... 
Fruit punch like..
So you'd probably not like them :frowning2:
  SERIOUS listening with 3 days worth burned in Pistons:  very nice, a bit bright and bass still boomy.  probably needs lots more burn in, but a steal for the price indeed. but
not high end audio even though m200s blow them out of the water in all frequency ranges, and Onkyos hd300s also superior. i agree,  Kefs still the master ism under 200
iMO.  Pistons now down to 15.00 w free shipping on ebay.  look authentic, new version. such a deal!  Gratitudes though are magic for 60$ if you like the sound signature.  i haven't heard the
H3s or im02s, but the mdr7550s when on sale for 189.00 (as they are now and then) are still my champion for a flat monitor earphone...........
One day burn in report on DRAGONFLY v1.2 dad:  sound is getting liquid and tone improed dramatically.  sound is thicker with much more musicality than v1.
serious engineering improvements, more power, more instrument detail. at 150.00 seriously better than original, even when original is now 99.00  if you use computer audio
on the go this is the way to go for ultimate portability plus sound quality.  still benefits from external amp on output to headphones to control bass and drive of music.

Nice, that is pretty good, hopefully the bass tightens up to your liking! Good comparison so far.
You don't need to hear them if you have the 7550s. Well, maybe the h3, but not the im02s probably, especially since the mdr7550s are good for that price. :)
Dang man, I always wanted them 7550s, can't wait to get it one day! I always loved their price point and the people's praises of their SQ.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:29 PM Post #19,158 of 106,505
Voice of opinion. Not reason. Nothing is reasonable, but everything is open to OPINION. Thank you very much. Now back to my workout and my Piston. Zoom zoom!

Any opinion is fine (even if it's not right :)  But it's a bit annoying when it's repeated over and over again, especially when a few weeks before the complete opposite opinion was repeated over and over again. And by saying stuff like "overhyped", even though it's an opinion, it indirectly puts down everyone who likes them. And by saying stuff like "sleepy treble", to me it's just plain misleading. IMO of course.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:33 PM Post #19,159 of 106,505
I'm digging these Skullcandy FMJ. For an unknown brand, these sure do sound like $199.99 IEMs. Lucky to have a voice of reason here huh? Goodnight Piston. I wonder if these are fakes?
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:35 PM Post #19,160 of 106,505
Sleepy treble it has. For me. But maybe your ears are definitive and I was wrong to share my opinion of the M200 treble? Sorry that I've only owned two pairs. I'll keep my opinion to myself, since your definitive ears don't hear sleepy treble. My bad, Wayne.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:36 PM Post #19,161 of 106,505
I get what's being said about the M200, because I've been in that boat. I enjoy the Piston more than the M200 myself. Does that mean the Piston is better in SQ or more technically capable? No. The M200 had excellent sound, and was close to approaching perfection. All of my problems with it were from the fit, seal, and just how awkward it felt to wear no matter what I tried. It had to go.
The appeal of the new Piston is more like how the Monoprice 8320 originally blew us away. You thought to yourself, $8? These sound like $50! With the Piston, you get much of the same reaction to the price/performance ratio, which I'm all about.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:37 PM Post #19,162 of 106,505
Sleepy treble it has. For me. But maybe your ears are definitive and I was wrong to share my opinion of the M200 treble? Sorry that I've only owned two pairs. I'll keep my opinion to myself, since your definitive ears don't hear sleepy treble. My bad, Wayne.

Your obnoxious posting style reminds me of a certain banned member. 
I'm reporting this post so the mods can look into that real quick.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:40 PM Post #19,164 of 106,505
I get what's being said about the M200, because I've been in that boat. I enjoy the Piston more than the M200 myself. Does that mean the Piston is better in SQ or more technically capable? No. The M200 had excellent sound, and was close to approaching perfection. All of my problems with it were from the fit, seal, and just how awkward it felt to wear no matter what I tried. It had to go.

The appeal of the new Piston is more like how the Monoprice 8320 originally blew us away. You thought to yourself, $8? These sound like $50! With the Piston, you get much of the same reaction to the price/performance ratio, which I'm all about.

Jan 15, 2014 at 7:42 PM Post #19,166 of 106,505
Your obnoxious posting style reminds me of a certain banned member. 

I'm reporting this post so the mods can look into that real quick.

Oh no ! Report this! Report me ! Oh shoot..I'm not a certified massa?? lol oh give me a break. Report the oh so offensive post...dood.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:45 PM Post #19,167 of 106,505
Led Zeppelin rocks with the Piston and the Sony. John Bonham's drum attack just comes alive and it's so detailed and vibrant. The boom in the bass drum is just perfect. Houses Of The Holy during my workout.
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:49 PM Post #19,168 of 106,505
Oh no ! Report this! Report me ! Oh shoot..I'm not a certified massa?? lol oh give me a break. Report the oh so offensive post...dood.

Nah chill dood, he was just suspecting that you might be someone that is banned but is using another IP address to post that's all. I don't think you are and there is no basis for it.
C'mon ekey boi no need to snitch, there's already too many of those types in this neck of the woods already.
Man i just love how bhazard puts it into proper perspective, like i be saying there are always better ways to express something without having to come off as being obnoxious. We don't really judge much here but......
.... PREACH!!!
Jan 15, 2014 at 7:59 PM Post #19,169 of 106,505
^ Dood WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKIN' about???!!!
It's a damn IEM for god sake, what romantic view??? You were praising them like it was the 2nd coming of god just like a week ago as you are currently doing with these Pistons, before they crapped out on you that is. How are you trying to burn now them just as you did with those Deltas. LMAO Don't go full_retard with your lamo 180s again meng. Save what little credibility you have left cuz it's a running joke here with the peps that knows you.  LMAO

  I can see the Doppios from my airplane window... I can't wait! Well, maybe I can....but NO! I CAN'T!! .... I think??? :frowning2:
Jan 15, 2014 at 8:01 PM Post #19,170 of 106,505
  +1 I agree with da Masa' Troll. He who don't agree with da Masa' Troll can and will be considered...uppity (whatever that means). 

Elitist too!

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