Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jul 27, 2012 at 12:21 PM Post #6,632 of 48,583
MLE, I had the HE400s for a brief time and my experience was nowhere near as positive as yours.  I couldn't put my finger on it exactly, but it seemed like there were sections of the highs that were completely missing.  Like the FR dropped off and then spiked back up.  
I don't know, I read everywhere how people are loving the HE400s and I really wasn't that impressed.  I am starting to think my pair was defective.  
Do you notice anything missing or dips in the treble on your HE400s?
Jul 27, 2012 at 1:05 PM Post #6,633 of 48,583
Nope. Did you use the velour pads?

Also, did you have the revised HE400s or the ones before it? The originals had a smoother sound, and had a lot of treble roll off, which sounds like its what you had. They fixed it. Also the velour fixes more of that upper mid recession, as pointed out by the waterfall plots.
Jul 27, 2012 at 2:21 PM Post #6,634 of 48,583
Treble's smooth and sparkly as can be for me.  Anything more pronounced, especially in the lower treble, could easily be called bright.  As it stand the he-400 is already a bit of bright.  Are you referring to the 5khz upper midrange?  The he-400s are a bit tamed down there-- the area where you typically hear the slap of drums.
A quick way to tell if you have older or newer he-400 is to take the pads off.  Black magnetic structure is old, white is new.
Jul 27, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #6,635 of 48,583
I purchased them a few months ago but have since returned them because I thought they were faulty or at the very least their sound signature was way off. I suppose i could have had the older version, it's possible. I never did try the velour pads either.

All of this info helps though, I may just have to give the he400s another shot.
Jul 27, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #6,636 of 48,583
Other ways to tell.

The metal that holds the cups is rough and the old is smooth and polished. The plug on the old is 1/4" with a 3.5mm adapter, the new is 3.5mm with a 1/4" adapter.
Jul 27, 2012 at 3:08 PM Post #6,637 of 48,583
Treble's smooth and sparkly as can be for me.  Anything more pronounced, especially in the lower treble, could easily be called bright.  As it stand the he-400 is already a bit of bright.  Are you referring to the 5khz upper midrange?  The he-400s are a bit tamed down there-- the area where you typically hear the slap of drums.

A quick way to tell if you have older or newer he-400 is to take the pads off.  Black magnetic structure is old, white is new.

Not for nothing but the rev1 had more of that slap of drums as you say like as in tom toms or snare just more impact even in the kicks..

I think when they fixed the driver problems from cutting in/out they also fixed that slap/snap/impact that the first version had and I miss. In the end HE-400 ver2 is still a stellar headset..

Hey MLE so what's the best gaming headeset out of the AD700 Q701 And HE-400 for positional audio cues only?? I mean I already have my opinion just curious what your thoughts are??
Jul 27, 2012 at 3:23 PM Post #6,638 of 48,583
Id say the Q701 has everything you want on that front. The AD700 might have a slight advantage at the expense of a lot of SQ loss.

The HE400 is still a work in progress, but while its stellar, I think the positioning on the Q701 is better.

But were talking about great positioning, not missing anything vs greater positioning, and not being as full bodied.

The Q701 isn't as full bodied, so its easier to focus on sounds, while the HE400 is very full bodied, and everything is more integrated.
Jul 27, 2012 at 3:34 PM Post #6,639 of 48,583
I always found the AD700 to have trouble distinguishing front and back when people are in close proximity, but I remember you said that was just a weakness of dolby headphone in general, and takes a while to get used to.
Jul 27, 2012 at 3:52 PM Post #6,640 of 48,583
Id say the Q701 has everything you want on that front. The AD700 might have a slight advantage at the expense of a lot of SQ loss.
The HE400 is still a work in progress, but while its stellar, I think the positioning on the Q701 is better.
But were talking about great positioning, not missing anything vs greater positioning, and not being as full bodied.
The Q701 isn't as full bodied, so its easier to focus on sounds, while the HE400 is very full bodied, and everything is more integrated.

Lol oh ok I'd hope you say the AD700 is king just for positional cues like I see it also.. Now I did swindle my buddy out of his k701 for cheap but not quite the same as the q701 I guess.. I think for me the ad700 wins them all over hands down just for positional cues..

Funny thing though for me is that the ad700 is hella bright and makes my ears ring after Some time using them while gaming. To end the HE-400 are better at not making my ears ring but they lose alil in spot on audio cues to the AD700 but are not bad it all depends on gear in the end I think..
Jul 27, 2012 at 4:08 PM Post #6,641 of 48,583
If the AD700 is a 10, the Q701 is a 9, and the HE400 is an 8 respectively. Meaning in direct comparison of positional cues.

Anything 8 and above is all that's necessary, and won't hamper gameplay.

Its because the AD700 is so bright and thin sounding that makes positional cues so easy to identify and locate.
Jul 27, 2012 at 6:17 PM Post #6,642 of 48,583

For those wondering about the changes from the old HE400 to the Revision 2.

I'm so glad I waited until now to get the HE400. I think I wouldn't have liked the original at all.
Jul 27, 2012 at 8:13 PM Post #6,643 of 48,583
Man with hearing how good the ad700 sounds at positional cues, the a900x must be even better, put I just can't get past their cheap wing headband. If only Audio-Technica would fix the headband, I would probably snap the headphones up in an instant.
Jul 27, 2012 at 8:40 PM Post #6,644 of 48,583
Man with hearing how good the ad700 sounds at positional cues, the a900x must be even better, put I just can't get past their cheap wing headband. If only Audio-Technica would fix the headband, I would probably snap the headphones up in an instant.

Send them an email about it, I did.

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