Headphones you regretted buying the most
Aug 10, 2010 at 2:56 PM Post #408 of 1,852
That would have to be a tie between the DT770/80 and DT990/250. The DT770/80 had overpowering, boomy bass with very recessed mids which made the sound very unnatural. They did have great soundstage and made a decent movie and gaming can though. The DT990s I liked them except for the massive treble spike. I couldn't listen to more than a song or two with coming away with a headache. Sad to say my ears were relieved when I took them off. Oh yeah they also developed some rattling. Hopefully a pair of 600 ohm drivers will fix that.
Aug 10, 2010 at 3:20 PM Post #410 of 1,852
Oh, I previously said that the Klipsch Image X10 was my most regretted headphone (IEM), but I want to redact that.  Id' have to say that it's a tossup between the V-Moda Vibe and Sennheiser CX300.
For full-sized headphones, I don't think that I had any major regrets.  Maybe, if I had to pick one, it would be the K702.  I really liked them, but as I had the K701 prior to the 2's and sold them for a reason, I think buying them and not something new was a mistake. 
Dec 8, 2010 at 6:03 PM Post #414 of 1,852
the hundreds of dollars of el cheapo headphones i bought before i found heafi. I spent more money on headphones before i found headfi which is kinda sad.
Dec 8, 2010 at 8:08 PM Post #415 of 1,852
the hundreds of dollars of el cheapo headphones i bought before i found heafi. I spent more money on headphones before i found headfi which is kinda sad.

This exactly.  Many may question how much an audiophile spends on one good headphone, but think about all the money they must've spent on all those ruined gym IEMs and the like they've had.
Dec 10, 2010 at 4:03 AM Post #417 of 1,852

That would have to be a tie between the DT770/80 and DT990/250. The DT770/80 had overpowering, boomy bass with very recessed mids which made the sound very unnatural. They did have great soundstage and made a decent movie and gaming can though. The DT990s I liked them except for the massive treble spike. I couldn't listen to more than a song or two with coming away with a headache. Sad to say my ears were relieved when I took them off. Oh yeah they also developed some rattling. Hopefully a pair of 600 ohm drivers will fix that.

I've heard so much about "Beyer bass" but i've yet to hear it. I thought the bass was practically non-existent ... i must have been listening to the wrong beyers.

Any as for my choice it has to be the Ultrasone Zino's, with the WeSC Oboe's in close second place. The WeSC's I bought out of curiosity and the Zino's I also bough out of a minor curiosity to see/hear if they'd done anything about the iCans dreadful recessed midrange ... they haven't! Ultrasone have simple tried to cover up the recessed midrange with a larger 40mm driver making the bass unbearably boomy.

I got a slap on the wrist via a PM from Ultrasone who said that "I seriously couldn't seriouisly compare them" .... oh yeah, i see what you mean. As I've owned 8 .... 9 pairs of Ultrasone's in my time, i'm hardly their worst fan, however the Zino's are a big dissapoinment.

Dec 10, 2010 at 5:30 AM Post #419 of 1,852
I would have to say anything that doesn't have Sennheiser written on it. I've tried just about every mid-priced phone there is and the only ones I can bear to listen to for more than five minutes are the 555/595 and 650. Just about everything else is hopelessly bright to me.   

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