Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:38 PM Post #9,677 of 48,579
The SLYR is very solid for the price. My only real complaint is that due to its closed design, the soundstage isnt great. Still the clarity, energy, and forwardness is damn good for a headset. I like it a lot, even if it was just a headphone.
Dec 12, 2012 at 11:03 PM Post #9,678 of 48,579
Which is the other one that supports hdmi?

Check Newegg's and Amazon's reviews, but the Auzentech X-Fi HT HD. Good luck contacting support.
Dec 12, 2012 at 11:14 PM Post #9,679 of 48,579
The SLYR is very solid for the price. My only real complaint is that due to its closed design, the soundstage isnt great. Still the clarity, energy, and forwardness is damn good for a headset. I like it a lot, even if it was just a headphone

Skullcandy has 50% off their entire site right now. REDBULL50 trying to snag a pair of plyr's
Dec 12, 2012 at 11:26 PM Post #9,681 of 48,579
Dec 12, 2012 at 11:45 PM Post #9,682 of 48,579
Just got my new DT 770 AE and can confirm they are awesome for gaming.  I think I might still prefer the DT770 pro 80 for that awesome sub bass, but the DT 770 AE ups the ante with the mixamp.  Less bass (still good though) means more sound-whoring 

Dec 13, 2012 at 1:06 AM Post #9,683 of 48,579
Anybody wanna buy a mint Creative Extigy? I've got ALL the original hardware for it. CD, Feet, Controller, Cords.. Just not the original box that I had but threw away. I do have the blue inside box where the CD sits and what not. PM me if interested.
Dec 13, 2012 at 1:28 AM Post #9,684 of 48,579

O. M. G.

$99, more power than the E9/E9k.

The Magni may just be the budget amp to get. It also doesn't run like a grill...

Could be the amp I use for helping the Mixamp power my headphones.

The Modi may be the USB DAC to get at the price point as well.

That is one lovely looking amp+dac combo for $200.

I'd be tempted on selling the E17 just got get the Magni... but then again, the true portability of t. E17 is convenient.
Dec 13, 2012 at 1:47 AM Post #9,685 of 48,579
O. M. G.
$99, more power than the E9/E9k.
The Magni may just be the budget amp to get.
The Modi may be the USB DAC to get at the price point as well.
That is one lovely looking amp+dac combo for $200.

How cute!
And oh so cheap.  I don't know enough about amps to be able to tell much from the description or looking at the PCB, but it looks very nice.
Dec 13, 2012 at 1:50 AM Post #9,686 of 48,579
Considering the power and price difference, assuming its good, this should be on everyone's priority list as far as amps to pair up with gaming amps. It has a ridiculously low output impedance too. Looks like Schiit is fighting directly with the O2, with more power, cheaper price, better aesthetics and connectivity...

I seriously want it.
Dec 13, 2012 at 3:59 AM Post #9,688 of 48,579
Didnt know my return window was so long for the E17... guess its going back today... and Im ordering the Magni, lol.

Who knows, I might even put the SA-31 and ODAC for sale, and getting that Modi, X1 or K702/65!

As for the Skullcandy deal, the SLYR for $40 is ridiculous, and everyone looking for a good closed headset should jump on it. SERIOUSLY.
Dec 13, 2012 at 4:35 AM Post #9,689 of 48,579
Hey everyone.
I'm back in the world of headphones after selling most of my old stuff. I've been through an AD700, HD598, and HD558, all through a Mixamp. After listening to my crappy Logitech 2.0 speakers for the better part of a year, anything is an upgrade. At first, I tried to resist spending more than I deemed necessary ($100 lol). I bought a few pretty subpar headphones, to which my ears responded negatively. I went through a few PC headsets (Corsair 1500, Logitech G35), and they didn't cut the mustard, so I decided on skipping any 'universal' headsets.Now it's time to find a closed set of cans fit for gaming (pc, 360).
Fast forward a bit:
After some deliberation, I bought a Beyer DT770. It was well reviewed pretty much everywhere (including here), so I bought one. Initial impressions were good. After the AD700 and the HD598, I finally understood what bass was. The treble was a bit harsh, but not mind-melting. The mids were definitely recessed, but I could deal with that. After all, the main attraction is the 'subwoofer' Beyer somehow managed to fit in these things. They are really comfortable, isolate pretty well, and don't leak enormously.
However, for some reason, these cans just don't agree with me. I'm not alone in feeling this way about the 770s. See here for a post I made in the Headphones forum:
Even listening to music, I couldn't take more than 20 minutes of using it. It wasn't the treble that was fatiguing. Something about them just required me to remove them to constantly take a break. I loved their directionality and soundstaging, but I just can't wear these for long without discomfort. Don't get me wrong: they are very comfortable (fluffy padding/clamp-wise), it's something about their signature that doesn't work for me. Why they don't work might have to do with the copious amounts of mind shattering bass, though I can't really pinpoint it.
So, I've decided another pair is in order. If anyone wants to take the DT770 off my hands, pm me. As much as I want them to, they don't agree with me :frowning2:
Any help with some recommendations? I really don't care for competitive gaming accuracy. While I will be doing some multiplayer (BF3 mainly), I don't care about bass obscuring footsteps. I want a fun pair of cans :wink: I've narrowed my decision down to three: Pro 900, A900x, or the D2000 (if I can find them). I'm also looking for a USB dac/amp to serve for portable use and as a standalone dac, as well as 'home/desktop' amp to power any phones I might get. I'm really eyeing the iBasso D4 and the Objective2 (or a Little Dot amp, still undecided). The Schiit Magni posted above looks kind a cool too.
I could not find a Mixamp for sale on the Astro site. Almost all ebay auctions included the AX0 headset, which I just plain did not want. I had to 'settle' for a usb Recon3d, since that's what I could find. Not a huge deal, but I'm looking for a Dolby Headphone capable device so I can A/B the two, and compare them for myself I can't stand any noise/hiss, so the DSS and the 720 box are probably out of the question. Looks like I'll have to wait it out for a good deal on a Mixamp. I game from my laptop, so I don't have the luxury of buying a PCI sound card :frowning2: 
Dec 13, 2012 at 4:36 AM Post #9,690 of 48,579
Considering the power and price difference, assuming its good, this should be on everyone's priority list as far as amps to pair up with gaming amps. It has a ridiculously low output impedance too. Looks like Schiit is fighting directly with the O2, with more power, cheaper price, better aesthetics and connectivity...
I seriously want it.

Now we just have to find out if it sounds as good.  It looks great on paper though...

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