Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
May 1, 2014 at 1:05 PM Post #23,446 of 48,583
I find Sony exclusives superior to Microsofts.
I owned the 360 for a year before getting the PS3 and never really regretted it.
YMMV :wink:
May 1, 2014 at 1:06 PM Post #23,447 of 48,583
All that in glorious full HD!
Oh, wait... Oops

Careful... don't want to start a Head-Fi console war 

In all honesty, the fact that the PS4 can run at a higher resolution than the Xbox One is important to me. I don't have the best eyesight and 720p (back in last gen with the xbox 360) can be difficult for me to see and can cause me some headaches. Some people care more about gameplay than resolution. I see nothing wrong with that.
May 1, 2014 at 1:09 PM Post #23,449 of 48,583
Careful... don't want to start a Head-Fi console war :p

In all honesty, the fact that the PS4 can run at a higher resolution than the Xbox One is important to me. I don't have the best eyesight and 720p (back in last gen with the xbox 360) can be difficult for me to see and can cause me some headaches. Some people care more about gameplay than resolution. I see nothing wrong with that.

No, of course not.
I find the shimmer on lower resolution textures and lack of decent AA one of the most apparent weaknesses of last Gen consoles.
It's something I'd like to avoid for as long as possible... PS4 seems to be the better choice. More powerful.
Plus the exclusives are even more important to me perhaps.
May 1, 2014 at 1:12 PM Post #23,450 of 48,583
The hardware may be better, the exclusives may be better, but there are NO games for the PS4 right now other than Infamous (which I didn't like on the PS3) and cross-platform games that are all available on PC.
I'm sorry, I'm not an MS fanboi or a Sony hater.  I just can't understand why you'd spend $400 on somthing that's admittedly gathering dust.  I have no doubt I'll buy a PS4 someday, possibly as soon as this summer, but as of right now, there's no good reason to do so.
I buy consoles to play fun games that I can't play on my PC.  The Xbox has fun games.  That's good enough for me.  /rant
PS - I'll never buy a game on the PC that requires Origin installed.  That means Titanfall is effectively not available on PC for me.  Also ME3, DA3, SimCity, BF3+4, etc.  Also, people cheat in Titanfall on PC.  They don't on Xbox.

May 1, 2014 at 1:14 PM Post #23,451 of 48,583
I think halo's had it's day..the last halo was garbage.. I wouldn't buy a console for that anymore..bf4 is a lot better than halo and battlefields starting to get old now..watchdogs couldn't be coming out sooner!

I'm more so loyal to Halo because of the great memories. I agree that Halo has gone downhill. I've seen a decline in game quality since Halo 3. Back when I got my Xbox 360 and Halo 3, that was all I played. I must have put in days worth of play time in the campaign alone. I had a lot of fun playing through the campaign with friends and working to beat it on legendary difficulty. 
Watchdogs looks interesting. Also, Destiny looks like it has great potential. I'll have to see more gameplay of both of them to make a decision as to whether I will buy them. Destiny seems similar to Borderlands though and I LOVE Borderlands. 
I've never really played Battlefield much. Battlefield 4 is very, very flawed and I don't really want to play it. Back in Battlefield: Bad Co. 2, I had tons of fun. Battlefield 3 and 4 didn't seem to bring the fun factor for me. I personally prefer arcade games when it comes to both shooters and racing games. IMO CoD>BF and NFS>Forza. Many people disagree though.
May 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM Post #23,452 of 48,583
Dead rising 3 is the one game I want to come to ps4..killer instinct would be nice aswell..not bothered about titanfall because it's on pc!

I never really got into Dead Rising. I'm surprised I haven't because it looks like a really fun and chaotic game. I played DR2 and never really wanted to keep playing.
  The hardware may be better, the exclusives may be better, but there are NO games for the PS4 right now other than Infamous (which I didn't like on the PS3) and cross-platform games that are all available on PC.
I'm sorry, I'm not an MS fanboi or a Sony hater.  I just can't understand why you'd spend $400 on somthing that's admittedly gathering dust.  I have no doubt I'll buy a PS4 someday, possibly as soon as this summer, but as of right now, there's no good reason to do so.
I buy consoles to play fun games that I can't play on my PC.  The Xbox has fun games.  That's good enough for me.  /rant
PS - I'll never buy a game on the PC that requires Origin installed.  That means Titanfall is effectively not available on PC for me.  Also ME3, DA3, SimCity, BF3+4, etc.  Also, people cheat in Titanfall on PC.  They don't on Xbox.

I'm the same way. Not a fanboy of Sony or Microsoft. The PS4 seems to be gathering dust more so because I'm working on my backlog of PC games but I can admit that more games would be nice.
I really wish I could choose a console for this reason but it doesn't seem to be a deciding factor for me as it used to. Like I said earlier, I have nothing wrong with people choosing a console for its fun factor and I am jealous of those who could care less about how wonderful games look. I'm always obsessing over how well a game runs or looks and sometimes forget to just relax and have fun.
I haven't encountered any cheaters on PC yet. Granted, I haven't played Titanfall a ton yet and should probably play it more often as I do enjoy it quite a lot. 
May 1, 2014 at 1:38 PM Post #23,453 of 48,583
I'm the same way. Not a fanboy of Sony or Microsoft. The PS4 seems to be gathering dust more so because I'm working on my backlog of PC games but I can admit that more games would be nice.
I really wish I could choose a console for this reason but it doesn't seem to be a deciding factor for me as it used to. Like I said earlier, I have nothing wrong with people choosing a console for its fun factor and I am jealous of those who could care less about how wonderful games look. I'm always obsessing over how well a game runs or looks and sometimes forget to just relax and have fun.
I haven't encountered any cheaters on PC yet. Granted, I haven't played Titanfall a ton yet and should probably play it more often as I do enjoy it quite a lot.

Keep in mind, I'm more than twice as old as you.  My first gaming experiences included games like Zork and Infogrames games and BBS door games, which literally had NO graphics; they were all text.  While good graphics add a lot to a game, for sure, I have the perspective to realize that it's not even close to required.  I forget sometimes the gulf that separates those of us that grew up on Atari and C64 and Apple IIe and those that grew up on N64 and Dreamcast.
May 1, 2014 at 1:51 PM Post #23,454 of 48,583
Keep in mind, I'm more than twice as old as you.  My first gaming experiences included games like Zork and Infogrames games and BBS door games, which literally had NO graphics; they were all text.  While good graphics add a lot to a game, for sure, I have the perspective to realize that it's not even close to required.  I forget sometimes the gulf that separates those of us that grew up on Atari and C64 and Apple IIe and those that grew up on N64 and Dreamcast.

Infogrames games are great. They used to make great platformers for PS1 back in the day... Before they went outta business.:frowning2:
May 1, 2014 at 1:59 PM Post #23,455 of 48,583
I'm not really loyal to a brand for the sake of it, though I have a long history with Sony.
In the case of PS1, it had the games I was interested in. I knew nothing about tech specs and didn't care.
PS2 it was a combination of the games and features (in particular the ability to play DVD's), plus I wasn't following gaming news at the time and didn't want to wait for XBOX to come out (though I got a second hand XBOX toward the end of its life cycle).
I co-owned a 360 with my brother and then bought a PS3. When I moved out I took the PS3 for two main reasons. 1) I owned a force feedback wheel and PS3 supported it but the 360 didn't. 2) My best friend had a PS3 so I wanted to be able to play online with him. In all honesty, I wish I'd scraped together the money to buy both. Both systems have had some great exclusives and as a racing fan, not getting to play Forza 3 and 4 has hurt *sniff* (especially as I felt a bit let down by GT5 and haven't bothered with GT6). On the other hand, Naughty Dog's games have been some of the best I've ever played.
I've gone for the PS4 this generation primarily based on specs. Part of the reason I've gone Sony this gen is because in the lead up to this gen, Microsoft's attitude has got on my nerves.
Edit: I started out on Atari :)
May 1, 2014 at 2:13 PM Post #23,456 of 48,583
I'll have to give the Valid vs Magni decision a bit of time so that I can take the time to make the right choice and look up some comparisons. The Vali and Magni could both help tame the highs from what I gathered but the Vali can do a better job at it. Just not sure if I like tube or solid state amps. I guess I'll have to either do a ton of research about the two types or maybe I'll have to try both eventually. I'm just starting my audiophile quest so I do need to level up and gain some experience (loved that RPG comparison btw).

I've tried my K702 Annies with my friend's Vali and it sounds pretty good.  It did not sound as "tube-y" as I was expecting.  In fact, it did not sound that different from my Asgard 2.  In the Vali thread there was mention that it sounds similar to the Asgard 2 so for me it's kind of redundant to get a Vali.  The Vali will bump up the bass a little bit and it will take the sharp edge off the treble, but the effect is very slight, not a major night and day difference.  I don't really find the Annies to have very sharp treble in the first place and I'm somewhat sensitive to that.  The Vali does make a very noticeable difference to my friend's 32 ohm Beyer DT880 Premiums.  Those headphones have some pretty sharp treble that the Vali helped tame.  That being said, I still wouldn't get the DT880s even with the Vali, still too much of a V-shaped response curve for me. 
May 1, 2014 at 4:25 PM Post #23,457 of 48,583
All that in glorious full HD!
Oh, wait... Oops :D

What confuses me is that the original Xbox had a few HD titles. Not many, but why is this still an issue?

I forget sometimes the gulf that separates those of us that grew up on Atari and C64 and Apple IIe and those that grew up on N64 and Dreamcast.

But what about those of us who grew up on Genesis and the golden age of lucasarts games?
If Xbox had exclusives today like the original Knights of the Old Republic, the Bungie-Made and inspired games (reach was pretty good, but wasn't a story that needed to be told and was mostly Microsoft milking the contract, ODST was a great DLC that got blown out of proportion by Microsoft's needs), Beyond Good and Evil, psychonaughts, and other great new IP's, I'd be all over that. Neither console has that yet, though I am looking forward to Destiny and Watch Dogs, and most of the multi-plays look better on PS4 or have timed exclusive content. It's a close race of neither being amazing yet.

I will get the definitive edition of Last of us, as someone who only just got a Playstation for the first time I missed out on some of the awesome last-gen stuff.

Part of the reason I've gone Sony this gen is because in the lead up to this gen, Microsoft's attitude has got on my nerves.

Edit: I started out on Atari :)

This is why I really went for PS4. I mean, part of it was Destiny will have PS4 special treatment and I think that the PS4 controller design could make for really cool future gameplay experiences, but overwhelmingly I wanted to vote Sony with my money because Microsoft was acting like EA (which was acting like 1900's Microsoft...).
May 1, 2014 at 4:31 PM Post #23,458 of 48,583
What confuses me is that the original Xbox had a few HD titles. Not many, but why is this still an issue?
But what about those of us who grew up on Genesis and the golden age of lucasarts games?
If Xbox had exclusives today like the original Knights of the Old Republic, the Bungie-Made and inspired games (reach was pretty good, but wasn't a story that needed to be told and was mostly Microsoft milking the contract, ODST was a great DLC that got blown out of proportion by Microsoft's needs), Beyond Good and Evil, psychonaughts, and other great new IP's, I'd be all over that. Neither console has that yet, though I am looking forward to Destiny and Watch Dogs, and most of the multi-plays look better on PS4 or have timed exclusive content. It's a close race of neither being amazing yet.

I will get the definitive edition of Last of us, as someone who only just got a Playstation for the first time I missed out on some of the awesome last-gen stuff.
This is why I really went for PS4. I mean, part of it was Destiny will have PS4 special treatment and I think that the PS4 controller design could make for really cool future gameplay experiences, but overwhelmingly I wanted to vote Sony with my money because Microsoft was acting like EA (which was acting like 1900's Microsoft...).

Oh man you're in for a treat! That is if you value story telling as much as gameplay :] I mean I have TLoU for PS3 and the PS4 version [along with Infamous:SS] are reasons valid enough to justify buying a PS4 in the summer... That's how much I value it [but I of course love Infamous as well].
Well, I am obviously looking forward to what else Sony got in store for the future, like The Order 1886 or multi-plats like Arkham Knight [I totally loved Asylum & City] or even Watch_Dogs, I guess...
May 1, 2014 at 4:39 PM Post #23,459 of 48,583
But what about those of us who grew up on Genesis and the golden age of lucasarts games?
If Xbox had exclusives today like the original Knights of the Old Republic, the Bungie-Made and inspired games (reach was pretty good, but wasn't a story that needed to be told and was mostly Microsoft milking the contract, ODST was a great DLC that got blown out of proportion by Microsoft's needs), Beyond Good and Evil, psychonaughts, and other great new IP's, I'd be all over that. Neither console has that yet, though I am looking forward to Destiny and Watch Dogs, and most of the multi-plays look better on PS4 or have timed exclusive content. It's a close race of neither being amazing yet.

I will get the definitive edition of Last of us, as someone who only just got a Playstation for the first time I missed out on some of the awesome last-gen stuff.

This is why I really went for PS4. I mean, part of it was Destiny will have PS4 special treatment and I think that the PS4 controller design could make for really cool future gameplay experiences, but overwhelmingly I wanted to vote Sony with my money because Microsoft was acting like EA (which was acting like 1900's Microsoft...).

Shades of grey.  I was just speaking as to why I prefer a good game with sub-optimal graphics to a sub-optimal game with good graphics...  why it doesn't compute for someone like me that you'd buy a PS4 for the better graphics when it has no games.
As I said, I'll likely get one at some point.  Not just for the games either... if most of my friends are on PS4 (for no good reason), I might have to get one just to play with them.  Thanks a lot, guys!  >.<
May 1, 2014 at 4:40 PM Post #23,460 of 48,583
2 games (one of which is a polished up copy) is a good enough reason to drop $400 on a PS4? I suppose if you have the money, have at it. I'll be waiting until at least the first price drop/hardware revision and it having at least 10 games that I want to play. That being said, I won't ever touch the Xbone. 

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