Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Mar 17, 2012 at 2:56 AM Post #4,786 of 48,583

Lol, Hyppogryph aka Hauppauge. Just messing with the name, because its consistently/constantly butchered by everyone online. Its hard to write or say. Hauppaugegeugbfijfcbsaiujsgey

I also say that for the purpose of gaming, the E9 doesn't ADD anything, other than feeding plenty of power to the Q701. I don't use it with the Q701/Mixamp, unless I need a bit more juice. Some games do need it for me, and I definitely need when using a mic.

I see @ the Hippopotamus.  Sure fooled me =P
Well the mic part alone seems like good incentive to get a 2nd amp then as a "just in case".  Unless you have any alternatives, based on what I read, the E9 seems to be a pretty bread and butter purchase for most situations at $100+.
Mar 17, 2012 at 3:04 AM Post #4,787 of 48,583
Yeah, the E9 is fine as a dedicated music amp (seriously, its great), and as a volume booster. Not sure, but if you just want an amp for boosting volume, you may get away with using the Fiio 11 for that same purpose. Its cheaper, and portable. The E5/E6 don't have enough power to boost decibel levels of the Mixamp enough to warrant their purchase. My two old E5s barely did anything to the Mixamp.
Mar 17, 2012 at 4:26 AM Post #4,788 of 48,583
I see, well thanks for the insight.
I know it might be taboo but I'll still ask anyway.  Any user input on the TB Z6A, after it replaced the HPX?
I guess I'll ask on behalf of my friend about this also.  He's also purchasing some headphones at the price range of $100-$180.  If the TB Z6A turns out to actually be good at that price range ($60 just for the headphones) then he might go with that.
My friend says he's not a competitive person so not much if any at all on competitive shooters.  So just music (Dubstep, K-pop,  J-Pop, rock, electronica, hip hop, dance), MMOs and PC/console games.  If he REALLY had to choose between the two though, he'd put priority over his music.  A headset for the mic would be nice, but I told him with just a little bit of elbow grease he can manually stick a mic on a headphone if it's not a headset.
He also plans on having a Mixamp too.
At that price range I was thinking of a PC360 for him.  Course I don't really know how his ears work lol, so anything goes at this point.
Mar 17, 2012 at 7:43 AM Post #4,789 of 48,583

I found the PERFECT video to demo Dolby headphone. EVERYONE can hear this, so try it!
NOTE: At 1:08, this is pretty much exactly how Dolby headphone sounds on the Mixamp:The 5.1 DH: On section at 0:54 sounds like a weaker version, which honestly doesn't sound like the Mixamp's DH, but it still showcases positional cues.
Now, if you didn't believe in DH before, you probably will now. Remember: At 1:08-2:00 is pretty much how the Mixamp sounds.
Nameless, does this video showcase how CMSS 3D sounds for real? Because even in this comparison, the Dolby Headphone sounds a lot better in positional cues. CMSS seems so treble oriented, and DH sounds more spacious, and actually has rear sound cues.

Thanks for the videos. DH sounds pretty good. Form what I remember from the Tritton AX 720 decoder it sounded pretty distant though. Not much bass at all. Everything sounded weak and very far away. But maybe that was just the weak headset?!
I still haven´t decided wethere I will go with Dolby Headphone or Yamahas Silent Cinema. More of a question in which direction I wanna go though (only headphones or headphones + speaker set)
Mar 17, 2012 at 8:41 AM Post #4,790 of 48,583
MLE, I just demo'd the D2000 and D5000 in a store today, unamped. I have to say...I find them...a little strident. Which is weird, because I thought that between my 880's and HFI-580's, I'd be immune to harsh highs, but there you have it. Nice bass though.
Mar 17, 2012 at 9:12 AM Post #4,791 of 48,583
Eric, I'm surprised that you say the D5000 is strident. Everyone on Head-fi claims it to be very warm and smooth. I tend to think strident = harsh in the treble. Unless it's something else entirely. If I'm right, it can't be as the DT990 in that area, and I don't have much of a problem with the DT990's treble, though it's a bit much for very long sessions.

What people deem as harsh, I mostly consider fine, as I like sparkle in my treble. I really, really don't like smooth treble. In any case, the D7000 may not be something you like, though I hear the treble is more refined than those two.
Mar 17, 2012 at 9:45 AM Post #4,792 of 48,583
Yeah, that's why I thought it weird too. To be fair the D5000 was brand new (they unboxed it for me to try, those nice folk), and I'm open to the possibility of burn-in for full-sized headphones. 
The D2000 wasn't super strident, but the highs were borderline annoying on a few tracks. And again, I ran them unamped, because I'd heard they were both easy to drive.
Btw did the prices on both these headphones jump recently? 
Mar 17, 2012 at 9:48 AM Post #4,793 of 48,583
I dunno. It depends on where you get them. I believe the D2000 runs around $220 when it's a 'deal', and the D5000 at around $350.

But yeah, I think it's more personal preference. OH! Yes, the D7000's treble is a bit screechier without an amp. So I would actually agree. It doesn't bother me, but it definitely sounds better with amping.
Mar 17, 2012 at 10:27 AM Post #4,794 of 48,583

I dunno. It depends on where you get them. I believe the D2000 runs around $220 when it's a 'deal', and the D5000 at around $350.
But yeah, I think it's more personal preference. OH! Yes, the D7000's treble is a bit screechier without an amp. So I would actually agree. It doesn't bother me, but it definitely sounds better with amping.

Wait till you get a load of this: D5000 retails for ~US$ 794 here.
Mar 17, 2012 at 11:09 AM Post #4,795 of 48,583
Where the hell do you live? I mean, $350 isn't the basic price, it's like the best deal I see them for usually.

Just like the D7000 can be had for less than $600, but the MSRP is $999.

My HDPVR came in! Woot.
Mar 17, 2012 at 1:40 PM Post #4,796 of 48,583
Click on it to get the full screen HD version.


My first HD PVR test.

Castlevania HD. You can tell I was rushing so bad. I just wanted to hurry up and upload something.
Mar 17, 2012 at 5:06 PM Post #4,797 of 48,583

Click on it to get the full screen HD version. My first HD PVR test.

Castlevania HD. You can tell I was rushing so bad. I just wanted to hurry up and upload something.

That look REALLY good.
Now I want one   =\
Mar 17, 2012 at 5:30 PM Post #4,800 of 48,583
I said thanks a billion times! :D



Again, just checking

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