Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 22, 2012 at 7:08 PM Post #7,036 of 48,583
My, my. People don't trust my Stax Lambda recommendations because Mad Lust Envy hasn't reviewed them, as I just found out.
I need to do something about this, but I really don't want to be without my only good headphones for that long. Then there's the whole "SRD-7/SB needs a speaker amp/receiver and I don't have a proper direct-drive amp" issue...
Aug 22, 2012 at 7:16 PM Post #7,037 of 48,583
Yeah, people need to understand that my experience is QUITE limited. Sure, I may have reviewed all these headphones here, but that's NOTHING compared to all the headphones that are out there that others here have used, and are potentially amazing even by my standards.

You absolutely can't go off what just one person has said. People dismiss the 32ohm and 250ohm DT990, because Zombie has stated on his thread that the 600ohm is better. Honestly, to me, it's not better, so much as it's slightly more revealing, harder to amp, and more picky with amps. Had I know the 32ohm was this good, I wouldn't have jumped to the 600ohm. They are seriously about 95% the same, with just a very slight loss of clarity, warmer tonal balance (IMHO), and less grating treble. I haven't used them for gaming yet though, but they honestly sound too close to think they'd be a lesser headphone. They are closer to one another than the old K701 is to the Q701.
Aug 22, 2012 at 9:26 PM Post #7,039 of 48,583
Well, I've only been using the DT990 with my NFB5 for music and vids so far, and I can tell that it's sound signature is in my preference over the Q701.

The DT990/32 is bassy, and sparkly. It's the definition of fun headphone, without being congested or overly bassy.

The Q701 is more comparable to the DT880, in that it's well balanced, though not necessarily gonna make you jump out of your seat with excitement the same way the DT990 would.

The DT990/32 sounds basically about the same as the DT990/600 with a slight trade off in treble clarity, which may actually be better for most of us. That means, that it should have the same exact scores as the DT990/600, meaning it's better in fun factor vs the Q701, but not as good in competitive.

I wouldn't say one is better than the other. The choice depends on what you prefer more, fun, or balance. I find the 990s to be the best solution for both in their price range (I've had this opinion since owning the first DT990), but the treble was always a drawback. Now... it may not be as much of a drawback with the 32ohm. I'll keep you guys updated.

Oh yes, to add, with the release of the E17 and it's treble controls... the 32ohm would be a safer gaming choice as the E17 should power it well, as well as being able to reduce treble IF it's an issue for you.

The Q701's only negative for me is that it could use a little more bass. Not sure how well the E17 powers it, but if the DT990 needs just a treble reduction, and the Q701 just needs a bass boost, I'd put the Q701 on top overall, due to having a larger soundstage, better mids, and better positioning. Problem is, the Q701 wouldn't be driven perfectly well out of just the E17, while the DT990 should be.
Aug 22, 2012 at 9:27 PM Post #7,040 of 48,583
Absolutely love this thread - definitely helped me narrow down and decide on my cans (HD598's) and mixamp purchase and am wrapped with the decision :)
Only thing that could have helped with the narrowing down would have been a rough price range beside each of the models - sorry if it's already been discussed.
Aug 22, 2012 at 9:29 PM Post #7,041 of 48,583
The price range is hard to calculate, because the headphones fluctuate in price by quite a bit. The HD598, I bought was $175.. now they're going for almost $250. The DT990/32 NEW right now is $375! I surely would prefer to save up a little more for the HE400 if you were gonna spend that much.
Aug 22, 2012 at 10:02 PM Post #7,042 of 48,583
Ok, this should help somewhat. I've found links for every headphone in MLE's original post (except D7000 and KSC35) on CamelCamelCamel, which tracks historical prices on Amazon USA.
This is only a guide and you may find better prices at your local dealers, especially if you're in a different part of the world.

Q701 (link for white version)
Pro 2900
DT990 (600ohm) Premium model


DT990 (600ohm) Premium model
Pro 900
DT990 Pro Model
Creative Aurvana Live
DT770 Pro 80
DT880 (link for 250 ohm Premium)
Pro 2900

All-rounders (for both uses):

Q701 (link for white version)
DT990 (600ohm) Premium model
Pro 900
Pro 2900
DT880 (link for 250 ohm Premium)
Creative Aurvana Live
Aug 22, 2012 at 11:03 PM Post #7,043 of 48,583
MLE: Understand totally. - especially given that you are rating them on their actual performance rather than value From the testing side it should be irrelevant to a point as well - for someone using the guide for info to purchase it's handy to know what price brackets the different phones are in (without having to open multiple pages and search and cross reference)
Eric_C: That's awesome - I wish I knew about that tracking site. Am definitely bookmarking that one.
Aug 22, 2012 at 11:06 PM Post #7,044 of 48,583
I'll have to add something like a price range for the headphones, because, while I rate them based on their own merits relative to their price, you can't expect a 7 in competitive (KSC75), to compete with a 7 in a (HE400).
Aug 22, 2012 at 11:38 PM Post #7,045 of 48,583
You should try out the soundmagic hp100s reviews say they have a large sound stage for a closed headphone and they have very little bass. Also, if people are going to be going to offline events/tournaments they probably won't want an open headset. I think that would be good to point out in your guide also.
Aug 22, 2012 at 11:45 PM Post #7,046 of 48,583
I asked on another thread already, but I think since this is a gaming thread, it'll be more clarifying.
So, I wanted to buy a HD558. But when I was about to buy it, I saw a DT990 Pro (250 Ohms version) for 200 dollars on Amazon, only about 10 dollars expensiver than the HD558.
Mad Lust Envy doesn't cover the HD558, but he does cover the HD598. They are quite similar, aren't they? Or the HD598 is by far superior in terms of gaming?
I got this doubt after I read this thread. The guy praises the DT880. And since the DT990 are superior... well. That made me think.
But according to this guide, the HD598 are superior than the DT990 PRO. Basically, what I want to know is: Are the HD558 that "worse" compared to the HD598 that it can indeed be worse than the DT990 for gaming aspects?
Aug 22, 2012 at 11:54 PM Post #7,047 of 48,583
You have to remember I rate them by how they fare competitively, and how they fare when you're just playing for fun. Fun headphones tend to have a more lively sound signature, with emphasized bass for immersion, etc. The HD598 is stellar for competitive, but I'm not fond of it for fun gaming. The DT990 Pros are a lot more lively, and have really great positioning themselves, but they're a bit too bassy for competitive use. The Premium DT990s are considerably better behaved in the bass section. I got my 32ohm like new off Amazon for less than $200. I'd say that's better than a new 990 Pro, but not everyone can get them at that price.

The HD558 should be close to the HD598 in soundstage and positioning. They probably just lack the 598's clarity. I hear that modding them makes them better. I wouldn't count the HD558 out, they just may not be as ready to please as the 598.
Aug 23, 2012 at 12:19 AM Post #7,049 of 48,583
You have to remember I rate them by how they fare competitively, and how they fare when you're just playing for fun. Fun headphones tend to have a more lively sound signature, with emphasized bass for immersion, etc. The HD598 is stellar for competitive, but I'm not fond of it for fun gaming. The DT990 Pros are a lot more lively, and have really great positioning themselves, but they're a bit too bassy for competitive use. The Premium DT990s are considerably better behaved in the bass section. I got my 32ohm like new off Amazon for less than $200. I'd say that's better than a new 990 Pro, but not everyone can get them at that price.
The HD558 should be close to the HD598 in soundstage and positioning. They probably just lack the 598's clarity. I hear that modding them makes them better. I wouldn't count the HD558 out, they just may not be as ready to please as the 598.

Thank you very much, Mad Lust. 
I forgot to mention I would use a Titanium HD with those cans. No amp or DAC, just the card.
I don't have a clan, I don't play on tournaments, or anything. But I want to be the best. That's why I turned my eyes into the competitive headphones.
And well, indeed the 250 Ohms are currently way cheaper than the 32 Ohms, so the PRO one would be my choice.
According to what you said, the HD558 would be my choice for competitive gaming then. AFAIK, clarity isn't so important as soundstage and positioning, so it shouldn't be a problem. But well, I like music. For that, bass would be more than welcome since heavy metal sounds better with a lower punch. But that ain't good for games.
Would this extra bass make me, let's say, outperformed by an enemy using a HD598 for instance?
The fact that I don't play on national/world tournaments balances the fact that I want to be the absolute best, since I will not ever reach that grade. That would make the DT990 the choice, since it's fun, and better for other things besides gaming. But again... I fear my performance to be potentially worse than if I was using a HD558. That's actually the only thing keeping me from buying the DT990.
Am I storming a teacup? 

Aug 23, 2012 at 12:34 AM Post #7,050 of 48,583
Thank you very much, Mad Lust. 

I forgot to mention I would use a Titanium HD with those cans. No amp or DAC, just the card.

I'm not sure if the internal amp on the Titanium HD is powerful (like the Essence STX which has an amp similar to the E9). In any case, the Sennheisers shouldn't have a problem with it. The Beyers MIGHT. I can't say, as I know very little about soundcards. Try the Nameless PC gaming thread, to see if your soundcard is powerful enough for something like the 250ohm Beyers.

I don't have a clan, I don't play on tournaments, or anything. But I want to be the best. That's why I turned my eyes into the competitive headphones.
And well, indeed the 250 Ohms are currently way cheaper than the 32 Ohms, so the PRO one would be my choice.

By competitive, I don't mean tourneys, clan matches, or whatever. I don't do any of that either. I mean just being capable IF you were that hardcore a gamer. I play competitively ALONE, lol. Just trying to better myself. I could care less about everyone else.

According to what you said, the HD558 would be my choice for competitive gaming then. AFAIK, clarity isn't so important as soundstage and positioning, so it shouldn't be a problem. But well, I like music. For that, bass would be more than welcome since heavy metal sounds better with a lower punch. But that ain't good for games.

I hear the HD558 has more bass than the HD598, so that may be better suited.

Would this extra bass make me, let's say, outperformed by an enemy using a HD598 for instance?

No. Any decent headphone will be fine vs other decent headphones. Just that it might be harder to focus on minute details with bassy cans over the ones that aren't as bassy. The DT990 Pros will still pick up the same sounds, just that the bass may/may not distract you.

The fact that I don't play on national/world tournaments balances the fact that I want to be the absolute best, since I will not ever reach that grade. That would make the DT990 the choice, since it's fun, and better for other things besides gaming. But again... I fear my performance to be potentially worse than if I was using a HD558. That's actually the only thing keeping me from buying the DT990.

Am I storming a teacup? :etysmile:

You're overthinking it. The DT990s are well rounded for all purposes. I'd be more concerned about the soundcard possibly not having enough power to make the DT990s sing. Also, I found the 990 Pros WAY too bassy for my taste. This seems to be a problem only I have, and everyone else who has used them here has been fine with them. I'm sensitive to certain ranges in the mid bass, which is why it's probably worse for me than it may be for you.

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