Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jun 18, 2013 at 1:32 AM Post #14,432 of 48,583
No, its specifically that you'll have to buy headsets designed for the xbox one... Plus, that means no Dolby Digital... Unless Microsoft made a decoder for it.

I'm sure third parties will get licensed and be able to make new products for the Xbox One controller port, but it still sucks that everyone has to go out and buy all new devices just for voice chat.
Maybe Astro will eventually release a new Mixamp in 2014.
Jun 18, 2013 at 1:51 AM Post #14,433 of 48,583
Looks like they are using Apple's proprietary playbook bull$h*t. I've never been an Xbox man, but I also never had anything against it. The more they release about One, the more I can't help but feel happy/justified in buying a PS4 to compliment my custom PC.

Hopefully their sales are poor and they are forced to change policies and future plans.
***I know pipedream, not going to happen.
Jun 18, 2013 at 1:53 AM Post #14,434 of 48,583
But then that license will make the amp cost more. Ugh.

Hopefully their sales are poor and they are forced to change policies and future plans.

I'm guessing they will end the upcoming generation with 30 million sales, at most 40 million. I can't see more then that happening.
Jun 18, 2013 at 1:58 AM Post #14,435 of 48,583
Hopefully their sales are poor and they are forced to change policies and future plans.
***I know pipedream, not going to happen.

Not if people continue to be in denial by trying to justify their Xbox One purchase. No, I'm not bashing... I don't judge anyone on how they spend their money. But I do shake my head while wondering how people can support this chokehold they are putting on their loyal customers.
Jun 18, 2013 at 2:15 AM Post #14,436 of 48,583
Not if people continue to be in denial by trying to justify their Xbox One purchase. No, I'm not bashing... I don't judge anyone on how they spend their money. But I do shake my head while wondering how people can support this chokehold they are putting on their loyal customers.
Though people like us mostly on this forum are aware why the XB One isn't good, most others jump on the hate bandwagon, but buy it eventually anyway. Microsoft is aware of this...
Jun 18, 2013 at 2:27 AM Post #14,437 of 48,583
I'm not for or against any video game console makers. I'm about the games. Yeah, what Microsoft is doing just....doesn't make much sense, but if I had the money, I'd probably still buy it for the exclusives. I'd hate all the restricting nonsense they're pulling, but as long as I can play games, I'd live with it.

However, it's just logical to prefer the PS4 with all that has been shown. Less headaches, cheaper (not forcing the Eyetoy thing down our throats), more powerful memory w/similar specs otherwise, and better incentives on PS Plus vs XBL Gold (which is also cheaper). It just makes SENSE to get the PS4 first. Let the early adopters deal with Microsoft's BS until they buck under the pressure and change things around to make it worthwhile.
Jun 18, 2013 at 3:22 AM Post #14,439 of 48,583
I'm not for or against any video game console makers. I'm about the games. Yeah, what Microsoft is doing just....doesn't make much sense, but if I had the money, I'd probably still buy it for the exclusives. I'd hate all the restricting nonsense they're pulling, but as long as I can play games, I'd live with it.

However, it's just logical to prefer the PS4 with all that has been shown. Less headaches, cheaper (not forcing the Eyetoy thing down our throats), more powerful memory w/similar specs otherwise, and better incentives on PS Plus vs XBL Gold (which is also cheaper). It just makes SENSE to get the PS4 first. Let the early adopters deal with Microsoft's BS until they buck under the pressure and change things around to make it worthwhile.

A strong distaste towards these type of actions from companies/governments and it has left a sinking feeling in my stomach. 
I'm with you about the games, and many fall in line with the "I'd live with it" aspect. 
This isn't pointed at you, but a general observation of why I feel that "living with it" shouldn't be an option that we accept.
We as Americans have come to adopt the attitude of just "living with it" or "It doesn't affect me directly". 
Slowly we slip into complacency. We end up letter governments have survalence over our phones, our internet, etc. 
We find out about it, and many of us don't care, or don't think of the future consequences of inaction. 
Companies have their own methods of taking advantage of our complacency, and we are seeing more and more of it. 
I'm not saying that we all need to start picketing, but we need to be wise in what we choose to support or do nothing about.
As consumers, WE have the greatest power over what a company does, it's our buying power. If we don't buy it, they don't do it. 
We are sitting in the proverbial pot of water on a stove, and it's starting to heat up. At some point we are going to get cooked if we just sit there -- So jump out. 
Jun 18, 2013 at 3:31 AM Post #14,440 of 48,583
Thing is, some of it's online stuff is necessary for the games they are running. Cloud computing. It WILL enhance the games played, and so I'll WANT to be online at all times. Sure, it's bad that they're forcing it (PS4 isn't), but it will make it a better experience. So there are pros to go with those cons.

As for the Kinect being mandatory.... I dunno What they were thinking. I'm glad the PS4 isn't forcing the eyetoy, as I NEVER use those things.
Jun 18, 2013 at 4:04 AM Post #14,441 of 48,583
I've never been an early adopter of game consoles, I think it's unwise. This time I am and have plonked down for a PS4(I got lucky with the price changes). Not because I'm so ******* excited I can't wait, but I want to put my money where my mouth is. I think the restrictions of the Xbone are bad for the hobby. The "cloud" buzzword they're so fond of has so far only amounted to what is basically the dedicated servers and "ghost" states we've had for years. It's basically the same as what Sim City promised and that didn't end well. Not drinking the Kool-Aid yet. The offloading of computing to "the cloud" is potentially exciting, but with todays internet tubes it's fairly limited in scope. The xbox division has a messaging problem and I suspect it's partly because they just don't have a answer for how this benefits the consumer in any way. I'm all for making sacrifices in the name of progress, but so far the only progress is the fattening of the publishers' wallets. What are the pros for everyone else?
I'm not even touching the whole Kinect thing.
Jun 18, 2013 at 4:26 AM Post #14,442 of 48,583
Thing is, some of it's online stuff is necessary for the games they are running. Cloud computing. It WILL enhance the games played, and so I'll WANT to be online at all times. Sure, it's bad that they're forcing it (PS4 isn't), but it will make it a better experience. So there are pros to go with those cons.

As for the Kinect being mandatory.... I dunno What they were thinking. I'm glad the PS4 isn't forcing the eyetoy, as I NEVER use those things.
I can't comprehend the internet obligation. If I take the Xbox to a beach house w/ no internet just to play coop split screen with my friends, why shouldn't I be able to?
Jun 18, 2013 at 6:05 AM Post #14,443 of 48,583
Presumably, because the game's AI and internal framework will involve the cloud in a heavy way....
Jun 18, 2013 at 6:19 AM Post #14,444 of 48,583
Presumably is the keyword. This is nothing new. Similar promises have been made before and it has turned ugly. There's also nothing that points to this being a XO-only capability either.
I would have begrudgingly accepted the new restrictions if it improved things in any way. I have a constant internet connection and I don't trade in my games. The problem is that it gives the consumer less for their investment without remedying it in any way. I don't want to get behind that.
So far all we have gotten out of MS is fancy buzzwords and pie-in-the-sky promises.
Jun 18, 2013 at 7:33 AM Post #14,445 of 48,583
Presumably, because the game's AI and internal framework will involve the cloud in a heavy way....
What about the old games though like Black Ops in which there is no internet obligation for the campaign or zombies. Accessing challenges maybe?

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