The discovery thread!
Dec 6, 2013 at 4:50 PM Post #17,342 of 106,802
NOS 1543... Pardon my ignorance, what is that?
Dec 6, 2013 at 5:04 PM Post #17,343 of 106,802

Santa came early. The sound is nothing short of Volumous. Volupsuous..Scrumptious..Before I got these I had a good idea how these would sound and they sound every bit what I thought they would...Forward engaging..The bass is stout yet done tastefully.. The depth of the mids stage takes another level on these cans..Highs are smooth refined and unobtrusive to the lushious airy mids. These cans are worth every bit the $500.. Got them for $400.. Finally got a nice upgrade to the X1s..Makes me smile..Big props to Shure for these cans.. These are made for 100% music enjoyment..No crazy treble, No discomfort,.. What a great can to end the year with..
Dec 6, 2013 at 5:19 PM Post #17,344 of 106,802
Congrats Ds! I don't know much about the 1540's (yet!), but they sure do look nice (and they look very comfy). Right on!
Dec 6, 2013 at 6:37 PM Post #17,346 of 106,802
Yes, the MA750 and IM70 bass go quite a bit deeper than the CKN70, but the CKN70 has very nice bass.
Dec 6, 2013 at 7:30 PM Post #17,347 of 106,802

Santa came early. The sound is nothing short of Volumous. Volupsuous..Scrumptious..Before I got these I had a good idea how these would sound and they sound every bit what I thought they would...Forward engaging..The bass is stout yet done tastefully.. The depth of the mids stage takes another level on these cans..Highs are smooth refined and unobtrusive to the lushious airy mids. These cans are worth every bit the $500.. Got them for $400.. Finally got a nice upgrade to the X1s..Makes me smile..Big props to Shure for these cans.. These are made for 100% music enjoyment..No crazy treble, No discomfort,.. What a great can to end the year with..

So, creeping upscale little by little...suppose it's inevitable.
Dec 6, 2013 at 7:49 PM Post #17,348 of 106,802
So, creeping upscale little by little...suppose it's inevitable.


Santa came early. The sound is nothing short of Volumous. Volupsuous..Scrumptious..Before I got these I had a good idea how these would sound and they sound every bit what I thought they would...Forward engaging..The bass is stout yet done tastefully.. The depth of the mids stage takes another level on these cans..Highs are smooth refined and unobtrusive to the lushious airy mids. These cans are worth every bit the $500.. Got them for $400.. Finally got a nice upgrade to the X1s..Makes me smile..Big props to Shure for these cans.. These are made for 100% music enjoyment..No crazy treble, No discomfort,.. What a great can to end the year with..

Congratulations and happy listening!  sometimes you get what you pay for and more....glad they lived up to your hopes! hope you keep auditioning new cans anyway.....let me know when you want to upgrade from these! ha!
I'm going to have to relisten to my w1000s over the holiday and stax...
Dec 6, 2013 at 8:01 PM Post #17,350 of 106,802
Looking forward to seeing some thoughts on the Moxpads. I've already seen the Asian thread but more thoughts the better. I wonder if they truly are giant killers.

They're in my ears and all I can say right now is that I sort of understand the M200 comparisons. The bass is similarly tactile. I'll go over to try and compare the two tomorrow if possible. From memory though the treble pops out more and there's less of an upper-bass-to-lower-mids haze that I got with the KEFs that I mentioned somewhere before in the thread. Not to say that they're more clear overall - again I'd have to A/B them. Though I'd really take the ergonomics of the Moxpad over the M200s any day. 
Another comparison to be made is with the Steelseries Flux - balance seems to be the new black what with all of these new sets. Although the Moxpads decay a tad bit faster in the midbass.
I can also confirm that these sound better with deeper insertion, as previously mentioned by bhazard. 
I was worried that the connector was loose, as they fell off right when I took them out - turns out that they just didn't fit them on very tight.
The whole deal, in terms of ergonomics, build, ruggedness (these are just as nice as I expected on that front), makes me think that we finally have a successor to the MEElectronic M6, on the physical front. I can't remember how those sounded.
Dec 6, 2013 at 9:39 PM Post #17,351 of 106,802
I had a choice of getting a nice in ear or a nice headphone. I have to admit I was very tempted to buy up so many but decided on one deal.. And what a deal it was. I do believe $400 for these cans was a fantastic deal. These cans are so comfy on the head. Them Alcantara pads on these things are serious business. I have never had pads that feel so soft to the skin yet seal the sound in just as good as leather if not better..Comfort doesn't mean much if the sound is not up to snuff but man I have to say these things sound exceptional.
Danny just got his TH900 and while the TH900 from memory has the better treble and bass textures the mids on the Shures are second to none. There is nothing lean or flat on the sound to these cans. Full frontal dimensional engagement..Not the widest stage for closed cans but I would put the sound in the large and deep when it comes to closed can stage.
If any of you guys have had any of the previous Shure headphones you will know how Shure does their mids. This is how to do deep lush mids. these cans throw layers of mids your way. Layers you didn't know existed..Imagery is awesome on the sound with added airiness abound..I hope to find a nice sounding earphone that match the sonics of these cans one day..
Dec 6, 2013 at 10:09 PM Post #17,352 of 106,802

Santa came early. The sound is nothing short of Volumous. Volupsuous..Scrumptious..Before I got these I had a good idea how these would sound and they sound every bit what I thought they would...Forward engaging..The bass is stout yet done tastefully.. The depth of the mids stage takes another level on these cans..Highs are smooth refined and unobtrusive to the lushious airy mids. These cans are worth every bit the $500.. Got them for $400.. Finally got a nice upgrade to the X1s..Makes me smile..Big props to Shure for these cans.. These are made for 100% music enjoyment..No crazy treble, No discomfort,.. What a great can to end the year with..

Dec 6, 2013 at 11:20 PM Post #17,353 of 106,802
Thanks guys.. Even though these are above the X1 in sound it isn't like the X1 can't hang with these. Doing a comparison it is more little things that separate the Shures from the X1s. Which show me just how great the X1s are. The X1s were over $400 when they came out so those do represent nicely even compared to higher end sound of the Shures. I expect the new Fidelio L2s to be even closer in level of sound.
I am loving the sound so far and can't wait till they get the proper burn in. A touch tighter sound and these cans are gonna be even more of the bright jewel of my collection. They already sound so nice. Sometimes paying the price for the nicer phone ends up being a good deal..They throw in a perfectly fitting case with extra set of cables and another set of Alcantara pads..Black Friday for the win!.
Dec 6, 2013 at 11:31 PM Post #17,354 of 106,802
Ending this year i too found my hallmark in sound the MX10s have proven to be above and beyound what i wanted in a headphone and i still want more. I have my eyes set on a set of Koss ESP-950 or some JVC VICTOR DX1000 or DX700s for next year!
Dec 7, 2013 at 1:11 AM Post #17,355 of 106,802

Comparison of Sennheiser Amperior, Beyerdynamic DT-1350, Martin Logan Micros 90. And Yamaha HPH-200 (or, how I spent my winter vacation)

                When I decided to do this, I had no idea what I was biting off. I had gotten the Yamaha, and was interested in how it compared to other on-ear purchases I had made recently (a thank you for depleting the bank account to the Deals Thread, now the Deals Discussion thread, and, as Wayne pointed out, soon to be the Discussions of the Deals Discussion Thread), so, I got my legal pad ready and started to take notes when I had a few spare minutes (I wound up just shy of War and Peace). I came to this expecting to be the spoiler…the HPH-200 was garnering universal ecstatic laudits, people were sacrificing their first born to get a pair, so, seeing how they were open (and I generally am in the minority who prefers closed), I thought I’d put my contrary $0.02 in. Didn't quite turn out that way, though. Listening was mostly through a Fiio X3, Cardas line-out cable, ALO National.
Tracks used:
Action Hero-Fountains of Wayne
Amelita-Court Yard Hounds
If It Takes All Night-Valley Lodge
Two Different Things-Caitlyn Cary and Thad Cockrell
B. B.'S Blues-Branford Marsalis
Put Me On Top-Aimee Mann
Waltz for Debby-Bill Evans
(a short listen to Wishin’ and Hopin’-Dusty Springfield; Doom-Ben Goldberg)
                OK, instead of going through my 8 pages of notes, let me say: I can (and am) live with any of these on ear phones. They all do well by the music, though the presentations are different.
                Sennheiser Amperior-I think this one edges out the others. It does great in the soundstage department, good, solid bass (slightly soft in comparison to the Miknos 90, but more in quantity). The high end is revealing, air between instruments is quite amazing, and the “jump” or “bop” factor (the thing that has me gyrating around the house, to the embarrassment of my family) is fabulous. Detail is really good, instrument timbre and presence are outstanding.
                Martin Logan Mikros 90-Another great set of phones. Stage wide, though not as wide as the others to my ears (though sometimes I’d not be listening for it, and be amazed at how good it got the sound of the venue). The darkest spaces between instruments, great tonal color, slightly less bass than the others in amount, but makes up for this with the most real bass, sharp edges, real defined notes in the bass, not a feel of a general note as many do. Highs, mid detail the best,of the group, really get a natural/real sound of the instruments, vocals, and space. Loses out slightly to the Senn in “jump/bop”, but barely. Also very finicky about how you wear it-like an iem, have to place it exactly right to get bass and full spectrum of music. The dedicated Head-Fi  thread has some folks describing their rituals for getting it placed properly. I’d say this is the one that gives the best feel of the original venue/recording, accurate and fun, nice combo.
                Yamaha HPH-200-As I mentioned, I’m generally not such a fan of open headphones. I think they often blanch out tone color in exchange for the wide soundstage they can produce. And, in fact, I do think the Yamahas lose a tiny bit in detail to the other three, and the space between instruments is not quite as distinct. I feel a slight overall darkness in the presentation. It does perform well in all the frequencies, though, good detailed treble, rich meds, bass present and impactful (though slightly loose, the other 3 detail better). Bass just jumps, though: the presentation rocks! It does do the wide soundstage thing great, and it was often hard to take it off and go to the next headphone, it’s really involving, with gobs of “Jump/bop” factor. Wishin’ and Hopin’ really grabbed my heart on these. When you got that, who gives a hoot about dark space between instruments! (until I go back to the Senns, which have space, detail, and “jump/bop” factor like mad!)
                Beryedynamic DT-1350-Wide soundstage, similar to Senns, details well but seems more clinical than the others. I hear a slight coloration in the sound, details abound but don’t come together as on the others, sometimes I felt the mids were slightly recessed. I’d say these headphones are more about the brain and less about the heart/booty.
                In terms of fit/construction…The Senns have a nice feel to them, plastic headband that feels solid, plush earpads, not too tight/good comfort. The Beyers  are similarly constructed, have a bit more clamping force, but as the headband is metal, I’d expect it can be stretched to the users comfort. The ML’s as I’ve said are unusual beasts, they have a thick, leather covered headband, have to be worn slightly in FRONT of the ear to get the best sound, and movements can throw them off and change the sound. Still, when all is aligned well, the moon and stars are just right, these sound incredible.
                The Yamahas just don’t feel as well constructed as the others, very plasticky. They have less clamping force, though, so I can see many will find them most comfortable. They have round velour pads, larger than the others, almost large enough to be over rather than on ears. On my ears, this felt odd on my lobes, and made it less comfortable than it would seem they should be (this is definitely a function of my small head and ear shape, and I’m sure works fine for many)  
                I guess I’m supposed to rate these in preference order now. OK, biting the bullet, really do like them all, but I’d have to drop the Beyers behind the others. I’d put the Senns slightly ahead of the pack, but the Yamaha and the ML are nipping at its heels.





(not the same Aimee Mann song, couldn't find that one, had to post something by her...)


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