Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 12, 2014 at 8:19 PM Post #25,351 of 48,583
Hit me up if you need someone else joining in on the fun. 

Duly noted.
Dragon's Crown aside, I'm kinda feeling in a Battlefield mood right now, but I really don't want to go pub-diving like I used to without any friends on voice chat backing me up.
I'm thinking of giving BF3 PC multiplayer a chance for once, but it sounds like everyone's already moved to BF4.
Also, there's PAYDAY 2 if anyone's got that.
Just read about Share Play on the PlayStation blog. Sounds pretty darned awesome if you ask me.  
"The best way to think about Share Play is like a 'virtual couch'. PlayStation 4 will create an online local co-op experience by allowing you to invite a friend to join your game—even when they don’t own a copy of it. With this first-of-its-kind feature, you’ll be able to play games with a friend just as if you were together in the same room. Let’s say that with games… you’ll be able to invite your friend online to play against the Miami Heat for the championship as the San Antonio Spurs in NBA2K, tackle the challenging Towerfall Ascension Quest Mode together, or aide, heal, and protect you as Igniculus in Child of Light’s local co-op mode."
So if you buy a game specifically for co-op then your partner won't need to own it, that's awesome. I'd use it to get a friend into BF4 with me.

It's about time a console had a feature like this!
Too bad it probably won't apply to the PS3 as well, since I don't intend on buying a PS4 for a while. Maybe when it gets cheaper, like that $200 Cowboom deal I heard about earlier.
Aug 12, 2014 at 8:44 PM Post #25,352 of 48,583
It's about time a console had a feature like this!
Too bad it probably won't apply to the PS3 as well, since I don't intend on buying a PS4 for a while. Maybe when it gets cheaper, like that $200 Cowboom deal I heard about earlier.

I do hope that deal comes back around again. After I picked up mine I spent the rest of the day trying to get a second for a friend. No luck there unfortunately, apparently I spent all of mine getting the first one. The $200 price made it a no-brainer for me, and the new game sharing functionality is doing a great job of reaffirming my decision to buy one.
Aug 12, 2014 at 11:55 PM Post #25,353 of 48,583
So I've had time to compare the Xonar and Creative sounds cards today with my external AMP. I've noticed that I'm a bit more accurate with the Creative card as when playing some test games I can very precisely pick out where enemies are behind walls and such, a bit more so than with the Xonar. We're talking about a few degrees at a 20 ft range in game, but it is definitely useful as you get the kill a bit quicker. I did reloads of a saved file and basically did several blind tests with my eyes closed to see which I was more accurate with to objectify my testing. I agree with what others have said about creative being a bit more sharp with the sounds which does help distinguish what is going on when you have several audible distractions. I had to turn off Crystalizer on the Creative card as it was making the gun shots in border lands 2 very harsh and I couldn't get used to with my short time with it on. Overall I'm very happy with my Creative Zx and am going to return the Xonar as newegg shipped me the ST when I had ordered the STX so no return shipping fee :)
Aug 13, 2014 at 12:10 AM Post #25,354 of 48,583
I'm currently very happy with my gaming setup and have purchased a lot of equipment since I stumbled onto the gaming section of hi-fi. Thank you Mad Lust Envy, Stillhart, Chicolom and everyone who helped me in my purchases. I'll probably add another DAC/AMP and really high end headphone in the near future. I want a DAC with optical in and I've wanted to try out the HD800 for a long time now. Hopefully in the next 6 months. 
Aug 13, 2014 at 1:09 AM Post #25,357 of 48,583
The Q701 is essentially tied at best for competitive, and one that also ranks near the top for fun to listen to music, movies, and single player. One of the best all-rounders for competitive, fun, surround, and value, it's price makes it a crazy good value. The Q701 appreciation is still very active, and a few mods have been found, good amp pairings are suggested. The K612 is a little less refined, a little less soundstage, (and no detachable cable) but also a little less money, easily the next choice if the Q701 is out of your budget IMO. But if you can save up for another few weeks or a month, the Q701 conceivably could satisfy enough to be endgame for many years.
Aug 13, 2014 at 6:50 AM Post #25,358 of 48,583
The Q701 is essentially tied at best for competitive, and one that also ranks near the top for fun to listen to music, movies, and single player. One of the best all-rounders for competitive, fun, surround, and value, it's price makes it a crazy good value. The Q701 appreciation is still very active, and a few mods have been found, good amp pairings are suggested. The K612 is a little less refined, a little less soundstage, (and no detachable cable) but also a little less money, easily the next choice if the Q701 is out of your budget IMO. But if you can save up for another few weeks or a month, the Q701 conceivably could satisfy enough to be endgame for many years.

I  wish AKG could come up with a flat headband design for q701 (without the headband bumps). because lack of comfort might be a deal breker for some people..  both 701,612 are great options but I didn't find q701 as the more refined one. to me both have same refinement. 
Aug 13, 2014 at 7:50 AM Post #25,359 of 48,583
I  wish AKG could come up with a flat headband design for q701 (without the headband bumps). because lack of comfort might be a deal breker for some people..  both 701,612 are great options but I didn't find q701 as the more refined one. to me both have same refinement.
This might come in handy
Aug 13, 2014 at 10:37 AM Post #25,361 of 48,583
I  wish AKG could come up with a flat headband design for q701 (without the headband bumps). because lack of comfort might be a deal breker for some people..  both 701,612 are great options but I didn't find q701 as the more refined one. to me both have same refinement. 

There have been MANY suggested fixes for this in the Q701 thread.  The one both Evs and I use cost about $9 on Amazon (tho I already had one because I used it for what it was for:  a baby carseat strap pad).  Also keep in mind that many people don't have issues with the comfort.
Aug 13, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #25,363 of 48,583
Hi Mad Lust,
Thank you for putting together this guide!
A few questions for you or anyone who can answer:
1. As someone with large ears, I am concerned about going from a PC360 to another option. How would you rank the size of the earcups for the DT-990, HE-400, Sennheiser 650, AKG K712 Pro? I'm guessing that the Sennheiser 650 (same as the PC360) has the largest earcup? 
2. Would a Magni properly drive the AKG K712?
3. Unamped, would the DT-990 or the AKG K712 perform better (on a phone let's say)?
Aug 13, 2014 at 2:35 PM Post #25,365 of 48,583
Hi Mad Lust,

Thank you for putting together this guide!

A few questions for you or anyone who can answer:

1. As someone with large ears, I am concerned about going from a PC360 to another option. How would you rank the size of the earcups for the DT-990, HE-400, Sennheiser 650, AKG K712 Pro? I'm guessing that the Sennheiser 650 (same as the PC360) has the largest earcup? 

2. Would a Magni properly drive the AKG K712?

3. Unamped, would the DT-990 or the AKG K712 perform better (on a phone let's say)?

The K712 has a pretty good size cup, I can measure it for you later today if you'd like.

I don't have the magni but others that do have said it is adequate for the k712's.

Unamped the k712 doesn't sound very impressive. It's not horrible but it benefits greatly from an amp.

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