Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 25, 2015 at 10:54 AM Post #29,193 of 48,580
I have a few questions:
(1) Does K7xx have K712 pads or K702 annie pads ?
(2) K702+K712pads sounds like K712 ? or the annie ?
(3) are the headphone drivers the same in K712/K702 annie/K702/Q701 ? Only the pads are different ? 
Feb 25, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #29,194 of 48,580
The pads on my K7XX are a tad compressed compared to K712 but are similar, basically the same just mine are smaller. The K702 with K712 pads sounds horrible unless you put the K712 foam in and then they sound close. The K712 is closer to the K701 and K702 than it is to the Q701.
The base of the drivers are the same but the Q701 and K712 have slight differences..All is subtle.
Feb 25, 2015 at 12:24 PM Post #29,195 of 48,580
  The pads on my K7XX are a tad compressed compared to K712 but are similar, basically the same just mine are smaller. The K702 with K712 pads sounds horrible unless you put the K712 foam in and then they sound close. The K712 is closer to the K701 and K702 than it is to the Q701.
The base of the drivers are the same but the Q701 and K712 have slight differences..All is subtle.

what do you mean by the K712 foam ?
Feb 25, 2015 at 12:26 PM Post #29,196 of 48,580
The K712's foam ring is slightly different to the others. When I put the Q701 foam in my K712 it lost some bass impact and warmth.
Feb 25, 2015 at 1:24 PM Post #29,198 of 48,580
The foam ring when you remove the ear pads.
Feb 25, 2015 at 4:41 PM Post #29,200 of 48,580
Received the Custom One Pro Plus from Beyerdynamic today. First impressions is that, I absolutely lovee their headband (holy comfy cushion Batman!). SO much better than the headbands used on either Pro/Premium DT770/880/990/T70 lines.

Haven't had much real time with them other than nothing how comfy they are (still wish they had included DT770 velours in the package, though the pleather is super soft and comfy).

The included audio cable seems to be defective (cuts off on the left channel with both my phone and my E17). It does come with a cable with an inline mic, but I'm just using the custom cable Kamakahah gave me for the X1 ages ago. Regular cables will fit the COP = V-moda Boompro will work).

I haven't listened to it much but first impressions:

Warm, clear mid range (OMG upfront midrange from Beyer!), smooth treble

Bass sliders are completely functional, and not as overwhelming as I believed. Bass slider on 1 (no ports open) = zero bass. I don't think ANYONE will use this. Bass slider 2 and 3 are very, very similar, and how I feel everyone will use the COP. I'll need more time to see just how different they are, though it's definitely subtle. Bass slider 4, I expected overwhelming bass, but I don't hear all that much of a boost compared to 3. I'll need more testing, but it does sound a bit sloppier, not overly emphasized.

What I like is that the bass sliders seem to affect sub bass more than mid bass, which makes me happy, as I'm a sub bass kind of guy, and don't mind a reigned in mid bass.

The COP seems to be good for long period use. No real ear fatigue, in terms of it's tonality.

Super early verdict: I like their sound and comfort. It doesn't seem to be as energetic as the M50 or CAL in terms of splashy treble, so while the other two may sound more engaging (based off memory), I really like the softer nature of the COP for longer period use.

Oh yes, it actually demands just a hint more volume than the X2, if that means anything. The COP is known to be absurdly easy to drive, which lets you know the X2 isn't demanding.
Feb 25, 2015 at 4:54 PM Post #29,201 of 48,580
I actually quite liked the COP when I demoed it briefly at CES.  More than any of the other Beyers I tried other than the T1, for sure.  It definitely felt much more cheaply constructed (like cheap plastic), but the sound was solid.  Looking forward to hearing more of your impressions.
Feb 25, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #29,202 of 48,580
The construction is actually VERY solid. The arms and headband are the exact same metal as the Beyers 770/880/990/T70, meaning, rugged as all hell.

You would literally have to be an absolute clumsy person to break these.

I haven't listened to them for long, but I can already say that their signature is already much more appealing to me than the all the other Beyers I've reviewed. This is not to say it's technically better than the rest. I'm referring to subjective preference of tonal balance. It is a REALLY easy headphone to get into from first listen with nothing that sticks out like a sore thumb, like the treble happens to be on all the other Byeres I've reviewed.

These are early impressions, so I'll dial in what's good and bad later. Just, I can tell these are winners.
Feb 25, 2015 at 5:01 PM Post #29,203 of 48,580
The construction is actually VERY solid. The arms and headband are the exact same metal as the Beyers 770/880/990/T70, meaning, rugged as all hell.

You would literally have to be an absolute clumsy person to break these.

I haven't listened to them for long, but I can already say that their signature is already much more appealing to me than the all the other Beyers I've reviewed. This is not to say it's technically better than the rest. I'm referring to subjective preference of tonal balance. It is a REALLY easy headphone to get into from first listen with nothing that sticks out like a sore thumb, like the treble happens to be on all the other Byeres I've reviewed.

These are early impressions, so I'll dial in what's good and bad later. Just, I can tell these are winners.

You said you have the COP Plus?  Is that a new version?  Maybe they improved the materials...?
Feb 25, 2015 at 5:03 PM Post #29,204 of 48,580
The COP Plus is the same as the old one. All they changed was that they included all the extrta goodies like 16 speaker tags, and the extra mic cable.

And even before, you could still see that the COP used the same basic headband and arms as the other Beyers mentioned. It literally looks like a DT770 Pro 80, with a different outer cup, and pleather pads, and velcro headband cushion instead of the snap on one.
Feb 25, 2015 at 5:11 PM Post #29,205 of 48,580
Weird.  I definitely remember at least the cups feeling super plasticy.  *shrug*  Either way, I'm fine with it.  Like I said, I enjoyed the sound as well so yeah.  Curious how they are for gaming.

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