Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
May 6, 2016 at 5:47 PM Post #35,267 of 48,582
  Is it PC only then? Noooooooooo 

In beta it is. Dunno about the release version.
May 6, 2016 at 5:49 PM Post #35,268 of 48,582
I remember watching a movie in Dolby Atmos. The thought of that coming to [console] gaming gives me much excitement 
May 6, 2016 at 6:44 PM Post #35,269 of 48,582

Sorry had to say it lol

It indeed sucks that it's PC only.

Seems like some engineers are lurking around here reading what we want.


Guess it's time to upgrade my 4790k lol

Need moar cores!
May 6, 2016 at 8:05 PM Post #35,270 of 48,582
I've tried the game connected to my amp Yamaha, turning Dolby Atmos indicates that configure the sound card and stereo, if he does that sound amplifier indicates neo 6.

This game has an amazing sound but has lack of trying but I think it sounds better with SBX x7
May 6, 2016 at 11:32 PM Post #35,272 of 48,582
Rudy, we're like the same age! :ninja:
I think the CoD series still breaks sales records each time it comes out... It just people aren't as vocally passionate or inspired by them anymore.

The old CoDs were about trying to feel like part of an army, part of something historic. Big battles for both sides, and (eventually) battles that mattered (historically).

Of course, Battlefield games outdid CoD on the whole "big army and lots of people fighting alongside you" bit, so CoD games started telling more "personal" stories about finding glory and playing a pivotal role. Single player was still the main draw.

Halo 2. Halo 2. Changed console multiplayer forever. CoD caught up with (basically) CoD4, which had a GREAT multiplayer and a fresh campaign which was more shadow ops... Still seemed like you were doing something quasi-historic and important because of the contemporary setting in the Middle East and the shock of the (spoilers?) nuclear bomb. Single player and MP were equally cool, and there was a LOT of life/meat/content in the multiplayer. MW2 was arguably still contemporary with the terrorist attacks but honestly was just a continuation of CoD4 and the plot wasn't memorable other than "Oooh they had to offer a censored option on one of the levels," that was the first title mostly about multiplayer. BO campaign harkened back to taking part in pivotal points of history, and had a really cool plot even though it was still "shadow ops" (black ops, duh). Oh, and good multiplayer.

Everything after that has just been fantasy, and I do like Fantasy but nothing that happens seems to matter or have stakes I care about. BO3 campaign has been such a grind, I got it just about when it came out and I still can only play a level here and there before boredom, haven't beaten it yet. I'm on a level where I just found out the spec ops team that trained me has gone rogue, and... there's a conspiracy about putting people's consciousnesses into robots? Or people are using augmented reality to hack into our perception of real reality? I don't give a poop! Multiplayer is boring; I only enjoy the 3-shot burst AR and the first pistol, maybe the Dingo if I was ranked up enough to put it in a loadout (but I would move slow as molasses), the gametypes are stale and not helped by the boring meat-grinder-in-the-center maps, and the slightly-more-powerful supers and wall-running don't change the pace of the game. Zombies mode has some clever encounters and probably is the best part of the current game, but I don't feel too enthusiastic about digging in and doing research outside gameplay to learn the best strategies and what I need to do... I'm trying to have fun, not get homework that pays you back in an interesting exam. I could learn in-game from matchmade teammates, but if someone has a mic they're in party chat and won't help you anyway.

CoD4 was great, replaying it probably would bring back the old addictions, but they could make a cool NEW CoD too if they made the campaign have some grounding in reality and/or at least make it significant to where to feel proud to have beaten it, and at least have some multiplayer maps where the battle lines seem to shift like some of the best CoD4 and even Ghosts maps. You guys may disagree with me here, but no meat-grinder maps like Nuketown for over 6 total players, or from BO3 you have Combine, Aquarium, and Metro, but all of these play TDM like the center is a king of the hill spot but there is no "hill," just a no man's land where almost everyone gets funneled into and dies. Maybe I'm weird, but knowing where to find the enemy isn't enough fun for me, that's just trench warfare in disguise. Trench warfare was WWI, how did we end up making games like that? I like the sense of progression, being able to push the enemy back around the map or sneak up from behind. We don't need nukes, we don't need 20 different killstreaks where you can't get half of them without care package luck or camping like a ****** ******. We don't need the DLC guns that actually feel unique locked behind micro transactions... You know that they won't give them to you despite spending $100 on game and season pass, but people actually spent a lot of money experimenting with the micro transactions and found out that odds are you probably won't get a DLC gun till you spend on average $81? On top of the game and season pass?

What is this?
/end rant.

I totally agree with you.

That's how I feel now.

Man, i remember those days when the first COD MW came out...went to pick it up at my nearby gamestop (eew i know).

Played that game non stop for months, downloaded mods, went to dedicated servers, etc, etc.

Chiiit, i remember when the first COD came out and then United Offensive on PC. Gawd it was glorious! Lol

And then COD2 and maaan. It changed everything. My clan at that time had scrimmages with other clans.

Simply put it, back then it was another world...

Sigh...I am getting old :frowning2:
May 7, 2016 at 2:15 AM Post #35,273 of 48,582
You guys are missing the point on what I'm talking about in terms of CoD or BF.

Point: As soooon as CoD releases any info, people are automatically in pure hatred mode.

As soon as BF says the same exact thing, people are automatically like, OMGBESTTHINGEVER.

It has nothing to do with the actual content. People will automatically bitch about CoD regardless of whatever they do. Same goes for the opposite.

CoD and BF are two entirely different series. I think it's absolutely idiotic that people compare the two. CoD has always been an arcadey run and gun afair. BF has always been a huge map, team oriented shooter. They are quite different sub-genres. Funny how when CoD tries to go big, it fails, and when BF tries to go intimate and arcadey, it fails (MoH anyone?) I don't have any love for CoD. I haven't loved CoD since basically Black Ops 1. Ever since, it's been otherwise dead to me. CoD4 remastered is what will bring me back.

I don't have any love for BF. I loved BF2: MC, and Bad Company 1. After that, they've been rehashing the same nonsense themselves. This is coming from someone who had BC2, BF3, and rented BF4. They are just as guilty of the same BS rehashing as CoD. But no one complains (aside from hardline which I think people finally really started drilling them about).

I just absolutely hate blind hatred for a series you're not even interested in. CoD can go to outer space, dramatically change the gameplay, and people will still say it's the same crap over again, even when they've changed SO much basiclaly since Blops II.

The only thing that will cause people to stop the hate and inaccurate hate is if CoD because NOT CoD. It's become a meme. The cool thing to do is hate on it. Again, I've largely disregarded every CoD since Ghosts. But I won't sit here and say it's all the same. It's changed quite a bit.

As for BF: It's not for me. Hasn't been since BC1. But I'm not hating on it either. I just don't talk about it, because again, not my thing.
May 7, 2016 at 2:46 AM Post #35,274 of 48,582
The day Activision decides to give their developers more freedom is when CoD (or any of their games, for that matter) will stop getting all the hate it does, today. It really isn't about the theme or gameplay, at this point. Just compare the two trailers and you'll see what I mean. CoD has been long overdue for a new game engine. Has been since last gen....
May 7, 2016 at 3:00 AM Post #35,276 of 48,582
Pot calling the kettle black.

BF has looked and played the same since Bad Company 1. A change in engine doesn't mean much when the core is still similar. The same way CoD4 has played the same since CoD4 at it's inner core, so has BF.
May 7, 2016 at 3:04 AM Post #35,277 of 48,582
I can't comment on that because I only play on console. The jump from BF3 on PS3 to BF4 on PS4 was dramatic enough for my (getting older) eyes. When I demoed Ghosts and played the BO3 beta I felt like I was still on PS3.

Sorry man. While the BF games may look the same graphically in the latest gen, it's still miles ahead of CoD's IW engine. Why do you think Frostbite is use on so many of EA's titles?
May 7, 2016 at 3:45 AM Post #35,278 of 48,582
When it's all said and done, however, I foresee BF4 still being the go to title for fans of the franchise. This new WW1 setting is intruiging, don't get me wrong, but I doubt it will have the variety that BF4 has to offer. Hardline (I know its Visceral, but still a BF title) and Battlefront (though not a BF title, still DICE), lacked the variety that distinguishes this franchise from the rest.

I played the crap out of BC2, BF3, and BF4 because every single battle within each respective title was different. Having various ways to attack my enemies, all 12 to 32 of them, is what has me hooked on BF games. Small 6v6 battles doesn't tickle my fancy, anymore. These days, maps should be designed for 12v12, at the least. No excuse not to do so unless it is a tactical shooter like Rainbow 6 or something like that. Another reason why I think CoD gets much criticism. It just doesn't feel like 'warfare' as their titles claim to be. Not anymore.
May 7, 2016 at 4:15 AM Post #35,279 of 48,582
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I agree with you MLE in regards to both franchises always being compared when they really shouldn't. They will always endure this kind of comparison, unfortunately, because they are both military FPSers and always release the same time of year.
May 7, 2016 at 4:27 AM Post #35,280 of 48,582
Nah, I hate it when CoD maps are too big. It's why I prefer CoD in general. The small, paintball-esque gameplay and maps. It's when they strayed away from it to make it bigger, that they lost their touch. it's a large reason why people are so ready for the Remaster. Going back to the smaller scale combat.

BF just takes too long for things to get going.

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