Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Sep 23, 2013 at 4:40 AM Post #16,966 of 48,583
 But then I am used to the HD 800 and a comparison is probably not fair. For the Mixamp it's more good enough, actually "too good" but imaging with T90 and T1 is definitely better to me, especially with the phantom center.

How would you describe the HD800 in comparison to the T90? 

Sep 23, 2013 at 4:46 AM Post #16,967 of 48,583
The Annie won't have the same detail retrieval due to the obvious glossing over and smoothing, for less fatigue and more warmth over the Q701. If you bought the ANnie for detail-whoring, you're making a mistake. The Annie is basically for those that found the other 70x too lean or lacking in bass. More an enjoyable experience, and more of an all rounder, rather than more specialized and situational .

Imaging is always gonna be better for detail oriented headphones. So the Q701 will be better than the Annie for imaging. But I still found the ANnie to be a beast for gaming on all fronts.

No, I intended a balanced mixamp only setup that is easier to run than a HD 800 or T1, + cheaper. I expect a better imaging space than a Q701 or K701 as in less oval, more depth but I admit being too overzealous since the cups of the series seem to not have changed, only the pads did. Tonality wise the path is right, the imaging I fear is the same shape. 
Sep 23, 2013 at 4:55 AM Post #16,968 of 48,583
Yeah, I think you can expect more of the same from the Annie, unfortunately.

Chico, stop buying in between what you have and the HD800 already! :p

X1, K712, T90 = near HD800. :p
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:23 AM Post #16,971 of 48,583
I have a question about Tritton AX720 headset. I have possibility to buy this headset with decoder box for good price but I would like to use it with my CAL and separate microphone. And here is my question - is it possible to connect any headphone with 3.5 mm jack directly to inline mixer which is on the cord ?? Is it possible to connect separate microphone in the same way? I would like to use it with my PS3 to have dolby headphone. I'm using now Turtle Beach P11 headset and before reading this guide I was sure it works great :) Now I know it is not :) So I bought CAL but lack of microphone output in PS3 is pain in the ass. If I will get much more better sound in Astro Mixamp ( 5.8 or 2013 version ) I will try to wait, save money and buy it instead of this Tritton. Thanks in advance for answer.
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:23 AM Post #16,972 of 48,583
Chico, stop buying in between what you have and the HD800 already!

I know. 
I think T90 will be my last stop though.  I read very mixed opinions on it, but I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt.  I'm glad I tried it too, because it's pretty darn impressive in some areas like resolution, airiness, soundstage, and separation.  It beats the K712 in those areas.  I want to give it a full review since I couldn't find all that much substantial info out there on it, other than some random impressions and a couple short vague-ish reviews.
I'm gunning for the HD800 though.  The T90s have given me a taste of that higher level of detail, and it can sometimes be tough to go back to the blurrier grainier sound of X1 and K712, as much as I love them.  For better or worse, the only way from here is is forward.  The only sad thing is I will most likely have to sell some cans to reach the HD800.  So I may have a tough decision to make.  Of course, the HD800 might make most of them redundant, but I'm thinking it would be nice to have one "fun" (or at least warmer and bassier) can around to compliment the HD800s more neutral approach.  Not sure which one though...
Ideally I could get them all in the same room together and compare them first, which would mean either an Ohio meet or maybe asking to get a loaner HD800 from someone in Ohio for a few days...
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:27 AM Post #16,974 of 48,583
Chico, how is the "bases" on the T90? I was always wondering how the lows held up. Compare it to the Ex Juan, plz.
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:30 AM Post #16,975 of 48,583
Can someone swap my end game MA900 for their SR009?

Speaking of the SR009, whenever the next Ohio meet happens there will be at least one if not TWO SR009s there!
I'm almost afraid to listen to it though, as I don't want to hear that level of headphone and then sadly remember the pricetag it comes with...
...BUT, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hear them either. 
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:35 AM Post #16,976 of 48,583
As amazing as high end is (and it IS amazing), mid-fi is still what I consider the sweet spot. I loved the ESP950, D7000, LCD2, but I can enjoy the X1, Annies, HE4, HE400, HD650, etc almost just as much.

Hell, I went backwards, and I'm super happy with the MA900. Now, I can enjoy sound... and probably save up for something high end in the far future. Unless, of course, the HE-450 comes out. :D
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:53 AM Post #16,977 of 48,583
Chico, how is the "bases" on the T90? I was always wondering how the lows held up. Compare it to the Ex Juan, plz.

I still need to do some more testing on it, but I'd say it's somewhere in-between the Q701 and Anniversary in quantity.  Extensions pretty good, so it might be a case of the Anniversary having more mid bass but the T90 catching up a little near the sub-bass.  Quality however is better than both with the T90.  Better texture and variety (not one-notey) and quicker speed.  Not Planar levels, but good for a dynamic.
Sep 23, 2013 at 6:08 AM Post #16,979 of 48,583
As amazing as high end is (and it IS amazing), mid-fi is still what I consider the sweet spot. I loved the ESP950, D7000, LCD2, but I can enjoy the X1, Annies, HE4, HE400, HD650, etc almost just as much.

Hell, I went backwards, and I'm super happy with the MA900. Now, I can enjoy sound... and probably save up for something high end in the far future. Unless, of course, the HE-450 comes out.

im waiting to try a HE-500 with games ....  with the right amplification/and source that would sure rock the foundations  ......
must try ....
Sep 23, 2013 at 6:15 AM Post #16,980 of 48,583
How would you describe the HD800 in comparison to the T90? 

T90 could run from a mobile player though (at least better), that's all. It's cheaper as well. Other than that there's no comparison. To make it short by just pointing out the big T90 weakness that are cold, slightly less natural mids, zingy treble. The HD 800 has none of it. Mids are outstanding. They don't measure well for no reason.
I think many people are confused with the sennheiser highs and probably think about Ultrasone, Beyer highs or maybe even Grado. HD 800 highs are different by far and don't hit the "uhhh, this is so bright" nerve like any of the others that make you notice it on the first time you put them on your head (which supposedly goes away after burin but really never does). 
Many recordings do have sibiliance already and I have plenty that don't and aren't any type of "studio master" either and I listen to them
via the D2 which is very revealing and not smooth like the V200. 
I don't have any problem with it. The only thing that'll create "problems" with the HD 800 are bad recordings like many metal genres, ultra compressed music like ****bull and anything with sibilance (where the T90, mid table Ultrasones would have already killed you). My Klein + Hummels monitors react the same so it's always the case for real detailed gear. 
The Soundstage is also creating many myths and misunderstandings, mostly from people that never heard them. Just because it's huge and wide, it's not very thin and lifeless (+bright). Sure it has less pressure and impact than a Signature DJ (which is closed, bass pronounced) but the HD 800 has excellent texture down from the subbass to the highest levels still with ability for punch and pressure that adds to music and games, just not the same like a TH-900 but not far from it and definitely not like a K701 or Q701.
It just doesn't add extra bass like the Fostex or move the same air than a planar. It bests them all in detail, imaging (where no other headphone matches in my experience, no SR-009 experience though) and effortless separation. There's no smear, no lost detail retrievement, no matter the complexity of the music. This is what makes them so amazing.


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