Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 26, 2012 at 2:48 AM Post #8,686 of 48,583
Lol no prob, I thought it was a little unusual.

Edit: actually, I got the link/associate meaning in my head, so it made sense to me.

I bought a phone that slides open so you get a landscape physical keyboard because I thought it would be the best thing and much faster. I actually hate it, always use T9 unless it's a more esoteric word the phone doesn't know how to spell. Having to use two hands on a phone is a bother in my experience. Or is the Note II a small tablet?

I have a wireless keyboard for my iPad, it's very thin and light yet still I rarely bother carrying it around.


Goodnight XD
Oct 26, 2012 at 2:50 AM Post #8,687 of 48,583
I meant to say associate, not link. That sounded better in my head. :frowning2:

My Note II is hella fast.

I just hate not having a physical qwerty, so I wont be replying as much... until someone makes a qwerty phone cover, like they did with the galaxy tabs.
Oct 26, 2012 at 4:24 AM Post #8,688 of 48,583
Both will probably benefit from an amp... A FiiO E9k would power either plenty, and the FiiO E11 would probably do an adaquate job as well. MLE knows this better than me. If you already have a receiver for your home theater, that will probably be an adaquate amp as well... I don't think the DT770 is the kind of headphone you want to wear while walking down the street anyway.
It is possible to turn down bass, IMO it hurts a SQ less than boosting it, but you'll need an amp or processor that'll offer an equalizer setting for reduced bass... not very common. The Recon3D has a full 12-band graphical equalizer you can adjust from your PC, but FWIR I think only the THX TruStudio Pro settings can be saved and used with an Xbox360. So you could reduce the bass for TF2 and any other computer games you play, but I'm not sure that carries over to the console.
If you want to use Dolby Headphone or another virtual surround processor, that will be another $70-$140 buying new to budget for. Mad Lust Envy pointed out a little processor from Monoprice that isn't too expensive yet shows promise.
I got by for a long time with just a nice headphone playing in standard stereo. You could choose to max out your budget on nice, long term headphones and add a surround processor or amp later, or you could also get cheap-but-cheerful headphones plus a processor to get most of the full effect, upgrade your headphone later. If you're considering the 2nd route, you can take a chance on a used Turtle Beach DSS on eBay (I've read several people say the DSS is good, but has a background hiss), or PM Head-Fi'er Nameless PFG about buying his barely used Recon3D off him, which is what I use and enjoy. Koss KSC 75 are great for their very low price, and work pretty well with virtual surround processing (I've borrowed the KSC75 I bought for my GF several times to use with my Recon3D).
Good Luck have fun!

OK. I'm thinking of not bothering with that "turn down the bass" thing before, because it seems like there'll be quite an investment here if I do. Alrighty, is there something cheap and portable that can run Dolby Headphone on Xbox 360 and PC, that I can also use with my phone? 
I thinking I'm going to get an amp/processor later on, because I rather need some decent headphones. I do have a receiver for my home theater, it's a Yamaha RX-V657. Will that do? 
Oct 26, 2012 at 4:40 AM Post #8,689 of 48,583
I constantly mention the Creative Aurvana Live as the cheaper, easily driven alternative to the DT770 Pro 80.
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #8,690 of 48,583
You know what, I have no Idea still what the heck an Mixamp is... aboviosuly it's an Amp but is it another DIY'r creation being sold to the ENTIRE world?

first page.
It's a virtual surround sound processor, made by Astro Gaming, recently aquired by Skullcandy.
Is the SA-31 purely an SS amp, or a tube-hybrid like the Shiit Lyr you had before? Do you think that the SA-31 brought out the bass enough n the 600 ohm DT990 like you had hoped? Like I'd say the Q701 is 10% different from the AD700, but I value the difference 60% more enjoyable.

I find it fascinating that I have to turn my mom's receiver (not mine, which is packed in a box) up to -10dB to get a normal listening volume on my Q701. That's near the receiver's max setting, and some background hiss is audible. Sounds pretty good otherwise, though.

Sorry for replying so late...

Here's my response of the SA-31 vs E9K... and BTW, the SA-31 is a pure SS-amp.

Ok, so my test for warm 1 and warm 2 have been directly vs the E9K.

The SA-31 (with no warmth jumpers) and E9K are close in tonality, with the E9K being just a smidge brighter.

Warm 1: It does sound just a little bolder than no jumpers, but it's like VERY slight.

Warm 2: I honestly don't hear a diff from Warm 1.

I'll have to do more testing to hear exactly what changes.

Tube amps definitely alter the sound quite a bit more than these jumpers.

I must say though, the DT990s sound glorious off the SA-31 with the warm 2 setting (all 4 jumpers in).

One thing I notice is that the SA-31 controls the 250ohm's bass quite a bit compared to the E9K. Ironically, I prefer the looser bass on the E9K. However, on the 600ohm, it brought out the bass to where I feel it almost rivals the 250ohm's bass (both off the SA-31).

If I was keeping the E9K, I'd definitely keep the 250ohm. Off the SA-31, they're both near identical, so I'll stick to the slight refinement of the 600ohm.
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #8,691 of 48,583
I just hate not having a physical qwerty, so I wont be replying as much... until someone makes a qwerty phone cover, like they did with the galaxy tabs.

Try some of the different keyboard apps that are out there you might find one that works better for you. I enjoyed Swype for a time and have actually been thinking of trying it out again. Currently I'm using Swiftkey 3 and find it to be a great keyboard for my Galaxy Nexus. 
Don't forget Voice-to-text, that works surprisingly well on android these days. You  just have to make sure to speak clearly and talk in complete sentences 

Oct 26, 2012 at 9:20 AM Post #8,692 of 48,583
You replied 20 seconds after me, lol.

Anyways, my problem isn't the on screen keyboard. They ALL suck for me. I really crave the tactile feel of physical buttons. I'm not a touchscreen kind of guy (hate it, really).

I have used Swype and it's decent, but I prefer just pressing the keys. Voice to text does work well, but I don't see myself using that a lot, especially when there are people around.

To update from the last post, yes, the SA-31 with warmth jumpers all in, really add all I wanted from the DT990/600. It's not a big difference, but it's enough.

I would say the DT990/250 off the E9K has the most bass presence (but least control) out of all the combinations today (by a hair). However, the refinement and less edge in treble of the SA-31 + DT990/600 wins out.

Out of the E9K, the 250 has noticeably more bass than the 600. Out of the SA-31, that gap becomes smaller, to the point that I can't tell the bass presence apart when quick-swapping from the E9K/250 to the SA-31/600.

I'm gonna pack up the DT990/250 and E9K today. I've heard enough...

Am I gonna keep the 600ohm? Probably not, as Amazon is selling them Like New for $50 less than I paid. Since I'm within my return window, I'll save some money by getting another pair. Unless they wanna just refund me that price difference.
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:53 AM Post #8,693 of 48,583
I'm gonna pack up the DT990/250 and E9K today. I've heard enough...

I'd love to buy that off of you <3, but alas I'm going to be broke Till Juanary so if you wouldn't mind saving it till then [and selling to ME] I'd be a happy patatoe!
Also for Digital Sound Processors I like  SRS Audio Sand Box 10 for a LONG time, but I'm sure Mixamp and DH are better, seeing as SRS AUdio Sandbox is a little old and well cheap and well also a easy interwebs snatch to xD
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:59 AM Post #8,694 of 48,583
Lol, I'm getting a full refund (minus the $6 or so from shipping fees Amazon charges)/ if I sold it to you, I'm sure you'd want it for a lot more than $12 cheaper than they go for on Amazon. XD

The differences between the SA-31 and E9K were more obvious on the KSC35. The SA-31 was considerably warmer.

I guess warm 2 may be a bit much for warmer sounding headphones like the KSC35. I preferred it off the E9K, and the E9K isn't technically a proper match for it due to high output impedance. I think the jumper settings are headphone by headphone basis. You'd do fine with no jumpers at all for all headphones, but some headphones can benefit from extra warmth, and some can be impacted negatively. So all in all, if you're lazy, stick to no jumpers. If you wanna tweak per headphone, leave the top unscrewed for easy jumper switching. :D

I doubt many of you would spend over $500 for an amp anyways, lol.

It does take the edge off the 990's treble just a bit though, which makes it very awesome for that particular headphone.

Since I'm returning the DT990/250 and E9K... In went and ordered the HE-4.

Just... trust me. :ph34r:
Oct 26, 2012 at 11:52 AM Post #8,695 of 48,583
Lol, I'm getting a full refund (minus the $6 or so from shipping fees Amazon charges)/ if I sold it to you, I'm sure you'd want it for a lot more than $12 cheaper than they go for on Amazon. XD
I doubt many of you would spend over $500 for an amp anyways, lol.
It does take the edge off the 990's treble just a bit though, which makes it very awesome for that particular headphone.
Since I'm returning the DT990/250 and E9K... In went and ordered the HE-4.
Just... trust me.

:[ but but I WANT moar feed back on HEad fi, and trust me... I'd pay $500 for an amp, seeing as i JUST found the native Spdif output bracket on my Mobo I fully intened to use it! Heck my mobo has native 96k sampling out and support 192k sampling, so it's not the BEST but that Spdif needs to be pair with an idvidual DAC and AMP and then some Dt 880 600 ohms and a HE-500! 
Oct 26, 2012 at 11:55 AM Post #8,696 of 48,583
Dunno why you'd want both. The HE500 should do everything the DT880 does and then some...
Oct 26, 2012 at 12:11 PM Post #8,697 of 48,583
Dunno why you'd want both. The HE500 should do everything the DT880 does and then some...

Exactly, going to get the Dt 880 first then the HE-500 and I like to Collect Headphones... so at some Point I might build a Nice Wooden Case to put them in... living with my parents so in the next year I want to either convert our spare room into a study [where le Headphones will go] or move out!
But I like ym 250 ohms for portable and the 600 are well half the price of the HE-500, but I like to have extra cans on hand. Gives me a chance to share my un needed ones with new Audiophiles OR let's me share my music with a friend! [I ofc get the better cans xD] 
Oct 26, 2012 at 6:24 PM Post #8,698 of 48,583
OK. I'm thinking of not bothering with that "turn down the bass" thing before, because it seems like there'll be quite an investment here if I do. Alrighty, is there something cheap and portable that can run Dolby Headphone on Xbox 360 and PC, that I can also use with my phone? 

I thinking I'm going to get an amp/processor later on, because I rather need some decent headphones. I do have a receiver for my home theater, it's a Yamaha RX-V657. Will that do? 

Hey! That Yamaha receiver is plenty amp, AND it has it's own headphone surround processor. If you look in the manual, it's called Silent Cinema. You just have to enable one of the sound DSPs, I liked "action movie" best, YMMV, but it'll at least give you an idea about what virtual surround is like. Play around with the different DSPs to see which you like best. You can also boost/reduce treble and bass on the receiver :wink:

You might end up preferring a different surround processor, but Silent Cinema is definitely worth checking out and will get you most of the way there... and you already own it! That's a pretty nice receiver, IIRC.

Cheap headphone for all purposes & portability = Koss KSC75. I believe I already recommended it. It's not the most exotic looking or boutique, BUT it delivers where it counts. BY FAR better than any earbuds, even Yuin, and holds up against $60-$70 headphones. Just try that first, and if you like gaming/music with headphones, get a "reference" headphone to use at home with a good return policy, in case you don't love it. That's how Mad got started, and I could've saved money if I had done that.

Next steps, consider JVC HA-RX900 with Dynamat added inside the earcups to tighten up bass, Creative Aurvana Live!, Grado/Alessandro headphones (grados are great rock cans, Alessandro's are more balanced & respond well to MS1000 mod), Takstar, DT770, DT990/Q701 (equally good but different signature emphasis, different things to love), and up up and away!
Oct 26, 2012 at 6:28 PM Post #8,699 of 48,583
Exactly, going to get the Dt 880 first then the HE-500 and I like to Collect Headphones... so at some Point I might build a Nice Wooden Case to put them in... living with my parents so in the next year I want to either convert our spare room into a study [where le Headphones will go] or move out!

But I like ym 250 ohms for portable and the 600 are well half the price of the HE-500, but I like to have extra cans on hand. Gives me a chance to share my un needed ones with new Audiophiles OR let's me share my music with a friend! [I ofc get the better cans xD] 

Uh, if you want to use the rather bulky-sized DT880 250ohm headphone portably, you're gonna want the powerful new FiiO E12 coming nov/dec, or something from Ray Samuel Audio. You'll be well out of the norm and into niche requirements at that point.

Also, from experience... You can't live with your parents forever, eventually they're going to be annoyed with paying your expenses while you make un-frugal purchases, and living on your own you'll probably have a whole different perspective on budget... Like buy nice headphones, or continue saving up for a new car, or fixing the toilet, or a comfortable chair, or making your place look nice so your lady friends will want to come over...

Think about it.
Oct 26, 2012 at 6:38 PM Post #8,700 of 48,583
OK. I'm thinking of not bothering with that "turn down the bass" thing before, because it seems like there'll be quite an investment here if I do. Alrighty, is there something cheap and portable that can run Dolby Headphone on Xbox 360 and PC, that I can also use with my phone? 
I thinking I'm going to get an amp/processor later on, because I rather need some decent headphones. I do have a receiver for my home theater, it's a Yamaha RX-V657. Will that do? 

Yamaha, my preferred brand, with Silent Cinema headphone surround sound
The RX-V657 comes with Dolby Digital and DTS
Just run S/PDIF (optical or coaxial) from your Xbox and PC to the Yamaha.
Make sure your xBox and PC are set to S/PDIF 5.1 (or 6-channel) output.
Would need to have enable DDL (Dolby Digital live) or DTS-connect, on the XBox or PC, which ever they use.

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