Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Apr 11, 2013 at 11:55 AM Post #12,901 of 48,581
That's how I feel, lol. I'd wanna get the Bifrost, but probably used. I feel it's too expensive. Should've been priced the same as the Asgard... I mean, if they're gonna match, make it the same price! Though I guess the Valhalla and Lyr share the same body too.
Apr 11, 2013 at 12:11 PM Post #12,902 of 48,581
Yeah, $449 for the USB version damn lol. Something like that will have to wait for a bit.
Apr 11, 2013 at 4:28 PM Post #12,903 of 48,581
I'm already using the standard K702 on my gaming rig, but I figured "what the hell" and bought the Annie with that deal. I'm thinking I may still keep the K702 on my gaming rig and throw the Annie on my home music rig. I'm really hoping I didn't make a bad decision with the imminent release of the K712.

I would just keep the Anniversaries and sell the normal K702s then get some non-memory foam pads for $20-30
Apr 11, 2013 at 5:56 PM Post #12,904 of 48,581
I would just keep the Anniversaries and sell the normal K702s then get some non-memory foam pads for $20-30

I was thinking about that. What does come first and foremost between the two will be the detail whoring and positional audio. I don't want to compromise competitive gaming. Two options...
  1. If the standard K702 works better for that, it will keep it on the gaming rig and the Annie will move full time over to my home music rig.
  2. If the Annie is more detailed with better positional audio, it goes on the gaming rig and I'll sell the K702.
I'm hoping option two is the case because I have my heart set on an HE-500 for my home audio rig. 

Apr 11, 2013 at 7:43 PM Post #12,905 of 48,581
I was thinking about that. What does come first and foremost between the two will be the detail whoring and positional audio. I don't want to compromise competitive gaming. Two options...
  1. If the standard K702 works better for that, it will keep it on the gaming rig and the Annie will move full time over to my home music rig.
  2. If the Annie is more detailed with better positional audio, it goes on the gaming rig and I'll sell the K702.
I'm hoping option two is the case because I have my heart set on an HE-500 for my home audio rig. 

I was saying don't keep both because it's silly to own two pairs of the same headphone (apart from the pads) just so you can hook one up to one system and one up to another.  Just by a pair of regular foam pads and you will get to keep both sounds, and you can just move the headphone and change out the pads and you'll save yourself $200 (by selling the regular K702).
If you own both pads, its the same as owning both headphones

The regular foam pads are lighter and airier so they will hold some advantage for pure competitive gaming.  I've said this before a couple times.
Apr 11, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #12,906 of 48,581
I was saying don't keep both because it's silly to own two pairs of the same headphone (apart from the pads) just so you can hook one up to one system and one up to another.  Just by a pair of regular foam pads and you will get to keep both sounds, and you can just move the headphone and change out the pads and you'll save yourself $200 (by selling the regular K702).
If you own both pads, its the same as owning both headphones

The regular foam pads are lighter and airier so they will hold some advantage for pure competitive gaming.  I've said this before a couple times.

Totally makes sense. I suppose I want cans dedicated to stations because I'm just silly like that. All this does is support option 2 even more so now. HE-500, here I come. Thanks for being my enabler.

Apr 11, 2013 at 8:48 PM Post #12,908 of 48,581
I was thinking about that. What does come first and foremost between the two will be the detail whoring and positional audio. I don't want to compromise competitive gaming. Two options...
  1. If the standard K702 works better for that, it will keep it on the gaming rig and the Annie will move full time over to my home music rig.
  2. If the Annie is more detailed with better positional audio, it goes on the gaming rig and I'll sell the K702.
I'm hoping option two is the case because I have my heart set on an HE-500 for my home audio rig. 

Though more expensive, option two sounds like the best move 

Apr 11, 2013 at 10:49 PM Post #12,909 of 48,581
The regular foam pads are lighter and airier so they will hold some advantage for pure competitive gaming.  I've said this before a couple times.

Is there really a noticeable difference for competitive gaming and detail whoring between the pads?

Hey i guys i wanted to ask a couple of things which really bugged me.
I used to have a STX+ MMX 300
Now i have a Dt 880 (600ohm) + E9k+E17
1) If you enable DH  STX/Mixamp, i found the Soundquality to be inferior to when you listen to it without. It is like a if you are standing in a big hall, if you now what i mean.
2) If we talk about gaming here are we only considering FPS? For i play mostelikely only RPGs or Sidescrollers where i want the enjoy the Soundtrack and immerse myself in the surroundings.
 I am going to buy a Q701 and am interested in the Soundstage of them, since the Dt 880s Sounds to me very close ( like Zombie_X described) 
Maybe then i might try out the Dt 990 ( 600ohms) aswell.

I have the same MMX 300 + Asus Xonar DX, very curious about how Dt 880 (600ohm) sounds in games and overall compering to MMX 300? Also plan to buy and try AKG Annies  + maybe lets say Matrix M-Stage(not sure  what is the best combination  
Apr 11, 2013 at 11:24 PM Post #12,910 of 48,581
Not really. Positional cues are the same on both. However the standard pads are thinner sounding, and bass isn't as full, so it's easier to focus on the mids and treble (most important sounds). Think of It like my comparison of the AD700 vs K701. The AD700 is even thinner sounding and bass shy, 2hich is what makes it so easy to focus on detail.

If you want to strictly sound whore, just get the AD700.
Apr 12, 2013 at 12:27 AM Post #12,911 of 48,581
Hello again Head-Fi,

Well, it's official, the Ultrasone's hurt my ears and head. My elephant ears stick out enough to press on the drivers. They didn't originally but as the velour pads adjusted to my head I noticed more and more discomfort. They end up being quite uncomfortable and I practice an exercise in futility continuously adjusting them. The small top cushion digs into my conehead(I'm learning so many things about myself!) as well, a common issue with multiple mod possibilities(hd650 cushion).

As to the sound, these are the most expensive headphones I've ever bought, so I will preface you in letting you understand my limited experience with "hifi" headgear. That said, the bass is strong and tight as most often described, the treble doesn't seem so piercing or shrieky like many have said(is this sibilance? Or is that only related to metallic sounds?). The mids are, in my experience, slightly recessed, but the level of clarity/separation is so much better than anything I've owned that I think it's just not as noticeable to me. Isolation is excellent from incoming noise, never really tested outgoing, kind've assumed mutual performance. Little heat generated but it is there. All that aside, build quality is unquestionably durable and the included components and case are great.

So... Now what do I do? I'm really disappointed because I really wanted to like them and I've tried to ignore the pain but it's just clearly not going to work for my intended uses and long listening sessions. I guess I'll have to resell them and take a loss...

The Astro 5.8 Mixamp has been interesting. The hiss that has been discussed is present but to me seems nearly irrelevant unless you use your headphones a lot for listening to nothing, sarcasm intended. Dolby headphone is quite an odd sensation. At times somewhat lacking presence, not to necessarily suggest that it isn't effective but more so subtle. I would say it's not entirely what I expected but it's also not a disappointment or anything. The best way I can characterize it in a statement is... "I am trying to learn how to use dolby headphone to my advantage." Battlefield 3 is all I really play anymore and as has been discussed before, the environment isn't always so helpful to positional cues. For movies, the verdict isn't yet out, I'm still looking for some of the better 5.1 movies to really test it with. As of now I've only listened to The Dark Knight without the screen on to see how it felt in regards to positioning. Subtle, but present, as I earlier described.

To try and match how you guys tend to do your reviews I'll state my particular details.

Source - Pandora App
DAC - AT&T Galaxy S II
(double whammy in the quality department from what I read here...)
Artists - Everything, from Regina Spektor to Dream Theater to Rush and Chevelle, hip hop, etc.


Source - Optical Blu-Ray
Player - PS3 to 5.8 Mixamp
Films - The Dark Knight

Video games:

Source - Optical Blu-Ray
System - PS3 Console
Games - Battlefield 3

As always, thank you for any help and I hope that what I've written here can help someone else as this thread and the multitude of informative authors in it have helped me.

Apr 12, 2013 at 12:37 AM Post #12,912 of 48,581
Avatar's audio track is pretty well done and has some interesting surround effects, worth a try regardless of what you think of the movie. :p Black Hawk Down always stuck out to me too... I haven't listened a lot to movies with Dolby Headphone tho, since I don't watch a lot of movies on the desktop and my receiver lacks DH.
Apr 12, 2013 at 1:35 AM Post #12,913 of 48,581
Is there really a noticeable difference for competitive gaming and detail whoring between the pads?

Check out this post:
"There's something about lighter airier sounds that gives the effect of making sounds sound farther away then weightier sounds.  But like I said, once you adjust for that "effect", the sounds are still basically coming from the same location/distance in the soundstage.  So the Q701s competitive advantage mainly just comes down to the lighter overall balance (think AD700) which emphasizes and makes things a bit clearer."
Apr 12, 2013 at 1:57 AM Post #12,914 of 48,581
I am going to buy a new sound setup to my pc. For headphones I think I'm gonna go with ad700 but I have a hard time picking a good soundcard. I'm thinking of creative soundblaster z or the titanium hd right now. Any suggestions are much appreciated! I play fps games like counterstrike source. All I want is really just to be able to "sound whore" which is the reason why I picked the ad700 :)
Apr 12, 2013 at 2:28 AM Post #12,915 of 48,581
I have a question about my mixamp setup on my Xbox. I bought the mixamp only (no cables included) off of eBay and its the 2011 version with the battery pack and flat dials. I have a pair takstar hi2050s hooked up to a PC mic spilter and just got an antlion mic. When I connect the mic I hear myself very loudly with static/ feedback and hardly anything goes to the Xbox ( I did some sample voice messages and played them back and it was very faint). Any suggestions on what may be wrong? Could it be the mic or the splitter ( I bought the splitter from astro and it was for the A40 I believe)?

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