Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 14, 2013 at 9:15 AM Post #15,796 of 48,583
Well...AD700X/A700X w/mic.

It looks like it will fit similar to the AD700X, which means it won't pivot vertically - same as the AD700.

It does seem that way, but in full context of the post you replied to, I was thinking that if the headband bars were shorter, the earcups would come together in less of a V-shape, and thus be localized to fit those of us with generally narrower heads than their original Japanese target. Of course I agree that simply adding a vertical pivot would also solve the issue. New pads could make a huge difference in sound and comfort, as well.
Aug 14, 2013 at 9:42 AM Post #15,797 of 48,583
I can't say, as I haven't heard the O2. I find the E12 to be quite neutral itself, which I know is what the O2 is known for (probably more so than the E12). I don't pick up any extra warmth which is known to be a product of Fiio's house sound. Comparing the E17's amp with the E12's... I can hear some extra warmth off the E17.

I also have the e12 and e17, I found the e17 as a DAC to be ok, not as good as the audio engine d1, but as an amp I couldn't like it, couldn't get the nice deep, I loved the e12 as an amp though and it gave better bass on my k701's (using d1 as DAC and E12 as amp- expensive solution...), I have to use the bass boost feature though, always
although I love the k701's, for gaming, and musically they're great too, I miss the warmth, and spending £240 on amps to get that warmth maybe isn't the best deal- so I was either going to try tube amps (which also look really neat- was going to break open the bank for woo audio wa7's), or try out the ath m50 for music,
but then thought that the fidellio x1's are probably a love child of the m50's and the k701's, and would be perfect (and they're only £180 at the moment? what do you think
also considering sennheiser 650's and back to considering hd598
Aug 14, 2013 at 11:17 AM Post #15,798 of 48,583
Aug 14, 2013 at 11:29 AM Post #15,799 of 48,583
How much was the MA900? 144 Canadian so about 138 or so USD. I jumped on it because up here they are about 280+.
Aug 14, 2013 at 11:36 AM Post #15,800 of 48,583
Nice price
Aug 14, 2013 at 12:10 PM Post #15,801 of 48,583
Damn... that's a hell of a price.

About the Nuforce HP-800:

So after getting the E17, I ran the bass down by 4db (running the E17 with a bypass LOD to the E12 to keep the bass EQ controls for the HP-800). A much more ideal headphone now, and still bassy. The HP-800 is simply too heavy on the bass by default for my taste, and I LIKE my bass on the heavy side. -4db is a good level of bass and brings out the clarity elsewhere.
Aug 14, 2013 at 1:00 PM Post #15,802 of 48,583
I can't say, as I haven't heard the O2. I find the E12 to be quite neutral itself, which I know is what the O2 is known for (probably more so than the E12). I don't pick up any extra warmth which is known to be a product of Fiio's house sound. Comparing the E17's amp with the E12's... I can hear some extra warmth off the E17.

I own both the E12 and the O2. I made a comparison between the two in the E12 thread; lemme see if I can find it again.
Maybe I should try asking which one sounds less audibly coloured and shows more detail?
More transparent?
Or is their a clear winner between the O2 and the E12?

Well without going all gung-ho about the design of the O2, and being unable to answer what transparency "sounds" like, I can't really answer the question. >_<
I can say the O2 does have a smoother presentation with more texture and detail compared to that of the E12. The O2's presentation of instruments also seems more 3-dimensional compared to the rather "boxed-in" E12. Likewise but not necessarily corresponding to the larger soundstage, instruments are more clearly defined with the O2. The bass of the O2 sounds less bloated wooly (it's much more well-defined), I don't know how else to describe it, compared to that of the E12, which might be why I say the E12 is warm-sounding and "round."

Aug 14, 2013 at 2:29 PM Post #15,803 of 48,583
For you PC gamers out there, the Humble 'Origin' Bundle was just recently announced - you basically get keys to unlock the included games via Origin. 
  Pay what you want, and select which charities your proceeds go this round!
Aug 14, 2013 at 4:47 PM Post #15,807 of 48,583
Wait, just the outer casing of your PC and there's already static and distortion?
Perhaps you've tried this or perhaps not, but is your PC/PS3 properly grounded as well? Because it seems like anything that is electric conductive is causing the noise.

You mean I should try to "ground" it? Excuse the eventually banalaty of this question, but how could I "ground" my PC/PS3? Actually I assume they are grounded properly. I mean my E17/E09k combo works great via USB on the PC. No distortion noise at all with FiiO's products. I'm using lossless/HQ sound sources all the time with it - works perfect. It must be the mixamp.
I noticed the same exact issue, I started using my phone charger instead of the xbox to power it, and the hum went away. Oddly enough, one charger made the hum present and another one didn't. Guess that one had the same issue as the Xbox.

Cool, but I'm using the mixamp also on PC and PS3, so in my case powering goes hand in hand with data traffic (voice chat). It got to be connected to these components and not a pure power source. Still, thanks for input.
Ok guys, let me get this straight. My conclusion so far is following: this issue with the noise via USB is not conventional. A broken device (partially broken at least) has been sold to me.
Most likely I won't be able to get my money back (ebay private seller -_-). Well, I guess the seller could not be familiar with this issue. I hardly doubt he was double amping his mixamp with the E09k. So do you have any advice for me that could fix this problem?
EDIT4benbenkr: Maybe I described it wrong. I was saying, as soon as the plug touches that silver frame of the actual USB-bus. Not the PC case itself. The same also reserved: USB cable plugged to PC, unplugged to mixamp >> mini usb plug touches the silver frame of the mixamps USB-bus = distortion noise.
Aug 14, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #15,808 of 48,583
This doesn't beat that group buy deal on the Fidelio x1, but it is still a pretty good deal in case you don't want to wait. Philips Fidelio x1 for $220.
Aug 14, 2013 at 7:05 PM Post #15,809 of 48,583
Hahaha. That's funny.

For a guy now making $9/hr and going backwards... I SHOULD...

I know that feeling all too well...just consider yourself fortunate that you're not stuck at $7.25 without even the 5-cent automated raises everyone else around you gets.
Yeah, I'm kind of bitter about that, though it still beats zero income.

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