Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jun 3, 2015 at 12:08 PM Post #30,931 of 48,589
Sorry for bothering but I have a small question here. If I'm just looking for a headphone that have excellent soundstage, footsteps etc for FPS gaming purposes only. *Music isn't a big concern to me*. Is ATH AD700X the best bet? Really appreciate any help here!
Jun 3, 2015 at 12:55 PM Post #30,932 of 48,589
  First of all, thanks to Mad Lust Envy & all the contributors to this guide. Really informative.
I have a question:
Xbox 360 > DSS > Mixamp 2011 > Fiio E12A > KX77 or PC360
I Take the Mixamp/PC360 out of the equation when I don't need chat. At least until I can get the KX77 rigged up with either the BoomPro or the DX Clip On.
The Mixamp is only there to pass through the audio from the DSS via MP3 in, with the dial set fully to Voice.
I find this adds quite a lot of noise unless I dial it back to Game.
I'm just wondering whether a better quality chat cable would help matters, or is that just the best I can hope for on the 360?
I've been looking at this:
Bonus question:
Has anyone in the UK found an alternative to the AKG adapter by Mimic Cables?
I've tried everywhere (including emails to custom cable manufacturers).
I can't believe this is so hard to come by.
Thanks for any assistance

Why the hell are You outputting sound from the DSS to the Mixamp? This configuration offers no advantage over using just one of these devices at the time
As for the noise, better quality cable would not help as the noise is generated by the mixamp itself
As for the AKG adapter there is a guy on Head-Fi that used to make them custom You could try emailing him
Jun 3, 2015 at 1:59 PM Post #30,933 of 48,589
I've recently returned to this thread after some time spent away from the subject, so I'm still catching up. I know at least one person here will likely suggest the Creative X7. As far as I can tell it has good quality and lots of inputs, but I have heard it mentioned that you must use a work-around for mics on PS4. I do not know what the work around involves, but it likely involves an output from either the mic or the X7 itself to the PS4 controller.
In regards to the Mixamp, I have one myself, though like I said, I've been absent from the thread for a while so am not sure of problems others have encountered. The Mixamp when paired with headphones of a similar sensitivity to the A40 is pretty good. The problem is the mic output when used with the PS4 is appalling, however there is a work around. The theory is that the Mixamp's own internal noise gate doesn't play well with the PS4. The workaround is to connect a PS4 chat cable to the output designed for XBOX 360 chat cable and the other end to the controller. This bypasses the noise gate of the Mixamp. The one problem there is that, if you have the USB cable connected to the PS4 controller it makes noise. I personally like to keep my controller plugged in so this bugs me a little and is one of the reasons I have returned to the thread beside generally catching up.
One problem with the Mixamp when pairing it with some headphones is that if they are sensitive you will hear a hiss (the noise floor). On the other hand, if you pair it with harder to drive headphones, the Mixamp alone may not give sufficient volume, meaning you have to double amp as the Mixamp does not have a line level output that contains the virtual surround processed audio. This again can cause hiss.
Edit: In consideration of the fact that you mentioned wanting to replace the Fiio, I assume you are in need of a DAC/amp for your PC. I think you'll be better off with the X7, though as I don't own one I cannot answer any questions about it.
Feels kind of pointless me having spent the time explaining the Mixamp issues now :frowning2:

Thanks for the response. Your mixamp tidbit wasn't pointless, I took it into consideration and ended up settling on the $15 turtle beach DSS. I heard that its sound quality is identical to the mixamp, so I went along and saved roughly 90% of what I'd be paying for the mixamp. Now I'm a little confused as to what my upgrade path looks like from here; I'm certain I'll be satisfied with directly plugging my headphones into the DSS, but I've read around that people have connected their amps to the DSS. How does this work exactly? Would I need an RCA to 3.5mm converter going out the amp, then plugged into the DSS?
Jun 3, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #30,934 of 48,589
  Why the hell are You outputting sound from the DSS to the Mixamp? This configuration offers no advantage over using just one of these devices at the time
As for the noise, better quality cable would not help as the noise is generated by the mixamp itself
As for the AKG adapter there is a guy on Head-Fi that used to make them custom You could try emailing him

Hi Yethal
Thanks for the reply.
I agree. The Mixamp has a busted Toslink port, so I find it really hard to shoot whilst simultaneously holding the optical cable in place.
The only advantage I can think of is a higher K/D Ratio...
Seriously though, I prefer the sound of the DSS over the Mixamp. But then there's no easy way to have chat capability with the DSS on its own.
I experimented with various setups that weren't satisfactory involving the DSS + DSS2, that awful Speedlink adapter & a Belkin Rockstar.
The results weren't great & I prefer to have less cables than Abbey Road if I can help it. Total trial & error stuff/curiosity.
For all it's faults, the Mixamp keeps things relatively simple. It's just a pure passthrough to facilitate chat. Dolby Headphone is off.
I also got it really cheap for exactly this purpose after holding off the inevitable.
Prior to putting the E12A in there, the massive knob on the Mixamp was also an advantage to the way I have my setup.
Since getting a dedicated headphone amp, I tend to leave my knob alone.
But it works for me & it sounds great except for the aforementioned chat noise. I appreciate your input on that matter.
As far as your link to the AKG adapter, again, Thanks.
I've searched high & low on that subject. I came across that thread some time ago & to be honest I didn't really want to bug the guy as things didn't seem to work out well.
As far as I could make out, he got treated fairly badly whilst trying to do something positive & I decided I didn't want to be one more annoyance to him.
As it stands, if anyone (preferably UK based, but not necessarily) can build or source one of those adapters, feel free to get in touch.
I've had one offer to have a custom built fly lead for that purpose, but that's not really ideal for pairing with the BoomPro.
Just to clear a few things up that people will probably mention.
I could do without the hassle of ordering from the States in case there's a problem, but I'm still open to that.
I realise a Modmic = the cost of the Boompro + the adapter.
Again, Abbey Road... I could do without the cables.
I have a DX clip-on on the way.
I also have kids.
If the DX mic works out & the BoomPro doesn't, I'll be happy with that, even with the additional cable clutter.
I'll also sleep easier knowing they might put £1.65 worth of microphone down the toilet as opposed to £40.
Jun 3, 2015 at 5:15 PM Post #30,935 of 48,589
Hi Yethal
Thanks for the reply.
Just to clear a few things up that people will probably mention.
I could do without the hassle of ordering from the States in case there's a problem, but I'm still open to that.
I realise a Modmic = the cost of the Boompro + the adapter.
Again, Abbey Road... I could do without the cables.
I have a DX clip-on on the way.
I also have kids.
If the DX mic works out & the BoomPro doesn't, I'll be happy with that, even with the additional cable clutter.
I'll also sleep easier knowing they might put £1.65 worth of microphone down the toilet as opposed to £40.

As far as easy setups, have You tried using a device akin to Steelseries Audiomixer, or pretty much any other previous-gen console soundcard that used 3.5mm and usb as inputs? They match perfectly with DSS outputs providing pretty much hassle free chat and are much cheaper than the mixamp.

As for the Modmic, I have one attached to my HD598 and after twisting the cables together the entire setup is pretty tidy, not as tidy as having only one cable going from the cables but I'm satisifed with it nonetheless. Twisting the cables together is the way to go.
If that fails too, why don't You mod Your headphones to have 3.5mm jack instead of mini-XLR? I'm pretty sure I've seen some guy on head-fi modding his AKG that way.
Jun 3, 2015 at 9:19 PM Post #30,937 of 48,589
   I believe you are talking about this

I don't believe zombie is making adapters anymore.
Jun 3, 2015 at 10:05 PM Post #30,941 of 48,589
My Creative Omega just broke (like every Creative Tactic/Omega/Recon) as expected, now i can either go by the modmic route with my 598/600 or transfer the drivers from the creative to a new headphone, so im wondering:
Where can i buy the modmic the cheapest in europe? I missed the madorc drop 2 months ago and i felt the one from massdrop wasnt good enough but that was when i didnt even need it, any help?
Jun 4, 2015 at 1:31 AM Post #30,943 of 48,589
   I believe you are talking about this

No, not the adapter, some guy opened the headphones up got rid of the mini xlr plug and soldered 3.5mm jack in its place

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