Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Mar 22, 2011 at 5:45 PM Post #843 of 48,583
It used to be $180 from razordogdeals .com, last time I checked though he raised the price to $200 on them. 
He either puts his listings up on ebay or you can use a code on his site.  I only see one ebay listing at the moment - so maybe just it from his site.
Mar 22, 2011 at 7:16 PM Post #844 of 48,583
I'm about to get the Astro Mixamp but I'm not sure if I should get the wired or the new wireless 5.8 mixamp. I'm going to be gaming on my PS3 with a mic and I heard that it would be pointless to get the wireless mixamp because I will have to run the whiles anyways. I'm not sure how this work so if anyone can help me it would save me some money getting the wired one.
Mar 22, 2011 at 7:44 PM Post #845 of 48,583
I have decided to get the PC350 instead of PC360 mainly because I want some sort of isolation. I don't want noise canceling but I can't seem to get an idea of how "open" the PC360 would be. Can any of the owners shed some light on this? Do you have to take your headset off to hear people/noise outside or can you hear everything clearly? I wouldn't want complete isolation either. For example, if I were to play loud music via speakers, I would want to hear. Am I making the right choice?
Thank you
Mar 22, 2011 at 10:17 PM Post #846 of 48,583
Has or does anyone use the HD-600 for gaming? I wonder how well it is for gaming. Sure, the HD-598 is great, but I don't mind giving up some of the soundstage for more detail and a more clear sound. My HD-650 is not good for gaming to me due to it's bass. Still fun to use, but the bass annoys me. Even for music. It's not too bass heavy for music, but I still dislike it's bass. It's bass ruins some songs.
After I got my DT-880 32 ohm I've been liking the HD-650 a lot less, even more so when I compared it to my DJ100. Lazy me hasn't even tried my DT-880 for gaming yet. I just know that it was awful for movies. This was downstairs and connected to my receiver so that's probably why. I prefer my HD-598 for movies over my HD-650, DT-880 and AD700! I doubt the DT-880 will be any better to my ears than the HD-598 for gaming, but I'm guessing it's sound will be more clear and detailed. I'm not too worried that the soundstage is smaller.
Might just sell my HD-650 and try an HD-600 instead. If I love the DT-880 for gaming then I won't bother with the HD-600.
Basically my priorities for gaming are a super clear sound (better than HD-598) with lots of detail and then a large soundstage (doesn't need to be super huge). Very good mids come next. ATH-AD2000 would have been it if it wasn't for the drivers resting on my ears! I wish the HD-598's sound was as clear as the DT-880 or HD-650. I guess I can't have everything for $170.
Mar 22, 2011 at 10:22 PM Post #847 of 48,583

Has or does anyone use the HD-600 for gaming? I wonder how well it is for gaming. Sure, the HD-598 is great, but I don't mind giving up some of the soundstage for more detail and a more clear sound. My HD-650 is not good for gaming to me due to it's bass. Still fun to use, but the bass annoys me. Even for music. It's not too bass heavy for music, but I still dislike it's bass. It's bass ruins some songs.
After I got my DT-880 32 ohm I've been liking the HD-650 a lot less, even more so when I compared it to my DJ100. Lazy me hasn't even tried my DT-880 for gaming yet. I just know that it was awful for movies. This was downstairs and connected to my receiver so that's probably why. I prefer my HD-598 for movies over my HD-650, DT-880 and AD700! I doubt the DT-880 will be any better to my ears than the HD-598 for gaming, but I'm guessing it's sound will be more clear and detailed. I'm not too worried that the soundstage is smaller.
Might just sell my HD-650 and try an HD-600 instead. If I love the DT-880 for gaming then I won't bother with the HD-600.
Basically my priorities for gaming are a super clear sound (better than HD-598) with lots of detail and then a large soundstage (doesn't need to be super huge). Very good mids come next. ATH-AD2000 would have been it if it wasn't for the drivers resting on my ears! I wish the HD-598's sound was as clear as the DT-880 or HD-650. I guess I can't have everything for $170.

Shows how different we are, huh?
I am really amazed by the HD650 for both music and gaming. I like the bass, although it could be a bit muddy and boomy sometimes.
Mar 23, 2011 at 12:16 AM Post #848 of 48,583
The recessed highs on the hd600 puts me off it.
PC360 is great, have you tried it?
Has or does anyone use the HD-600 for gaming? I wonder how well it is for gaming. Sure, the HD-598 is great, but I don't mind giving up some of the soundstage for more detail and a more clear sound. My HD-650 is not good for gaming to me due to it's bass. Still fun to use, but the bass annoys me. Even for music. It's not too bass heavy for music, but I still dislike it's bass. It's bass ruins some songs.
After I got my DT-880 32 ohm I've been liking the HD-650 a lot less, even more so when I compared it to my DJ100. Lazy me hasn't even tried my DT-880 for gaming yet. I just know that it was awful for movies. This was downstairs and connected to my receiver so that's probably why. I prefer my HD-598 for movies over my HD-650, DT-880 and AD700! I doubt the DT-880 will be any better to my ears than the HD-598 for gaming, but I'm guessing it's sound will be more clear and detailed. I'm not too worried that the soundstage is smaller.
Might just sell my HD-650 and try an HD-600 instead. If I love the DT-880 for gaming then I won't bother with the HD-600.
Basically my priorities for gaming are a super clear sound (better than HD-598) with lots of detail and then a large soundstage (doesn't need to be super huge). Very good mids come next. ATH-AD2000 would have been it if it wasn't for the drivers resting on my ears! I wish the HD-598's sound was as clear as the DT-880 or HD-650. I guess I can't have everything for $170.

Mar 23, 2011 at 12:30 AM Post #849 of 48,583
I didn't find them too bad really. Somehow my HD-600 did seem to tame bright recordings more than my white screen HD-650 does, which is strange. One reason I think I'd prefer the HD-600 for gaming is it's reduced bass. I still remember the sound on my HD-600 being less clear and less detailed compared to my HD-650. I think I must have had the older HD-600 though.
PC360 does sound interesting, but I'm mainly looking for an upgrade to my HD-598 which I love. My HD-650 is an upgrade to my HD-598 for music, but for me it's a step down for gaming in SOME areas. Mainly just soundstage and how the HD-598 seems to have more forward sounding mids. I always prefer that for games. Haven't compared the imaging in both yet. An HD-650-like headphone with the soundstage of the HD-598, but with reduced bass and those slightly forward mids would be the greatest gaming headphone ever made! The HD-598 just can't compare to the HD-650 when it comes to detail and how clear the sound is, but the HD-650 is like nearly twice as much. For $170 the HD-598 sure is good though.
I don't know much about the PC360. Isn't like like a HD-595 with a mic? I always imagined the HD-595 also had rolled off highs like the HD-555. Not a fan of the HD-555 or modded HD-555 at all but I love the HD-598. I think it's even safe to say that I like the 598 more than the HD-650, but it doesn't sound better. Probably more fun to listen to but I haven't compared them side by side for a long time.
The recessed highs on the hd600 puts me off it.
PC360 is great, have you tried it?


Mar 23, 2011 at 4:20 PM Post #850 of 48,583
Hey everyone, just pulled the trigger on a new set of Beyer dt990 32ohm for $239.20 ($20 cheaper than Amazon's lowest price) at  They have a 20%off promo with code: APRIL11 (excludes Shure, Sennheiser and Grados). 
Mar 23, 2011 at 5:59 PM Post #851 of 48,583
My PC360 is really different from the hd595/555/600 I had. The pc360 has more treble than those. IT reminds me of sa5000.
You should try it if you can. I find the hd555 to have rolled of highs while hd595 has ok highs. The pc 360 has high with the sparkle that makes reloading and so sound amazing, shattering of glass is awesome also, lol! IT reminds me of the dt990 but not piercy and not bassy. You know what it is like an improved dt990 for me.
I didn't find them too bad really. Somehow my HD-600 did seem to tame bright recordings more than my white screen HD-650 does, which is strange. One reason I think I'd prefer the HD-600 for gaming is it's reduced bass. I still remember the sound on my HD-600 being less clear and less detailed compared to my HD-650. I think I must have had the older HD-600 though.
PC360 does sound interesting, but I'm mainly looking for an upgrade to my HD-598 which I love. My HD-650 is an upgrade to my HD-598 for music, but for me it's a step down for gaming in SOME areas. Mainly just soundstage and how the HD-598 seems to have more forward sounding mids. I always prefer that for games. Haven't compared the imaging in both yet. An HD-650-like headphone with the soundstage of the HD-598, but with reduced bass and those slightly forward mids would be the greatest gaming headphone ever made! The HD-598 just can't compare to the HD-650 when it comes to detail and how clear the sound is, but the HD-650 is like nearly twice as much. For $170 the HD-598 sure is good though.
I don't know much about the PC360. Isn't like like a HD-595 with a mic? I always imagined the HD-595 also had rolled off highs like the HD-555. Not a fan of the HD-555 or modded HD-555 at all but I love the HD-598. I think it's even safe to say that I like the 598 more than the HD-650, but it doesn't sound better. Probably more fun to listen to but I haven't compared them side by side for a long time.


Edit: Fixed
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:29 AM Post #852 of 48,583

My PC360 is really different from the hd595/555/600 I had. The 595 has more treble than those. IT reminds me of sa5000.
You should try it if you can. I find the hd555 to have rolled of highs while hd595 has ok highs. The pc 360 has high with the sparkle that makes reloading and so sound amazing, shattering of glass is awesome also, lol! IT reminds me of the dt990 but not piercy and not bassy. You know what it is like an improved dt990 for me.


So, are you saying the PC360 has more treble than HD595/555?  or vice a versa?
Mar 24, 2011 at 3:03 AM Post #853 of 48,583
Just wanna bring up that if anyone here has the funds and hasn't bought anything yet, I would say that the Mixamp 5.8 + PC360 would be the most well rounded investment for headphone gaming, IMHO.

Want balanced sound for competitive gaming? Check.

Want to be immersed for single player gaming and movies? Click on the Mixamp's Bass Expander button, and the bass comes alive on the PC360 without it destroying SQ. Yes, the PC360 with the bass expander on will satisfy practically anyone of us who'd want just one headset that does all with ease. No clutter, no mess. Just the PC360 and Mixamp 5.8. =)

Been playing Mass Effect 2 lately, and the Bass Expander has it made it that much more enjoyable without sacrificing the soundstage or sound positioning. I'd leave the bass expander off when playing online, but the effect is more subtle than say a bass boost off a music amp like the Fiio E5 or E7's eq 2 or 3 which REALLY add some unmistakable amount of bass. I prefer the subtle boost of the 5.8.
Mar 24, 2011 at 4:32 PM Post #855 of 48,583
hey guys, i'm in the market for a mixamp + headset (or headphones + mic) setup and I've narrowed it down to this:

Mixamp 5.8 +...
Sennheiser HD555
these would presumably be used alongside a clipon mic of some sort. I took a look at the PC350/PC360 but their price is really a bit crazy for me since I can get a clipon mic and the mixamp can control the mic volume. The ATH's can all be had for around $100, and the HD555 is $90.
My usage would be something like 60% games, 20% movies 20% music... can someone tell me if I'm on the right track? I'm leaning towards the AD700.
What I'm currently using is PS3 -> HDMI -> computer monitor that has an audio passthrough. The audio passthrough is routed through my macbook's linein and then I also run Skype to chat with my buddies while I play. So I plug my Ultimate Ears superfi 5vi into the audio out on the macbook and get the combination of both the PS3 sound and the skype sound. I hope to recreate this setup except with a mixamp thrown in there as well and a proper headphone/headset because my 5vi broke :frowning2: what I am trying to do is possible with the mixamp 5.8, right?
thanks in advance!

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