Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 10, 2013 at 11:36 PM Post #15,722 of 48,581
I missed you saying that.

If I told you, then that would be telling. :D
Aug 11, 2013 at 1:41 AM Post #15,723 of 48,581
Your name is a little hard to remember...
The Mixamp from 2011 will do that for you, if it comes with or you buy a TRRS Y-split cable to separate the mic input and sound output into two plugs, and your console isn't a PS3 that requires USB chat input (the very first Mixamp didn't support this, Mad just posted a pic a page or two back).

I personally don't bother, the only game I can't adjust down the game volume where I really think it needs it, is Halo 4. So, I just have a lapel mic plugged directly into the controller.
I do play ps3
Aug 11, 2013 at 4:14 AM Post #15,727 of 48,581
Didn't say it was a problem, just that the wired pre-2013 Mixamps have considerably less of it. For those who want the cleanest signal, the Mixamp is a better choice.
Aug 11, 2013 at 8:52 AM Post #15,728 of 48,581
Uhm... since we're on topic for voice chat on the PS3, I just want to let you guys know that there is a work around for it if you are using the original Mixamp or the TB DSS.
Get a bluetooth mic. Any will be fine, but a clip-on like this will be ideal.
Then go to Settings > Acessory Settings > Audio Device Settings
Your input device should be your bluetooth mic, BUT set your output device to System Default Device (this will go to your DSS, thus to your headphone).
Also, set Stereo Heaset Audio Extension to > On so all audio goes to your headphones. If this is set to off, only the chat audio will go to your headphones while in-game audio will go to your speakers.
After that, well you're done.
You basically get a wireless mic where you don't have to dangle 2 wires off your desk resulting in even messier cables around the place.
Most bluetooth mics now a days have a control where you can set the incoming volume from your friends, so another problem fixed for needing any voice chat volume control.
Otherwise, most games with MP has volume controls for chat volume as well.
I'm personally doing this and has been doing it for a very long time. It's a good work around for those who cannot get a Mixamp pre-2013 (because it is increasingly hard to get and it's being sold for a stupidly high price right now).
Hope this helps. :)
Aug 11, 2013 at 9:28 AM Post #15,729 of 48,581
Brilliant. Now, to find the european equivalent of that thing...
Aug 11, 2013 at 9:41 AM Post #15,731 of 48,581
So has anyone here double amped the mix amp? I would just plug my arrow 4g or my c&c bh into the headphone jack and run my cans off the amp,

But the real question is do I need the extra boost? No doubt the external amp will add quality and real eq switches but I don't know how clean the mix amp's headphone out is.

I've never heard a mixamp or a dss2, the only true 5.1 headset I ever owned was the tritton pro + and it was crap, it had no freakin bass man I was pissed
Aug 11, 2013 at 10:25 AM Post #15,732 of 48,581
Everyone here double amps the Mixamp. Its the only way to power some harder to drive cans properly.
Aug 11, 2013 at 10:32 AM Post #15,733 of 48,581
Brilliant. Now, to find the european equivalent of that thing...

It doesn't nessasarily needs to be an i-tech bluetooth, anything as long as it is bluetooth 2.0 compatible then it will work with the PS3.
If you want, you can even get the official PlayStation bluetooth mic and just hang it around your neck or something.
I would just cut the earbud off of it and clip it on my shirt

Haha, no you shouldn't because there is a button on the earbud that acts as the on/off switch.
Aug 11, 2013 at 11:07 AM Post #15,734 of 48,581
Why is the Creative Aurvana Live so damn good? Gah, if ONLY it had velour pads. :frowning2:

Borrowing it again to compare to the HP-800... and it just blows me away.
Aug 11, 2013 at 12:14 PM Post #15,735 of 48,581
Why is the Creative Aurvana Live so damn good? Gah, if ONLY it had velour pads. :frowning2:

Borrowing it again to compare to the HP-800... and it just blows me away.
I have some shure srh840 headphones and I bought the velour pads for it (the pads from the srh940) and honestly it ruined the sound. It took away almost all the bass and muddied up the sound all together. I think they don't seal as well, I really just think pleather is the way to go, and they're just as comfortable to me at least

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