JVC HA-FXT90 Thread
Dec 13, 2011 at 5:29 PM Post #841 of 2,211
Package arrived from Japan yesterday.  Man, am I glad that I found this thread!  Based on the general consensus here, these seemed to be what I was looking for.  I ordered my pair from buyfromjapan on Thanksgiving, so not bad considering the holiday season. 
Initial impressions after only a few hours of listening: These things rock!  Granted, I'm coming from JVC marshmallows that my daughter lent me after the RE0's I got earlier this year turned out to be a big disappointment. Yes I said it, I prefer the Marshmallow's over the RE0's.  I guess maybe that makes me a bass-head.  The FXT90's are much more dynamic than the RE0's, better quality/quantity of bass and a more vivid presentation. They are a bit bright and slightly edgy, depending on the recording, but I think that will smooth out as they break-in. Right now I'm listening to Porcupine Tree - Drawing the Line on The Incident CD and I've never heard drums sound this good on headphones before.
Many thanks to Inks for starting this thread, and also shotgunshane, FlySweep and others who posted their impressions.
Dec 13, 2011 at 7:48 PM Post #842 of 2,211
Welcome to the club.. glad you're enjoying them!
I was a big fan of the RE0, actually.. apart from their slightly thin midrange & dynamic range, they were really quite fun to listen to when I was in the mood for critical listening.  The dynamic range of the FXT is one of my favorite aspects of the phone.. it reveals a lot of depth & liveliness in the music.. it's why the FXT & the RE262 are my favorite universal IEMs at the moment.. and the GR07 has fallen to third place.
God bless the GR07.. I still love it, its smooth sound, excellent detail, accuracy & cohesive tuning.. but it's (comparatively) stricter dynamic range makes it sound a bit more often than not.. and especially noticeable after listening to dynamic range monsters like the FXT, Silver Bullet, and Spider Realvoice, and the 1964 Quad.  Amping doesn't help to improve the GR07's dynamics a whole lot either.. so I suspect VSonic tuned it this way for a reason (since the GR07's bio-cellulose driver is quite lauded & seems capable of it).  By contrast, the FXT & RE262, while possessing different overall signatures, simply excel in creating a more vivid dynamic, engaging sound that's every bit as (if not more) technically impressive to me.  In the RE262's case, much more technically impressive.
I still enjoy phones heavy on neutrality (the recently arrived Paradox phone, LFF's T50RP mod, being a prime example.. it's the last full sized headphone I plan on buying).  But I find myself leaning toward natural sounding phones that are artfully colored to deliver some fun, but maintain wide genre versatility.. the RE262 & FXT (and the other colored phones I own (in my sig)) deliver just that.
Dec 13, 2011 at 9:20 PM Post #843 of 2,211

But I find myself leaning toward natural sounding phones that are artfully colored to deliver some fun, but maintain wide genre versatility.. the RE262 & FXT (and the other colored phones I own (in my sig)) deliver just that.

Completely agree.  I find I much prefer a tastefully colored phone with musicality any day.
Dec 14, 2011 at 11:06 AM Post #845 of 2,211

Welcome to the club.. glad you're enjoying them!
I was a big fan of the RE0, actually.. apart from their slightly thin midrange & dynamic range, they were really quite fun to listen to when I was in the mood for critical listening.  The dynamic range of the FXT is one of my favorite aspects of the phone.. it reveals a lot of depth & liveliness in the music.. it's why the FXT & the RE262 are my favorite universal IEMs at the moment.. and the GR07 has fallen to third place.
God bless the GR07.. I still love it, its smooth sound, excellent detail, accuracy & cohesive tuning.. but it's (comparatively) stricter dynamic range makes it sound a bit more often than not.. and especially noticeable after listening to dynamic range monsters like the FXT, Silver Bullet, and Spider Realvoice, and the 1964 Quad.  Amping doesn't help to improve the GR07's dynamics a whole lot either.. so I suspect VSonic tuned it this way for a reason (since the GR07's bio-cellulose driver is quite lauded & seems capable of it).  By contrast, the FXT & RE262, while possessing different overall signatures, simply excel in creating a more vivid dynamic, engaging sound that's every bit as (if not more) technically impressive to me.  In the RE262's case, much more technically impressive.
I still enjoy phones heavy on neutrality (the recently arrived Paradox phone, LFF's T50RP mod, being a prime example.. it's the last full sized headphone I plan on buying).  But I find myself leaning toward natural sounding phones that are artfully colored to deliver some fun, but maintain wide genre versatility.. the RE262 & FXT (and the other colored phones I own (in my sig)) deliver just that.

Nice Reading...
Dec 14, 2011 at 12:00 PM Post #846 of 2,211
FlySweep, buddy, as usual we agree. While I'm still loving the GR07 (and haven't thought about getting rid of it at all), I can't deny that the FXT90 has been steadily pulling out in front of the GR07 as I consistently listen and A/B both. Ironically, I've also discovered a newer appreciation and love for the W4. I would say that the FXT90 and W4 are tied as my two favorite universals right now. The GR07 and 7550 would be tied in second place.
Back tot he FXT90: As thick as the notes are in the FXT90, you wouldn't think on surface that this JVC is as micro-detailed as it is. Yet, I'm picking up nuances in vocals, background vocals and instrumentation that I don't think I'm hearing in any other IEM I own (or have owned). Maybe its big brother - the FX700 - came close with these details, but my memory fails me on which one was better.
When I say micro-details it's interesting because I don't find the FXT90 to have an "above-average" soundstage. But what it does have is depth and that unique layered sound that I've only heard in the DDM. So that DDM layered + thick notes + decent instrument separation + clarity = FXT90. I mean I hear musicians (and/or engineers) laughing or talking in the background with these JVCs that I can't pickup with the GR07. Or I may pickup ghostly whispered background vocals easily in some recordings. I'm a believer in dual dynamics, now I can't wait to hear some hybrids. Did I read somewhere that these dual dynamics do not use any crossovers?
Welcome to the club.. glad you're enjoying them!
I was a big fan of the RE0, actually.. apart from their slightly thin midrange & dynamic range, they were really quite fun to listen to when I was in the mood for critical listening.  The dynamic range of the FXT is one of my favorite aspects of the phone.. it reveals a lot of depth & liveliness in the music.. it's why the FXT & the RE262 are my favorite universal IEMs at the moment.. and the GR07 has fallen to third place.
God bless the GR07.. I still love it, its smooth sound, excellent detail, accuracy & cohesive tuning.. but it's (comparatively) stricter dynamic range makes it sound a bit more often than not.. and especially noticeable after listening to dynamic range monsters like the FXT, Silver Bullet, and Spider Realvoice, and the 1964 Quad.  Amping doesn't help to improve the GR07's dynamics a whole lot either.. so I suspect VSonic tuned it this way for a reason (since the GR07's bio-cellulose driver is quite lauded & seems capable of it).  By contrast, the FXT & RE262, while possessing different overall signatures, simply excel in creating a more vivid dynamic, engaging sound that's every bit as (if not more) technically impressive to me.  In the RE262's case, much more technically impressive.
I still enjoy phones heavy on neutrality (the recently arrived Paradox phone, LFF's T50RP mod, being a prime example.. it's the last full sized headphone I plan on buying).  But I find myself leaning toward natural sounding phones that are artfully colored to deliver some fun, but maintain wide genre versatility.. the RE262 & FXT (and the other colored phones I own (in my sig)) deliver just that.

Dec 14, 2011 at 12:19 PM Post #848 of 2,211
Reading all the responses from proper audiophiles makes me feel good about my purchase, and more importantly, about my ears. I simply can't imagine how much better (relative term) more expensive IEMs could be over this when considering cost/sq factor. I just hope the DT880 Pro I'm about to purchase will have the same attributes of the FXT90s in a circumaural format.
Dec 14, 2011 at 3:54 PM Post #849 of 2,211
I've just realized that I've had the FTX90's for quite a while now, and since I got them I haven't listened to the GR07. In fact, the only other IEM I've used in this time is the B2, and that was only once!

There's something magical about these IEMs which really draws me in.
Dec 14, 2011 at 4:03 PM Post #850 of 2,211

Anyone that's heard both fxt90 and Atrios M5 w/G7, please give a brief comparison/contrast. Much thanks.

I'm comtemplating getting the Atrio MG7's next.
I purchased the FXT90's and have to say they are amazing, best sounding earphone I've ever used.
But they do lack some sub bass... which is why I'm looking to get a more bassy pair of IEM's, but am undecided as to what to get.... probably Atrios... not sure yet.
The FXT90's are perfect in every other way and are amazing for all kinds of music, even bassy music... but they just lack that sub bass.... which is a shame.
I would still highly recommend these earphones, without a doubt.
Dec 14, 2011 at 5:41 PM Post #851 of 2,211

I'm comtemplating getting the Atrio MG7's next.
I purchased the FXT90's and have to say they are amazing, best sounding earphone I've ever used.
But they do lack some sub bass... which is why I'm looking to get a more bassy pair of IEM's, but am undecided as to what to get.... probably Atrios... not sure yet.
The FXT90's are perfect in every other way and are amazing for all kinds of music, even bassy music... but they just lack that sub bass.... which is a shame.
I would still highly recommend these earphones, without a doubt.

Interesting Comments on the T90's! Blup did you see the deal on the MG7's for 99 Bucks?
Dec 14, 2011 at 5:42 PM Post #852 of 2,211

I've just realized that I've had the FTX90's for quite a while now, and since I got them I haven't listened to the GR07. In fact, the only other IEM I've used in this time is the B2, and that was only once!
There's something magical about these IEMs which really draws me in.

To me this says alot
Dec 14, 2011 at 5:55 PM Post #853 of 2,211
Reviews & Impressions:
shotgunshane: Impressions (Compared to JVC FX700 & Vsonic GR07) / Comparison to FA Tandem / Comparison to GR07
Flysweep: lmpressions / Impressions / Comparison to DBA02 / Brief comparison to HJE900 / Impressions
EricP:  First Impressions Comparison to Radius DDM / Comparison to Xears N3 / GR07 Comparison
Takoyaki:  Review (Compared to ATH-CKM99 & Miles Davis Tributes) 
Cute: Impressions 
-y0-: Review (Compared to FA Tandem). 
i2ehan: GR07 Comparison
popejohnlaure: Impressions
SteveKiwi: Impressions
kckc: Impressions
By Inks [coming soon] 

**updated the impressions/reviews post**
Dec 14, 2011 at 7:30 PM Post #855 of 2,211
I still enjoy phones heavy on neutrality (the recently arrived Paradox phone, LFF's T50RP mod, being a prime example.. it's the last full sized headphone I plan on buying).  But I find myself leaning toward natural sounding phones that are artfully colored to deliver some fun, but maintain wide genre versatility.. the RE262 & FXT (and the other colored phones I own (in my sig)) deliver just that.

Nicely put... though personally speaking, I was put off by my RE262's lack of genre versatility, despite my love of their laid back signature. I ended up swapping them for the GR07 for this very reason. Perhaps this is why my hopes are so high for the FXTs, as from what I have read they are reasonably colored, but are still able to maintain genre versatility. 
I'm growing impatient... come on Accessory Jack!

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