Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 23, 2012 at 10:06 AM Post #10,006 of 48,579
Hey, I didnt want to create a new thread on headsets so I'll post it here.
So I'm looking for a decent headset for LAN and gaming sessions. Now I already have DT770 + a quality sound card + desktop mic so no need to suggest those. As I said, I will use this headset only for LAN events and in important matches. The desktop mic and the Zalman clip mic both take too much background noise since I have 2 dogs and 2 birds so I really need a headset to play.
I've tried Sennheiser PC 360 and Sennheiser's ear pads just don't fit me, for some reason, I can't really play with the comfortably. My budget is about 170$ and so far I've been looking at Razer's Tiamat and Gameshark and not much else, so any recommendations? I prefer closed and around-the-ear headsets. Logitech I just don't trust, Steelseries seems kinda cheap build.
Thanks in advance.
Dec 23, 2012 at 10:45 AM Post #10,007 of 48,579
I don't have enough research or experience with closed headphones to make a solid upgrade recommendation... Maybe start by listing what improvements you would like to hear from the DT770?
The SkullCandy SLYR seems to be an example of SC stepping up their quality, and has been getting a favorable response for a closed headset. It's also on sale for ridiculously cheap. You might be able to do better for your extra budget, but I just personally haven't been interested in spending over $100 on closed headphones... Though I am curious about the AKG 271, I read that the mids are very realistic.
Dec 23, 2012 at 10:45 AM Post #10,008 of 48,579
with flash, because I have horrible lighting in the room...

Don't let the image fool you. The SA-31 is 1.5x the width, and about 3x as deep as the Schiit stack. ODAC wedged in between them. :D

D'aw, the ODAC, ish shoooow cyouuuute! The Shiit stack looks very handsome, though of course the ODAC begs the question about why the Shiit DAC is as large as the amp.

Originally Posted by chicolom

Needs more explosions. Like mine.
I see your explosion, and raise you in stereo & badassery.
Dec 23, 2012 at 12:12 PM Post #10,010 of 48,579
I would like to use the PC360's  will they connect to xbox 360?
Noob here on this stuff....

Yes, but you'll at least need an RCA to 3.5mm headphone adapter, and optimally you'd want a surround processor like the Mixamp or Recon3D (which come with all necessary cables for most purposes). If you PM NamelessPFG, he might give you a deal on the Sound Blaster Recon3D, the first DSS is cheap if you buy it used (but it has lots of hiss), the Mixamp is now finally available for individual purchase (I think). Good luck!
Dec 23, 2012 at 12:17 PM Post #10,011 of 48,579
The PC360 is the best headset, for sure. If you want more fu, the A40 combo with the Mixamp is pretty hard to beat.

Evs, lol, I guess its that big to keep the dimensions similar. Im sure they could have made it smaller.
Dec 23, 2012 at 2:14 PM Post #10,012 of 48,579
Yes, but you'll at least need an RCA to 3.5mm headphone adapter, and optimally you'd want a surround processor like the Mixamp or Recon3D (which come with all necessary cables for most purposes). If you PM NamelessPFG, he might give you a deal on the Sound Blaster Recon3D, the first DSS is cheap if you buy it used (but it has lots of hiss), the Mixamp is now finally available for individual purchase (I think). Good luck!

Yeah, they can be had around the £100 margin. You get all the necessary cables and can plug your mp3 into it too. It works well, but feels very cheap, and the cables don't seem overly great either. I found the Mixamp can give off a good bit of hiss is everything isn't clean and you have your 'phones loud.
Dec 23, 2012 at 3:27 PM Post #10,013 of 48,579
The PC360 is the best headset, for sure. If you want more fu, the A40 combo with the Mixamp is pretty hard to beat.
Evs, lol, I guess its that big to keep the dimensions similar. Im sure they could have made it smaller.

Thanks for the help....I was looking at the A40's also and it seems for my $$ they would be the choice.....I need to step up from my old TB X11's
I'm sure I will notice a huge difference.
Dec 23, 2012 at 4:00 PM Post #10,014 of 48,579
Well dont expect too much. The A40 is solid, and is worth it with the combo, but there are things I prefer out of the SLYR. But the A40s is more well rounded for gaming. The PC360 and Mixamp is considerably more expensive, and the PC360s arent as fun.
Dec 23, 2012 at 5:56 PM Post #10,015 of 48,579
So I'm looking for a decent headset for LAN and gaming sessions. Now I already have DT770 + a quality sound card + desktop mic so no need to suggest those. As I said, I will use this headset only for LAN events and in important matches. The desktop mic and the Zalman clip mic both take too much background noise since I have 2 dogs and 2 birds so I really need a headset to play.

How about sticking a modmic on it?  It sounds like the mic is a problem, and any headset you get will have a boom mic like the modmic.  Since it's a boom mic, I assume it will perform similar to other headset mics and will pick up less noise than a desktop or clip-on mic.
Dec 23, 2012 at 10:55 PM Post #10,016 of 48,579
I wish my Best Buy would let me try the K550 on. But half of the employees don't seem to know they carry AKG headphones. You make 'me sound nice though, and it seems the 270 series headphones are good too (in a different way).
For game suggestions, I recommend the first two Modern Warfares, Dead Space, Bioshock, Halo games, Oblivion (but I get sick of de music), and more, but I'm falling asleep as I type this (wrote quote reply 1st)
Egads, you're doing it again. Can't tell what the heck you're talking about without referring back to Nameless' posts after every one of your sentences, and even then I get thrown off if your reply to one sentence is longer than one sentence or you mash together a few "yeah, yes, no, i see, oh" in one sentence. Honestly SoAmusing, it would be much kinder if you just typed your replies in bold among the post you are replying to.

I quoted him, then did my reply. I'm still working on it.
Dec 23, 2012 at 11:24 PM Post #10,018 of 48,579
I quoted him, then did my reply. I'm still working on it.

I don't think you have malicious intent. I wish I could help more than just pointing it out, but I don't know how to make you see what I see about your sentence and thought structure that confuses me. But inevitably I check the forum when I wake and before bed, so like now I've been up for 18 hours and I just don't have enough energy to hold both posts in my mind at once and reconstruct when you read something and reply to that sentence/idea. If I was replying to what I just typed in your style, pretending I was you, it would look like "Glad you don't think so. Thanks for trying a little, but I need better advice. What good would seeing what you see do? Clearly you should sleep more, because you barely make sense either. OMG, now you're going to reply like I do? IT'S INCEPTION! Or at least an expanding loop. 'Glad you don't think so' should be written 'Glad you don't think I write to purposefully be confusing' so that the sentence forms a complete idea, not a sentence fragment that doesn't make sense when it stands by itself..."

I will stop myself from further replying as myself to myself that is imitating SoAmusing, because it is getting absurd and "going deeper" into more convoluted events happening at once doesn't make your movie deeper, Christopher Nolan. WOOOOOOOMP!

Clearly I'm CooCoo again from fatigue. And it was disturbingly fun. G'night.
Dec 24, 2012 at 12:07 AM Post #10,019 of 48,579
skim reads and doesn't have any knowledge and thinks he's a professional :wink:  i don't know how many times i learned about something from experience and looked back at some of the things i said and thought to myself about how big an idiot i must look.  js
Dec 24, 2012 at 12:39 AM Post #10,020 of 48,579
Does anyone know how well Onkyo's "Theater-Dimensional Virtual Surround" works with headphones? I've seen it listed as a feature on some of their receivers.

It may have nothing to do with headphones, just speakers, that I have found out so far.
EDIT, it looks the the Onkyo Theater Dimensional Virtual Surround, is a combo of Dolby Pro Logic IIz and NEO 6, (fake surround sound).

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