Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:48 PM Post #28,156 of 48,583
Then it sounds like there's something wrong with your card.  Mine has no such volume issues with the Q701.  
BTW, every sound card has a headphone amp.  Sound Blaster just likes to market theirs like it's something unique, which it's not.  Clearly they're doing a good job.
If you don't need/want the little volume knob thingy on the Zx, just get the Z.  They're the same thing otherwise.

Still is right, if your on-board sound is disabled (Plus drivers up to date) and the card is doing that then it is a defective card. I have the exact setup as you with the K612 pros and Sound Blaster Z. It pushes the K612s easily. 
Jan 5, 2015 at 5:14 PM Post #28,157 of 48,583
And now for something completely different.
Shouldn't the Magni review in the amp section be updated to reflect the fact that the only two cons of this amp were remedied with the release of Magni 2 and Magni 2 Uber?
EDIT: Nevermind, looks like I missed the memo.
Jan 5, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #28,158 of 48,583
Yeah, I removed those cons once I found out about the Magni 2 Uber. I probably should've at least mentioned that the Magni 2 Uber has all those extra inputs/outputs.
Jan 5, 2015 at 5:39 PM Post #28,159 of 48,583
Hey guys,
Haven't posted in here for a while as I haven't really been gaming in aaages. But I got a PS4 late last year, and my AKG K7XX just arrived.
Have GTAV, TLOU, D3, FC4, DA:I
PSN Id = Anigmatik if anyone wants to add me
Also I have re-read some of the reviews on amps, and many many pages of the thread, but I still can't decide what surround DAC to get for the PS4 and K7XXs... The X7 sounds awesome but I can't justify spending the same as the price of the console on a dac/amp at the moment!
So... Turtle Beach DSS (DH?) vs. Mixamp (which version?) vs. Recon3d (SBH?) ? Opinions?
Looks like I can find a DSS on ebay for around $50. Same with some Mixamps, though more like around $100.
I will probably get a Vmoda boompro + adapter or a modmic at some stage, though voicechat isn't hugely important to me at the moment. I guess the advantage of the mixamp is still the ability to mix game/chat audio though...
I have an E17 and an Audioengine D1 I could use for stereo - I guess I can't run a surround dac like mixamp into the D1 as it only has optical + usb input and no line-in. So that means I only have the E17 for extra amping of the surround device. Hardly worth it but some extra volume if nothing else I guess...
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:16 PM Post #28,160 of 48,583
  Still is right, if your on-board sound is disabled (Plus drivers up to date) and the card is doing that then it is a defective card. I have the exact setup as you with the K612 pros and Sound Blaster Z. It pushes the K612s easily. 

Are you able to put the volume at 100% and still get "quiet / non distorted" sound without it making your ear drums bleed? I have all sliders at 100% and the sound is what I would have expected it to be at say 40% volume.
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:26 PM Post #28,161 of 48,583
Hey guys,

Haven't posted in here for a while as I haven't really been gaming in aaages. But I got a PS4 late last year, and my AKG K7XX just arrived.
Have GTAV, TLOU, D3, FC4, DA:I
PSN Id = Anigmatik if anyone wants to add me

Also I have re-read some of the reviews on amps, and many many pages of the thread, but I still can't decide what surround DAC to get for the PS4 and K7XXs... The X7 sounds awesome but I can't justify spending the same as the price of the console on a dac/amp at the moment!

So... Turtle Beach DSS (DH?) vs. Mixamp (which version?) vs. Recon3d (SBH?) ? Opinions?

Looks like I can find a DSS on ebay for around $50. Same with some Mixamps, though more like around $100.
I will probably get a Vmoda boompro + adapter or a modmic at some stage, though voicechat isn't hugely important to me at the moment. I guess the advantage of the mixamp is still the ability to mix game/chat audio though...

I have an E17 and an Audioengine D1 I could use for stereo - I guess I can't run a surround dac like mixamp into the D1 as it only has optical + usb input and no line-in. So that means I only have the E17 for extra amping of the surround device. Hardly worth it but some extra volume if nothing else I guess...

Just use your amp dac connected to ps4, it will sound tons better and imo offer better directional cues. Dh sounds bad but also takes alot of the details out.
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:35 PM Post #28,162 of 48,583
Just use your amp dac connected to ps4, it will sound tons better and imo offer better directional cues. Dh sounds bad but also takes alot of the details out.

Interesting you say that. I'm going to try my D1 on its own tonight. Last time I used it with my TH600 for GTAV on PS3 the positioning was insanely good. So I don't know how much better DH can be and if I can be bothered with the hassle of an extra device (and noisefloor). Though the chat mixing and mp3 player input options are nice on the mixamp..
I bet most people on this thread would disagree with you though and prefer surround, that's kinda what this thread is about. I'm interested to compare the difference for myself (not just watching youtube videos with the simulated effect but actually playing competitively myself)
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #28,163 of 48,583
  Hey guys,
Haven't posted in here for a while as I haven't really been gaming in aaages. But I got a PS4 late last year, and my AKG K7XX just arrived.
Have GTAV, TLOU, D3, FC4, DA:I
PSN Id = Anigmatik if anyone wants to add me
Also I have re-read some of the reviews on amps, and many many pages of the thread, but I still can't decide what surround DAC to get for the PS4 and K7XXs... The X7 sounds awesome but I can't justify spending the same as the price of the console on a dac/amp at the moment!
So... Turtle Beach DSS (DH?) vs. Mixamp (which version?) vs. Recon3d (SBH?) ? Opinions?
Looks like I can find a DSS on ebay for around $50. Same with some Mixamps, though more like around $100.
I will probably get a Vmoda boompro + adapter or a modmic at some stage, though voicechat isn't hugely important to me at the moment. I guess the advantage of the mixamp is still the ability to mix game/chat audio though...
I have an E17 and an Audioengine D1 I could use for stereo - I guess I can't run a surround dac like mixamp into the D1 as it only has optical + usb input and no line-in. So that means I only have the E17 for extra amping of the surround device. Hardly worth it but some extra volume if nothing else I guess...

The different surround processors all have their pros and cons.  I think the Recon sounds much better than the Mixamp 5.8, but it can't compete for convenience and game/chat balance.
Lately, I've been gaming with my Recon -> Project Ember -> Q701 and it's been really nice.  The super powerful amp really lets me mess around with the game/chat balance without degrading the sound, unlike the Mixamp.  When I get rid of the Ember here shortly, I'm thinking I'll pick up a cheap desktop amp to use permanently with the Recon.  I'm not a fan of Schiit, but I should be able to pick up a used Magni for pretty cheap since everyone is upgrading.  Or maybe I'll grab something cheap off Massdrop the next time something suitable comes up.
Anyways, my point is that I'm enjoying the Recon + desktop amp combo for console gaming.  If you can afford it and don't mind the wires, it's my recommendation right now.
Oh and to clarify:  using a desktop amp specifically because for some reason the L/R channels on my PS4/Recon are swapped and I can't figure out why or how to fix it.  But running the output of the Recon to a desktop amp via RCA lets me swap the L/R channels and fix everything!  Woo!
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:43 PM Post #28,164 of 48,583
I have the astro mixamp 2013 with a magni connected to sennheiser game ones and it just sounds horrible when using dh. When i use my game one via usb audio through the mixamp in just stereo the detail in everything just pops and sounds soo good. Dh adds echo which I hate and really I cant tell any difference when it comes to directional cues. Maybe my brain just doesnt work right for it I am not sure but I can def tell when something is behind me better in stereo.
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:55 PM Post #28,165 of 48,583
I have the astro mixamp 2013 with a magni connected to sennheiser game ones and it just sounds horrible when using dh. When i use my game one via usb audio through the mixamp in just stereo the detail in everything just pops and sounds soo good. Dh adds echo which I hate and really I cant tell any difference when it comes to directional cues. Maybe my brain just doesnt work right for it I am not sure but I can def tell when something is behind me better in stereo.

You might like THX/SBX if you aren't into DH.  I find it much easier to "interpret" directional cues with THX/SBX over DH.  It seems to be a personal preference for a lot of people... like skiing vs snowboarding.  
Also, just throwing this out there, some games have much better directional cues than others.  So far, in my short experience with virtual surround gaming, the best game by far has been Titanfall.  I could close my eyes and point to snipers just from the sound of the bullets whizzing by.  Of course in that game, listening for footsteps was less useful since it was so fast, but it was still pretty awesome.  Get a good "fun" pair of headphones like the X1 and Titans one block over would rattle your eyeballs in your skull.
Man, I gotta play that game again... that was a really good game.
Jan 5, 2015 at 7:47 PM Post #28,167 of 48,583
What uses sbx? Recon?

The newer Sound Blaster PC cards use SBX.  Many people believe it's a rebranded THX, which the Recon uses.  I've never done a back to back comparison, but SBX and THX certainly sound more alike than DH and THX.
Jan 6, 2015 at 7:56 AM Post #28,168 of 48,583
Since we are on the creative labs/sound blaster side, any chance with adding the sound blaster e5 to the guide? or just a detailed opinion with the guide in mind. It seems like the perfect fit (consoles/pc/mobile devices), I just wish to know if it is good
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:48 AM Post #28,170 of 48,583
Anyone else think the EL-8 is going to be a gaming option?  According to Jude, it's the airiest Audeze yet and it's more "reference" sounding than the LCD-2.  Combined with its light weight and supposed ease of driving, I'm thinking it might work.  
Looking forward to trying them on Thursday.  If they sound good AND work as a gaming headphone, they could be an awesome all-in-one.

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