Grado Fan Club!
Oct 28, 2015 at 7:50 AM Post #28,756 of 67,310
I certainly love my HP1000s (the HP1 version, with the polarity switches and Pristine Lettering... No rub-offs!), as well as the HPA-1 amp of the same vintage designed to drive them.
Oct 28, 2015 at 9:44 AM Post #28,757 of 67,310
When I first got the 400i's, my initial impression was that they were very Grado-like. I think I was overreacting a bit, but the mid range is just so similar. But the treble is nothing like the Grado's I have owned. It is smooth, extended, and no hint of sibilance. But they also don't have a veil like affect. But then, I don't really think the 650s have a veil as much as it takes a while to get used to their signature.
But I have to admit, they get about 80% of my listening time. Even over my beloved Alpha Primes. If they just had that  clarity and presence that makes Grado so awesome, they would really be an endgame headphone. Maybe that's what the $3000 models do. I don't know, I'm in school… I won't be finding that out anytime soon 

Thanks for sharing your opinion. The bold comment was the same impression I formed, listening to them at a meet. I was very impressed listening to them from my old portable rig (iPod Classic + FiiO E11K). But, yeah, the clarity isn't the same as Grado. What can you do...?
There is no HD-650 veil, only bad amp pairings make it seem as such 
 ... bring it , haters!
Oct 28, 2015 at 9:49 AM Post #28,758 of 67,310
Hauled out my first head-amp - NuForce Icon HDP + Linear PSU. Feeding it from my Bryston BDP-1 + Rega DAC, via the Tape Out on my NAD pre-amp.
A really great pairing with my first set of cans: Grado RS2i. Been listening to this setup all morning and I am shaking my head at how good this sounds... after all of my spending on other amps, tubes and cans... 


Oct 28, 2015 at 4:45 PM Post #28,759 of 67,310
When I first got the 400i's, my initial impression was that they were very Grado-like. I think I was overreacting a bit, but the mid range is just so similar. But the treble is nothing like the Grado's I have owned. It is smooth, extended, and no hint of sibilance. But they also don't have a veil like affect. But then, I don't really think the 650s have a veil as much as it takes a while to get used to their signature.
But I have to admit, they get about 80% of my listening time. Even over my beloved Alpha Primes. If they just had that  clarity and presence that makes Grado so awesome, they would really be an endgame headphone. Maybe that's what the $3000 models do. I don't know, I'm in school… I won't be finding that out anytime soon 

Thanks for sharing your opinion. The bold comment was the same impression I formed, listening to them at a meet. I was very impressed listening to them from my old portable rig (iPod Classic + FiiO E11K). But, yeah, the clarity isn't the same as Grado. What can you do...?
There is no HD-650 veil, only bad amp pairings make it seem as such 
 ... bring it , haters!

You won't get any argument from me.....I love the 650 and it scales really, really good with better amps. They need a much better amp than the Grado's need.
Many call it veiled, just because the treble is not on the hotter side, so they see it as veiled...I do not see it that way at all and I got a nice improvement with mine with my new amp.....excellent mids too.
It is not near as transparent as a Grado, but damn, it is so smooth and you can listen to hours on end without even the slightest bit of discomfort or fatigue.
Not as good at low listening levels as a grado, but much better at higher listening levels.......OK....I said it  
Krutsch, those are beautiful RS2 cans 
Oct 28, 2015 at 5:36 PM Post #28,760 of 67,310
  You won't get any argument from me.....I love the 650 and it scales really, really good with better amps. They need a much better amp than the Grado's need.
Many call it veiled, just because the treble is not on the hotter side, so they see it as veiled...I do not see it that way at all and I got a nice improvement with mine with my new amp.....excellent mids too.
It is not near as transparent as a Grado, but damn, it is so smooth and you can listen to hours on end without even the slightest bit of discomfort or fatigue.
Not as good at low listening levels as a grado, but much better at higher listening levels.......OK....I said it  
Krutsch, those are beautiful RS2 cans 

i feel the same way about the 650 
Oct 28, 2015 at 9:06 PM Post #28,762 of 67,310
  Do you guys think buying HP1000 at this point is a good idea?
Currently HP1000 price range is around $1500-$2000.
These headphones are getting old and you cannot get new replacement drivers as I know.
When I am paying $1500 for more then 20 years old headphones, I am also thinking as an investment.
I want your opinion on this.

In my opinion, $1500 will not buy a pair of HP1000. At least not a pair that's in reasonably good condition, especially now that Joseph is no longer with us.
As John said, the lettering is very fragile, and is often what mostly differenciate, good, from mint condition.
I would rate the prices, and conditions, as follows,
$2000 to $2500 - Good condition, no major scratches on the metal, and no major issues on the leather, and cable. No less than 25% of the lettering missing.
$2500 to $3000 - Very good, to mint condition, with VERY minor issues on all of the above. No less than 10% of the lettering missing.
$3000+ Mint condition, no issues at all of any of the above. 100% of the lettering has to be intact.
There are other variables that will affect the value, and bring a pair closer to the maximum value. Foe example, are they, HP1, HP2, HP3, do they have the J.G. Signature....cable, original box, airfoam, warranty papers, original bill of sales etc...
My HP1000 are HP2, with the J.G Signature cable...they're in VERY close to mint condition, with only 4 of the letters, and 1 number, that have about 30% missing, but all are still readable. The only way to buy a pair of HP1000 for cheap, is if the seller doesn't know the market. 
I have bought mine through an autorized Grado dealer, who were selling them as a favor to an elderly gentlemen, who happened to be a very good client of theirs. I paid $350. I don't have to tell you, that deals like that, don't come around very often.  
I realise that to some owners, the HP1000 is percieved as the Holy Grail, but please keep in mind that his is simply one man's very strongly medicated man's opinion.
Wow, Joseph, I just saw your HP1000 post. This seems like a good deal.
Oct 28, 2015 at 9:09 PM Post #28,763 of 67,310
My pair was $1450 or so a couple of years ago. The lettering is spotty but otherwise great shape. Considered selling them since i dont use the much.

So i think you can def find a decent set in that range in youre patient and dont need them perfect.
Oct 28, 2015 at 9:26 PM Post #28,764 of 67,310
My pair was $1450 or so a couple of years ago. The lettering is spotty but otherwise great shape. Considered selling them since i dont use the much.

So i think you can def find a decent set in that range in youre patient and dont need them perfect.

I hadn't noticed that the cable is twisted on one side.
Also, there is something about their rod blocks. I just looked at mine and the screwes are facing forward. On this pair, they're facing from the ''inside'' out.
I'm curious, to know wich way yours and Johns are facing.

Oct 28, 2015 at 11:17 PM Post #28,765 of 67,310
Crappy cell phone pics I just took of the left and right side of the HP2. I guess I remembered incorrectly, as most of the lettering is gone.  Screws forward on mine.


Oct 28, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #28,766 of 67,310
  Wow, Joseph, I just saw your HP1000 post. This seems like a good deal.

  I hadn't noticed that the cable is twisted on one side.
Also, there is something about their rod blocks. I just looked at mine and the screwes are facing forward. On this pair, they're facing from the ''inside'' out.

The lettering looks like its in excellent condition and the black specs all over the cups are from the old cushions, and I also can't see were the cable is twisted being the picture is very dark where the cable come out of the cup. Very strange that the rod block adjuster screws are facing inward…very strange.
Oct 29, 2015 at 12:58 AM Post #28,768 of 67,310

You must add [COLOR=FF0000](THESE)[/COLOR] to your extensive Grado collection! :veryevil:  

Sure look nice, don't they? Even though aficionados regard this version, the HP2, as improved over my HP1 original version (and the ones sent in to Joseph Grado for upgrade of pads, metal, and cable as even more improved), I am fully delighted with mine as being the Original. It is in true mint condition and was priced in accordance with the earlier post estimating market prices.
Oct 29, 2015 at 7:48 AM Post #28,769 of 67,310
Actually, today I had a chance to buy HP2(perfect letter conditon) at $1500.
But at the end I rejected it.
I just cannot justify myself to buy PS1($3000) and HP1000($1500-$3000) at their price.

Where is there a PS-1 for sale?
Sure look nice, don't they? Even though aficionados regard this version, the HP2, as improved over my HP1 original version (and the ones sent in to Joseph Grado for upgrade of pads, metal, and cable as even more improved), I am fully delighted with mine as being the Original. It is in true mint condition and was priced in accordance with the earlier post estimating market prices.



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