Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 21, 2012 at 4:18 AM Post #8,597 of 48,580
Had to be done. :cool:
Oct 21, 2012 at 4:35 AM Post #8,599 of 48,580
There once was a man who hated pleather,
Who complained no matter the weather.
"Curses! I've got headphone pain, whether
Circumaural or light as a feather,
Sealed or open don't help me neither!"
So he gathered his sweaty pads together,
And tossed them into the river ether.

"Begone, imitation pad cover!
I'm leaving you for a real pleasure!
Velour! Velour! Forever more!

*Ev collapses from dopey fatigue*
Oct 21, 2012 at 5:00 AM Post #8,600 of 48,580
Someone pay this man!

In other news, I guess its best for me to feed the optical out from my TV to the Mixamp and use it in stereo mode, feeding to the E9K, and then to my cans. At least until the ODAC arrives. I'll have to deal with a little hiss, but its better than the messed up D3, and horrible onboard soundcard.
Oct 21, 2012 at 10:59 AM Post #8,602 of 48,580
Hello, thanks to this thread in great parts I currently own a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 990 pro (250 ohm) headphones, an Astro Mixamp Pro and a Fiio E6. Overall I love the setup and enjoy the sound for gaming (xbox), DVD/Blu Ray, music and TV.
Still I´d love to add a real DAC/amp and have laid an eye on the Fiio E17. Couple of question regarding this:
- Would my headphones really benefit from the E17 when I hook it up to the mixamp pro? I really like the sound of the Beyers as they are right now (except treble sometimes), but if you don´t have the better setup you don´t know what you are potentially missing out on I guess. 
- Is there a real alternative to the E17 in the same price range?
- Is there already an option to watch DTS-HD tracks through a bluray player (no PS3) or will I simply miss out on really good sound when it comes to watching blurays.
thank you!
Oct 21, 2012 at 11:05 AM Post #8,603 of 48,580
The E9K is cheaper than the E17, and infinitely more powerful, and more beneficial for the Beyers. It just doesn't have a DAC which doesn't do anything for when hooking it up to the Mixamp anyways.

The E6 is barely an amp and more of a glorified slight volume boost that doesn't even really help the Mixamp... ANYTHING worth their weight in actual amping is better than it.

Is there a better dac/amp than the E17 at the price range? I doubt it.

As for DTS... see if there's any options on your player that allows bitstream mixing.
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:32 PM Post #8,604 of 48,580
The Fiio E9K is actually a lil more expensive here (€ 15), but I really would appreciate beein able to hook the E17 up to my MacBook if I wanna listen to some music or maybe watch a DVD. So it´s not like I need it ONLY to hook it up to the mixamp.
I also like the EQ option of the E17.
Would you agree that the E17 improves my overall experience with my beyers? I suppose I still could get the E9K later and connect it to the E17, right?
Only option my blu ray player (Philips BDP 3200) allows is "digital audio" on either "Auto", "PCM", or "Bitstream". I´ll have to set it to "PCM" or I hear nothing at all to begin with. There are also options that say "PCM-Downsampling" (on or off) and "Downmix-mode" (Stereo or Dolby Surround L/R".
Have no idea what the PCM-Downsampling does, but might the Downmix-mode be what I am looking for? I actually think it is... :)
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:15 PM Post #8,605 of 48,580
Bitstream is for the optical/digital coaxial out. Don't know why you wouldn't hear anything.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:49 PM Post #8,606 of 48,580
The Fiio E9K is actually a lil more expensive here (€ 15), but I really would appreciate beein able to hook the E17 up to my MacBook if I wanna listen to some music or maybe watch a DVD. So it´s not like I need it ONLY to hook it up to the mixamp.
I also like the EQ option of the E17.
Would you agree that the E17 improves my overall experience with my beyers? I suppose I still could get the E9K later and connect it to the E17, right?
Only option my blu ray player (Philips BDP 3200) allows is "digital audio" on either "Auto", "PCM", or "Bitstream". I´ll have to set it to "PCM" or I hear nothing at all to begin with. There are also options that say "PCM-Downsampling" (on or off) and "Downmix-mode" (Stereo or Dolby Surround L/R".
Have no idea what the PCM-Downsampling does, but might the Downmix-mode be what I am looking for? I actually think it is... :)

I believe bitstream has to be decoded to PCM before the E17 can process the audio signal.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:51 PM Post #8,607 of 48,580
Bitstream is for the optical/digital coaxial out. Don't know why you wouldn't hear anything.

Does not bitstream need to changed to PCM before something like the E17 can read the signal?
Oct 21, 2012 at 4:45 PM Post #8,608 of 48,580
In the description it says something like bitstream sends through the orignal track (DTS-HD) whereas PCM is for devices that do not support multiple channels. It always made sense to me that the mixamp couldn´t process the original DTS signal from the blu ray player.
Anyways, would the E17 be a good choice? Can I pair it with the E9K later on?
Oct 21, 2012 at 5:30 PM Post #8,609 of 48,580
In the description it says something like bitstream sends through the orignal track (DTS-HD) whereas PCM is for devices that do not support multiple channels. It always made sense to me that the Mix-amp couldn´t process the original DTS signal from the blu ray player.
Anyways, would the E17 be a good choice? Can I pair it with the E9K later on?

I'm assuming your connecting the Philips Blu-ray player to the Astro Mix-amp Pro using a coaxial cable?
First off, there is a new firmware update (Oct-15-2012) for your Philips Blu-ray player.
So far the best settings I can figure of for audio from the Blu-ray to the Mix-amp is setting the Philips for "Down-mix mode" for Dolby Surround.
I believe the Down-mix mode takes Multi channel audio and mixes to be able to send it thru 2-channels (using coaxial)
And I guess the Astro Mix-amp can then decode the Dolby Surround back to the Multi channel signal.
Oct 21, 2012 at 6:08 PM Post #8,610 of 48,580
I'm assuming your connecting the Philips Blu-ray player to the Astro Mix-amp Pro using a coaxial cable?
First off, there is a new firmware update (Oct-15-2012) for your Philips Blu-ray player.
So far the best settings I can figure of for audio from the Blu-ray to the Mix-amp is setting the Philips for "Down-mix mode" for Dolby Surround.
I believe the Down-mix mode takes Multi channel audio and mixes to be able to send it thru 2-channels (using coaxial)
And I guess the Astro Mix-amp can then decode the Dolby Surround back to the Multi channel signal.

That´s just what I was thinking, but not quiet sure. Thank you!

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