Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Apr 13, 2011 at 5:31 PM Post #931 of 48,583
I have Ultrasone pro 900 and I'm about to buy the Mixamp, Can I plug the headphones to my DAC along with the Mixamp? is it a good combination? My soundcard is focusrite saffire pro 24DSP Thank you!
Apr 13, 2011 at 5:58 PM Post #932 of 48,583

I have Ultrasone pro 900 and I'm about to buy the Mixamp, Can I plug the headphones to my DAC along with the Mixamp? is it a good combination? My soundcard is focusrite saffire pro 24DSP Thank you!

IIRC, the Mixamp doesn't have an analog input. Even if it did, you'd be bypassing the DH mode which is the whole point of the product! And if it does have an analog input, you'd only be utilizing it's amp function (and chat possibly), but you'd be much better off buying a standalone amp (Fiio E9) for the same price which is exponentially better as an amp than the Mixamp. My .02
Apr 13, 2011 at 6:07 PM Post #933 of 48,583
The Saffire has an optical in. but it's not helping right?
what do I need to get the Mixamp going for games and movies and expect the best quality? I'm buying the Mixamp mainly for games and perhaps movies so The only functionality I need is 7.1 DH and I can't get that with the FiiO E9 and I think my Saffire is a better soundcard than the FiiO so it's not really an option
Apr 13, 2011 at 6:31 PM Post #934 of 48,583
hey guys I just spotted the Fischer audio Phoneix headset, at fischer audio russian website. It is identical to Razer carcharias which I own. It looks promissing as FA headphones are very well tuned... It costs around 65 Dollars...
Apr 13, 2011 at 7:03 PM Post #935 of 48,583

The Saffire has an optical in. but it's not helping right?
what do I need to get the Mixamp going for games and movies and expect the best quality? I'm buying the Mixamp mainly for games and perhaps movies so The only functionality I need is 7.1 DH and I can't get that with the FiiO E9 and I think my Saffire is a better soundcard than the FiiO so it's not really an option

The FiiO isn't a soundcard. It's a portable Amp. Two different purposes. It would be incredibly redundant to hook your mixamp up to a soundcard, in fact that would be downright ridiculous. I'm not trying to be mean, but do you understand the difference between a DAC and an amp? A DAC is a digital to analog converter, and an amp just gives more power to the signal increasing dynamic range, sound quality and overall making it louder. The soundcard is a DAC, and so is a mixamp essentially. The Mixamp is a DAC / amp combo type of situation. Therefore hooking it up to another DAC would be pointless, because the audio is already converted. Plus you would be losing the Dolby Headphone processing. The FiiO is an amp, powering the headphones better so you can get their full potential while still utilizing the chat function. Without it, you would most likely have to lower the chat volume to drive the headphones properly. If you have the FiiO E9, you can balance chat and game volume perfectly, due to the extra juice provided. 
Apr 13, 2011 at 7:09 PM Post #936 of 48,583
Heh, My bad I thought the Mixamp was an amp. Misunderstood it completely. You can be harsh I don't mind. 
The saffire has a built in amp so I thought... oh well, So my options are to buy a separated amp? I was about to buy the uHA-u120 or a120.. havn't decided yet. 
I heard the uHA-U/A100 are awesome with the pro 900
Apr 13, 2011 at 7:13 PM Post #937 of 48,583

Heh, My bad I thought the Mixamp was an amp. Misunderstood it completely. You can be harsh I don't mind. 
The saffire has a built in amp so I thought... oh well, So my options are to buy a separated amp? I was about to buy the uHA-u120 or a120.. havn't decided yet. 
I heard the uHA-U/A100 are awesome with the pro 900

The Mixamp is an amp too. It's a DAC / Amp combo, kind of like the FiiO E7. I don't doubt your Saffire has a built in amp, my Forte has a built in amp too. It's just the DAC that causes the problem unfortunately, not the amp. To be honest, I don't entirely know if the Pro 900s are even that difficult to drive. I used to drive my DJ-1 Pros out of an ipod. You might be ok with just the Mixamp, honestly. Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't know of too many Ultrasones that are difficult to drive. 
Apr 13, 2011 at 10:09 PM Post #939 of 48,583

hey guys I just spotted the Fischer audio Phoneix headset, at fischer audio russian website. It is identical to Razer carcharias which I own. It looks promissing as FA headphones are very well tuned... It costs around 65 Dollars...

How do you like the Razer Carcharias and how would you compare them to other headphones you've tried for gaming (Senn HD5xx, PC360, etc.) ?
Apr 13, 2011 at 10:34 PM Post #940 of 48,583
The Pro 900 is easy to drive. For gaming, the Mixamp is all you need. My boy owns it and doesn't need his E9 to drive them for gaming.

The Mixamp can handle some pretty hard to drive cans like the K701 just fine. Not ideal for MUSIC, but you won't be able to tell for gaming.
Apr 13, 2011 at 11:53 PM Post #941 of 48,583
Double post.

Anyways in terms of the Mixamp's ability to drive headphones, it can even get away with driving 600ohm Beyers, though it MAY clip during intense passages. The Pro 900 should have no issues.
Apr 14, 2011 at 12:14 AM Post #942 of 48,583
Better play it safe and get the Beyerdynamic Headzone amp

Apr 14, 2011 at 2:18 AM Post #943 of 48,583
That image gets me every time. XD

My D7000's right driver is blown! :frowning2:

Got home a few hours ago and decided to play the Black Ops campaign with the D7000s. The right driver had static noise during certa frequencies especially bass. My heart stopped. :frowning2:

I hope to god Denon doesn't screw me. Sigh...
Apr 14, 2011 at 2:31 AM Post #944 of 48,583
That image gets me every time. XD

My D7000's right driver is blown! :frowning2:

Got home a few hours ago and decided to play the Black Ops campaign with the D7000s. The right driver had static noise during certa frequencies especially bass. My heart stopped. :frowning2:

I hope to god Denon doesn't screw me. Sigh...

Don't worry, you got a HE-4 coming really soon :p

jk, can't you ask Denon?
Apr 14, 2011 at 2:39 AM Post #945 of 48,583
Yeah, but its 2:30am. I gotta wait until they open. :frowning2:

I'm an impatient person. I wanna know if its gonna be repaired without issues, or if I have to pay.... urgh.

I don't like ever have issues like this. The A40s was the first. I was so pissed I ended up tossing them instead of seeing if they could be fixed. The Marchmallows...well, they took a beating, I admit. I'm not ever careful with IEMs, which is why I stick to budget ones.

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